A Love From The Past

A Love From The Past
By: Hot4Luis
Here is an amazing saga by Hot4Luis!
It's a wonderful story about Sheridan's
love from the past. Meet Jordan and
see if Shuis' love is stronger enough
to overcome all obstacles...
E-mail Hot4Luis at:

Legal Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Am not affiliated with them. Don’t try and sue me. This is just the product of spare time.

This is about Sheridan needing protection, but Luis isn’t going to be her bodyguard. This takes place at the beginning of July. Please bear with me.


Luis stared blankly at Hank as he rambled on about how he was going to court Sheridan. He tried to seem interested but he was just tired of hearing about her. The sound of her name just depressed him. Suddenly the door to his office in the Youth Center opened and Sheridan’s head popped through the crack. “Oh sorry to disturb you guys. I just wanted to know if you were ready to leave Hank.” she said avoiding Luis’s gaze. Ever since he saved her up at the cabin, he wanted nothing more to do with her. He was just going to give up on her. Trying to understand what went on in that blonde head of hers was beyond him. Hank got up giving Luis a goodbye wave. He knew Luis didn’t want Sheridan around.

“Hey guys check this out!” Luis heard a familiar voice say. The three of them walked out of his office to see Beth Wallace with a box in her hand. “More sport stuff for the youth of Harmony!” Luis brushed pass Sheridan to help Beth. He ignored the tingling in his arm her touch was giving him. Luis checked the items while Hank, Beth and Sheridan exchanged pleasantries. He immediately became engrossed in his work. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Luis Lopez Fitzgerald.” he heard another familiar voice say. He looked up and did a double take when he saw who was at the door. A woman with ebony brown hair, emerald green eyes and the most incredible smile was looking back at him. Her hair was longer than he had last seen it and she was dressed in jeans and a pink T-shirt. After the initial shock was over he opened his mouth to say something.

“Jordan Green?! Is that really you?” he exclaimed as the woman’s smile brightened. He opened his arms without thinking and she rushed into them. When they pulled apart he looked at her grinning. “Oh my god I can’t believe it’s you. God how I’ve missed you!” “I’ve missed you too. It’s been too long.” Jordan said and then blushed looking over Luis’s shoulder. He followed her gaze and remembered that they had an audience. Hank, Beth and Sheridan looked surprised-to say the least. He apologized and introduced everyone. “Jordan this is Hank Bennett and Beth Wallace.” Luis said pointing the two out. Jordan shook their hands. “Guys this is um, an old friend of mine, Jordan Green.”

“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about the two of you.” she said and turned to Sheridan, expecting Luis to introduce them. He sighed and did. “And this is Sheridan Crane.” he said not looking at her. They shook hands briefly but Luis interrupted them. “Joey, what are you doing in Harmony?” Luis asked turning her to him. “Actually I’m here on business. And that’s Special Agent Green to you, Officer.” she said grinning and flashing her FBI badge to his face. “FBI? Oh my god! You made it!” Luis said smiling, proud of her.

“Yes. Actually, I’m here because I wanted to see you too. You see, I was in the headquarters in Washington and I came across a file marked Crane and when I opened it I saw the name’s Harmony, Lopez Fitzgerald and Crane and got real curious. Next thing I know I’m here. I’m your bodyguard Ms. Crane.” Jordan explained as she turned to Sheridan. “What?” Luis and Sheridan exclaimed together. Luis was shocked. Jordan was Sheridan’s bodyguard? He wasn’t trying to be chauvinistic but the coincidence was unbelievable.

“Your family wanted the FBI to handle this case and they thought a female bodyguard was the best for you and when I pleaded with my director that he give me this case, he agreed.” Jordan explained calmly. Luis was over the shock but Sheridan wasn’t. She had agreed to have a full time bodyguard after the whole cabin fiasco. “Wow! A female bodyguard! I’ve never heard of that before.” Beth said eyeing Jordan suspiciously. Jordan just smiled and turned to Luis.

“I stopped by your house. Your mom is wonderful. And I fell in love with Theresa and Miguel the moment I saw them. They’re just like you said they would be. When I saw them I didn’t regret giving up on us.” Jordan said and a tear trickled down her cheek. Luis took a step closer and wiped it away looking at her, memories of their past flooding through him. Especially when they first met. *FLASHBACK* “Ahhh!” Jordan screamed as she came out of the shower wrapped in a towel, when she saw him standing in what seemed to be her room. “Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?” Luis was so amazed by her beauty he didn’t reply immediately.

“Uh…I’m sorry…” he stuttered. Then he realized she was in his room. “This is my room! What are you doing here?” “Oh great the lodge screwed up the living arrangements!” she complained to no one in particular. “They do this every year. Gosh, you’d think they’d learn something. Look, um…” “Luis. Luis Lopez Fitzgerald.” “Whoa that’s a tongue twister!” she said and gave him a million dollar smile. “Hi I’m Jordan Green. As I was saying, I’ll just get dressed and go get another room. Sorry for the trouble.”

“No! Jordan, I’ll go get another room you were here first.” he protested, “I am the one who is sorry for barging in on you.” “Don’t be. I’m not.” she said and smiled again. Luis had known, right at that moment, that he was going to have a great summer that year.


“Okay, I’m dying to know-how did you and Luis meet? I have known this guy my whole life and he has never mentioned you to me.” Hank enquired interested. “God Luis you’ve been holding out on me all this time. Any other women from your past I should know about?” Luis chuckled a bit and went on to explain. “This just isn’t any woman from my past. She’s one of the reasons I am what I am today. Without her I’d be completely lost.” he said wrapping his arm around her waist. Jordan wrapped her arm around his waist too.

“I think Luis is giving me too much credit.” Jordan said giggling. “Luis and I met when we were 18. We were both counselors at a camp together and because of my boyish name we ended up with the same room. The camp couldn’t give me another room because everything was booked so we ended up becoming roomies.” “Oh so that’s why you kept insisting that you go to the camp for three straight summers!” Hank exclaimed. “You devil, you!” He wrapped an arm around Sheridan’s shoulder. She squirmed and everyone except Beth and Sheridan laughed.

“Hey you still have the ring!” Luis exclaimed when the laughter died down. He noticed she was wearing it in a chain around her neck. “I remember the night I gave it to you so clearly. It could have been yesterday.” “So was that a promise ring he gave you?” Beth asked with what Luis detected was jealousy. ‘I didn’t give Beth one’ he remembered. “No,” Jordan said looking at Luis fondly “He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.”


Sheridan couldn’t believe her ears. She felt as if someone and knocked the wind right out of her. Luis was once engaged? It was hard enough for her to see Luis with another woman and have that woman turn out to be her bodyguard but knowing he had asked her to marry him was just a little bit too much for her to handle. Hank and Beth looked shocked too. Luis looked down at the floor a sheepish grin on his face. He then looked straight at Sheridan. She looked away.

“No way!” Hank said disbelievingly “Lady, you must have known another Luis, because I know this Luis would never do anything that spontaneous!” “Well why didn’t you two get married?” Beth asked through gritted teeth. Sheridan knew Beth was jealous. Boy did she know it. “There was always someone else.” Luis said looking at Beth. She smiled a little. “His mother.” Jordan finished, oblivious to the look on Beth’s face. “It’s a long story but let me tell you getting over this guy is the hardest thing I have ever had to do.”

“Hey, you’re the one who broke my heart.” he said playfully. “First girl to ever do that. You were the first girl to make me cry.” Jordan turned to look at him again. “I never meant to hurt you.” she said with a wry smile. Luis looked as if he was going to kiss her. Sheridan felt sick. “Oh my god! Look at me, I came here to say hi to you and meet Ms. Crane and I end up riding down memory lane. I really have to get Ms. Crane home.”

“But Sheridan and I have a date.” Hank said. Sheridan winced hoping he’d somehow forget. “She’s not going home right now.” “Well then I’ll have to tag along. Sorry but my job starts now. I promise to sit far away and not disturb the two of you.” Jordan explained. Sheridan was starting to hate the situation more than anything. “I’ll join you.” Luis added. Her hatred went up another notch. “We have a lot of catching up to do. Don’t worry we won’t double, I’ll just help Joey make sure nothing goes wrong.”

“Look there’s no point in you two sitting far away. I was planning a private dinner and it will be no fun with the two of you watching. You can just join us. I really want to hear about your past together.” Hank said disappointed. Sheridan wanted to scream ‘no!’ but kept her cool. She calmed herself down and told herself that she would be able to get through the night. “You don’t mind do you Sheridan?” “Look, Hank do you mind if I take a rain check, tonight?” Sheridan asked finally deciding that she wouldn’t be able to make it through the night, not with Luis there. “What? Why?” Hank whined confused. Sometimes the man just didn’t get it.

“Ok I think I’ll be leaving now. I really got to go back to the Book Café.” Beth said suddenly. “I’ll see you all later. Nice meeting you Jordan.” “Nice meeting you too, Beth.” Jordan replied as Beth left. “Um, look why don’t we wait in your office Luis. Ms. Crane please tell me when you’re ready to leave.” The two left and Sheridan decided to come clean with Hank. “Look, Hank I was looking forward to tonight but I don’t want Luis to be there.” she said “It’s just upsetting and I can’t handle it tonight.”

“Hey, we’ll just tell him to get lost!” Hank suggested. Sheridan gave him the ‘yeah right’ look and he sighed “Okay. It won’t be fun with them anyway. Sheesh! I can’t believe Luis was engaged. I thought Beth was the only girl he ever loved.” “Me too, Hank,” Sheridan sighed “Me too.” Jordan walked ahead of Sheridan as they made their way to her cottage on the Crane estate. She was awed by the size of the estate although she knew that it would be incredible. She had seen many large houses but she liked this one the best. The grounds were beautiful and it was located in a peaceful little town. Harmony. What could be more perfect? She told Sheridan what she was thinking about.

“Thank you.” the blond woman replied. “I haven’t lived here that long, but I guess it’s home.” By this time the two women were already inside the cottage and Jordan immediately started checking the place out. She went to make sure the windows were locked and the kitchen was safe. She saw Sheridan’s forlorn look and apologized. “Sorry Ms. Crane, it’s routine procedure.” “You’re just doing your job. It’s okay. Please, call me Sheridan.”

“Okay, Sheridan, I know this bodyguard thing is gonna be awkward for you but I’ll try to be as un-domineering as I can. I can totally understand your discomfort.” Jordan said, knowing that Sheridan didn’t want a bodyguard, from the FBI report. If she remembered clearly, the report said that ‘Ms. Crane had vehemently refused to have anyone guarding her.’ “Try to think of me as someone who wants to make sure you’re okay. So what do you say, friends?” “I’d like that.” Sheridan replied smiling. Jordan liked her already. ‘And Luis said that the Cranes were rude, self-centered people.’ she thought. “Well, um, I guess you can sleep on the sofa, it’s one of those sofa cum bed things. I’ll go get you some fresh linen.” “I’ll help you, Sheridan.” Jordan said, “Luis never mentioned you to me before.” “That’s because Luis didn’t know me when he knew you. We met a few months ago. Like I said, I haven’t lived in Harmony for years.”

“Oh right you grew up in Paris.” Jordan finished and when Sheridan gave her a puzzled look she added “I read about you Cranes in a magazine article. They scrutinized your life in every single detail. Doesn’t it get frustrating?” “Like you’ve never imagined.” she replied. The two women set up Jordan’s cot and headed for the kitchen to set up dinner. “I had the cook send some food here. No one is at the main house so it’s easier here.” They sat down to eat and Sheridan told Jordan about her life in high society. “Wow! I wonder what it must be like to live like that. It must be great. You have everything.” Jordan said taking a sip of water. “If I wasn’t so satisfied with my own life, I’d envy you.” Sheridan laughed at her comment.

“You really don’t want anything more out of life?” “I didn’t say that. But I don’t think I could lead your life. No, I want to settle down in a peaceful little town, marry the perfect guy and raise a family, one day. You know the white picket fence thing.” Jordan replied as Sheridan’s face became pensive. “You want exactly what Luis wants.” Sheridan said with a hint of sadness in her voice that made Jordan wonder what she said wrong. “Well Luis and I dreamed of that life together. We were going to spend it together but things went haywire.” Jordan explained becoming a little pensive herself. “Wow, you two must have had a real good relationship.”

“The best. I was so in love with him. A part of me wishes that we had gotten married. I guess it always will. But there were too many things in our way. I guess true love doesn’t always win.” Jordan said, and at this point she had to will tears back. To distract herself she began picking up the plates and glasses. “But you both wanted the same things, what happened?” Sheridan asked. Jordan realized that she felt real comfortable with Sheridan and proceeded to explain.

“Well he had a family to take care of and with me around it would just be another person to be responsible for. He was twenty, and he already had a full-fledged family to take care of, life wasn’t fair for him and marrying me would have been a big mistake. I first thought he was marrying to get away from his responsibilities, but he proved that he loved me. He said he would never use me. And it was true, but I couldn’t ruin his life. So I set him free.” Jordan said while they cleared the table. “But you know what? Enough about me, how did you two meet? No offense, but you don’t move around in the same social circles.”

“Hmm, I don’t think my meeting with Luis had anything to do with social circles.” Sheridan remarked dryly. “I crashed into his police cruiser.” “Ouch.” Jordan winced. She could imagine how furious Luis would’ve been. “Yes, well he had me arrested for speeding. I tried to use my last name to get me off the hook-bad mistake!” Sheridan explained as the two sat down on the sofa. “Then I crashed into his brand new cruiser and I was sentenced to 100 hours of community service, at the Youth Center-” “Where Luis is the director.” Jordan finished “Whoa! Talk about starting off on the wrong foot. But things must have gotten better?” “Well he ridiculed me every chance he got, and we ended up fighting a whole lot. He gave me a hard time ‘cause my last name is Crane and he has this vendetta against us Cranes.”

“Oh I know about that. He criticized your family a lot when were together. I’m not saying what he did is right but I can sort of understand him. He can act macho, rough, unloving and stubborn as hell, at times but deep down is a heart of pure gold.” Jordan explained not wanting to bad-mouth her best friend. “I wish I could’ve seen that part of Luis more often,” Sheridan said somewhat dreamily then she shrugged and added “But I can’t. Luis Lopez Fitzgerald will always hate me.”

“C’mon, the guy doesn’t hate you. He wouldn’t have flown all the way to Paris just to save you. Now that is not hate.” Jordan said wondering what kind of relationship Sheridan and Luis had. “How did you know about Paris?” Sheridan asked, changing the focus of discussion. Jordan wondered why. “The FBI report. It has the full story. Your engagement to Jean-Luc, the drug cartel that were after you in Paris and how Luis saved you and the whole episode in the cabin.” Jordan informed.

Sheridan flinched and Jordan saw tears welling up in the other woman’s eyes. Jordan intuitively put her hand on Sheridan’s. “I’m sorry Sheridan I didn’t mean to upset you. I know it’s scary to have this happen to you.” “I just feel as I’ve been running from something my entire existence.” Sheridan said breaking down. “I guess this is just one more thing to add to my list.” “Hey, it’s okay to cry. You can’t bottle up your emotions forever.” Jordan consoled. “Okay, why don’t you get some sleep and in the morning you’ll feel a lot better. I promise as long as I’m your bodyguard nothing will happen to you.”

“You’re right. Thank you.” Sheridan sniffled and then smiled “I can’t believe I’m breaking down in front of a person I met three hours ago. Goodnight.” “Goodnight Sheridan.” Jordan smiled as Sheridan went into her bedroom. “There’s something about that woman I feel I can relate to. I just don’t know what.”


The smell of pancakes and freshly ground coffee filled Sheridan’s room. ‘Pilar,’ she reflected ‘That is definetly the smell of Pilar’s pancakes.’ She put on her robe and walked to her kitchen. She saw Jordan standing over the stove wearing an apron and flipping pancakes. “ ‘Morning,” she said without turning around. “Sleep well?” “Yes. Thank you. How did you know I was watching you?” “A good bodyguard has to be aware at all times. I hope you don’t mind I took the liberty of making breakfast.” Jordan explained. Sheridan sat down as she put a stack of pancakes on the table. “Pilar’s famous blueberry pancakes, my absolute favorite. Luis gave me the recipe.”

“They’re my favorite, too.” “I know. Pilar told me when she stopped by just now. She also told me ask you over for dinner tonight.” “I, um, can’t tonight.” Sheridan stuttered. Pilar knew that Luis and her were on bad terms, why was she inviting her over? Then it struck her. Jordan. Pilar wanted Jordan over and she wasn’t allowed to leave Sheridan’s side. “I’ll tell her I can’t.” “Okay, you’re the boss. So what’s on your agenda today?” Jordan shrugged nonchalantly. “Anything special?” “I have to meet my nephew, Ethan, for coffee at the Book Café.” Sheridan said. “I really want you to meet him.”

“Okay as soon as you’re ready.” A half an hour later, Sheridan was introducing Ethan to Jordan. “So you’re Jordan. Theresa was telling me about you.” Ethan said shaking Jordan’s hand. Sheridan knew by the look on Ethan’s face that he thought Jordan was beautiful. “The idea of a female bodyguard isn’t that bad, I guess.” Sheridan couldn’t believe it. Ethan was flirting with her. Ethan never flirted. He didn’t even know how. “I guess not.” Jordan smiled. “I’ll leave you two alone. I’ll be right over there, Sheridan. Nice meeting you, Mr. Crane.”

“ ‘The idea of a female bodyguard isn’t that bad’?” Sheridan mimicked as soon as Jordan was out of earshot. “Really Ethan, did you have to drool?” “I wasn’t drooling! I was merely trying to make conversation,” he protested “What’s with you today anyway? You seem sad.” “I’m fine. Quit worrying about me.’ “I like worrying about my aunt. Are you okay with this whole Jordan thing?” “What do you mean by ‘this whole Jordan thing’?” Sheridan asked pretending to be confused. She knew precisely what he was talking about. “You know what I mean. Jordan being Luis’s ex-fiancée and everything.”

“Who told you about that? Oh wait, I know -Theresa.” Sheridan said “Didn’t I tell you to steer clear of her?” “Don’t try to change the subject, Sheridan. Are you okay with your bodyguard being Luis’s former love? I know that you are not over him yet.” Ethan said sipping his coffee. Sheridan was going to reply but she saw the door of the Book Café open and in walked Luis and Hank. Ethan saw them too. “Speak of the devil. You want to leave?” “No, I will not let Luis chase me away. I can handle it.” Sheridan said but she could hear the doubt in her own voice.

She watched sadly as Luis spotted Jordan and a huge smile spread over his face-the killer-smile that made Sheridan weak in the knees. The smile that she wished was reserved only for her. Sheridan felt Ethan’s hand on her own and felt a tear trickle down her cheek. She couldn’t hide anything from Ethan. “Talk to me Sheridan.” he urged. “Why can’t you just admit it.” “Admit what Ethan?” she asked. She wasn’t going to let her guard down. Not even with Ethan. She wouldn’t let herself become weak. She just wouldn’t. “That you love Luis.” he whispered. He said it as if it were an obvious fact. “Because I don’t. Yes, when I was with Jordan last night and she was telling me about her life with Luis and how much they loved each other, I felt this unbearable pain in my heart but that was only because I know I will never share that kind of love with anyone.

It had nothing to do with the fact that Luis was once in love with my bodyguard.” she whispered fervently, “Luis is the furthest thing from my mind.” “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I can’t stand to see you like this. And don’t you believe for one second that you will never find love. You will, just don’t look so hard for it. If you are destined to be with someone, you’ll find that person inevitably.” “ Are you talking about me or you?” Sheridan asked with a small smile. She now doubted Ethan’s love for Gwen. She was starting to think he was in love with Theresa.

“Ethan you have never loved anybody but Gwen, do you think that maybe you want to love somebody else? Like Theresa?” “What is this with the Cranes and the Lopez Fitzgerald’s?” he said with a nervous laugh. “Is it in our destinies that are path should cross?” “Repeatedly, might I add.” Sheridan sighed and finally took a sip of her coffee. “Do you think destiny is trying to tell us something?” Ethan said with playful skeptism “Or in Theresa’s words ‘fate’?”

“Well, whatever it is,” Sheridan said and paused to look at Luis and Jordan, “Fate, destiny, serendipity-I wish it would stop talking in code.” “…So then Luis decided he was Superman and ran across the dock, tripped on a crack and fell into the water, his arms flailing, his entire body in an awkward position. It was to die for!” Jordan exclaimed as she told Hank and Beth about her times with Luis at the summer camp. Luis smiled sheepishly as he remembered the moment. Hank and Beth doubled with laughter. “It wasn’t funny.” Luis retorted amused. The trio laughed even more.

“Oh my god I can’t imagine Luis trying to pull a stunt like that and actually failing! He was very athletic in high school you know.” Beth said, her giggles subsiding. “What I wouldn’t have done to see that!” “We’ve had our share of laughs haven’t we, chocolate eyes?” Jordan asked a dreamy expression glazing over her incredible features. “That and a lot more.” Luis replied, still awed by how much she hadn’t changed. “Chocolate eyes?” Hank exclaimed “I’ve heard Luis been called a lot but this a new one. How’d you come up with that?”

“Well his eyes look exactly like chocolate. The first time I saw them my heart just went ‘yum!’” Jordan said and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “You remember the first time we met don’t you?” “Vividly.” Luis said smiling. He noticed that Beth had left. “When I saw you in that towel, I swear my heart stopped. You looked gorgeous.” Jordan blushed and Hank spit out his coffee. “Okay, how exactly did you two meet?” he asked astounded. Luis went on to explain, but was interrupted by a squirming Jordan. “What is it Joey?” Luis asked annoyed. “Sheridan.” Jordan said. “Where’d she go?” “Huh?” Hank asked. “Sheridan’s here?” “Well, I am her bodyguard, I would be here with her.” Jordan said getting up and frantically looking for the blonde. “I told her to tell me before she went anywhere.”

“Well she’s not one to follow orders.” Luis said but deep down he was worried about her too. “Who was she with?” “Ethan Crane. I’ll go ask him.” Jordan said and made her way to Ethan. They talked for a couple of seconds and then Jordan went to the ladies room. She came out minutes later with Sheridan right behind her. Sheridan stopped to say something to Ethan and then headed to the door with Jordan. They passed Luis’s table and Sheridan paused again. “Hank, Luis.” she greeted, refusing to look at Luis. “Sheridan.” Luis said matching her cold tone. Hank, however, greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. While he and Sheridan talked, Luis turned to Jordan. “You leaving, Joey? Are you coming over for dinner?”

“I wish I could stay but Sheridan wants to go.” Jordan replied picking up her purse from the table. “Sheridan can’t make it to dinner tonight, so I guess another time. I’ll be here for a couple of days.” “You promise?” he asked like a little kid. She squealed with laughter, drawing odd glances from Sheridan and Hank. She cupped Luis is face in her hands. “With a face like that? How can I say no?” she said solemnly “I promise.” After the two women left Hank put his hands on Luis’s back and said “Man, we must be the luckiest guys in Harmony. You’ve got the beautiful Jordan and I have the sensational Sheridan. Thank you, God!”

“Hold your horses buddy, I haven’t ‘got’ Jordan, what we had was a long time ago and you definetly don’t have Sheridan.” Luis retorted annoyed with Hank’s empty claims. Hank looked at him confused. “What’s wrong pal? I thought you didn’t want anything to do with Sheridan.” “Look, this has nothing to do with her. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Sheridan is so unpredictable, you may regret it.” Luis covered up. He actually didn’t like the idea of Hank and Sheridan. “Look man you don’t have to worry about me.” Hank said as they sat down again to finish their breakfast. “You have to worry about Jordan.” “Look, I told you already Jordan and I are just friends. Nothing more.”

“Oh come on Luis, I see the way you look at her.” Beth said coming up with a coffee pot. “Stop lying.” “Hey what is it today? Pick on Officer Lopez Fitzgerald day?” he asked defensively. “Leave my love life to me, please.” “Okay, at least tell me this, when you met Jordan, you had just broken up with me, right?” Beth said and Luis saw the pain in her eyes. “Was your family the only reason you broke up with me?” “Yes, Beth. It was the only reason.” Luis said gravely. “Then how come you were ready to marry her?” Beth asked. Luis glanced at Hank for some help. Instead, Hank started to get up.

“I think I’ll leave you two alone.” he said and left. Luis sighed as Beth occupied Hank’s place. Beth looked at Luis expectantly. “Well?” “It had been a few months since we had broken up, seven to be precise, and when I met Jordan I had no intention of falling in love with her, it just happened. I couldn’t stop what I was feeling and I asked her to marry me three years after we broke up.” Luis explained then reached across the table and held her hands in his. “Beth, I care a whole lot about you. You are one of my best friends and nothing will ever change that.”

“Boy,” Beth said taking her hand out of Luis’s “First there was Sheridan and now Jordan. Who’s next?” She left in a huff and Luis felt horrible about what had just happened. “There’s nobody, Beth.” Luis whispered to himself. “Not Jordan and certainly not Sheridan. Why doesn’t anyone understand that?”


“That was the most exhausting day of my life! FBI training isn’t even that hard!” Jordan exclaimed as she plopped onto Sheridan’s couch. They had just spent the day at the mall. They had gone shopping, to the beauty salon, a movie and finally had lunch. Jordan tried to remember the last time she had bought so much. Sheridan giggled and plopped down next to her. “Thank you Sheridan. I’ve never had such a great day in a long time. How do you do it?” “Practice, practice, prac-” she started to say but stopped, a wistful expression taking over her face. She had the same expression the night before when they were talking about Luis.

“Anyway, you’re welcome. I haven’t been out with a girlfriend in a long time. I enjoyed your company. Wow! I don’t even feel as if I’m under protection when I’m with you.” “Well, I’m glad.” Jordan claimed, paused and then proceeded “Can I ask you a personal question?” “I guess.” Sheridan replied. Jordan debated whether to go on, because of Sheridan’s response. But when she saw Sheridan’s expectant face she realized Sheridan wanted someone to talk to. “Are you and Hank serious?” Sheridan looked down at her hands and then brought her eyes to meet Jordan’s again. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer.” “No, it’s um just that,” she trailed off “No Hank and I aren’t serious. He’s a wonderful guy and I really like him, but there’s no connection, not like the one I feel…never mind.”

“With who?” Jordan prodded. She was starting to get curious about her. “This guy, I thought it would work out with but it wasn’t meant to be.” “Is he someone here in Harmony?” “I’d rather not talk about it.” Sheridan replied suddenly. Jordan understood and nodded quietly. “If you’re up to it we can go out for dinner.” “Well, you’re the boss. If you want to go then-allons!” Jordan exclaimed. “You speak French?” “Un peu de. I picked it up when I was in Lyon-a long time ago.” she replied and noticed how anxious Sheridan was to change the subject. In an hour the two were seated in the Lobster Shack, laughing as if they were old friends. They talked about Jordan’s life and she noticed how they stayed away from Sheridan’s. Jordan asked Sheridan why she refused Pilar’s invitation.

“Oh, um, well to be honest, Luis and I aren’t on good terms and I don’t want to upset the family and all. I know they all really wanted to get to know you and with me around you’d have World War III on your hands.” she explained trying to sound cheerful. Jordan wondered if there was more to it but bought the explanation. Later that night, Jordan tried to fall asleep but something was bothering her. She jolted up wondering if her instincts were telling her danger was around. ‘Could it be those drug lords? They must’ve figured out Antoine is in the slammer by now.’ She quietly crept toward Sheridan’s room and opened the door. Sheridan was sleeping peacefully, but as Jordan turned to leave she heard her call out.

“No, don’t go please.” she begged. Jordan walked closer to Sheridan’s bed puzzled. Was she awake? “I’m right here Sheridan.” she whispered “NO!!! I didn’t do it! You have to believe me! Please come back I didn’t mean to hurt you.” she yelled and Jordan was beginning to worry. “Sheridan, everything is okay.” Jordan consoled, sitting on her bed. “No, everything is wrong. Why won’t he listen?” “Why won’t who listen?” Jordan asked holding Sheridan’s hand. Suddenly Sheridan jolted straight up, her eyes wide but she looked as if she were still sleeping. “LUIS!!! Please you have to believe me!” she screamed. ‘Luis?’ Jordan thought startled. Sheridan brought her hands to her face. She sobbed and Jordan immediately hugged her. “I’m so sorry Luis.”

“Shhhh! It’s okay,” Jordan whispered into her ears, really disturbed. What hadn’t she done? What was she sorry about? “It’s okay Sheridan. Everything will be fine.” The crying woman looked up, shocked. “Jordan? Where am I?” she choked disorientated. “You’re okay Sheridan. You’re in your bed. You were just having a bad dream.” Jordan said as Sheridan pulled out of the embrace. “I’ll go get you a glass of water.” When Jordan came back, Sheridan was still visibly shaken. “Here.” She took a sip of water and looked up at Jordan. She decided not to press Sheridan about her nightmare or anything else for that matter. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m better. How long were you here?” “Not too long. I came to check if you were alright and you cried out.” “What did I say?” Sheridan questioned uneasily.

“You screamed ‘don’t go’ and ‘I didn’t do it’ and something I couldn’t understand. Why?” Jordan asked deciding to leave the Luis part out. “Oh, I’m trying to remember my nightmare.” Sheridan explained nervously. “Well, maybe it’s better if you don’t. Try to sleep.” Jordan advised as Sheridan settled back onto her pillow. “Thanks, Jordan.” “No problem.” “No you really didn’t have to comfort me, but you did. I feel safe with you.” she said sincerely. “I really appreciate it.” “You’re welcome. Goodnight.” Jordan replied with a smile. She went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and returned to the couch. “Sheridan and Luis, what’s going on between the two of you?”

Sheridan fidgeted with the phone cord, while she waited for Ethan to pick up. She got his answering machine and swore under her breath. She didn’t leave a message and banged the phone back into the cradle. “Easy there, ace.” Jordan said coming out of the kitchen and handing her a mug of coffee. “You seem upset, what’s wrong?” “I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” Sheridan sighed. “Well with that nightmare you had, anyone would.” Jordan said and Sheridan squirmed. She was trying to forget about it, but it kept plaguing her. “Ooops. Sorry I’m not acting like Miss Sensitivity here, am I? You wanna talk about it?”

“I’d rather not.” Sheridan replied becoming very uneasy. Her dream was so startling. It was of ‘that night’ again, but with a little twist. She was standing there with blood over her hands, but not as a child-as the woman she was now. Voices were calling her and then a familiar, dark figure appeared and whispered. “How could you Sheridan?” She asked the figure who he was and he said that he was in her heart but she refused to see it. She asked what she had done, and he told her that she had killed his father. Then, the realization hit her with the speed of lightning. “Luis?” she had screamed. He bent down and removed the sheet over the bloody body and she saw a face that resembled Luis’s. He removed his hood and she saw his eyes filled with anger, regret and remorse. “I thought you were different, but all this time, you lied to me and to my mother. I’ve sacrificed a lot for you and this is how you pay me back? I loathe you, Sheridan.”

After that the only thing she could remember was waking up sobbing in Jordan’s arms. “Are you sure?” Jordan asked. “Just drop it, Jordan, okay?” she replied a little too harshly. “I’m sorry but I don’t want to talk about it.” Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Jordan went to answer it and saw Luis standing there. “Luis, what are you doing here?” Jordan asked glancing at Sheridan. “Now do I need an excuse to come and see you, Joey?” he said and gave Jordan a kiss on the cheek. Sheridan turned away, not being able to bear the sight of him, after her nightmare.

Would he hate her if he ever found out the truth? The thought was insufferable. “Please come in Luis.” Sheridan said finally. She saw the look of surprise on his face. He stepped inside and greeted her a good morning. “Now what’s your real reason, mister?” Jordan asked linking her arm with his. “Well, the Harmony Police Department is hosting this years’ Fourth of July picnic, with the Cranes as sponsors, tomorrow and I was to cordially invite all the Cranes. I’ve already visited the main house and I now I’m here to invite you, Sheridan. You will come, right?” Luis asked anxiously. Sheridan felt warmth flow through her but then realized that he was only excited because if Sheridan came, Jordan would too. “Luis, I don’t think it’s such a good idea.” Jordan replied before Sheridan could say anything. “I don’t want to put innocent people in the line of fire. And even with me around Sheridan isn’t 100% safe.” “C’mon, she’s just as unsafe here.” Luis said.

“Would you two please acknowledge the fact that I’m still here and I would like to make the decision for myself?” Sheridan retorted infuriated. “I’m a big girl and I don’t need people bossing me around and I will and can make my own decisions, and I’ll decide whether or not I will go to that damn picnic!” “Oh boy, here we go again!” Luis said. “Can’t you get it through your head Sheridan? People only want to make sure you’re safe!” “Oh and that means kidnapping me against my will and trying to impose their will on me. Well here’s a newsflash for you Luis, although I think I’ve given it to you many times before, I don’t need your help! Or anybody’s for that matter.” Sheridan barked. She didn’t know how this all came back to Luis’s rescuing her. Sheridan saw Jordan standing there a perplexed expression on her face. ‘This is the first time she’s seen us fight’ Sheridan realized. ‘You’re in for a lot more, Jordan.’

“Oh would someone please tell her to get her ass off that high horse of hers! Your not invincible Sheridan, I would’ve thought that what happened in Paris and at the cabin would have made you realize that! But no, Sheridan Crane is almighty.” Luis said throwing his hands in the air exasperated. “I’m strong and independent. I never asked for your help!” she hissed. “Hey! Hold up! Both of you!” Jordan yelled coming between them. She then turned to Sheridan and added in a softer tone “I hope you don’t mind my saying this, Sheridan but being strong isn’t only about making decisions for yourself, it’s about knowing when to ask for help too.

I have to agree with Luis. You needed his help and all everybody is trying to do is make sure you don’t go six feet under, okay?” Sheridan controlled her temper realizing that Jordan was right. She liked the way Jordan had put it, unlike everybody else in her life ordering her around. She glanced at Luis who had a smug smile on his face. Jordan immediately turned to him. “And is this is how you treat a lady? You can’t go around imposing your will on others, Mr. Caveman. It’s the nineties, if you were a little nicer to her she might’ve asked for you help,” she chided. Luis put his head down in surrender. It was now Sheridan’s turn to have a smug smile across her face; she was starting to like Jordan more by the minute. She really had a big effect on Luis. “Man, I didn’t know that you two could go off like this. You guys are so alike.” “No we are not.” the two of them said simultaneously. Jordan raised her eyebrow.

“Do you want to go to the picnic Sheridan?” she asked. “I can get FBI to secure the place and maybe it’ll be okay.” “If you think it’s okay. I really would like to go.” Sheridan said with a smile. “Okay. But you’re gonna have me with you the whole time. I’ll really get on your nerves.” Jordan teased and Sheridan felt so close to her, she pulled her into hug. “Thank you.” Sheridan said over her shoulder and watched as Luis looked on with amazement. Jordan whispered ‘you’re welcome’ and then escorted Luis to the door. They kissed on the cheek but Sheridan could’ve sworn Luis’s lips brushed the corner of Jordan’s mouth. ‘If I have to see more of that tomorrow then it’s gonna be a long day.’


“She’s not here yet, buddy.” Hank said handing Luis a beer. He refused it. “Joey doesn’t like it when I drink.” he explained to a nonplussed Hank. “Whoa! This chick has you eating out of the palm of her hand. Are you sure you’re not in love with her? ‘Cause you don’t let anyone tell you what to do.” “That’s not true. Mama tells me what I can and can’t do.” he argued. Hank opened his mouth to say something when Luis spotted Sheridan and Jordan. He waved and the two headed for his direction. They both looked sensational. Casual, but definitely sensational. Sheridan was in a red tank top and a denim skirt and Jordan in a white T-shirt and cut-offs. When they reached him and Hank, Luis commented “Always the tomboy huh, Green?” “Are you saying you don’t approve of my attire Lopez Fitzgerald?” she teased.

“Oh I approve. I most certainly do.” he said with a seductive grin. ‘Yes, I am still attracted to Jordan, but who wouldn’t be? She’s gorgeous. But I don’t think we can ever go back to how we were. So many things have changed. My feelings…heck, I don’t know what I’m feeling.’ He glanced somewhat guiltily at Sheridan. She looked back, making brief eye contact until he averted his gaze.’ And then there’s Sheridan… what about her? You want her out of your life, don’t you?’ “You ladies want something to drink?” Hank asked interrupting Luis’s thoughts. They both nodded and Hank went away to get them. Luis stared at the two women. “So are the FBI around?” he asked no knowing what to say.

“Yeah, they’re mingling with the crowd but have the area secured.” Jordan replied while Sheridan looked down at the ground. ‘What is wrong with her?’ Luis wondered. “You feel safe Sheridan?” he asked before he could stop himself. Her head jerked up and she nodded slightly. “Good.” Hank came back with a Snapple in each hand. “Luis tells me you don’t drink.” He said handing the women a bottle. “Alcohol is just bad. I can’t stand it.” Jordan replied and shrugged “It tastes awful. I don’t know how you do it Hank.” “Do what?” Beth said as she came up from behind Sheridan.

Hank explained what they were talking about and then all of a sudden Sam and Grace Bennett and T.C and Dr. Russell came by to say hi. “So this is the mysterious woman from Luis’s past.” T.C said looking at Jordan. “Joey, meet T.C Russell, his wife Dr. Eve Russell, Grace Bennett and my boss, Chief of Police, Sam Bennett.” Luis introduced with a laugh. “Nice to meet you all. I’ve met Chief Bennett already. You really are sure about this FBI thing aren’t you? I mean I can take care of Sheridan but I’d feel safer with other agents around.” Jordan asked as she shook hands with Sam. “Relax Agent Green, this is a picnic. Sheridan will be fine won’t you?” Sam said.

“Yeah.” Sheridan replied unenthusiastically. “Well, I can’t believe what a coincidence this is. I mean Sheridan’s bodyguard being Luis’s ex-fiancée. It’s like as if it were destined.” Grace stated and everyone laughed. “I didn’t even know Luis was engaged.” “No one did.” Hank added, “How many other past women are there Luis?” Luis blushed knowing how embarrassing it was for Jordan and him to be mocked like that. “I hope I’m the only one.” Jordan joked charmingly. That was one of the things he loved about her-she could handle any situation with poise and grace. They exchanged idle chitchat for a couple of minutes and then the married couples left. Luis noticed Sheridan was still feeling uncomfortable. He really wished she would talk to him and tell him what was bothering her. She looked so sad. He willed his gaze away from her.

“So tell us how Luis proposed to you Jordan.” Hank said. Luis also wished Hank wouldn’t talk about his past with Jordan in front of Beth…and Sheridan. “It was just very romantic, I don’t really want to go into the details. It’s sort of a sacred memory.” Jordan answered tactfully and Luis knew she knew he felt uncomfortable. She knew things had changed and the past would remain in the past. There was so much heartache for the both of them and he didn’t want to resurrect it. “Wow! It really must’ve been incredible.” Hank, who apparently had no tact, said, slapping Luis on the back. He decided to change the subject and suggested they all get something to eat. The afternoon was going smoothly, and Luis tried on the way to rid himself of thoughts of Sheridan but she just seemed to pop up. The five joined in on the baseball game and the three-legged race and had a real good time and a bunch of laughs. Sheridan actually laughed at one of Luis’s jokes and they successfully avoided Hank’s imposing questions. Around dusk, Chad Harris, started playing some music and couples danced around in the garden. Suddenly Luis heard a familiar tune…

“If I should stay, I will only be in your way, so I’ll go but I know I’ll think of you every step of the way…” sang Whitney Houston. Jordan and him had danced to this song under the stars and near the lake right after she told him that she couldn’t marry him but would always love him. Luis turned to Jordan who was smiling fondly at him. “You remember this?” he asked. She nodded reflectively. “Our song.” “Dance with me.” Luis whispered. She looked at Sheridan who looked away. “We’ll be right here.” He led her about two feet away from where they were standing and wrapped his arms around her, their past flooding back to him. She looked up at him with affection. He still loved her. He knew she loved him. Maybe not romantically, but they had been through so much together that he could never stop loving her-she was his best friend, his confidant, his past.

“I hope life treats you kind and I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of and I wish to you joy and happiness but above all this I wish you love…” Jordan sang, her voice exactly like he had remembered it. “… and I will always love you.” The song finished and he looked at her for a minute and then they hugged. He saw Hank and Sheridan watching him but he didn’t care. He knew how he felt about Jordan. The reason she had come to Harmony to protect Sheridan was because they were destined to tie up the loose ends they had left off years ago. To assure him of her love for him and to remind him of all the wonderful things love brought along with it. She made him realize not to give up on love, like he had ten years ago. “Luis, will you be honest with me?” “Always. You know that.” “What’s going on between you and Sheridan Crane?”


Jordan watched Luis’s expression turn from blissful content to utter shock. She had gotten her answer. “You two were involved weren’t you?” “Well we went out on about two dates and that’s all.” he admitted glancing at Sheridan who was now dancing with Hank. “But you wanted it to be more?” “No, look everything was going just fine between us, I mean I started looking at her in a new light, we enjoyed each others company but then one day she turned against me. She blew into the Youth Center slapped me across the face and blew right back out. I don’t know what I did, but I’m tired of trying to figure it out.”

“Slapped you for no reason? That doesn’t sound like Sheridan.” “ The two of you seem to be hitting it off.” He said changing the subject. “I feel bound to her, not like her bodyguard but like…I don’t know it’s hard to explain, but I really like her. We had so much fun yesterday.” “Well, I’m glad. I just don’t want anything to do with her.” he stated. “Oh come on!” she said remembering when Sheridan said that Luis would always hate her. “You wouldn’t have flown to Paris to save her if you didn’t care.” “It was my job. I had this instinct and I felt she was in danger. I had to do something and she wasn’t listening to me.” he argued. Jordan knew he had fallen for her. Out of the blue, Luis’s expression became tense and she followed his gaze. Theresa was dancing with Ethan Crane. Pilar had filled her in on the situation and Jordan knew Luis was anything but happy just then. “That son of a bitch!” Jordan saw Sheridan, Beth and Hank glance up in the direction of Ethan and Theresa who were still unaware about Luis’s knowledge of their situation. Jordan quickly grabbed Sheridan’s hand and pulled her with her to stop Luis before he made a scene. Jordan caught up with Luis halfway through and she spun him around to a halt.

“Luis!” she said harshly “Don’t make a scene!” “That…that Crane is dancing with my sister!” he yelled making Theresa and Ethan looked up. Theresa was literally shaking. “Luis, Luis, listen to me.” Jordan said trying to get a hold of the struggling Luis. “Stay out of this Joey, it’s none of your business.” “It is my business! When you’re gonna make a fool of yourself in public, it is my business. Would you stop being pigheaded for a second and listen?” Sheridan went to stand near Ethan and Theresa. A few people noticed Luis’s heated glare but continued with the festivities. He stopped struggling and looked at Jordan, telling her he was listening. “Leave them alone-they’re only dancing.”

“I told her to stay away from the Cranes, I didn’t even know she knew Ethan. She lied to me. She’s been lying to me all this time.” “Luis, it isn’t like that.” Theresa said from where she stood. “I don’t even want to hear it, Theresa.” he yelled. “Luis, calm down. Okay she lied. But you can’t blame her.” Jordan stated. “What do you mean? Whose side are you on anyway?” “This isn’t about sides Luis. You can’t tell her who to be friends with. Don’t try to lead her life for her. She’s old enough to make her own decisions.” Jordan said hotly. “No she isn’t!” Luis snapped. “She doesn’t know what-“ “You’re not her father Luis!” Jordan interrupted. He glared at her. “I’m the closest thing she has to one!” Luis screamed, now upset with Jordan. “Unfortunately!” Jordan retorted and immediately regretted saying it. She saw the hurt in his eyes as he tried to walk away.

She grabbed his arm again and apologized. “I didn’t mean that Luis. I’m so sorry. I was angry, it just came out.” “Yeah.” Luis said the pain in his voice still obvious. “Look, let’s go talk about this calmly and rationally and somewhere less public.” Jordan suggested hoping Luis would forgive her for her offensive remark. “You’re right.” “Good, let’s-” Jordan trailed off as she noticed someone moving around in the bushes. She leaned forward to see who it was and saw a barrel of a gun pointed at Sheridan’s back.

“Oh my god! SHERIDAN!” Jordan scrambled forward and pushed the blonde out of the line of fire but the bullet hit Jordan’s left shoulder blade. She groaned as a pain of a million jolts of electricity soared through her body and she fell to the ground. “JORDAN!” she heard Luis call…and then everything went black. Everything happened so suddenly for Sheridan. People were screaming and running all over the place. Luis rushed to Jordan’s side yelling for somebody to call an ambulance and then he looked up at Sheridan.

“Somebody get Sheridan the hell out of here!” he barked. Two plainclothes policemen dragged her away before she could say anything. She was escorted to a police car and shoved in. She finally found her voice. “No! I want to make sure Jordan’s okay!” she protested. “An ambulance is on the way to take Agent Green to the hospital. You’re lucky that she pushed you out of the way Ms. Crane.” The FBI agent who was driving the police car stated.

“Take me to the hospital!” Sheridan demanded. She knew protecting her was Jordan’s job, but Sheridan felt guilty. She didn’t want anything to happen to Jordan-she didn’t want Luis blaming her for what happened to Jordan. When the FBI agent didn’t listen she raised her voice and said “I said take me to the hospital now or I’ll have you standing in line at the unemployment office so fast you won’t know what hit you!” “Yes ma’am!” the man said and turned the car in the direction of the hospital. Sheridan rushed through the doors and found Luis and Hank waiting near the operation theatre. “Luis! Is Jordan okay?” Sheridan asked. They both looked up surprised.

“Sheridan what are you doing here?” Hank asked. “I came to see how Jordan’s doing. Is she okay?” she repeated looking at Luis with a desperate expression. She wondered if he blamed her for what happened. She knew he loved Jordan, as much as she hated to admit it. “She’s in surgery now. Dr. Russell said she’d be alright.” Luis said finally. “Good.” Sheridan replied wanting to apologize but couldn’t bring herself to say it. Luis ran his hand through his hair a confused expression on his face.

“The FBI arrested Pierre and Roger as they tried to run. You’re safe.” Hank stated with relief. “You don’t have to worry about looking over your shoulder anymore.” “That’s great!” Sheridan said thrilled. “You need to give the FBI an official statement and everything and then you’ll be free. Sam and Agent O’Connell are here. You want me to take you to them?” Luis asked. “I want to wait till Jordan is out.” Sheridan replied. Luis looked a little surprised. “It might take awhile. Just go.” Luis said. Sheridan wanted to argue but when she saw Luis’s worried expression she thought it was best to leave. “I’ll take her.” Hank offered, “Let me know if anything happens.”

After Sheridan had given the FBI a formal statement and was told she was to testify against Pierre and Roger, she and Hank went to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee for Luis. “Sheridan!” Ethan said coming up and hugging his aunt. “Thank God you’re okay. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had lost you.” “I’m okay Ethan. Thanks to Jordan.” Sheridan said. “How is she?” “We don’t know. I think she should be out of surgery now.” Hank said. The three of them found Dr. Russell and asked her Jordan’s condition. “She’ll be fine. She lost a lot of blood and is still unconscious so we’ll have to wait and see. But I think she’ll be fine.”

They thanked the doctor and went to find Luis. He was just coming out of Jordan’s room. He looked straight at Sheridan. “She’s still unconscious.” he informed worried. “I’m going to wait until she wakes up. I think you guys should go home.” The others agreed and turned to leave. “Sheridan.” She turned around hopefully. “I’m glad you’re safe.”


Luis rested his head on the side of Jordan’s bed. She hadn’t awakened yet and he was starting to worry. The door opened and he turned around to see who standing there. “Sheridan,” he acknowledged in a whisper. “I couldn’t sleep. So I came back to see if she came to.” she said stepping into the room. Against the set of the neon lights from the halls, she looked so beautiful. She turned and closed the door behind her. “She’ll be okay.”

“I know.” Luis replied not taking his eyes of Sheridan. “It’s just that if I hadn’t gotten her all worked up about that Ethan and Theresa thing then she wouldn’t be here, if I had just let her do her job. If I had jus-” he trailed off. Sheridan put her hand on the base of his neck. He looked up at her, surprised. “And you’ll kill yourself with all those ifs. If anything, it was my fault. I should have stayed home just like she asked me to. So let me take the blame for this one.”

“That’s a first.” he said with a small smile. He saw the hurt in her eyes and amended what he had said. “It’s not your fault. She was just doing her job. I just hope she’s okay. She can’t die. I don’t want the last conversation we have to be a fight.” “She’s going to pull through. You’re going to have to be strong for her.” “You know I was thinking, that maybe what she said about my not being a good influence on Theresa and Miguel is true.”

“What? No! You’re a great influence on them. Look at them, they’ve grown up beautifully and a lot of that is thanks to you. Yes, you can get dictatorial at times, and you tell them how to live their lives but it’s just because you love them so much and you want them to be the best they can be. It’s not been easy for you either and you’re just trying to protect them.” she said pulling a chair near him. “Luis, you have to let them experience everything for themselves. Even the painful things life has to offer. I know protecting them from pain is what you want to do but maybe sometimes you should just be the shoulder they can cry on when something does go wrong. Going and punching the living daylights out of someone isn’t going to help.” When she finished Luis couldn’t believe what she had just said.

She looked like she didn’t believe it either. “I just think, um that’s what, um, Jordan was trying to say. She didn’t mean what she said earlier. She thinks you’ll make a great father.” “What do you think?” he asked leaning forward. “I agree.” she whispered after a pause leaning in closer to him too. “Luis? Sheridan?” they heard Jordan ask in a faint voice. They immediately flew apart and rushed to her side. Luis felt his face all flushed. “Jordan don’t try and talk. I’ll go get a doctor.” Luis came back with a doctor and Sheridan and him waited outside till the doctor checked Jordan out. When they were informed that she was okay they went into see her.

“How do you feel?” Sheridan asked. “Like I’ve been shot.” she replied with a wry smile. “Well you look beautiful.” Luis complimented. “Thank you. Wish I could say the same about you. Have you even gone home?” “I was worried. I couldn’t go.” he explained resting his hand on hers. “Well you better. I know how you get when you don’t get enough sleep. Go home and I’ll see you in the morning.” she said. “You trying to get rid of me, Green?” “You catch on quickly, now beat it. ‘Night.” She said kissing his cheek as he leaned down. Luis looked at Sheridan for a second, wondering what would’ve happened if Jordan hadn’t woken up when she did.

“Goodnight.” he finally said. “Oh and Luis, I know you’ll make a great father.” Jordan studied Sheridan’s face wondering why Luis looked at her that way before he left. ‘Did I interrupt something?’ she thought. “So, great 4th of July picnic, huh?” Jordan asked. “I’m so sorry about what happened, Jordan.” Sheridan said sitting on the side of her bed. “I should’ve listened to you. If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t be here.”

“Hey, it was my job. When I took the job I knew what I was facing. It’s nobodies fault. I’m okay, so just forget about what happened. At least Roger and Pierre were apprehended. Wasn’t so bad after all, I guess.” “Thank you for saving my life.” “All in a days work.” Jordan replied with a smile. “Thank you for clearing up that whole Luis’s-influence-over-his-siblings-thing. You hit the mark with what I actually meant to say.” “You actually heard that?” Sheridan asked surprised. “I heard most of it when I was coming to. I was groggy so I don’t remember most of it but whatever it is you said made Luis forgive me. I know that he does.”

“Wow you two must have some connection.” she said a little longingly. “Speaking of connections, remember when we were talking about you and Hank and that you didn’t feel a connection with him?” “Yeah,” Sheridan replied a little nervously “What about it?” “You said you felt a connection with this other guy.” Jordan paused debating whether to push the whole Luis thing. “That other guy was Luis, wasn’t it?” Sheridan looked shocked beyond words. She ran her hands through her hair, troubled. “How d’you know about Luis and me?” “The question is, is there a Luis and you?” Jordan countered.

“No!” she retorted too quickly. “We went out on a couple of dates and that’s it. I never want to date that man again. Ever!” “Why?” Jordan asked calmly anticipating her reaction. “What do you mean why?” Sheridan asked. “Well if you liked the guy enough to go out with him a couple of times what made you change your mind? And why are you getting worked up over such a simple question?” Jordan asked raising an eyebrow. She now understood why she felt that she could relate to Sheridan-she was falling for Luis, just like Jordan had ten years ago. ‘Maybe Grace Bennett is right, maybe it was destiny that made me come here.’

“Things happened. It wasn’t meant to be.” Sheridan replied getting off the bed and walking over to the window. “I was wrong about Luis.” “You’re not making a lot of sense. What did Luis do?” Jordan asked mystified. “It doesn’t matter. He has you now.” “Wait! Whoa!” Jordan said shocked. “Luis and I aren’t together. What we had was a long time ago. Things have changed, our feelings have changed.” “I see the way he looks at you.” Sheridan said softly. “We have a history together, he can’t just stop caring about me and I can’t expect to blow back into his life and pick up where we left off. It doesn’t work that way.” Jordan explained as Sheridan continued to stare out the window.

“Come on, you two have a connection, you two are alike in so many ways, you want the same things, have the same background, you have a song and a past.” Sheridan said her pensiveness returning. “That’s right, I’m his past. But you can be his future. Don’t you get it, Sheridan? Luis wants you. I know he does and I know you want him, too.” Jordan stated forcefully. “You just have to stop lying to yourselves.” “Look, I think you’re still groggy from the anesthesia.” “I wasn’t given anesthesia. I was already unconscious, remember?” Jordan said. “Well then you’re hallucinating. I think I’m going to go and let you rest.” Sheridan said and helped Jordan with the covers. “I’ll see you in the morning. ‘Night.” “Sweet dreams.” Jordan said impishly. “Of Luis.” Sheridan looked at her sarcastically and left the room. Jordan settled in her bed making sure she didn’t apply pressure to her wound. “Could you want Luis anymore Sheridan? Deny it all you want but I’m going to make sure you admit it to yourself and him before I leave.”


Sheridan walked up the Youth Center steps with indecision. It had been two days since Jordan was released from the hospital and now, Ethan was throwing a party ‘to celebrate Sheridan’s escape from death and to honor Jordan’s courage’, as he so eloquently put it. By some miracle he had convinced Luis to let them use Youth Center for the party. Sheridan guessed the miracle was named Jordan. She took a deep breath and pushed through the gym doors of the Youth Center. “Hey, it’s the first guest of honor!” Hank said as she entered. Everyone there cheered and clapped as Sheridan blushed and smiled. She walked over to Gwen who was talking to Theresa. ‘Ironic, isn’t it?’ Sheridan thought to herself.

“Sheridan! You look fabulous.” Gwen greeted kissing her cheek. Theresa smiled her acknowledgement. “So where’s Jordan. I thought you were coming together.” Jordan still lived with Sheridan despite her protest. Sheridan liked having her around and the two had become quite close. “She had an errand to run so she said she’ll come by herself.” Sheridan explained and just as she finished she heard a low murmur coming from the group of men near the door. She turned to see what was happening and saw Jordan enter wearing a peach summer dress with a halter back. Her hair was done up in a delicate knot and tendrils fell on her shoulders highlighting her long slender neck.

“Looks like our second guest of honor is here, too.” Luis said giving Jordan a hug. The same round of applause went around for Jordan too as she made her way with Luis to the center of the gym “Let the good times roll!” On cue Chad turned up the music and Sheridan watched as people started dancing around. Jordan left Luis’s side and walked to where Sheridan was standing. “Hi!” she greeted cheerfully. “Man, I didn’t know it was going to be casual. I feel so overdressed.” “You look fine.” Theresa assured her. “The male population sure thinks so but you’re making us feel inadequate, you know.” Beth said coming up behind her.

“Nonsense.” Jordan laughed and looked at Sheridan. “You okay?” “I’m fine.” Sheridan lied. Actually she was anything but fine. The conversation she had with Jordan in her hospital room was still plaguing her. If she didn’t know better Jordan would probably be trying to get information from her on what happened between her and Luis. ‘Luis used me. It is as simple as that.’ Sheridan said to herself. Jordan said something about thanking Ethan for the party and when she turned to leave, a group of teenage girls, who were there on Theresa’s request, surrounded Jordan. Theresa laughed as she explained to the three bewildered women that they had all wanted to meet Jordan.

“Jordan Green this is my best friend Whitney Russell, her sister Simone, Kay and Jessica Bennett and Charity Standish. Guys, this is Jordan Green.” Theresa introduced. The girls exchanged pleasantries and Sheridan remembered when the girls had gathered around her when she was volunteering here. “What I can’t believe is that Luis’s ex-fiancée turned out to be Sheridan’s bodyguard.” Whitney said. Sheridan felt that she would explode if anyone mentioned that fact ever again. “It’s fate, Whit.” Theresa said with a playful grin. Sheridan wanted to scream. “Anyway Jordan, tell us how Luis proposed.” Jordan blushed and looked up at Sheridan. ‘This is my chance on proving to her that I’m way over Luis…and to myself.’ Sheridan thought. “Yeah Jordan, I’m dying to hear about it!” Sheridan added. Jordan looked at her confused but then smiled amiably.

“Oh it was the most romantic night of my life!” she said in an excited whisper. “He took me on a boat ride across the lake to the other side of the woods in the middle of the night to make sure no one disturbed us. We had a private picnic in the woods and then he asked me to dance, and we did for an hour or so. When I asked him why he was doing all of this he dropped down on one knee and simply said ‘Joey, will you marry me?’ I was so overwhelmed I just nodded and he pulled me into a fiery kiss…then one thing led to another and well you know…” she trailed off blushing profusely. The teenagers giggled and Sheridan felt her heart tighten in her chest.

“But hey, this a party- not gossip central, don’t you guys want to dance?” “This music is getting a little too sappy.” Simone replied glancing at the men who were huddled together on the other side of the gym listening to the baseball game on the radio Miguel had brought. “That’s because Chad is too busy listening the baseball game!” Kay shouted at Chad, who looked up at the sound of his name and then looked back down again, shrugging. The girls rolled their eyes. “What a dull party.” Jessica complained. “Well then we gotta liven it up again.” Jordan stated. “Let’s get the director of this Youth Center to get down, shall we?”

“Luis, get down? You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Sheridan choked out. “Sheridan’s right Luis would never do anything um…funky.” Beth said. “You just gotta learn to pull the right strings.” Jordan said as she walked to the DJ station Chad had vacated. She searched through the rack of CD’s and after finding the one she was looking for popped it in and the girls watched as she pressed play. She walked over to the lights and dimmed them as the opening notes of the song “I’ve had the time of my life” filled the gymnasium. Luis turned around and looked at Jordan with amazement.

She walked to the middle, an eyebrow raised invitingly and an arm stretched out for him. He walked to her without a word and reeled her just as the beat of the song quickened. The two of them went through the steps of the dance from the movie ‘Dirty Dancing’, never taking their eyes off each other’s face as everyone watched in awe. Luis had a seductive grin on his face as he pulled Jordan close holding her stomach, her back to him. Sheridan looked at Jordan for a minute and she realized what she was trying to do. It was working. The song ended and Luis pulled Jordan in his arms for a hug as everyone around them clapped. He loved dancing with Jordan but when he was, he knew deep down he was thinking of the tango he had danced with Sheridan in this very gym. Chad started playing a slow song and Luis continued to dance with Jordan while looking around the room at the other couples. Jordan followed his gaze as it rested on his sister who was dancing with Ethan, again.

“Does it bother you?” Jordan asked. “Very much. He’s engaged to Gwen Hotchkiss and she’s just looking to get her heart broken. Okay so maybe he’s a good guy but he’s a Crane.” Luis explained. “I will not allow Theresa to get involved with one. They burn everything they touch.” “And you should know from personal experience, right?” Jordan observed, “I think her name is Sheridan.” “Joey…” Luis sighed heavily “Don’t start this again.” “Well she obviously hurt you bad. Why don’t you just talk to her?” “Look, maybe for sometime I thought we had a future together. But she’s a Crane. It will never work out.” “Oh that’s bull Luis and you know it.” Jordan chided. “The reason you don’t wanna talk to her, or beg to find out what happened is because your ego was hurt. You don’t wanna admit Sheridan got the best of you.”

“Yeah so maybe that’s why. What’s wrong with that?” Luis asked. “Nothing. But don’t you think that you owe it to yourself to know exactly what went on between the two of you? You saved her life so many times because you cared. And don’t give me the it-was-my-job-as-a-cop speech. You don’t get that kind of a gut instinct doing your job. You two have developed quite a connection. Reminds me of us.” Jordan exclaimed as the song ended and another slow love song played. “You know the one thing I’ve missed most about you is the fact that I could always tell you how I feel.” Luis stated sincerely. It was the truth. He didn’t have to hide from her. He didn’t want to. “So tell me what you feel.” she whispered bringing her face closer to his.

Suddenly all the times they had spent together flooded back to him as he imagined standing with Jordan eight years ago and how everything was so simple back then. Granted his family life was a mess, but his feelings for Jordan were constant, stable. His emotions were in check, unlike now, when they were on a continuous roller coaster. Even with Beth he knew where he stood. But with Sheridan…with Sheridan he was going crazy. Without thinking he tilted his head and caressed Jordan’s lips with his own, losing himself in the kiss. ‘Sheridan…’ Immediately he pulled away. “Oh my god Jordan. I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me.”

“Don’t worry about. I sort of wanted to kiss you again to remember how it felt. I don’t know why exactly.” Jordan laughed. “I knew I wanted to kiss you too. I mean what’s a kiss between two old friends? I just didn’t feel right about continuing.” Luis explained slowly. “Sheridan, huh?” she asked. Luis threw his head back and laughed. “Some things never change.” “Some things aren’t supposed to.” Jordan said perceptively. The song ended and they walked to the punch bowl. Suddenly they heard Ethan’s voice over the crowd. “Everyone, I’d like to make a toast.” he said as everyone gathered around him. “First, to my aunt, Sheridan.” Everyone cheered as Sheridan walked to Ethan with a smile. Luis couldn’t help but smile when she did. She was beautiful and always managed to take his breath away.

“Even though she can’t keep out of trouble, I still love her dearly.” Everyone laughed as she punched him playfully on the shoulder. “And to Miss Jordan Green. The reason Sheridan is still alive today- Jordan from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.” Everyone cheered as Luis put an arm around his friends’ shoulder. “It was my duty to protect Sheridan but I appreciate you throwing this party Ethan and I thank all of you for coming.” Jordan replied. “To Sheridan and Jordan.” Ethan said finally “Two wonderful women.” “Sheridan and Jordan!” the guests cheered and clonked their plastic glasses together. ‘Wonderful women…’ Luis thought ‘And I let them both go.’


Jordan watched as everyone left the Youth Center after the party. Luis had told them he’d clean up and she said she’d stay. He refused to let her stay and said something about recuperating. She stood next to him as Theresa walked out the door. “It was a great party.” she stated as the door closed behind Theresa. “Yes but it’s over. Go home and get some rest will ya.” Luis said sternly. “You gotta take care of yourself.” “Yes father.” she joked. He looked at her seriously. “Okay, okay. I gotta go anyway, Sheridan is waiting for me in the car, but I have to ask you a favor.” “Shoot.” he replied sweeping the floor of the gym. “I want you to talk to Sheridan about what happened between the two of you. I think you should get it out in the open and tell her how you feel.”

“I don’t feel anything for her!” Luis said forcefully, then lowered his tone “Sheridan and I fight constantly and she’s made it quite clear that she doesn’t want anything to do with me and I’ll be damned if I lust after a woman who doesn’t want me to.” Jordan thought if she applied the right amount of pressure he’d burst. “Since when did that stop you from pursuing any woman? And you want to lust after her and you want to be a part of her life. How many times has your mother said when it comes to relationships and love, the heart never steers you wrong? Just listen to your heart, Luis.” Jordan explained not caring how long it would take to convince him. She was going to get Luis to see what was in his heart.

“Why do I have this feeling that I’ll be listening to you?” he joked. “Because I’m in your heart and I’m part of you.” Jordan said sincerely. “I believe that the reason we didn’t marry all those years ago was because you still hadn’t met Mrs. Right. And I’m hoping that it’s Sheridan.” “You’re beginning to sound like Theresa.” he joked again. “Luis, I’m serious. I want to see you happy.” “Thank you for caring so much.” he stated simply, pulling her into a hug “I love you and I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Right back at ya babe.” Jordan replied with a smile returning the hug. Then, someone from behind them cleared their throat. “You coming, Jo?” Sheridan asked with a hint of impatience. Jordan was sure she saw jealousy in her eyes as well. “Yeah, I’ll be right there. We still on for lunch tomorrow?” Jordan said to Luis. When he nodded she purposely kissed his cheek, brushing the corners of his mouth and whispered, “Think about what I said.” And with that she headed out the door with Sheridan. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I had to tell Luis something important.”

“It’s okay, I was just getting kind of lonely.” Sheridan said. They got to her convertible and headed to her cottage. Jordan noticed that Sheridan was unusually quiet. Jordan turned on the radio switched stations until she found a song she liked. “Jo, would you pick a station already!” “What’s wrong with you?” Jordan asked frowning at the animosity in her voice. She had a pretty good idea what was bothering her though. “Nothing. I want to actually listen to something for a change.” she snapped. Jordan tried not to smile. “Fine!” Jordan retorted and left the radio blaring a heavy metal song. Sheridan rolled her eyes and turned off the radio. “What was all that about?” “Look, I’m just stressed out okay? People tend to get cranky at midnight, when they’re not in bed.” Sheridan said completely exasperated. Jordan remained quiet as Sheridan pulled her car near the cottage. They got out of the car and Jordan decided to find out what was wrong.

“Sheridan, what in the world is wrong with you?” she asked. Sheridan’s eyes narrowed as they entered the house. “Are you mad at me?” “Do I have a reason to be?” Sheridan shot back. “I think you’re jealous.” Jordan said calmly, placing her hands on her hips. “Jealous?” Sheridan asked incredulously. “Why would I be jealous of you? You know Jordan you walk in here, thinking you know what everyone feels and thinks. You have no idea what it is like to feel the way I do.” “Then tell me why you are so angry with me!” Jordan demanded. She knew she was pushing all the right buttons. “What did I do?” “You’re such a hypocrite!” Sheridan replied. “Why am I a hypocrite?”

“Because you go around saying things like ‘Luis wants you Sheridan’ and ‘you can’t run away from how you feel about him’ and then you go and kiss him, when you said that there was nothing between the two of you. I think you’re the one denying your feelings.” Sheridan yelled and then looked as if she immediately regretted it. “So this whole thing is about Luis isn’t it?” Jordan asked trying to stifle a smile. She knew that Sheridan was jealous of the kiss between Luis and her. She decided to get Sheridan real steamed. “I knew you were jealous. Look who’s being a hypocrite now? You walk around saying that you want someone to love you for who you are and when that person comes along you brush him off! If you keep that up you’ll fulfill your own prophecy!”

“You’re being a real bitch, Jo!” Sheridan snapped astonished. “Gee, I’m sorry to cramp your style!” Jordan spat sarcastically and she knew that if Sheridan were a cartoon character steam would be coming out of her ears. Suddenly, Jordan’s cell phone rang and she turned away from Sheridan’s icy glare to answer it. “Talk to me.” “Hey Green!” she heard a male voice say. “Robert. Wassup?” she asked recognizing the voice to be that of her partner. “You in Washington?” “Yup. Congrats on the Crane case.” he said enthusiastically. “Thanks. I’m glad it’s over.”

“Well that’s where you’re wrong. We just got a tip that some of the men from the drug cartel are still out there and in Harmony.” he explained. Jordan swore into the phone and turned around to see if Sheridan was still there. She wasn’t. “So any idea who they are?” “Yeah. But there is one guy in particular that we need you to look out for. He isn’t a member of the cartel but he’s handled a few of their cases. He’s clean now because he served some jail time and we have nothing to hold against him. Yet. But he has this big debt he owes to the cartel. We need you to get him to help us nab all of these druggies.”

Robert informed her. Jordan rubbed the bridge of her nose in agitation, registering the information. “His alias is Joseph Marcel, but his real name is Hank Bennett.” “What?!” Jordan asked almost dropping the phone “You’ve gotta be kidding me! There has to be some mistake!” “Green, this is the FBI, we don’t make mistakes. So I reckon you know Hank. That’s even better.” “No it’s not better Rob! Hank is Luis’s best friend, the Chief of Police’s younger brother and Sheridan Crane’s personal friend.” “Damn! The guy is really screwed.” Robert said blithely. “This isn’t funny, Robert.” “You’re right, it isn’t. But whoever said your job is supposed to be? And may I remind you Jo, that this is your job. Get Bennett to help you and fast, because the bureau doesn’t care whether he is the president’s son or a cable guy.” Robert lectured.

“Alright, alright. Get me all the info on his past dealings. I’ll keep in touch.” Jordan turned off the phone and sat on the couch frustrated. “Hank, why did you do this!? How am I gonna tell Luis and Sheridan about this?” “Tell Luis and Sheridan about what?” asked Sheridan from the doorway.


“Sheridan!” Jordan said with what Sheridan sensed nervousness. “You shouldn’t creep up on people like that. You startled me.” “What happened to that bodyguard instinct of yours?” “I’m not your bodyguard right now. I don’t have to be aware at all times. I am human after all.” Jordan countered. “You didn’t sound very human when you were insulting me a few minutes ago.” Sheridan shot back. She had fled to her room to escape the awful things Jordan had said. She had come out to find out what made her say those things. “Look Sheridan, I’m sorry.” Jordan said sighing heavily. “I didn’t mean all that I said. I was trying to get you to admit something.”

“Apology accepted. And I apologize for calling you a bitch.” Sheridan said sitting down on the couch next to her. “ You were trying to get me to admit my feelings for Luis, right?” when Jordan nodded she continued “ I guess you better hear the whole story and then you’ll understand why I act the way I do.” “Oh pray tell.” Jordan said grinning from ear to ear. “‘Cause God only knows how desperate we are of knowing what’s going on in that head of yours.” So Sheridan went on with what happened with Luis and her from the moment she crashed into his police cruiser. She got to the part where she went back to talk to Luis, that night on the wharf after he kissed her. She stopped and let all the information register in Jordan’s mind. “So what went wrong? Sounds to me like he practically told you that he thought you were the one he could see his future with.”

“Yes well what you think and what is true can be two totally different things.” Sheridan said and then blurted, “Luis was only using me.” “What?” Jordan asked, her voice shrill. Sheridan went on to explain what she heard him say on the phone. “Oh my God! No, this isn’t true. Luis Lopez Fitzgerald would never, ever use a woman for his own ends!” “Jo, I wouldn’t believe it if I were you. But I saw him and heard him. I was as shocked as you are now. Not to mention hurt beyond words.” Sheridan said sadly, trying to stop the tears that threatened to surface. She had just told Luis’s best friend that he had gotten the best of her. It was only a matter of time before Luis found out how badly he had hurt her. Jordan seemed to read her thoughts. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell Luis. I’m going to leave that up to you.” Jordan said. “But Sheridan, you’re gonna have to tell him that you know.” “What? Didn’t you hear what I just said?! Luis used me! I will not let him have the satisfaction to know that he hurt me that badly.”

“But maybe it was a mistake. A misunderstanding.” “Oh come on! Get real Jo!” Sheridan yelled exasperated. “Look, you’re not a 100% sure that it was what Luis meant. And you can be wrong. Remember you said so yourself what you think and what is real are two different things.” Jordan said filling herself a glass of water. “I don’t think he said it - I know he said it!” “Are you willing to cause yourself heartache, just because of the chance that you might be right? The operative words here, being chance and might.” Jordan asked. “I have been with a lot of men who have used me. I know how to handle them, thank you very much.” Sheridan stated and turned away before she let herself get carried away in the notion that Jordan was probably right.

“Yes. But none of them hurt you as much as Luis did.” Jordan said arching her eyebrow. “Look, I believe with all my heart Luis did not use you. I know the man well enough to have blind faith in him. And I know that deep down inside you believe Luis isn’t capable of hurting you like he did -that’s why it hurt so much - because you don’t have any evidence to prove it. He’s saved your life so many times without demanding a reward. Why?” “How am I supposed to know?” Sheridan said irritated that Jordan’s explanation hit so close to home. “He says it was his job.” “Yes, he says it was his job. But they’re just words Sheridan. Words can be used to lie, to hurt someone and to deny feelings.

And the only way you will know why he came to your rescue is if you ask him. Really ask him. Lay all the cards on the table and get this over once and for all. I’ve told Luis this and I’m telling you this now -listen to your heart, it never steers you wrong.” Jordan explained placing a hand over Sheridan’s. Sheridan looked down at their hands and then back up at Jordan. “I don’t think I’m strong enough for this.” Sheridan said slowly. “Are you kidding me? You are one of the strongest women I know. With everything that has happened to you, you have managed to turn into a beautiful, strong, independent woman and not some druggie living in a dumpster.”

Sheridan threw her head back and laughed. “You aren’t defined by a man who loves you. You’re defined by who you are on your own. This isn’t a romance novel - it’s real life. You will survive with or without a man. Love doesn’t define you; it just makes you feel good about yourself and happy to be who you are. And remember, happiness is a privilege, not a right. So grab it whenever you can.” “You are so very wise.” Sheridan teased. “I try.” Jordan said as Sheridan pulled her into a hug. “You’ve given me a lot to think about.” “Sorry.” Jordan apologized with a chuckle. “Thank you. You really are a true friend.” “Anytime Sheridan, anytime.”


“What kind of a name is Sheridan?” he had asked her months ago. “The kind you’ll never forget.” she had replied icily, her Crane pride shining through. Little did he know then, that she was right. Luis grunted as he entered Harmony Park in the middle of the night. Man! Why was it so hard to forget about her?! ‘Because you don’t want to.’ A voice inside him replied. He wasn’t shocked to know that the voice sounded a lot like Jordan’s. He walked to the children’s playground and noticed a figure sitting on the swings. Immediately, he recognized it to be the woman who never ceased to invade his thoughts. He approached her tentatively but she still seemed to be lost in her thoughts. “Is this swing taken?” he said softly. She looked up startled, and then smiled, gestured him to sit down and he did. “It’s late.”

“Gee, you think?” she asked sarcastically. He was amazed she could think of a curt remark to throw at him that late at night. “I was thinking.” “I see you’ve been talking to Jordan.” Luis said dryly and when she gave him a how-do-you-know look he said, “Only Jordan can get someone thinking at this ungodly hour.” “That ex-fiancée of yours is quite a character.” she mused. “You gotta love her.” he replied quietly. He wondered what Sheridan was thinking about and asked her just that. “Actually I was contemplating whether or not to come and talk to you.” “And what did you decide?” he asked surprised. “I didn’t have to. You came to me.” she said with a small smile. “What’s your excuse for wandering in the park at midnight?”

“Jordan. Things she said.” he answered looking her in the eyes for the first time that evening. Her icy blue eyes that usually betrayed all emotion were now filled with something he categorized as vulnerability. “Luis, we need to talk.” she said seriously. “I thought that’s what we were doing.” “I want to tell you why I slapped you.” she blurted and got off the swing and started to pace in front of him. “This time with no interruptions.” “Well it’s about time.” Luis said and waited for her to explain. She stopped in front of him clasping her hands together until they were white. He noticed she usually did that when she was nervous. “You gotta let your blood circulate.”

“Luis, I’m trying to be serious here.” “So am I.” he replied. She sighed and continued, “Remember that night when I came to talk to you on the wharf while you were on duty?” she asked. When he nodded, she resumed to pacing, her expression tense as if trying to calm herself down. “I went home after we talked and Julian stopped by to warn me about getting involved with you. He said you would only use me like all the other men in my life.” Luis stood up, knowing that anger blazed in his eyes. “Go on.” he said tersely, his fingers clenched at his side. She stood in front of him looking down at his clenched fingers and then into his eyes. The vulnerability was now replaced with determination, fear, regret and another emotion he couldn’t quite figure out.

“I came back to find you and prove him wrong, when I heard you on the phone talking to someone.” she said trying to sound angry but he knew she was hurt by whatever she had heard him say. Honestly, he didn’t remember calling anyone that night – he was too busy thinking about her. “You were telling that person that you planned on using me and that the Cranes had used and abused your family for so long that you were finally going to get them back.” “What?!” he asked astounded. His mind was racing as he let everything sink in. He was positive that he didn’t have that conversation with anyone, that night. He never had that conversation, period. “You think I was using you?” he asked dumbfound. He didn’t know what else to say.

“I don’t think you were using me. I know you were.” she hissed, her eyes narrowing into angry slits. “You cannot stand there and deny it Luis! I saw you and I heard you! You turned out to be everything I thought you weren’t. When you kissed me that night I was so sure you were the one I had waited for my entire life. And everything you said and did to me contradicted what I heard that night. All I had ever wished for you to be, was shattered. Poof! In an instant you were somebody I wished you never would be.” While Sheridan carried on her angry tirade, Luis was thinking of a plausible explanation for who or what Sheridan had heard that night.

He was thinking of how he was going to get her to understand it wasn’t him. He was so immersed in his thoughts he didn’t realize Sheridan was sitting on the swing again, looking at him, tears pouring down her cheeks. “Sheridan…” he said softly, kneeling down in front of her. “Don’t say anything. You have the satisfaction of knowing you hurt me. Isn’t that enough for you? Or do you get some type of twisted pleasure in watching me cry? Just leave Luis, leave me to wallow in my sorrow.” “No I will not leave!” he replied angrily. He didn’t know who or what he was angry at, but he was. “You’ve had your chance to speak and now I will.”

“There’s nothing left to say.” she said in a small voice looking down at the ground. He thrust his hand under her chin and compelled her to look at him. Instead of slapping him, as he surely expected she would do to this kind of rough treatment, she met his angry gaze with one of anticipation. “I would never use you.” he declared with an edge in his voice “I don’t know who you heard on the wharf but it wasn’t me. I have always been honest and straightforward with you.” “Then how do you explain what I heard Luis? Am I hearing and seeing things that aren’t there?” she asked her anger returning. “What about what I saw?” “I’m telling you it wasn’t me.” he answered taking his hand from under her chin. “Think about it Sheridan. What would I want to use you for? Your money?”

“For revenge.” she replied testily. “For getting back at my family because you think they had something to do with your father’s disappearance.” “Oh, like sleeping with Alistair Crane’s daughter is going to make them pay for what they did. Taint the oh- so- perfect Crane name.” he said sarcastically. “I made it clear from the very beginning that when I found out that they were involved with Papa’s disappearance then they would have hell to pay. My involvement with you would be the least of their problems.” “How dare you!” she said ferociously.

“How dare I what, Sheridan? Defend myself?” Luis asked vehemently “Stop being so stubborn and think. Even if I was using you, why didn’t I accept that bribe Julian set up on our first date? Why would I fly to Paris to save you? And then again at the cabin? And why in the hell would I try my damndest to convince you that you needed protection when you told me to butt out of your life?” “Why did you, Luis? Why the hell did you?” she enquired exasperated. She caught him off guard for a second and he didn’t know what to say. ‘Why did I do all those things?’ he asked himself. Then everything became crystal clear and he wished she hadn’t asked him that question. He closed his eyes. Damn.

Sheridan looked at Luis hopefully, wishing he wouldn’t give her the same answer he always did. Maybe she was asking for too much but she prayed for him to say what she wanted to hear. She held her breath. “Because I care.” he replied softly and then opened his eyes looking at her. “Because I have always cared. Ever since you came crashing into my life I have cared and try as I may I can’t get you off my mind. And I hate you for it. I hate you for making me feel this way, for getting to me like this.” He was kneeling in front of her again. She let out a sigh, joy surging through her body. She was shocked, but euphoric.

“Luis, I want so much to believe you.” she said taking his face in her hands. “My heart has always told me that you would never ever use me. I care so much about you too. That’s why it hurts so much. But I’ve been hurt so many times in the past I can’t just ignore what or who I heard. I don’t know what to believe anymore.” “Believe this.” he said, his voice exceedingly husky. Seconds later, she felt his lips on hers and immediately she melted. She opened her mouth for his tongue and for the most incredible, mind-numbing kiss ever.

At that moment, she knew that he hadn’t said those horrible things on the wharf. And at that moment she knew she had fallen, completely and utterly in love with him. She had known it all along but for the first time she admitted it to herself. Slowly he pulled away and she kept her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted. When she opened her eyes, he was looking at her with his crooked smile. That sexy, crooked smile. “Luis, I…” she started to say but the English language seemed to have abandoned her. God, she couldn’t even think straight. “Shhh, don’t say anything. It’s late and you need to be in bed.” he said getting up and giving her a hand. “C’mon I’ll take you home.”

“Luis, the hit men are caught you don’t have to protect me anymore.” she said accepting his hand. It was becoming a habit for her to doubt him. “I’m safe now.” “I don’t have to but I want to.” he said in a voice that cleared all doubt from her mind, and without another word they walked to her cottage in a comfortable silence. Sheridan was floating.


Jordan typed away on her laptop looking for information on Joseph Marcel, a.k.a, Hank Bennett. She was still overwhelmed that he would do something like that. Yes, he was a mysteriously cocky man, but with Jordan’s natural ability to judge someone she had known for a little while, she had him coined as a great guy. And something told her he was great. He was just confused. Majorly confused. She was having a little trouble concentrating and she was afraid she might’ve woken up Sheridan. She rubbed the back of her neck trying to shrug off the feeling something was wrong. She glanced at the gun she had put on the coffee table. ‘Sheridan doesn’t know it but the drug cartel is still loose. And you could never be too safe when it comes to them.’

She closed her eyes and then she heard the main door creak, she jumped up, whipped the gun off the coffee table and aimed at the door. The lights flickered on a fraction of a second later and she heard Sheridan scream. She and Luis were standing at the door, shocked expressions on their faces. “Sheridan! Luis!” Jordan yelled, relieved. “You almost gave me a heart attack.” “We gave you a heart attack? You’re the one standing with a gun aimed at us.” Sheridan said a hand over the left side of her chest. Jordan lowered the gun. “What are you doing up so late?” Luis asked. “I should be asking the two of you that. I thought you were asleep.” “I couldn’t sleep so I went to the park to think and bumped into Luis.” Sheridan said as the two of them walked to where Jordan was standing.

“What?!” she exclaimed “You went out alone?” “Jordan the hit man is caught. Why are you so worried?” Sheridan asked skeptically. Jordan realized she had said too much. She wasn’t going to let Sheridan or Luis, know that a guy they trusted for so long had a sordid past. Not until she really had to, anyway. “She was just worried ‘bout you. Right Green?” Luis said giving Jordan a big hug. “That FBI instinct just kicked in.” Jordan knew that Luis sensed something was up and she was grateful he intervened. Then he whispered in her ear “We’ll talk later.” “Well it’s really late. I’m going to bed.” Sheridan said and walked past Luis and Jordan. “Goodnight Jo, Luis.” “Goodnight Sheridan.” they chorused together and Jordan noticed Sheridan and Luis exchange a funny look. She smiled inwardly. When Sheridan left, Jordan grinned impishly at Luis. He asked her what she was grinning about.

“Just happened to bump into each other, huh?” “Yes, we just happened to bump into each other.” Luis said witheringly. “And?” Jordan asked raising an eyebrow. “We talked. She told me about hearing someone on the wharf one night.” “Yeah she told me about it. So did she believe it wasn’t you?” “I think she did.” he said putting his hands in his pockets. “Did you tell her you love her?” “No, not in so many words.” Luis said looking at the floor. “You gotta tell her. If that doesn’t get her to trust you than I don’t know what will.” Jordan responded closing the cover of her laptop. She had just realized it was open and that a picture of Hank was slowly downloading on it. “I was going to. But I got distracted.” he replied mischievously.

“What do you mean you got…oh.” Jordan said preoccupied at first but smiled when she finally understood. “So what’s up with you?” he asked perceptively walking over to her laptop. She blocked his way. He looked at her surprised and confused. “I’m sorry Luis, FBI files are highly confidential.” she answered with an authoritative air. He grinned devilishly. “What are you thinking Luis? I know that look.” In response he tackled her to the couch tickling her stomach. She squealed with laughter and protest. “Luis, stop! This is unprofessional! Get off me you big bully!” “Okay!” Luis said and got off her but kneeled down beside the couch. She sat back in an upright position and he looked at her, smiling. “Thank you for believing it wasn’t me that said those things about Sheridan on the wharf.”

“You’re welcome, but you don’t have to thank me.” she replied and tenderly kissed his forehead. “I love you and want you to be happy.” “I know you do. Love you, too.” he said kissing her nose and getting up to leave “G’night Green.” “Night, chocolate eyes.” she answered as he closed the door behind him. The next day Jordan and Sheridan made their way to Bennetts for their annual barbeque. The Russells and the Lopez Fititzgeralds were one of the regular people who attended this ‘gala’ and this year a Crane and a Green were invited too. Jordan was well aware that Hank would be there and although she didn’t want to ruin the fun, Rob had called and told her it was ‘imperative’ that he be dealt with today. Jordan sighed and rubbed her temple preparing for the tiring day ahead.


“Well you look too bummed for a person who is at a great barbeque.” Hank greeted walking up to Jordan right after the dessert had been served. “Hank! You startled me!” Jordan exclaimed. It was now or never. “Listen can we talk? Um, somewhere private? This is kinda important.” “Sure. Let’s go inside.” Hank replied skeptically. Once they were in the Bennetts kitchen Hank went to pour himself a glass of soda. “Look if it’s about Sheridan and Luis, I think I know where this is going. I mean you’ve got to be blind not to see the way they look at each other.

And when I saw them talking by the barbeque this afternoon I started thinking that she needs a stable type of guy. Someone stronger than her. And there’s no way I can compete with Luis, I’ve tried in the past and I’ve lost terribly. I have the scars to prove it.” “Um, Hank, I think this thing with Sheridan wasn’t a competition.” Jordan said rubbing the back of her neck, grateful he was stalling. “She obviously loves Luis very much and maybe this is a sign and I know this might sound totally clichéd but you’ll find the one you’re supposed to be with one day.”

“Yeah, but believe you me, I’m not going to be a sore loser about this. If Sheridan and Luis are happy together then they most certainly have my blessings.” he stated taking a swig of his soda. “Thanks for the pep talk.” “Well, that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. In fact, it has nothing do with Sheridan and Luis’s budding romance. And nothing to do with Hank Bennett, either.” she said as he looked on expectantly. She took a deep breath. “It has to with Joseph Marcel.” She watched as his face changed from wonderment to shock and then from shock to complete and utter fear. “WHAT?!” he yelled and then lowered his voice “

What did you just say?” “Hank, I know about your dealings with the drug cartel.” “Look, I served time for it okay? It’s in the past and I’d like to leave it there.” Hank replied angrily “I’m through with all of that. I haven’t done anything illegal in a long time.” “I believe you Hank. I know you served time for it. But the FBI needs your help on apprehending the remaining drug cartel that are here in Harmony. And I think it’s time you let Sam, Luis and Sheridan know about what’s going on.” “No! They’ll hate me! My whole life they have cleaned up my messes for me and I will not let them do that again.

You have no idea what it is like living up to the standards of Sam Bennett and Luis Lopez Fitzgerald. I refuse to let them see me for the screw up I really am!” he explained vehemently sitting down on the table. “That’s not the way I see it.” Jordan said softly “You’re not a screw up, Hank. Yeah you might’ve made a few bad choices in your past, but Hank, everybody makes mistakes.” “Sam and Luis don’t.” he replied regretfully. “Yes they do, Hank. Look, it’ll take a lot of courage to tell them about what happened and to me that is one of the greatest things you can ever do.” she consoled putting a reassuring hand on his back.

“Well I guess I don’t have a choice, because if I don’t tell them you will.” Hank replied sullenly and buried his face in his hands “Man, this is turning out to be a really bad day, I don’t get the girl and the two people I admire most in this world are going to hate my guts!” “They’ll be pretty upset, yes. But they can never hate you. They care so much about you and what you tell is going to take a long time for them to forgive. But they will forgive you, Hank. Trust me.” Jordan said as they headed to the backyard. “Thanks, Jordan.” Luis sighed contentedly as he and Sheridan swayed to the music. Theresa and Whitney were trying out Kay’s new CD player and Luis thought it would be romantic to tell Sheridan he loved her while dancing in the Bennetts’ backyard as the sun set over Harmony.

It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart. Without saying a word you can light up the dark. Try as I may I can never explain, What I hear when you don’t say a thing* “Mmm, this feels nice.” Sheridan murmured against his chest. He smiled thinking the same thing and still dazed that he was holding her in his arms. He never wanted to let her go. And if he was smart, he wouldn’t. She looked up at him and smiled, her beautifully sexy smile. The smile on your face Lets me know that you need me. There’s a truth in your eyes saying you’ll never leave me. The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me Wherever I fall, You say it best when you say nothing at all “Sherid-”

“Luis, I-” she said at the exact same time. They smiled at each other and he nodded his head, signaling her to speak first. “I just wanted to say I believe you.” “You do?” he asked, slightly taken aback. “I knew deep down that it wasn’t you. But what I heard was so real. I mean who else could’ve it been?” “I don’t know.” he replied puzzled. That question had been bothering him all night. That and the kiss he and Sheridan had shared had resulted in a night of tossing and turning for him. “There are so many people who don’t want us to be together.” “Beth.” Sheridan stated, “Hank.” “Neither of them would do something that cruel. And we can definetly rule out my mother. She’s just worried that Alistair and Juli-” he trailed off when it hit him. They had to be behind this.

They got Sheridan to totally doubt him and sent her off to Paris so she couldn’t tell him what she heard. Then when she put him in jail on her return, they got him out and bribed him to stay away from her. ‘Otherwise we would compare notes and figure it out,’ he thought wryly. It all added up. ‘Damn those bastards.’ “Luis,” Sheridan said meekly. He had been so wrapped up in putting the pieces together he forgot he was holding her. He looked at her with a pained expression. It would hurt her to know her family caused the ‘misunderstanding’. “You think they did it, don’t you? You think Alistair and Julian are behind this.” “Sheridan, it all fits in. They have the best motive. And the perfect means.” he said trying to avoid looking into her pained eyes.

“Our main suspects.” “Thank you, Officer Lopez Fitzgerald.” Sheridan said dryly. “But this isn’t another one of your cases. You should be taking this personally.” “Everything bad the Cranes do, I take personally.” “Oh yes, you’re everlasting crusade against the Crane!” Sheridan said pulling out of his embrace. Why was she mad at him? Her family was screwing with her, not him. “Well FYI Officer, I am a Crane. Are you going to bring me down, too?” “Look, why don’t we deal with the subject at hand here, Sheridan.” Luis said softly. But before he could say anything else, Jordan came up to them an anxious expression on her face.

“Hey! I’m sorry to interrupt, but I need both of you in the living room, now. It’s very, very important!” she said apologetically. Luis and Sheridan exchanged quizzical glances but followed. When they got into the living room, Sam was sitting on the couch and an extremely nervous Hank was pacing in front of him. “Please sit down.” “So what’s going on?” Sam enquired. “What’s so important that you chased everyone out of my house, Jordan?” Luis was so caught up in Sheridan he didn’t realize everyone was gone. “Okay, I’m gonna cut right to the chase.” she said looking up at Hank who had stopped pacing. “The drug cartel is still loose.”

“What?!” Luis asked astounded as Sheridan gasped. “I found out last night.” “But Roger and Pierre were caught.” Sam interjected. “Yes but we have reason to believe that some druggies are still here in Harmony. And though they still might be after Sheridan for revenge only, there’s another reason why they’re still here.” Jordan explained in a professional voice. “So I’m still in danger?” Sheridan asked submissively. Jordan nodded regretfully. “What’s the main reason they’re here?” Sam asked. Jordan looked up at Hank. “It’s more like someone. Somebody who used to deal with them and now owes them a big debt.” Jordan said slowly. “Somebody from Harmony.” “Who?” Luis asked wondering why Jordan was looking so strangely at Hank. “It’s me, Luis.” Hank said quietly “I’m the one they’re after.”


“What?!” Sheridan asked as the room filled with pin-drop silence. “I don’t understand. What do you mean they’re after you, Hank?” “I’m the one who owes the drug cartel the debt. I used to handle their dealings in the past.” Hank said quietly his gaze dropping to the floor. “And you knew, Jordan?!” Luis yelled outraged. “I found out last night, Luis.” “Hank! How could you do this?!” Luis barked. “Luis, it was a long time ago. I’ve changed. I haven’t done anything illegal in some time and I wasn’t involved with Sheridan’s attempted murder!” Hank said desperately trying to make the situation better. The fact that he knew them and worked for them finally sunk into Sheridan’s brain. Hank? Someone she had trusted from the moment she had met him. She put a hand over her diaphragm and took in a deep breath. Tears started welling up in her eyes.

Jordan noticed and unswervingly wrapped a supportive arm around her shoulder. “I can’t believe it, Hank.” Sam finally said, his anger apparent. “Why would you do something like that?! Why?!” “It’s hard to live up to your standard, Sam!” Hank shouted. “It’s always been hard. With dad being the Chief of Police, you turning out to be the perfect son and to have a best friend who could never do anything wrong, it pretty much left me out in the cold.” “That’s no excuse Hank and you know it!” Sam shouted. Sheridan’s heart went out to both of them. She felt she could relate to Hank. Despite her better judgment, despite the fact she should hate Hank at this very moment, she couldn’t. And she knew Sam was going to have a difficult time dealing with this.

They all were. “Hank, no one ever expected you to be more than you were. We just wanted you to be all you could be.” Luis said anger still in his voice. “You don’t know what it’s like, Luis. How could you? You’re perfect. I made a few bad choices.” Hank said defensively. “I’ve always made a few bad choices.” “You could’ve come to us, Hank.” Sam stated. “Dad always wanted to know what was going on with you.” “Dad didn’t need me. He had you. You can’t screw up. I was just a disgrace to the family.” Hank said sadly. “I didn’t want you cleaning up my messes. So I did what had to be done.” “So what now?” Luis asked quietly. Sheridan knew he was hurting and she wanted to make everything all right.

“I’m not a criminal, Luis. I haven’t done anything illegal. But I have this debt to pay the cartel and I don’t know how I can.” “That’s where I come in.” Jordan said suddenly. The three men turned to her and a crying Sheridan. Hank looked at Sheridan apologetically and she just stared at him blankly. She didn’t know what to do. Her whole world just tilted off its axis in a matter of hours. With finding out about the probability of her family’s involvement in the impostor mess with Luis and Hank’s involvement with the cartel, she wasn’t sure she would be able to talk. “The cartel is going to contact Hank, again.”

“How can you be so sure?” Luis asked. As if on cue, a cell phone rang. Hank looked up at everyone and Jordan urged him to pick up. “Bennett, here.” Hank said gruffly. He talked for a few minutes and looked at Jordan. He held the phone between his shoulder and his ear, wrote something down on a pad on the coffee table and slid it over to Jordan. Everyone peered over to see what was written. ‘They want me to get them the money at midnight, at the wharf. They want me to bring Sheridan or they’ll hurt Kay and Jessica’ Sheridan was shocked. Jordan scribbled something down in response and Hank read it out to the drug dealer on the phone.

“Okay, I’ll see you at midnight and I’ll have the money and Sheridan Crane with me.” Hank said into the phone with distress. He hung up and stared at the disappointed faces of Luis and Sam. “Sheridan will accompany Hank. She’ll have full protection. A bulletproof vest, a gun, just in case, and FBI agents will have the area surrounded, the works.” Jordan explained officially in the deathly silence that followed. “Sam, Luis and I will stake out there, too. Hank, you’ll hand them a briefcase full of counterfeit money and before anything dangerous or illegal happens we’ll nab ‘em.” “No I won’t let Sheridan go through this.” Luis said his steely gaze still on Hank “She’s not going to be put in any danger at his expense.” “Luis, it’s-” Jordan tried to say. “I don’t want to hear it. Figure something out. She’s not going.” “Yes, she is.” Sheridan said and everyone turned to her in amazement.

“Dammit Sheridan! Don’t do this!” Luis said harshly. “Don’t do what, Luis? Save Kay and Jessica’s lives?” she asked matching his tone. “I have to. They want Hank and me. It’s not going to work if I’m not there. I’m doing it Luis, to save everyone.” He looked around for somebody’s support. Jordan shrugged knowing she wouldn’t be able to fight with Sheridan, and Sam and Hank remained nonchalant. After all, she did have a point. “I’m going to get some fresh air.” Luis said defeated, pushing past Hank, giving Sheridan a weary glance and walking out the main door. “I’m going to go find Grace and the girls.” Sam said casting another disappointed look at Hank and exiting through the kitchen doorway.

“Hank, keep an eye on Sheridan. I’ll go talk to Luis.” Jordan said and left the two standing there awkwardly. Tension and silence filled the room. “I’m so sorry, Sheridan.” Hank said slowly. “Yeah, so am I.” “I’ve always been like this. Screwing up and then dragging people I care about into these messes with me.” “You didn’t have to be like this. If you cared about them so much you would’ve tried not to hurt them.” Sheridan said sitting down on the couch. “I tried. My God, I tried. It was never enough. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn’t what they wanted me to be. I’m so screwed up.” Hank said sitting across from her on the coffee table, putting his face in his hands. “I’m so sorry.”

“I know, Hank.” Sheridan said wanting to comfort him but not trusting him. She wondered how long it would take for her to trust him again. To forgive him. “I know.”


Jordan found Luis standing at the edge of the Bennett’s’ driveway. She approached him slowly wondering what to say. What do you tell a guy who’s best friend just announced he had an illicit past? “We went through everything together, Hank and I,” Luis said sensing her presence “He was more like a brother than a best bud. I thought I knew him. I was so wrong. How could’ve I been so wrong?” “He’s the same person. He’s the person you’ve always known. He’s just messed up. And he’s hurting Luis - hurting just like you are.”

“Why is life so hard, Joey?” he asked and she took a step and stood near him. “I wish I knew, Luis,” she answered staring into the darkened street. “You just have to take it as it comes.” “But why me? Am I being punished? After everything that’s happened to me: Papa and Antonio’s disappearance, my break up with Beth and my break up with you. Mama working for the Cranes. Sheridan. Haven’t I suffered enough?” he asked pained. She noticed how he put his whole relationship with Sheridan as a problem in his life. She was more like a torture than a triumph. They had so much to go through. But they were going to go through it together, to be happy.

“It’ll be all right, Luis.” Jordan said encouragingly. “Right now that seems like such a lie.” “Don’t worry. Sheridan will be fine. You’ll be fine. And one day you and Hank will be fine. You care about him so much, the hate and anger will fade eventually.” “It’s only anger, Jo. And disappointment and regret.” “It’s because you’re hurting. Time will heal your pain, it always does.” Jordan said wisely. “Look at us, we got over each other. The pain and regret died away.” “It did. I’m not sure if I will be able to trust him again.” “You will. One day.”

“We have to take care of Sheridan tonight.” he said wrapping her in a comforting embrace. “She’s so stubborn.” “I’m sure her stubbornness will save her life.” Jordan answered against his chest. She closed her eyes and said a prayer for her. For all of them. “Thank you.” he said in her hair. “For what?” “For being what you are. For being here with me.” “Always and forever. We promised. Remember?” “Always and forever. I remember.” he smiled and pulled away. “C’mon we got some bad guys to catch, chocolate eyes.” she turned and started walking back knowing the danger they all faced tonight. “I’m right behind you, Green.” he answered and followed. They found Hank and Sheridan waiting for them. Sam had just returned and was talking to Grace “Honey, what’s wrong? I have this feeling your not telling me something.”

Grace said as Sam led her to the kitchen. “It’s police business. It’s about Sheridan’s attempted murder. I can’t really talk about it.” Sam explained nervously. Grace bought the explanation and walked into the kitchen announcing she was going to get some coffee for everyone. While she was gone Jordan explained the details of the stake out once again and then announced she would take Sheridan back to the cottage.

“It’s okay, I’ll take her.” Luis said getting up. “Sorry Luis, but it’s my job. From now on I’m Sheridan’s bodyguard again.” she said with a firm tone. He looked at her and the shrugged dejectedly. “She’ll be fine.” “I really will be Luis,” Sheridan assured him as they walked to the main door. Jordan watched as they hugged and then Jordan smiled in reassurance at him and the two women left the Bennett’s. “You okay, Sheridan?” “Not so much.” she replied with a sigh “I’m terrified, Jo. But I have to do this.”

“I know. Look, I know it’s been a tough day. Why don’t we go home and watch a movie on TV and scarf down on junk food to keep our minds off everything?” Jordan suggested with a twinkle in her eye as they walked into the cottage. “Sounds like a plan.” Sheridan answered with a lopsided grin. “I’ll get the ice cream while you find a movie to watch.” “Great!” Jordan said and for the next two hours the two women watched ‘My Girl’ and ate cookie dough ice cream. “Oh my God, this is so sad.” “I know.” Sheridan sniffed wiping a tear away and passing the tissue box to Jordan. They were all cried out by the time the movie ended. “They shouldn’t have killed Macualy Culkin in the end.”

“We’re pathetic.” Jordan said laughing lightly as she turned off the TV. Sheridan chuckled and started clearing up the coffee table. Jordan glanced at the watched and realized she better get Sheridan prepared for the stake out. “It’s time isn’t it?” Sheridan asked quietly. Jordan nodded slowly. “I think you better go get ready. Hank’s going to pick you up in a half an hour.” Jordan instructed and Sheridan nodded walking off sullenly to her bedroom. Jordan looked and heavenward and heaved a sigh. “Please God, please let everyone come out of this mess intact and I just don’t mean with this stake out I mean this emotional trauma that will follow. I’m not sure if they will be able to survive.”


Adrenaline pumped through Luis’s veins as he watched Hank and Sheridan, from his hiding place behind chemical drums on the west end of the wharf, standing waiting for the drug lords to come and make the transaction…and kill Sheridan. Dammit! She was in danger and he couldn’t do anything about it. He didn’t know what he’d do to Hank if they hurt so much as a hair on her. He didn’t know what he’d do to himself. “Right on time, Bennett.” the voice of a man brought Luis to the business at hand. “I see you met both our demands.” “Shut up and take the damn money.” Hank said harshly at the big man standing in front of him. Five other druggies were standing behind him - the remaining cartel.

“He shouldn’t be pissing them off.” Jordan, who was crouched down next to Luis said. “He’ll just get them all riled up.” “Dammit Hank!” Luis swore softly. “Feisty aren’t we, Bennett?” the main drug lord said “Is it because we’re about to kill this beautiful woman who you just happen to have a crush on?” the men snickered and Luis felt himself go red with fury. “Just do what you have to.” Hank snapped as he gripped Sheridan’s arm tighter. “Well you’re going to have to let go of your girlfriend.” “You know, maybe you should forget about this petty revenge and just take the money and leave before something bad happens, Henri.” “Petty revenge? Oh no this is everything but petty.” Henri snarled walking up to Sheridan. He ran a gun over her arm and Jordan had to hold Luis from blowing their cover.

“That stupid FBI agent, what’s her name? Oh yeah, Agent Green. She soiled all our plans just like Ms. Crane over here. Even though I can’t kill her, I can definetly kill you, Sheridan. Can I call you Sheridan?” “Go to hell!” Sheridan hissed when he brought his finger to her chin to force her to look at him. He laughed wickedly at her and pointed the gun to Sheridan’s chest. “One shot Ms. Crane, one shot and it will be the end of your pathetic life.” Henri threatened. “Be nice to me and I’ll let you go.” “Henri, just shoot her.” one of them druggies urged. “No! I want to take pleasure in this. I want it to be torture for Ms. Crane. And I want it to be torture for Hank to watch her die.” Henri said in a slow, haunting tone. “But first, I need you to hand over the briefcase, Bennett. It all better be there.”

“Oh don’t worry about that, Henri.” Hank said as he let a trembling Sheridan go and walked up to the drug lord extending the briefcase. “You’re going to get everything you deserve.” On cue, Hank lifted the briefcase higher and hit Henri’s lower jaw with the hard leather bound end. Swiftly Luis and the other officers surrounding the area moved in and grabbed the remaining drug lords. Luis watched as Jordan moved Sheridan out of danger and then promptly turned to kick Henri in the stomach.

In a few moments the outnumbered drug cartel were handcuffed and being dragged away by the FBI. Sam was kneeling down beside Hank who had been shot in the struggle. Despite Luis’s current feelings towards Hank he found himself asking if his lifelong friend was okay. “Is it bad?” “I’ll be fine, Luis.” Hank choked as an EMT came to aid him. “Sheridan needs you.” Immediately Luis whipped his head around to find her. He saw her crying while Jordan pulled her into a consoling hug. He walked over to them and Jordan quietly handed her over to him and slipped away.

Sheridan sobbed softly in Luis’s neck. “Luis…” “Shh, it’s over Sheridan. It’s over.” he soothed running a hand down her back. He held her quietly for a few seconds. “I-I was so scared.” she finally managed to choke out. “We all were. But it’s okay now.” Luis said and cupped her face in his hands. Gently he kissed her forehead and then her wet cheeks taking in the salty flavor of her tears. He felt Sheridan shudder in his arms at the intimate gesture.

Slowly, he brought his lips to hers in a butterfly kiss. “I love you, Sheridan Crane. Even if you are spoiled.” “Luis,” Sheridan sniffled but then broke out in a wide grin. Luis laughed and pulled her close, her face buried in his chest. “I’ve dreamed of you my entire life. It’s like I’ve been in love with you forever.” “I know the feeling. We were born to be together.” Luis stated softly into her hair. All of a sudden, Jordan came between the two of them wrapping an arm around both of their shoulders.

“Of course you were born to be together! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you two pigheaded people!” she said indignantly. Luis and Sheridan laughed as they detached from the embrace. “Thank you for showing us the light, Jo.” Sheridan said sincerely. “Without you we wouldn’t have overcome our pride.” Luis added. “Hey,” Jordan said with a shrug, her eyes twinkling “Just call me Cupid.”


“Don’t go, Joey!” Luis whined for the umpteenth time. It was the night after the stake out and Sheridan and Luis were at the airport to see Jordan off. “God Luis, for a grown man you whine like such a baby.” Sheridan complained rolling her eyes. Inwardly, though, she thought he was adorable. “Oh it gets much worse. Wait till he wakes up in the morning and complains when his coffee isn’t ready.” Jordan said adjusting her duffel bag on her shoulder. Luis smiled in feign annoyance as Sheridan blushed at Jordan’s implication that the two of them would be living together. She hadn’t thought of that yet but nonetheless the notion made her feel good all the way down to her toes.

“Look, I just don’t want Joey to leave yet. We haven’t seen each other in ages. You can’t blow in and blow out like a tornado.” Luis protested. “I have to go. Robert is swamped with all my work and my director will have my head if I’m not at work tomorrow.” Jordan explained. “I promise I’ll keep in touch. And tell you what; I’ll throw in a trip to Harmony every once in awhile. Agreed?” “Agreed.” Luis relented with a smile.

“Announcing final boarding call for flight DC444 to Washington D.C. All passengers please proceed to Gate 4.” the speaker system blared. Jordan turned to Sheridan who was smiling. “You think they’re trying to tell me something?” she said with a grin. Sheridan pulled her into an embrace. “I’m going to miss you. You’re the closest friend I’ve ever had.” “I’ll miss you too, Sheridan.” Jordan said returning the hug. “Take care of Luis for me, okay? He’s a hard man to live with but he’s the best.”

“Come here you!” Luis said as he extracted Jordan from Sheridan’s embrace for one of his own. “Take care of yourself.” “You too.” she replied. Sheridan watched her kiss his cheek and then quickly turn and head for the gate. Luis grabbed Sheridan’s hand as Jordan disappeared through the walkway to the plane. Moments later she came back, “By the way, I expect an invitation to the wedding. I missed your first one Luis, I want to be there for the second.” With that she left again as the attendant closed the door. Sheridan blushed as Luis looked down at her and laughed. “What do you say we get out of here?” Luis said when his laughter died down. “You read my mind.” Sheridan said as they walked back to Luis’s police cruiser.

“Good thing you’ll be inside my car, this time. I won’t have to worry about you smashing into it.” he joked as he opened the door for her. “You’ll never forget that, will you?” Sheridan asked as he got in and turned the ignition on. “How can I? That was the first time we met. And I fell in love.” Luis said sweetly and Sheridan felt her heart melt as she smiled. He leaned forward and kissed her passionately. “Ice-cream?” “Cookie dough?” “Cookie dough. With colored sprinkles.” “You’re too good to me.” “Like I said before, I can’t account for some people’s taste. It’s still chocolate or nothing in my book.”


Sequel might be coming soon…don’t know…I’ll keep you guys hanging for a while!