Kidnapped: Prequel

Kidnapped: Prequel
By: Elizabeth
I didn't think she could do it, but
Liz amazes me once again with her
hot and thrilling sequel! You'll be
glued to the screen as Liz turns
up the heat in this stunning sequel!
E-mail Elizabeth at:

Author’s note: This story is set immediately before the first story I ever wrote called “Kidnapped.” I hope you enjoy them.

Chapter 1:

Sheridan Crane had cabin fever. Even though she knew the importance of lying low and waiting for the police to catch up with the drug cartel she hated feeling like a prisoner in her own cottage where Luis’ service revolver lay on the table...a chilling reminder of their precarious situation. Sheridan and Luis wandered the garden on the grounds of the Crane Estate. He loved how the moonlight highlighted the colours in her hair. He loved the feel of her hand in his. “Cold?” he asked as she snuggled closer.

“A little. It’s nothing.” she said softly. The goosebumps gave her away. “Take this.” He lifted the sweater off his shoulders and slipped it over her head. “We better head back.” Sheridan relished the feel of his sweatshirt on her skin. It was soft and held the lingering scent of his cologne. She loved the feel of his arms around her. “Why don’t you get some sleep. I’ll check in with the office and crash in a while.” He ached to follow her into the bedroom but the had decided that, until his job as her bodyguard officially ended, they would sleep separately. It was a decision that was killing him. “Alright. You’re right, I am pretty beat. Good night Luis. And Thank you...for everything.” She placed a butterfly kiss on his cheek and went into the bedroom. Rather than change into a nightgown, she removed her underclothing then climbed back into Luis’ sweater to sleep. She didn’t want to think about why she did. She just enjoyed the soft warm feeling. Her scream brought Luis running into the room in the middle of the night. Her nightmare had returned. She was in the main house. A body in the living room. Blood on her hands. She screamed as tears rolled down her face.

“Sheridan,” he shook her gently. “Sheridan,” he called more firmly. His arms were around her and he was sitting beside her on the bed. He’d taken off his shirt and wore boxers to sleep in. His chest was bare. She cuddled into it. She was still between asleep and awake. She was crying. Whispering words that didn’t make sense. He rocked her gently. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t do anything. Please it’s not my fault Please..” She was hysterical. In her mind she could hear her father’s voice saying “no man can ever love you Sheridan, look what you’ve done.” “No father. I found it that way. I didn’t do anything. Father please. You can’t stop loving me, I didn’t do anything.” “Sheridan, It’s me. It’s Luis. You’re safe, I promise, you’re safe. I’ll take care of you...SHERIDAN.” “Luis, oh god Luis,” she was in his arms - safe. There were tears streaming down her face. “Tell me.” “Luis, I’d hoped after Eve explained the nightmares they’d go away,” she rested her head on his shoulders crying in silence. “This one was different...I don’t understand..” “I’m calling Eve. If there’s something more to these dreams...we’ll find out. Just like before. We’ll find out.” “Okay.” She snuggled into his embrace content to stay there for a while. “Look, the sun’s coming up. I’ll put on a pot of coffee. And some bacon and eggs for us.” She offered. “Sounds good.” He said. “I’ll get the crow bar.”

“What?” He was obviously teasing but she didn’t get it. “I remember Papa joking with Mama that once a woman starts wearing a guy’s sweater, he’d need a crow bar to get it off. Now I know - he was right.” “Very funny.” She was embarrassed but enjoying the relaxed atmosphere he’d created. “Keep it - Just don’t blame me if I take the chance to enjoy a great view of your legs” He leered good naturedly. “Get out and let me get dressed..” She feigned anger but her smile revealed her real feelings. “Luis,” he turned to face her again. “You really are totally different from any man I’ve ever known.” “We’re even.” Luis caressed her cheek tenderly. “After breakfast,” she said quietly, “I want to link with the Crane Industries computer. Before Paris, we were working together to find out what happened to your Father. If you’re still willing to accept my help maybe we can do some digging..”

He kissed her. It was all the answer either needed. Several hours and two pots of coffee later, they hadn’t made it past the password screen for Julian’s private data records. “Ugh,” she said rolling her neck to relieve some of the stiffness. “I can’t seem to break these codes. What could he have used?” Luis’ hands had begun to massage the kink in her neck. “Oh, that feels good.” He smiled and leaned in to see the screen better. “Passwords are usually names, birth dates, phone numbers, catch phrases. Let’s talk this through. What words come to mind when you think of Julian.”

“ crazed.. Words like that.” she replied tonelessly. “Why?” He chuckled, stopping the massage. “And here I thought I was the one who didn’t like him?” He smiled at her. “I always believed he and my father confined those activities to business dealings and in that - It’s not all bad, but lately.. He may be my older brother but I never said I thought Julian was a god- .” “That’s it...Sheridan you’re a genius.” “What’s it? Luis I don’t understand.” “A god. That’s how he sees himself around town. Try this: Zeus : Z E U S” The screen stayed blank. Sheridan caught on fast. “No, not Zeus, Julian’s vain enough but he’s a coward. He’d have to reserve the high and mighty distinction for Father. But Apollo, son of the big guy?” She suggested and typed next. Still no luck. “Mars - the god of war. No...still same vein...Julian treats business like a war and he always liked Italy better than Greece. Let’s try the same guy but the other name for him: ARES. The screen began to blink.”

“Yes!!!” they said together. They hugged triumphantly. Next thing either one knew was they were kissing hungrily. One thing led to another and neither was completely aware of their actions. They landed on the floor, Luis on top. His hand had strayed to gently caress her breast as he traced her jaw with his lips. “Sheridan,” he pulled away from her. It was one of the hardest things he’d ever done. She was looking up into his eyes. He pulled them both to a sitting position. “That was close. As much as I want to...” “Relax Luis. I understand. ...Whatever we find, I’ll be okay.” “No,” he said kneeling in front of her. “I meant us. What’s happening to us. Today...” She placed her hands on the sides of his face. “Today isn’t going to be a normal day. I’m not sure how either one of us will feel when we solve this...” “I am.” He thought to himself as he turned his lips to meet her hand. He gave her a butterfly kiss on her palm then took both her hands in one of his. His thoughts were clear but he wasn't ready to voice them: I’m going to be even deeper in love with you than I am right now, if that’s possible. He lacked the courage to say that out loud.

Instead he tried to reassure her by saying, “No matter what we find here Sheridan, I don’t hold you responsible for anything that happened while you were a child. I’ve never met anyone like you. I’ve got to pursue this chemistry between us but until I know what happened to my father.. I’ve told you before, my own life is on hold.” “I know that Luis, I don’t want to rush into anything either. ” She smiled. “Let’s get back to work.” Hours later fatigue had taken its toll. “Nothing?! I don’t get it. There has to be something maybe we’re not looking hard enough!” Luis was frustrated. “We’ve explored virtually every file in every directory. Luis, if the answer isn’t here, it isn’t in his library safe, it’s not in his office at the company, I don’t know where else to look.” A shot rang out. Luis grabbed his gun. “Sheridan, stay down.” he whispered to her. “No way, I’m right beside you Luis. Not cowering under some table somewhere.” “I said get down. He pulled her to the floor as a second shot shattered the glass on the picture on the wall behind them. The glass flew in all directions and Luis, acting on instinct covered

Sheridan’s body with his own. After pausing, thinking that the shooter had perhaps fled, Luis rose to a crawling position ... a bullet caught Luis in the shoulder. Ignoring the pain he crawled the rest of the way toward the window to return fire. They both heard a car spin its tires as it drive off. “Luis, we’ve got to get you to a doctor.” She rushed over to the window with a towel in her hand. She applied pressure to the wound. “Relax Sheridan - it’s not serious...The bullet passed through - it’s just a flesh wound.” Pain shot through his arm. He looked at the concern in her eyes. “God,” he thought, “I never thought anyone could look at me like that.” “Still - I’m taking you to a hospital.” She helped him to his feet ever so gently, as if he were made of glass. “Well, you’re right about one thing - we can’t stay here.” “I’m driving.” Her tone left no room for argument.

“Hey, I’ve already been shot, I’m not sure I should have to risk my life driving with you?...”He tried to joke. She wasn’t laughing. “Okay,” he said raising his good hand to her cheek, “you drive.” A short time later they were in a treatment room at Harmony Hospital. Luis was sitting up bare chested with a bandage crossing his shoulder and under his arm. He’d lost some blood but felt none the worse for wear. “Dr. Russell,” Sheridan began as Eve finished bandaging Luis. “There’s something else I’d like you to do.” Luis squeezed her hand. “I’ve had another nightmare. One that may be linked to Martin Fitzgerald’s disappearance. I think it maybe a memory fragment. I’d like you to try hypnosis again.” “Sheridan,” Eve had reservations. “Hypnosis isn’t reliable as an investigative technique. Luis can explain that to you. It can’t be used as evidence. You’re under a lot of strain right now. I don’t think this is the time. Or the place.”

“Eve,” Luis spoke next. “We understand all that but I think it could be the link we need. If this is a memory struggling to surface. We need to know. Now.” “NOW? All right, Luis. Sheridan, try and get comfortable. Close your eyes and think of a safe place. Good. You’re completely safe. Perfectly calm. Take slow deep breaths. Relax, you’re just going to remember. ” Sheridan remembered Luis’ arms around her in the cabin this morning. She’d never felt safer. Luis squeezed her hand and Eve began. “I want you to remember the dream. Good. Now think about the first night you had the dream. Now the dream itself. But you have to’re not there now. You’re just remembering something that happened a long time ago...Tell me about that night.”

Sheridan took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She could remember. “It was late and there was a storm that night. The thunder woke me up. I was always afraid of storms. I got out of bed and went downstairs to the living room. I knocked the letter opener off the table, reached down to pick it up. That’s when I heard the voices. There were three voices. Everyone was so upset so angry. I knew Father would be livid that I was up and eavesdropping so I ran and hid behind the curtains. No one saw me. They were too angry. MARTIN: I can’t deny these readings Mr. Crane. The company can’t discharge this into the harbor - it’s too far above the safety levels. We have to shut down. ALASTAIR: Martin, we’re talking forty eight hours, seventy two at the most. There’s no harm in it for that short a time. We employ 4000 people in this area. If we’re shut down, there’s no telling how long those people will be out of work. I’m only asking for a few hundred hours. MARTIN: One hour is one too many, Mr. Crane. I’m sorry - I can’t sign off on these reports. Not for you...Not for the town. It’s wrong. I’d never be able to look myself in the mirror. Either you order the shut down here and now..or I’ll have to...

HARRISON: Martin, you can’t make this decision for all of us. Some of us have families for .. MARTIN: The truth always comes out...Even big shots like them can only hide so long. ALASTAIR: Don’t threaten me Fitzgerald. You can’t even begin to go toe to toe with a Crane. MARTIN: (laughs) You know, the problem with you Mr. Crane. You’re so damned arrogant you’ve lost sight of what’s right and wrong. Since your wife died, you just don’t get it. I feel sorry for you. Now, Harrison, get out of my way. ALASTAIR: You and your wife. You’ll never work in Harmony again - neither one of you. MARTIN: Maybe not, but there are other towns, and other jobs. I’ve got what matters in this life. I’m richer than you’ll ever be. Sheridan’s voice took over. About then, I heard Ivy scream and then the front door slammed. I don’t know where she went that night. I heard Julian’s voice next.

JULIAN: Martin, what are you doing here at this hour? I thought you’d be at home tucking that brood of yours into bed for the night. (Julian, was staggering drunk but he pours himself yet another brandy and takes a large swig) That is, if the whole brood is yours... Sheridan’s voice took over again. Martin didn’t answer. At least not verbally. His fist connected with Julian’s jaw. Julian went flying across the room. He landed against the curtain - right on the letter opener I’d been holding. Julian’s blood was on my hands. I screamed. ALASTAIR: Now you’ve done it Sheridan. You’ve caused all sorts of trouble. As usual. No one could ever love a child as foolish as you. MARTIN: Leave the child alone. It’s not her fault. The real fool you fathered needs a doctor.

Sheridan’s voice sounded again. The man they’d called ‘Martin’ lead me out of the room. He tried to tell me that my brother would be all right. He was so kind to me. Tried to tell me it was an accident - that it could happen to anyone. He sent me to my room but I didn’t go all the way upstairs. He thought I’d gone but well, then Martin turned and spoke to another man. One I didn’t recognize. MARTIN: Harrison, call the medical center. Mr. Julian needs a...HARRISON, put it down, no.... Sheridan continued, “I hear the shot. The man who’d been so kind. He was on the floor. He whispered Pilar’s name and then his eyes closed. Father was on the phone. Men arrived. I heard them from my room. Everything was reset. Nothing was left to chance. A doctor came. He gave me a shot... I fell asleep. Then it was morning. I was in France. At a hospital.” Eve looked at Luis. He nodded. “Sheridan, you’re going to come back to the present now. You’re still safe. You’re going to remember everything you said. Everything you saw. Luis and I are here. Everything is fine...”

Sheridan came out of the hypnotic state. She looked at Luis who caressed her cheek. “Eve, I can’t begin to thank you enough for...” She began to cry softly as she came out of the hypnotic state. She looked at Luis who caressed her cheek. “I’m glad I could help.” Eve replied. She was in shock about what she’d heard and truly sad that Sheridan had been forced to carry that kind of burden all alone. Luis spoke next, “Sheridan, nothing that happened that night could possibly have been your fault.” He gently put an arm around the still seated Sheridan. She rested her head on the uninjured shoulder. He was just holding her silently when his mother appeared in the doorway. He’d have to tell Pilar everything but at least she’d know now. At least the endless waiting had come to an end.

"Luis, thank God you’re all right.” Pilar joined them in the room. “I was worried sick when Sam called to say you’d been shot.” Sam Bennett was on her heals. “I’m fine Mama, I’ve just got a new scar in exchange for a little blood, not a bad deal. He left Sheridan and hugged his mother. Sam slapped his friend on his good shoulder. Sam didn’t appreciate Luis’ cavalier attitude any more than Pilar. “Very funny officer, question is - how do we find the perp who was behind the shooting, the French authorities aren’t sure if Roger and Pierre left the country or not.” “If that’s who did it.” Sheridan spoke softly. Both men turned to look at her. Neither spoke.

She looked up at Luis. “While Dr Russell stitched you up, I kept up the data link...I think I found something. When we were looking earlier I thought it was a program file. It was buried in with those directories. Luis, I’ll have to turn this over to you as evidence... I think this is probably just the tip of the iceberg....” “Sheridan??” Luis had crossed the room and kneeled in front of her. Pilar placed her hand on Luis’ shoulder. Sheridan trembled. “I found the computerized financial records of Crane Carbotech.” “The old chemical plant - it shut down in what 88? I don’t understand Sheridan.” Sam Bennet wanted answers. “Luis, your father was a safety inspector there?.. An Environmental Engineer He would have been the one to call things to a halt if the disposal process wasn’t up to par?.” Pilar nodded silently.

“There are large sums of money, paid out every month to the same source for years until a month after your father started working for my family. Then, they stop. So, on a hunch, I went to the paper files we got from the EPA last week.. I found more” She reached into a brief case at their feet. “There are all sorts of reports here saying disposal levels are borderline and memos from my father saying that they’ve hired someone Martin Fitzgerald to monitor environmental compliance until the plant is retired in a year. I’ll bet the levels were probably worse than marginal. If we had a third source test the old data, I’m afraid of what they’d find. I know Julian, he would have wanted to make delivery on a Pentagon contract before being forced into a one year shut down transferring operations from the one site to the other. If Martin threatened to go to the media Father would have gone ballistic.

“O God Luis, what did they do?” She looked up at his shoulder. “What have they done today?” He gathered her up against him with his good arm.. “It’s not proof. But its enough to get a search warrant” Sam answered for Luis. “Save that step chief. I’m a Crane remember?” She pulled away from Luis. “I’m also a named director of Carbotech. If the records exist, I’ll order them released today. Personally. Pilar, I’m sorry...” “It’s not your fault Sheridan. None of this could ever be your fault. I’m grateful for your help. I’ll take Luis home...” “No, Mama. Sheridan and I started this together. We’ll see it through together.” Sheridan started to argue. “Luis, You’ve been hurt.” He didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah and you’ve had one hell of a day too. But nothing I could say would stop you from kicking ass at that plant today?” She smiled. “You’re determined to go aren’t you., we face it together?” She looked into his eyes. “Together.” He responded firmly.

The day dragged into the evening as paper files were scanned, and boxes dragged into a conference room at the Crane Industries Subsidiary. Ultimately, as in all things, the truth came out. Sam found the file. “Well, we can prove motive. Martin issued a memo the day he went missing stating that Crane Industries would have to clean up its act within 24 hours or he’d go the media.” “Let me guess, Father bought the Harmony Herald that afternoon.?” Sam nodded. “We’d have to find the “/ke” who typed this to confirm that Martin did indeed dictate it..” Luis could explain that one. “Kim Edwards, papa’s secretary. She got married and left Harmony shortly afterwards. She used to send us a Christmas Card. I probably have the address at home. Her married name was... Harrison. ” Luis looked at Sheridan. “Harrison was the name in your dream wasn’t it.” “Yeah...He fired the shot...”

Sam had to do his duty. “We’ll trace them. Sheridan, you need to know. The offences here...they’re federal. The FBI will have to be called in now.” “Do what you have to Chief Bennet.” “Miss Crane,” Sam was formal. “As a director of this company, you may have some liability here...I’ll have to ask you to leave while...” “Like hell Sam.” Luis was angry. “Without her help we’d have never found this stuff. She deserves to see this through to the end. Herself.” “She should have Counsel, Luis. Without it this search could get overturned.” “Chief Bennet, I authorized this search and I’ll put that it writing if you need me to. I even participated. I knew the consequences of initiating it.” Sheridan, resigned to the inevitable reached for a nearby phone and dialed.

“Ethan. No I’m fine. Ethan, just listen to me. I’m in the archive conference room at Crane Industries. I need you to come here right now. Yes, I know what time it is. You cant tell any one. Ethan....NO, I don’t think you understand. I don’t care if Gwen and Theresa are mud wrestling - get here. NOTHING is more important. For God’s sake Ethan - just get here within 5 minutes. THANK YOU.!!!” She turned to Sam. “Satisfied Chief.” “I’m not.” Alastair Crane stood in the doorway with his son by his side.. “Sheridan, what are you doing here.” “Well, your spies are slow, Father. We’ve found evidence that Martin Fitzgerald threatened to expose Crane Industries illegal dumping to the media. He could have destroyed you.” Sheridan’s voice was toneless. Shock at her family’s actions had set in. “Sheridan, that’s what this is all about. My dear, I know that Crane Industries had some borderline environmental history. Before the new plant. But that was cleaned up decades ago. Life and the business went on.”

“Except for Martin Fitzgerald...and his family.” She spoke so softly. “I’ve told you repeatedly that the family had no connection to Martin’s disappearance.” Her father was becoming irritated - he tried speaking to her in a condescending tone. But, Sheridan knew the truth. “You’re lying.” She said simply. Her eyes met his. Daring him to deny it. “I beg your pardon, young lady.” He took a menacing step towards her. “You heard her”. Luis stepped in between them, obviously ready to do battle.. “Luis - I can take care of my self,” she slapped his arm as if he were a mosquito. “ Father, I remember that night now. I remember seeing Luis’ father in the living room I remember the argument and I remember the letter opener. I remember Harrison shooting Martin...” Julian Crane spoke next. His contempt for his sister undeniable. “Sheridan.. Father and I will not allow your childhood fantasies to ruin this family....

“Because they’re not fantasy Julian . Reading this, what I overheard that night, it makes sense now. I remember it all. You and that maid upstairs. Ivy firing a warning shot at the two of you and running out. I heard all that. It was nothing new really - I was used to over hearing you two fight like cats and dogs. But then I wandered downstairs hoping to find Pilar and maybe some cocoa. But she’d gone for the day.” Sam spoke next. “We’ll sort this all out at the station. Officer Coates, you’ll have to pack these records and bring them with you. Alastair Crane, I’m placing you under arrest for Conspiracy to violate the Environmental Protection Act.. You have the right to remain silent...” Sam placed the cuffs on the senior Mr. Crane and continued the Miranda rights speech.

Luis reached for Julian Crane. “Julian Crane I’m placing you under arrest for conspiracy to violate the Environmental Protection Act. You have the right to remain silent...” Luis had waited for this day for a long time, yet, looking over at Sheridan, he felt hollow, not victorious. He’d finally proven the Cranes destroyed his family. But would that proof destroy the woman he loved? “Go on, Luis, take them in...I’ll send Ethan downtown when he gets here.” She whispered softly. The colour had drained from her cheeks. She looked pale and tired. Five minutes later, Ethan appeared in the doorway. “Sheridan?” “Ethan...Oh God Ethan....I.” She fainted in his arms leaving Ethan puzzled. Sheridan awoke at the Harmony hospital. Luis was sitting at her bedside. His sling was still in place. “Sheridan? Ethan called the station, when he said you passed out, I got here as fast as I could....” She turned away from him. “Luis, you should be at home...with Pilar and Theresa and Miguel... Your family’s been through so much...” “They’re outside. Ethan’s with them. They’re more worried about you than anything else. I haven’t told them the details about tonight. I was hoping that, if it’s not asking too much, that you’d..I want you with me when I tell them about Papa. When I tell them everything.” He took her hand in his good one and kissed it. “You promised you’d see this through with me.” She nodded her reply. He kissed the hand again. “What about my father and Julian?”

“My guess - they’re probably out on bail by now. There’s an APB out on the Harrison guy. The state police and FBI will take it from here. We can talk about the legalities later. You scared me...Eve said it was stress that made you faint but you need some rest...” “No, I’m all right.” She sat up to underline the point. “I’d like to get this over with. We have to talk to Pilar, Theresa and Miguel. Then, you can all go home and I’ll check into the Inn at Castleton., somehow I get the feeling after tonight, the old cliche will be true...I can’t go home again.” “In either case, you’re still in protective custody Miss Crane.” Sam Bennet appeared at the doorway. “I think a safe house would be a better choice.” “Chief Bennet?.” She began, “My father and Julian aren’t a threat to me. They’ll be furious but....” “Maybe they’re not, but the French Drug Cartel still has an interest in seeing you don’t testify against them. Let’s not get distracted here - they’re still looking for you.”

“Sam,” Luis spoke next, “how about a compromise. I’ll stay with Sheridan, in some tucked away spot tonight then head for rendezvous with Hal. First we have to insulate her from the vultures downstairs.” “Huh?” Sheridan was hardly articulate. She was drained, physically and emotionally. “News of the arrests and that it was you who turned in Alistair and Julian, leaked out. We don’t know who in the department was responsible...but there are reporters waiting for you.” “This keeps getting better and better doesn’t it? UGH! I can’t go back to Paris, I’m sure as hell not welcome at the Crane Estate, and you won’t let me check into a hotel.” She was angry now. Her raised voice brought Ethan to the door. “And now, there’s going to be film at eleven...” “I’m glad to see you’re back to your old self. You gave me quite a scare.” Ethan appeared at the doorway with a smile and hugged her.

“Ethan, about all this...You don’t know everything...I have to tell you some things that...well they’re going to be difficult to hear...” “Later, we have to get you and Luis passed those reporters, then we’ll all sit down and talk. Luis wants me to stay while you TWO talk to the Lopez Fitzgeralds. Why?” “Yes, Luis.” Pilar spoke. “What do you and Sheridan both have to tell us?” The whole story came out. The Lopez Fitzgerald family sat stunned as they listened while Luis and Sheridan explained the facts they’d uncovered. Ethan was incredulous. “You believe this really happened don’t you? That my father and grandfather conspired to cover up a murder. No, Sheridan, it was a bad dream that’s all. I remember strange noises one night before you left for boarding school but nothing that could explain...”

“Ethan, you were just a child too. it all makes sense....Ethan,” she called after him but he fled the room slamming the door behind him. Eve Russel appeared in the doorway. “Let him go...” “Then, Papa, he’s really dead?” Theresa was crying. She’d always wanted to hope. “We don’t know for sure. But, there’s enough to launch an find the man that Sheridan thinks fired the shot...Maybe it’s not all fact...maybe...” “No listen to me, all of you.,” Pilar spoke. As concerned as she was by what she heard she knew a greater truth. If her husband was dead she would know. Martin was separated from her, not of his choosing “Your father is not dead. I’ve believed that all these years, and I will continue to believe that until I have proof otherwise......” Miguel spoke next, “Sheridan, what ever happened that night - You need to know, we don’t blame you. I just want you to know, I think telling us this was....” he had a tear in his eye too. He reached out and hugged Sheridan. “You’re really something.”

Sheridan hugged him back. “Thank you Miguel.” Pilar spoke next. “You’ve always had a good heart Sheridan. And I know you try to do what you think is matter how hard it is... So does Ethan, he won’t be angry long.” “I hope not.” Sheridan didn’t want to lose Ethan, and a part of her knew Pilar was right. She just hope her nephew would come to understand that her first loyalty had to be to the truth. “In the meantime I think you should stay with us.” Pilar invited. “We have to move to a safe house Mama. You won’t see either one of us for a while, I’ll try to phone but not if it’s too much of a risk. If it was the Cartel who fired the shot this afternoon, I can’t place my family in jeopardy. They may still be gunning for Sheridan and I.” Luis explained. “I’ll light a candle for you Luis.” She hugged her son. “For both of you.”

“We have to get you passed those reporters first.” Sam reminded everyone. “I have an idea about that.” Eve said thoughtfully. A short time later the laundry truck pulled up to the back door of Harmony Hospital. A large bin was loaded onto the truck and it drove off. It pulled over to the side of the road several miles away behind a blue sedan. The two vehicles were joined by a Police Cruiser. Sam Bennet got out and opened the doors of the truck. “All clear,” he called inside. Luis and Sheridan poked their heads out from under the sheets. “Chalk one up for Eve.” “Yeah,” Luis replied. “Keys?” Sam tossed them to Luis. “Be careful. I arranged for a Hank to stock the cabin with enough provisions for a couple of days. I hope you’re doing the right thing Luis.”

“No one will look for a socialite like Sheridan Crane at a small Castleton cabin. The most danger she’ll be in is breaking a nail..” “Or getting arrested for breaking your neck for talking about me like that. Thanks a lot - you make me sound like a spoiled brat - besides I thought I proved I was tougher than you thought at the Youth Centre.. And with your arm like that, I may have to do the physical work not you.” She gave him a challenging look then got in the car. “Luis,” Sam grabbed his friend’s good arm. “I don’t have to warn you about mixing business and pleasure here do I. She’s still a Crane for God’s sake....” “Sam, it’s too late for that. In spite of everything - I can’t fight what I’m feeling anymore. I’ve tried. In spite of my feelings for her, I’m still the best choice to protect her. I’ve got too big a stake in all this. I promise I can keep a distance. I’ve got to protect her and the chance that we’ll be together some day.” Luis got in the car and drove off.

“But who’ll protect you?” Sam asked no one in particular. An hour later they pulled up to the small cabin. True to his word, Sam had arranged for Hank to meet them at the door. Hank noticed the warmth between them. “I take it I don’t have a chance with her anymore, do I? You two worked it out.” Hank inquired. He knew the answer. He’d always known. Sheridan tried to let him down as easy as possible. “Hank, it would never have worked, you’re a wonderful man and I do like you...” “But you met Luis first.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. His next statement was directed at his best friend. “Hurt her and I’ll come after you personally amigo.” Luis glanced at Sheridan. “I intend to see no one ever hurts her again. Is everything set.?” “Yeah, I’m outta here. Be careful.”

After Hank drove off Sheridan and Luis climbed onto the porch. She stumbled and he reached out to catch her. He grabbed her and pulled her against him. The heat from the contact with her skin raised his body temperature five degrees. The kiss that followed was inevitable. Their tongues began an age old erotic dance. He tasted her sweetness, her love for him and her desire. She tasted his warmth, his gentleness and his need for her. He caressed her back, gently urging her closer to him. She pressed up against him, loving his strength. A soft moan escaped her lips as he kissed her cheek searching for the hollow of her throat. Her fingers ran through his thick hair as she arched back allowing him easier access. She felt her knees weaken but his arms held her steadily against him. Then, she felt herself being lifted and carried into the cozy room. He found the double bed and then, ever so gently, he set her down, joining her a moment later.

“I love you, Luis,” she whispered against his lips as they sought hers. “I love you too, Sheridan.” He whispered back the second before he captured her mouth again. He was lost now. All the reasons why he couldn’t do this, why he shouldn’t do this, just evaporated in his mind. He knew the timing was wrong. He knew that they were still in danger. He knew that he shouldn’t drop his guard, not even for an instant. He knew about duty. He knew he was responsible for her safety and that this was totally unprofessional. All those sane thoughts just dissolved in his mind because his heart knew the truth. His heart knew that he loved her. His heart knew that she loved him. His heart knew that he had to reach out and grab that love like drowning man grasping for a life preserver because she was his life preserver.

He knew they wanted one another, they needed one another, and in spite of everything else that was wrong about this time and this place, a once in a lifetime love like this was too rare to waste. And so his heart, the source of his courage and of his strength surrendered to its need to be with her at this time and in this place. For the first time in his life he knew his heart truly belonged to a woman, and hers to him. Making love to her was the only thing he could do. And he had to do it. Now, he needed to give her his body. His heart would stand for nothing else and it could wait no longer.. For her part, Sheridan had dreamed of loving a man like this and had dreamed of being loved in return just like this. For herself. Luis’s eyes told her that, even before he’d whispered his loving words. She’d dreamed of being with him like this.

There had been moments when all she thought about was how wonderful Luis’ body would feel pressed up against hers. She knew, in part because of her track record in relationships, that finally this time it was the real thing: this time, with this man, everything was different. He was different. He was the man she’d been born to love. And he truly loved her back. She‘d dreamed of this forever and tonight, and for as many nights as fate would grant her, she belonged to Luis, heart and soul. Soon her body would be his as well. They were part of one another and they'd waited so long. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured. “I have to see you.” He reached up and inched her blouse open to reveal her lace bra. He smiled at her. “Are you sure...”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything. Luis, I..” His gentle fingers caressed the lace. “Mmm.” She sighed as the sensations warmed her. They sat up slightly allowing the removal of her blouse and she reached up to dispose of his shirt. She stopped to caress the outside edge of the bandage which still covered his gunshot wound. “This has to hurt.. I don’t want to hurt you more...” “You can’t.” He reassured her with another kiss. He smiled at her. She reached up and kissed his neck, following a path back to his mouth. They were both lost in one another. His fingers traced erotic circles around the edge of her nipples. His touch still tentative until she arched her back forcing him to take her whole breast in his hand. Spurred on by her enthusiastic response to his touch his lips followed the same path his fingers had chosen.

When he finally took the nipple into his mouth she gasped in pleasure holding his head in her hands. His hands moved lower to the opening of her jeans. He eased them off together with the panties. He smiled and whispered again of her beauty and his love. She lay before him, gloriously nude and flushed with desire. “I think one of us is over dressed.” His jeans and boxers were gone in a heart beat. She reached out to caress him and he gently pulled her arms up over her head. “I’ve wanted this for so long.” He whispered. Luis began to kiss her breasts, then her stomach, ultimately reaching her soft core. He stroked her and was thrilled to see the evidence of her desire for him. His lips found the centre of her being and ever so gently he lapped at her opening. She was lost to the sensations he gave her. “Luis,” she called his name as he brought her closer to the peak. Despite his body screaming for release he continued to push her towards an orgasm. He’d never seen a woman so excited so lost to passion and it excited him beyond belief. Sheridan’s world finally shattered in climax. He held her against his chest as she returned to herself. A few moments later, he moved to continue his tender loving when she shook her head. “My turn, Luis. My turn..”

As much as she had loved his tender and erotic caresses, Sheridan was not usually one to lie idly by. She’d wanted Luis for so long and now he was hers. She finally had the chance to touch him and to show him she craved him as much as he ached for her. She had to show him that she found him as beautiful as he’d declared her to be. He understood..Luis always understood. She caressed his chest, relishing in the strength of his pecs and thrilled by the uninhibited access to her lover. He drew his breath as she began to stroke his rock hard penis. He was panting as she kissed his length. He bolted upright not wanting to end this prematurely. She urged him to lie back to let her explore his incredible body. He promised himself that if they had waited this long he could take it slowly but when she took him in her mouth and gently rolled his balls in her fingers he almost lost it.

“Sheridan, slow...” he flipped her onto her back and she eagerly welcomed his kiss. At the feel of her beneath him he gave up all pretense of being able to let her take the lead. “I thought I could wait, take it slow, but, I have to.” “Then, now Luis, please, love me now.” It was hours before they spoke again except for the occasional sigh, moan and ultimately crying out one another’s name as their passion overtook them. They made love that night in a way that bound them together like nothing else could. Rather than fleeing from the depth of their passion for one another, they dove toward it. They embraced the feeling as tenderly as they embraced one another. Each completion was the beginning of their next act of love.

They had been starved for one another and returned to their private smorgasbord several times. At last, sleep finally claimed them. Luis awoke first but found himself content to watch her curled up in his arms. She smiled at him as she slowly awakened. “What time is it?” she asked. “Well beautiful, it’s either very early or very late depending on your point of view.” He nodded toward the sun rise barely visible through the window. She sighed and snuggled in again. He continued, “either way we head out. The rendezvous with the FDA is in a a few hours. It’s safer if we keep on the move. Stay ahead of Roger and Pierre and any friends they may have nearby. “You’re probably right. I just wish we could stay like this...” She reached up to pull him closer, to begin again. But as alluring as that possibility was, Luis had to place a finger on her lips. “Forever.” He added. “Sheridan, last night was wonderful. I love you. You know that. But the cop instincts in me are on full alert. And I can’t shake this feeling...”

“Alright. I know by now it’s no use arguing when “Officer Lopez Fitzgerald” steps in. Just make sure I can still see the Luis I loved last night.” Reluctantly she sat up. “If you give me a few minutes I can help - take turns driving” “The beautiful debutante can drive an Interstate?” He couldn’t keep the teasing out of his voice. She decided to make a point. Her hand wandered down beneath the sheet. “I thought we proved last night the debutante could do a lot of things you didn’t expect.” She caressed his arousal. He swelled even larger in her hand and groaned. She was incredible. He rolled her on top of him and massaged her breasts in his hands. “Maybe, you’re right. Maybe, we don’t have to head out just yet.” He whispered. Two hours later Luis was standing beside the bed half dressed. She still dozed in their bed. She looked so soft, so lovely. He finished pulling his shirt on and climbed up the stairs to the deck. He decided to load the car. A short time later she appeared casually dressed holding two mugs of steaming coffee.

“The debutante even makes coffee.” She joked holding one out to him. He took the mug and gave her a butterfly kiss. “Thank you.” He took a sip. “My arm’s still kind of tender, can you drive?” “No problem. Just tell me where.” A few hours later they arrived at the rendezvous point. “I was getting worried,” Hal Freeman said as he opened the car door for Sheridan, “you’re a couple hours late.” Sheridan couldn’t help blushing. She tried to cover but caught Luis’ eye. She smiled at him. “I see.” Hal held out a hand to Luis. “I hope you know what you’re doing.” Luis helped Sheridan climb off the boat and onto the dock beside them. He smiled at her and kept her hand in his.

Mal spoke next. “Ms. Crane, we have a plan to flush out the cartel. We want to put you up in a very visible ‘safe’ place. Interpol received a tip that Roger has fled Paris. There’s still no news on Pierre other than the possible sighting in the Boston area last week. We suspect they’ll come after you with help from someone in this area. Normally I wouldn’t dream of suggesting this, but, we intend to use you as bait to lure him into the open. Force him to make a mistake.” “NO!” Luis was furious. “I won’t allow you to put Sher...” “Allow IT? You WONT ALLOW IT?!! Get off it Luis. I’m not a child that....If the FBI think this is the best way to proceed than that’s how we do this.” His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her against his side but he directed his comments to the other man. “I don’t like this. We don’t even know who Roger has working for the cartel here.”

“I don’t like it any more than you do but unless you’ve got some other plan.” Luis let out a sigh. He didn’t. “I didn’t think so.” Agent Freeman continued. “We’ll plant a story in the regional newscasts at six tonight. Enough of a leak to make it hard to find her but not impossible. And, before you ask, I’ve already arranged for you to stay with her around the clock. We’re planting you in New York.” “Okay.” Sheridan glanced up at Luis. At least they’d stay together. “Let’s get this over with.” Meanwhile, back in Harmony, Hank Bennet was packing some clothes into a suitcase when Sam entered his room. “What’s all this? I thought you’d decided to settle down. Stick around. Or was that just talk.” “No, it wasn’t all talk. But, something came up that’s all. I have a job to do for an old...colleague. We’re meeting in New York. I should be back in a few days.” “Old girlfriend huh?” His brother joked. He turned to leave the room “I wish.” Hank muttered under his breath.

“Take care of yourself.” Sam hadn’t heard his brother “See ya soon?” “Ya.” Hank could help but feel a sense of dread. “Sam, I love you BRO.” The outburst was unexpected but not unwelcome. ”Me too.” Sam replied. He left the room. Hank glanced at his watch. In six hours, he would be meeting Roger at JFK. And in twelve hours, Hank’s best friend since childhood and the woman they both loved would be dead. Unless he could stop it. The evening news footage blared on all three networks. Sheridan and Luis led by Hal Freeman, ducked through a sea of cameras and a flock of reporters into a large elegant hotel with more FBI agents at their heels. Hal lead them to a lovely suite of rooms on the top floor. The suite had private elevator access and a private kitchen. There were guards posted at the door to the elevator in the lobby and at the entrance to the suite itself. In spite of their lovely surroundings their mood was dark. The tension was building. Meanwhile, Pilar prayed silently as as she switched off the set and left through the servant’s entrance to the Crane Estate. “God help them.” She thought. “Please keep them safe.” She walked to the bus stop. A moment later it pulled up and she boarded.

Back at the suite, “Well, that should do it.” The agent Freeman said as they all entered the room. “Now we wait?” Sheridan asked. “Luis what are you...” “My job!” He replied as he scouted the room before motioning for her to enter any further. He noticed her hurt expression. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong. I just can’t help but worry that some body is going to try something. I just need to feel you safe.” He caressed her cheek tenderly. She smiled. “My hero.” She whispered softly. “And don’t you forget it.” He leaned in to kiss her gently. Hal cleared his throat. The lovers smiled, a little embarrassed that they’d forgotten he was even in the room. “If you’ll excuse me...I’ll see you soon. Luis, a word please.” Sheridan smiled. “I’ll just be in the other room. I’d like to freshen up anyway.” She squeezed his hand as she left. “Luis, I’ve done everything I could to make this hotel safe. But you still have to keep your guard up. This cartel...” “I was in Paris remember? You don’t have to tell me what these guys are capable of.” “Yeah, and by the way, I'm glad you two worked it out..Good luck.” “Thanks.” Luis led him to the door. Sheridan smiled and he held out his hands. She snuggled in without needing a spoken invitation. He spoke softly, “Someday we’re going to find the time where we get a smooth ride, just enjoy being together. Your family will leave us alone, stop trying to split us up, Roger and his buddy are going to get put away and we’re gonna have a chance to be together... Not that we’d know what to do with ourselves if it happens.” Luis kissed her. “We can’t stay on this rollercoaster ride forever now can we?”

Luis should have known better. This ride was far from over. At that moment they were on the climb up a hill, the rapid descent was around the corner up ahead. Fate, and the drug cartel had plans for them all. Back in Harmony, Pilar stepped off the bus and began the short walk to her home. It would likely be empty. Theresa would be with Ethan or Whitney and Miguel was likely at the Bennett’s visiting Charity. She never saw the black car..just its headlights when they suddenly switched on temporarily robbing her of her sight because of the glare. That’s when the man jumped out from behind a bush.

She tried to scream but he punched her knocking her to the ground. She felt the cold blade of the knife as it sliced into her, tearing the flesh, spewing blood on the sidewalk. The attacker started to flee, then, as an after thought he grabbed her purse, dumping the contents and taking the small amount of cash she carried. He climbed into the car joining the driver who spoke into the cell phone in his left hand. “It’s done Roger, the mother, she’ll live if someone finds her soon enough. If not, just a mugging gone sour...”

Luis and Sheridan were sharing a cup of tea on the couch in the suite when his cell phone rang. Neither were expecting it and it startled them both. “Luis, I’m sorry to have to call but, I knew you’d want to know,” Miguel’s voice shook and Luis could hear Theresa’s tears in the back ground. “Bro, what is it?” “Luis, there’s no easy way to say this but...” “Miguel..” Luis wasn’t used to raising his voice to his little brother. “Calm down, and tell me what’s wrong.” Luis stood up. Sheridan, acting on instinct, placed a hand on his shoulder. Miguel choked back the tears.

“Mama...Mama was mugged tonight on her way home from the Crane estate...Dr. Russell is with her now...The bastard who did this he just left her there to” Miguel couldn’t even say the word die...”He slashed her. The knife must have been huge. Luis, you’re going to want to be here. Dr Russell doesn’t know for sure if she’ll make it.. She lost a lot of blood...” “I’m on the next flight little brother. Tell Mama that when you see her.” He hung up the phone and turned to Sheridan. She pulled him to her. “Mama was mugged on her way home from work. It’s serious. I have to go.” “I’ll get my things.” Her tone was like steel. “No, you’re safe here. I can’t bring you back into the open.”

“I’m going with you. Pilar is like a mother to me. Luis I don’t want to leave you...” “And I want you with me but...” They were both crying. She looked into his eyes and decided she couldn’t add to his pain. He was the head of his family and they needed him. She held him tightly for a moment then knew she had to let go. “Call me as soon as you know anything.” She whispered against his chest. Luis kissed her cheek. Then, pulled her into a deeper embrace. “I love you Sheridan. For god’s sake please don’t leave this room.” "I won’t.” There were tears in both their eyes. After a final hug, Luis grabbed the duffel bag and left the room. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done.

Outside the hotel two shadowy figures watched Luis hail a cab and order it to the airport. Roger grinned at Hank. “Now the knight in shining armour is out of the way, the princess is unguarded in her ivory tower...that is until the black knight arrives.” For his part Hank looked sick and said nothing. “Bennet, you know what’s at stake for you, your past comes out tonight unless you kill Sheridan Crane.” Hank reached into his pocket to draw the gun. He looked at it, then Roger. “I know what I have to do but remember we do this my way.” “Bien Sur” Roger responded. “But we do it now.” Hank and Roger entered the hotel. Roger took a seat in the lobby as Hank approached the desk and asked for the man in charge of Sheridan Crane’s security. Hal remembered Hank from Harmony but found it incredibly convenient that Hank appeared to see Sheridan mere moments after Luis left for Harmony.

Hank was unflustered. “Look, just call the lady. For Christ sake, she knows me really well. I['m her friend. The Harmony Police Chief is my brother. Call up to her. Tell her I’m here, if she doesn’t want to see me I’ll leave.” He reached into his wallet. Hank pulled out his ID and a picture of Sheridan, Luis and himself taken at the Youth Centre Basketball tournament. “She’ll see you.” Hal said putting down the phone. “She seemed relieved you’re in New York. I’m sure you’ll have to be searched.”

“No problem,” Hank replied. “I have a permit for this.” He pulled the gun from his jacket. The agent raised his eyebrows. “It is New York.” Hank said good naturedly. “A guy can’t be too careful.” Hal nodded. “That stays down here.” “Whatever you say.” Hank replied. As the two crossed the lobby Roger bumped into Hank planting another gun in Hank’s jacket. Their eyes met. Hank knew in his heart it was time to face the music. He had to save Sheridan. Not because he loved her himself but to give her and Luis a chance to make it. In a moment of heavenly clarity, Hank decided it was time to be a hero. He’d never be the man Luis was, but it was time to be the man he was born to be. Time to stop looking for an easy way out, time to stop making excuses for his actions, time to be a man.

Hank swung at Roger knocking him to the floor. Although not bulky, Hank was a strong man and surprisingly agile. Roger hadn’t expected Hank’s conscience to be persuasive enough to turn the cartel on its ass. As hank fell to the floor Roger realized he had underestimated the American. Badly. “Help me. This is the guy from Paris who has the hit out on Sheridan.” Hank hollered to Hal as they rolled on the floor struggling for the gun. From the elevator doors, the uniformed officers came running. Roger tried frantically to escape Hank’s hold. He grabbed for the gun he’d planted. The two men struggled and it went off. In the confusion Roger managed to escape. A moment later Sheridan appeared in the elevator doorway and was devastated by the sight before her.

Hal had warned her to stay in the room but she couldn’t, Hank wanted to see her. He was her friend. The only one she’d had for a long time in Harmony, other than Ethan. She took a deep breath, she had to be strong. Hank’s blood puddled on the tile floor. Sheridan ran to his side, taking his hand as the paramedics arrived in the hotel lobby. Hank’s voice cracked as he spoke. “Roger, He was blackmailing kill you...made mistakes in my life...regrets ...but not this.” Sheridan sobbed.

He turned to gaze at up at the agent - unable to meet Sheridan’s eye. “At least...she’ll be safe was worth it. Sheridan, safe, keep her safe...for Luis” He turned his head toward her..”Need to tell you.” “No Hank don’t say any more...we’re going to get you to the hospital you’ll be fine whatever it is can tell me later.” “Won’t be a later...I’m .a better man for having known, having loved you..Tell Sam I’m so sorry to have disappointed him again.... disappointed.....” Those were his last words. “NO!” Sheridan sobbed. The agent grabbed her shoulders. “I’m going I never should have agreed to this. I want Hank’s body released to me. I'm taking him home.” Sheridan looked like a zombie. Mike nodded in reply. “ I”ll make the arrangements.”

A beautiful white figure watched in the lobby at a distance. The little angel with long blonde/brown hair observed the scene around her. She extended a hand out to another figure walking toward her also clad in a white gown. It was Hank Bennet. “You did a good thing.” She said simply. “You admitted your faults and did the right thing in the end. That’s all that matters now.” “Will she be all right?” he asked looking at Sheridan’s tearful face. “I hate to see her like this.” “She’s not yours to protect any more. She has more challenges to face, more choices to make, but she has the opportunity to do those things because of you. She won’t die tonight after all. Thanks to you.” She was silent for a moment. She knew he was hesitant to leave. “We have to go now.” She smiled at him.

“Can’t I stay? I just want to make sure she gets back to Harmony..” She shook her head. He finally took the outstretched hand reluctantly and they disappeared into a flash of light. Hal Freeman led Sheridan back to her room. She sat in a chair staring blankly into space as he made the phone calls necessary to effect her return to Harmony with the body. He silently marvelled at her deep reserves of strength. As he dialled the number Sheridan spoke. “Let’s get the hell out of here.” And they did. Sam and Grace Bennet waited on the tarmac at the Harmony air field. Mike had told them everything: How Hank had saved Sheridan, about Hank’s connections to the cartel but it hadn’t helped much. Sam was in shock yet, in spite of everything he didn’t blame Sheridan. His brother’s death would leave a gaping hole for a long time. It would take time to heal, but it would. Luis’ car door slammed behind him as he sped across the tarmac. Sheridan flew into his arms as she climbed out of the plane.

“Pilar?” She asked as he pulled her against him. “Out of danger. She sends her love.” He replied. He looked into her face and saw her pain. Her guilt. “None of this is your fault.” “Of course it is. If I hadn’t had such miserable taste in men, I’d never have become involved with Jean Luc and...” “And we’d never have known the value of what we have.” He forced her to look at him. Her chin rested in his hands. “I’m taking you home with me.” She nodded in agreement. Behind them, the conversation began. “I’m sorry we had to meet again under these circumstance, Chief. Please accept my condolences.” “Thank you Hal. This is my wife, Grace.” “Mam.” “Can we offer you a place to stay?” Grace, as always was Grace...always making sure everyone was taken care of. “That’s very kind Mrs Bennet but...” He did not wish to invade anyone’s privacy. He planned to return to the investigation as soon as possible. “It would be no trouble, I operate a small bed and breakfast. It’s a quiet time of year. There’s lots of room.”

“In that case, I will accept. Chief, I know this is a very bad time but I will need to meet with you, Sheridan and Luis some time tomorrow.” “Of course.” Sam wasn’t looking forward to it. But, he knew, it had to be done. Sheridan found the strength to face Sam. “Sam, Hank’s final thoughts were of you. If I could change any of this... Sam. I am so sorry...” Grace reached out and held Sheridan for a moment. “We know. We’ll talk soon.” “Thank you.” Sheridan replied. Luis and Sam hugged and the group separated. Luis took her hand and led her to the car. They rode in silence to the house on Railroad Street. He kept her hand in his as he led her to his bedroom. The rest of the house was silent. He loaned her a t-shirt and they got ready for bed. “Hold me tonight Luis, let me feel myself with you. I just need to hold you..”

He nodded. They just layed down on his bed with her curled in the crook of his arm. She wept softly as did he. “Sleep, Sheridan.” He whispered against her hair. Sleep now babe it’s over, it’s all over.” Pilar was released from hospital the next day and was feeling well enough to attend Hank’s funeral two days later. The time passed like a blur - no one quite sure what to say or do. After the funeral Pilar and Sheridan sat in the living room. Pilar’s heart was breaking for the young woman she’d come to love as a daughter. Pilar wanted to ease Sheridan’s pain. “Hank was always searching Sheridan. It sounds like he found himself in the end. That’s all that matters.” “Maybe Pilar. But..” “Sheridan, you and Luis have to take this experience as a lesson. Not to waste a moment God gives you. Hank knew how much you love one another. He wanted to give you a chance.” Luis came into the room to find the two women in a hug. “Is this a private party or can any one join in.” “Always mija.” Pilar smiled at her son as he placed a pot of tea on the table in front of them. “I’ve changed my mind about the tea. I’m going to rest a while.”

“Are you all right Mama, should we call Eve...” “You fuss too much my son. I’m just tired.” Pilar left them alone. “Luis, I’ve been thinking, I can’t stay here forever. I have to go back to the cottage. Especially now, Ethan needs me close by.” “You’ll be safer there..I’ll contact Crane security.” “How about a walk along the wharf though, just you and me?” He smiled. She’d read his mind. He led her to the door. Time to be together. Time to refresh. They both needed it. "Luis, I want your help with something, something important to me." "Anything, you know that." “Promise me, soon, really soon, you and Ethan and Theresa and I can sit down and talk. I know you think he’s just like my brother and father, but Luis, he’s not. He was torn up inside about hurting Gwen. He really is a great guy. I’m not asking you to be his best friend.” “Sheridan, do you know what you’re asking..” “Luis, is it so hard for you to believe that two people could meet and fall in love and have their whole world torn upside down.”

“Are you talking about us or Ethan and Theresa now?” “Both,” she replied. “You and I didn’t expect to feel this way about one another. Is it so hard for you to believe Ethan could fall for Theresa? Please just try to find common ground. Promise you’ll try.” She looked up at him so lovingly. He felt his breath catch again. She really was breathtaking. “Okay, I’ll try. When everything settles down, I’ll try.” "Excuse me, Luis," Miguel and Charity saw them. "Can you unlock the Centre for us, Charity left her stuff there." "I'll meet you a the cottage..." "soon, babe..Soon." Sheridan gave Luis a butterfly kiss and headed for her cottage alone. Surely nothing could happen to her during the short time they'd be separated.

To Be Continued…