It's A Wonderful Life

It's A Wonderful Life
By: Anna Lee
She's done it again! This is an
amazing story about Luis and how
he has to deal with the past to move
on to his future. Is Sheridan part of his
future? Find out...
E-mail Anna Lee at:

Chapter 1: The Break-up

Luis had so much guilt built up in him, that most days he couldn't stand to look at himself in the mirror. Every day he'd get out of his bed in his 2 story house and realize how empty it was. He was so guilt-stricken because of what he'd done. He'd hurt the one woman on earth who'd ever loved him back. His wife Meghan.


Luis got up to go to work. He noticed Meghan wasn't in the bed beside him. He figured that she was in the nursury with their daughter Sarah. He walked into the nursury but she wan't there. Only a sleeping Sarah. He walked outside to the washhouse. There she stood doing laundry. She was wearing a baby blue shirt with faded out jeans, and pink slippers. Her beautiful brown hair was pulled back . he did truly love this woman, but every time he looked into her eyes he saw Sheridan. "Honey, what are you doing out here so early?" Meghan turned around to see her husband. How will she ever be able to tell him?

"I'm getting an early start." "For what?" "Luis, I'm leaving." Luis could see so much pain in her eyes. "Why? What is it?" "Because..." She broke off. " You don't really love me. If you did you would've told me about your past." "What do you mean 'my past'?" "Luis, I live in this house too! I found the shrine you had in your shed to some woman named Sheridan Crane!" "But Honey! I love you! You can't do this to me!" "No you don't love me. You love the idea of me! If you loved me you would've told me about her. You wouldn't be keeping all of her old pictures." Meghan said as she began to weep. He watched as she packed her things and got Sarah. It was now raining.

As her car pulled out of the driveway he thought of Sheridan. 'Damn you, For thinking of a woman that you haven't seen or spoken too in 2 years! Damn you for letting her tear up your family!' Luis yelled at himself as he slammed the door to his house. He was drowneding his sorrows in vodka as he heard a knock on the door. It was his boss of the Albany P.D. "What's up Steve?" "Luis, can I come in?" "Yeah." Luis said as he stepped aside. "Luis, I'ts about Meghan." "What is it? What's the matter?" "Her and Sarah were killed in a car accident."


He had never turly gotten over that day. Because he didn't have his family to depend on. To comfort him and get him though that. He had left Harmony to get away form Sheridan. He told Pilar that he was leaving. He never told her where he was going or anything. he didn't tell anyone. He'd call occasionaly and let them know that he was okay, but he never told them where he was, or what he was doing. But that was all going to change today!

It had been a year to the day since Meghan and Srah had Died, and he couldn't stand being away anymore. He was going back to Harmony. No one was expecting him, he was just going to show up. Kinda like SURPRISE! They landed and Luis rented a car. As he turned the curve to go to his old house he saw tons of cars. Just parked on the side of the road. He parked and walked the rest of the way.He could hear tons of noise inside and reluceently rang the door bell. A tried and weary Pilar opened the door. She couldn't belevie her eyes. Her mouth dropped open.

"Luis! Oh my God!" Pilar shouted. everyone in the room turned toward the door where a hysterical Pilar was excitedly jumping up and down, hugging her son. "Oh, moma! I've missed you so much!" Luis saiid to his mother as she gripped him tightly. "Luis? Is that really you?" He heard a beautiful dark haired woman say. "Oh, my God! Luis!" The woman excitedly said. She was wearing a white wedding dress. She looked very familar. Then it hit him! "Theresa?" Luis asked. "Yes!" She screamed as they embraced. PIlar grabbed Luis's arm and guded him to her room where they could talk. Theresa and Miguel followed. "Wow! Theresa! My baby sis is all grown up! So...Who's the lucky man?" "Well....Ethan Crane!" "What?! I'll kill him!"

"Luis, you haven't been here for 3 years!" "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm happy that he makes you happy. Where's he at? I want to congratulate him." "Luis, I like to have you to myself for a minute." Pilar asid as she ushered Theresa and Miguel out. "So tell me what you've been up to for the past 3 years, and why you decided to come back ." "I came back because I missed you, and Theresa, and Miguel, I missed my family. But there is another reason." "What?" "Well, I'll have to tell you my story first." "I'm all ears." " All right. I had just left for Albany. I was on n the plane, when I noticed the most beautiful woman sitting across from me. I started small talk and we ended up talking the whole flight. I thought that I'd never see her again, but as fate would have it I did.

I was on patrol when steve came on the radio and reported a break-in. I went to check it out, and it was her. Somebody had broken into her house. I took her out for coffee and asked her out. We dated for a year when I purposed. It was a beautiful service. It was the happiest day of my life, Moma. After our first year of marriage Megahn got pregnaunt. Nine months later we had Sarah. She was the prettiest little baby. She had auburn hair and green eyes. She was precious." "I'm so happy for you Luis, I'd love to meet them." "I wish you could moma, let me finish." "Okay." "3 months later they both died in a horrible car accident. It was raining, and she was speeding and upset. It tore my heart into.

That was a year ago today. That's why I came back. Because it hurts so much." Luis said as he began crying. "Luis, honey, I'm so sorry. If you don't mind me asking what was she upset about?" "You're going to hate me when I tell you." "Is it that bad." "I never told her about my past. I nver told her about Sheridan. I took all of her old pics. and put them in a shoebox, and put it in my shed. She stumbled onto them, and took it the worn way! She was upset tht's way she took off! It's all my fault!" "Shh...It's okay. Why don't we think about happy things. Let's go congratulate Ethan, and Theresa." Pilar said as she got up. Luis followed suit, and dried his eyes.

"Hey baby sis.Where's Ethan? I want to congratulate him on his new marriage." "He's out in the backyard." Luis went outback and found Ethan almost immediately. "Ethan! Hey!" "Luis, Wow!" "Hey, hold on a second. What the hell are you doing marrying my sister?" "I love her Luis. I have to marry her anyways, I got her knocked up." "What?! I'm gonna kill you!" "Hold on man, I was just joking." "You better be. Anyways, I came out here to tell you 'Welcome to the Family'. You couldn't have picked a better wife." "Thanks man. Besides, I didn't pick her. It was Fate." Ethan said as he gave Luis a hug. "Ethan, there you are. I've been looking--" Sheridan stopped dead in her tracks.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2: Face to Face

Sheridan stopped dead in her tracks. She was face to face with Luis. She got pale and her mouth dropped open. “Well, It’s nice to see you too Sheridan.” “Oh…Luis, I had no idea that you were going to be here.” “It’s all right. I’ve been getting that kind of reaction all day.” “I’ll leave you to alone.” Sheridan said as she walked off into the house. She couldn’t believe that Luis was back after all this time. So much had happened in 3 years.


“Eve, you’ve got to be mistaken. There’s no way. Oh…God… what am I going to do?” “I’m so sorry Sheridan. But we can beat this. You need your family and friends now…” Sheridan blocked out the rest, she couldn’t bear to hear anymore. These next few years were going to be hard for her. She had Breast Cancer. She needed more than anything for Luis to be by her side, but she knew that that wasn’t possible. He’d left and she didn’t know where he was.

*Flashback within a flashback*

It had been a beautiful Saturday. Sheridan decided to take a walk on the beach. When she got to the wharf she saw Luis. They had gone through a lot and overcome it all. He walked with her. “Hey, Sheridan…” Luis said nerveously. “Would you like to go out with me some time?” “Yeah. I’d like that.” Sheridan said hooking her arm around his. They ended their walk and decided to get some ice cream. They walked in and sat down at a booth. “Luis! Where have you been?” Beth screamed at Luis when they sat down. “What?”

“You expect me to wait at home for you? While you go out with that little rich bitch?” “What are you talking about?” “You know what I’m talking about. You mean to tell me last night meant nothing to you? Well, rot in hell bastard!” Beth said as she walked away. A devilish grin played across her lips. She knew that she’d succeeded. Because Sheridan ran out of the door ignoring a pleading Luis. If she couldn’t have him then no one could. *Reality* “Suck it up Sheridan. He’s just a man. He can’t possibly hurt you anymore.

He’s probably got a wife and five kids.” Sheridan said as she got herself together and walked out to face him. As she approached the spot where she had left them she saw Luis’s face. There were a few tears trickling down as he talked to Ethan and Theresa. He seemed to be showing them pictures. “Hey, Everyone.” Sheridan said as she approached them. “Hi.” Ethan and Theresa said as the rushed off leaving them alone. “God, what’s all that about?” “I have no idea.” Luis said as he became aware that he still had his wallet in his hand. “Whatcha got there?” “Oh…um…” Luis looked down in his hands were the pictures of Meghan and Sarah. “Pictures.” “Can I look at them?”

“Why not?” Luis said trying to suppress his anger. He couldn’t believe that he’d been as dumb as to leave himself exposed. “Who is this you wife? And baby?” “Yeah. Meghan and our little baby Sarah.” “Were are they? I’d love to meet them.” Sheridan said lying through he teeth. “There not here. They died this day last year. In a car accident.” “Oh…God…Luis…I’m so sorry.” Sheridan said angry with herself. For wanting them dead only to find that they were. Sheridan leaned forward and gave him and hug. “Look at them Ethan. They deserve happiness. They’ve both been through so much.”

“Yeah. I agree. But I’m so happy that we’ve finally found our happiness. But we better hurry if we’re going to catch our flight.” Ethan said to Theresa as they watched Luis and Sheridan talking. “Well, that’s pretty much my life for the last 4 years. So Sheridan, tell me what you’ve been up to.” “Well, I’ve had about an eventful 4 years as you’ve had.” “Tell me.” “Well, I guess about 5 months after you disappeared I was diagnosed…with Breast Cancer.” “Oh…Sheridan…I’m so sorry.” “It’s all right. It’s in remission for the time being. I slipped into depression and decided not to take treatments. Because I said that I had nothing to live for.

I wanted to die…But I realized that people really do love me, and that Jesus loves me too. Then I knew that there was a reason for me being born. I got saved and slowly started to recover. But now I live everyday to the fullest.” “That’s so wonderful! I’m so happy for you. Thank god you’re all right. I’ve been so worried about you.” “Because of the way I left. We were on bad terms. I’m sorry things happened the way they did, but maybe it’s part of God’s plan.” “I’m sure it is. I’m sure it is.”

To Be Continued...

Chapter 3: A New Beginning

Luis had been back for about 3 months. He got his old job back, and was almost completely happy. The only thing that he still wanted that would make him the happiest man alive, was Sheridan Crane. But he knows, had known since the day he’d left that she was out of his life. Because she didn’t care for him anymore. Still he couldn’t help but look at her beautiful body and devilish grin. She was very pleasing to the eye and the soul. And all he wanted in the world was to hold her and love her for the rest of his life.

Beth was the director of the Youth Center now and Luis helped out whenever he could. Apparently Sheridan did too. They were throwing the kids a homecoming dance. Luis was so happy that was apart of all that again. The only sad thing about it was that Miguel, Charity, Whit, Theresa, Jessica, Reese, Simone, and Chad had all gotten on with their lives, and there was a lot of new faces. There was Michelle, Kevin, Rebecca, Joseph, and Sarah. They were sweet kids, but he missed all of the older kids.

“Well…I think it is almost ready for the dance tonight!” Sheridan said as she admired their work. There was a disco ball in the center of the gym, that sent light cascading down onto black paper. It looked like dancing in the stars, and the back drop for pictures was beautiful. It was midnight blue with stars, and the backdrop for the pictures was beautiful. It was midnight blue with stars, and a cloud surrounding the moon. She couldn’t believe everything had worked okay.

“Yeah! It’s beautiful.” Luis replied. He couldn’t believe that he and Sheridan were getting along so well. “Thank God. It’s done! I’m so tired!” “You’re not coming to the dance?” Sheridan asked puzzled. She hadn’t planned on going either. “Nope. You?” “Nah. Don’t have the energy, plus I’ve got to get up early tomorrow.” “How come?” Luis asked being nosy. “A doctor’s appointment. I have to make sure that the cancer hasn’t spread.” “Oh…well, I’ll talk to ya later.” Luis said as he kissed Sheridan on the cheek and rushed out to go home. Luis sat in his car and pressed his fingers to his lips. He couldn’t believe that after all this time he still got a rush when he touched her.

She was driving him mad. He wanted to touch her, hold her, kiss her, he just wanted to be with her. It killed him everyday to get up and not have Sheridan lying in the bed beside him. He was interrupted when he heard a knock on the window. It was Sheridan. He rolled down the window. “Hey! Could you give me a ride home? I walked up here.” “Sure, hop in.” Luis said. Sheridan hoped in the seat beside him. “Don’t you listen to the radio Luis?” “Not really, go ahead and turn it on.” “All right.” Sheridan said as she turned on the radio.
……..with arms wide open, under the sunlight, welcome to this place, I’ll show you everything, with arms wide open…

“Let’s try something slower.” Sheridan said as turned the radio.
…Tell her that you love her, …Tell her that you need her,
…Tell her that you want her to stay,
…Reassure her with a kiss, she may never know unless you
…Show her what your feeling
…Tell her your believing
…Even though it’s hard to say
…’Cause she needs to know your thinkin’ of her
…So open up and tell her that you love her…

Sheridan noticed Luis shift uncomfortably. She wondered why. “Why don’t we try a different station.” Sheridan commented as she turned the channel again.

What if you are the one that I’m meant to love
What if tonight is the night
What if once in a lifetime love don’t come twice
We could be blessed without even knowing…

This time it was Sheridan shifting uncomfortably. She reached over and turned the dial quickly. “Hey! I kinda liked that!” Luis said and switched it back.

What if you don’t say what’s on your mind
And I walk away
You might live out your life
And never feel this way
What if I’m the one
That you’re meant to love…

Sheridan switched it again. “All right, All right you win.” Luis said as he turned the radio off. They pulled into Sheridan’s driveway and as Sheridan stepped out she turned and asked if he wanted to have some coffee. “Sure.” Luis said as he killed the engine and walked in with her. “They sat at her table laughing and talking while drinking coffee

“Well, it’s getting late. I guess that I should be getting home.” “Yeah, you better be leaving. I’ll walk you out.” Sheridan said as they left the kitchen and went into the livingroom. “You tryin’ to get rid of me Crane?” Luis asked as they reached the couch. “Maybe I am.” “Oh yeah? I’ll have to teach you lesson.” Luis said as he started walking towards her. Sheridan was backing up and she ran into the couch and fell on it. Luis took this opportunity and lunged on top of her. He started tickling her.

“Luis…Luis…All right…Lu…is…Please…that…tick…les!” Sheridan managed to get out as she laughed hysterically. Luis came to a stop suddenly. He just looked at her in her eyes. He knew that he had to leave before he did something stupid. He got up and grabbed his jacket and headed to the door. “Luis? What’s wrong?” He heard Sheridan say. He turned and walked toward her. He dropped his jacket, and grabbed her waist. He brought his lips down to on hers, to indulge himself in a passionate kiss. When they kissed the world seemed to stand still. They finally pulled apart for air. “Luis? What was that for?” Sheridan asked out of breathe. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…I shouldn’t have done that.” Luis said as he tried to pull away.

“You think that you can kiss me like that and just walk away?” Sheridan said as she pulled him closer to her. He could feel her chest pressed against his him. “Now, do you still want to leave?” Sheridan asked seductively. “What do you think?” Luis said as he pushed his lips onto hers. They kissed intensely until Luis pulled away. “What’s the matter?” “You’ve got to get up early for a doctor’s appointment remember?” “Argh…men! I was just lying. “Why?” “Because you said that you weren’t going to the dance, so I had to make up an excuse that I wouldn’t be there by myself.”

“Oh…Okay…If you’d asked me to stay I would’ve.” “All right, well, I like what we were doing now better.” And with that Luis carried her off into the bedroom. Sheridan woke up in Luis’ arms. She couldn’t believe what had happened that night! It seemed so unreal. What made her happiest was that Luis didn’t say anything about her reconstructed breast. She had thought she was hideous and that no man would ever love her again after her surgery. But finally she was happy and she had just had the most incredible night with the man that she loves. She got up and went to take a shower.

…A wind chime voice sound sway you hips round rings true
…Deep inside of you
…These secret garden beams changed my life so it seems
…Fall breeze blows outside…

Luis began to wake up as the sound of Sheridan’s heavenly vice drifted into the bedroom. She was singing in the bedroom. She was singing in the shower. He just layed there listening.

…I don’t break stride
…My thoughts are warm, they go
…Deep inside of you…

Luis was enchanted by her voice and the song. He willed himself to move, but couldn’t he layed in the bed paralyzed.

…Slide of her dress, I’m deep inside of you
…You said boy make girl feel good
…But still I’ve never felt alone…

Suddenly she stopped singing. He broke from the trance and walked into the bathroom. She had slid down onto the floor of the shower with her back towards him. “Sheridan what’s wrong?” Luis asked as he opened the door to the shower. “Luis, is this real?” “What do you mean real?” “I mean, are we going to be together, or is this just a thing.” “Sheridan, if I didn’t want to be with you I would’ve never made love to you.” “So is this real?” “Yes.” Luis said as he gave Sheridan reassuring hug.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 4: The Anniversary

“God, can you believe it Luis?” Sheridan asked. “No! It’s wonderful!” “So what are we going to do for this special occasion?” “What special occasion?” Michelle Bennett asked as she approached. She was Noah Bennett and his wife Amy Fitzgerald’s child. “Our 2 month anniversary!” Luis said as he gave his cousin a noggie. “That’s great Uncle Luis.” (Let me give you a brief history lesson.) Noah Bennett Amy Fitzgerald eloped. They had been married 5 years and had a 5 year-old daughter when they returned to Harmony. Amy Fitzgerald is Luis’ first cousin. She had never met anyone in the Lopez-Fitzgerald family until she came to Harmony and found out that she was kin to them.

Luis had become close to Amy and Michelle until he left 4 years after they moved to Harmony. When he returned and saw her he couldn’t believe how fast she’d grown up. She was 13 and had a major crush on Kevin Lipsey. “Well, I’ll talk to you later. I’ve got to go and warm up. Michelle was singing at the dance later that night. She had a wonderful voice. “Sher. Let’s stay and listen to Mic, sing for a minute.” “All right. I love hearing her sing.”

Lying here with you
Listening to the rain
Smiling just to see
The smile upon your face
And these are the moments
I thank God that I’m alive
These are the moments
I remember all my life
Found all I’ve waited for
And I could not ask for more

Looking in your eyes
Seeing all I need
Everything you are
Is everything to me
And these are the moments
I know heaven must exist
And these are the moments
I know all I need is this
I’ve found all I’ve waited for
Yeah, and I could not ask for more

I could not ask for more
Than this time together
Could not ask for more than this time with you
Every prayer has come true
Every dream has come true
Yeah, right here in this moment
Is right where I need to be
Here with you, here with me, Yeah
And these are the moments
I thank God that I’m alive
And these are the moments
I’ll remember all my life
Found all I’ve waited for
Yeah, and I could not ask for more

I could not ask for more
Than this time with you
Every prayer has been answered
Every dream has come true
Yeah, right here in this moment
Is right where I’m meant to be
Oh, here with you, here with me

Could not ask for more
Than this love you gave me
‘Cause it’s all I’ve waited for
And I could not ask for more
Yeah, (fade)

Could Not Ask For More (Edwin McCain or Sara Evans)

God, that child has a voice. I’ve never heard a more beautiful voice.” “Well, she gets it from her favorite cousin, you know.” “No, I didn’t know that.” “Yep. Let me give you a demonstration.” “Oh God, no Luis…don’t.” But she was too late. He was already on stage. “God, he is so going to embarrass me.” Sheridan mumbled as Michelle came up beside her.

I’m too sexy for my shirt
Too sexy for my shirt
Too sexy it hurts

“Oh my God! Don’t even look at me! This is so embarrassing!” Sheridan said as she buried her head in Michelle’s shoulder. She couldn’t stand to see the train wreck onstage.

I’m too sexy for my shoes Too sexy for my shoes So sexy it hurts

“Boo…Boo…Boo ‘Comon Luis. Let’s get some real talent up there!” Luis looked at Kevin. “Put Michelle back up there!” “I’ve got a better idea how about a duet. Between me and the love of my life, the beautiful Sheridan Crane!” Sheridan shot him a go to hell look before climbing onstage. She saw Kevin go over and stand beside Michelle talking to her. “Luis this isn’t a good idea. Kevin is right. Let’s get Michelle back up here.” “All right, all right. Is my singing that bad.” Luis said as he jumped off stage. He helped Sheridan down. Sheridan and Luis walked out hand in hand and strolled down to the beach.

They sat down on a bench. “Sheridan, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” “Yeah, what is it Luis?” “Well. Um…I love you so much and I need you in my life forever…” Luis looked Sheridan in her eyes. “Will you marry me?” “Oh…Luis…of course. I love you so much.” Sheridan said as tears began streaming down her face. Luis reached over and kissed her passionately. And they lived happily ever after…