I've Been In Love Too

I've Been In Love Too
By: Uzma
Check out this very different fanfic
involving shuis. It will keep you reading!
Find out what happens when Luis
needs a job at the Crane mansion &
Sheridan doesn't help out...
E-mail Uzma at:


Sheridan Crane was getting ready for her first job interview ever. She had cut the ties with her father Alistair Crane after she found out he killed her mother. Sheridan was shocked that her father didn't even care about it. Today was her interview for the Executive manager. She was very excited about the job. She quickly got ready and went to get the job she was sure she was going to get it. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald was also getting ready for a job interview. He just quit his other job because he worked extra hours but still didn't made enough money/ He decided to get a new job. He was looking in the newspaper yesterday when he saw the ad about this job and he knew he had to go for it. He quickly got ready for his executive manager job. He was pretty sure he would et the job since he knew how to do all the paper work, he knew how to work with computers and he had a lot of degrees they usually looked for. He picked up his file from the table and went to get the job he deserved.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 1:

Luis arrived at the office and was sitting in the hall waiting to go in, though he was surprised that no one else was there to try out for an excellent job. He was sitting there looking in the file making sure he got everything he needed. He kept praying that he would get the job. He looked up and saw the guy who was sitting behind the table coming his way. As he came closer he asked Luis “Do you want a coffee?” ”No” Luis replied nicely. ”Tea?” ”No” ”Do you smoke cigarette?” ”No” ”Do you chew chewing tobacco?” ”No” ”You have no vices, you are going to get the job” said the other guy. ”Really? How come?” ”Yeah because I’ve been working here for 25 years and the owner only looks at what kind of work you can do, and if you have any bad habits and since you got non, you won’t have problem.”’ The guy explained. ”You are absolutely right, I should get this job because look, I’ve all No. 1 degrees.” ”Really?” asked the guy ”Yeah” ”Well, then no power can stop you from getting this job.” ”I hope so”

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Luis had no idea but Sheridan was standing in the corner listening to everything he had said. He also told his name to the other guy. ”Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald” Sheridan said to herself. ”Sheridan do something or you’ll lose a great job” Sheridan said to herself, thinking of a way to get rid of Luis. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The man who was talking to Luis got called so he went away. Now Luis was the only one sitting alone and again said to himself ”Don’t worry you’ll get the job” Sheridan had heard that and said “Don’t worry huh, well it’s time for you to worry buddy”. She went acting as if she was the daughter of the owner. “˜Dad, where are you? Dad? She was going down the hall when she stopped and looked at Luis and said “who are you?” ”What are you here for?”

Luis stood up fro his seat and said, “umm… well…” Sheridan cut him off and said, “Oh please sit down”. Luis sat down when Sheridan said, “actually stand up, no sit down” Sheridan sat down across from Luis and said “what is this in your hand?” ”These are certificates of my qualifications” said Luis. ”Oh, for a job in Dad’s office? ”Yes, well they issued that ad in the newspapers for the job of executive manager” Luis explained to Sheridan not knowing that she was there for the same job. ”Oh my god, how sad, what a tragedy” ”Why what happened?” ”This morning for breakfast. Dad received a call from a very influence man. Your job is gone” said Sheridan.

”Gone? How can that be? He receives a call and I lose my job? Where is your dad, I will get this job no matter what!” Luis said angrily not believing he just lost the job. ”Calm down, sit. You want to go very far in life, don’t you?” She asked him ”Of course, madam.” ”Alright then, trust daddy’s daughter and please go away. Okay?” ”Okay, you such a rich daughter and yet so compassionate.” ”Oh. No, that’s ok” ”Okay madam, should I leave this with you?” He asked taking out his file. ”What is this?” Sheridan asked looking at the file. ”Only my name won’t impress him. You must show him that I’m capable of this too. So when do I meet you again.” He asked her. ”You don’t have to meet me again. I’ll meet you.” She told him, she couldn’t believe what she was getting her self into. She had to do something about him too. He wasn’t going to leave her alone unless she got him the job.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 2:

Sheridan had gotten the job and was very happy but she had no idea what she was going to do about him. She felt bad for stealing his job but hey, she needed the job desperately that even Luis couldn’t stop her from getting it. When she saw him for the first time, she thought he was hot. A few nights later Sheridan and her best friend Megan were eating dinner at Sea Scape, of course it was Sheridan’s treat since she got her first paycheck. She was eating when she saw Luis coming her way. She was so scared; she didn’t know what to do. She saw him getting closer and closer to her table. ”Hi” Luis greeted ”Hey Luis, what are you doing here?” She asked nervously ”Nothing, just here with a friend, what about you” he asked nicely ”Nothing, just eating dinner”

”I’m sorry but you didn’t tell me your name, what is it?” Luis asked embarrassed ”It’s Sheridan” She was happy he hadn’t asked about the job yet. ”Did you show your dad my file?” ”Great there is the question I didn’t want to answer.” She looked at him and didn’t know what to say. “Oh no” I can’t tell him I stole the job, and Megan she is looking right at me and I can’t tell her that either. What should I say? Think Sheridan Think! IDEA!” she thought to her self. She looked up at Luis and said “Yes I did and he was looking through your file today, he’ll call you any day.” She told him nervously hoping he would buy it and wouldn’t ask her any more questions. “Oh thank you Sheridan, I will never be able to thank you enough. God Bless I don’t know who many people you help but you are really a nice and caring person.” He told her sweetly. ”Oh not a problem, it was an easiest thing to do” “Yeah right” she thought to herself.

”OK bye, thanks again” “Bye” Sheridan said as he left. ”Wow Sher. Who is that hot, sexy guy?” Megan asked Sheridan ”Who Luis? He is not hot?” Though she knew, he really was a sexy guy. ”Sheridan, hello, have you gone mad or something, look at him, he is a guy to die for. I think you should go out with him, and by the way who is your dad who will give Luis a job.” Megan asked Sheridan, because she knew Sheridan had cut all the ties with the Crane family. ”Oh my boss calls me his daughter. He adores me. I gave a job recommendation for Luis.” She said as quickly as possible. The funny thing is that the boss is so mean; he doesn’t even call her his daughter.

”Recommendation? Sher. You’ve only been working there for two days.” ”Yeah well, I’m a hard worker” “But its still kind of strange.” Said Megan. Sheridan decided to change the topic. The two talked for a while and left Sea Scape.

To Be Continued…