The Donor II

"Oh, Val...I so want to have a baby!" She says looking sadly at her friend. Fran Fine's birthday has just passed. Becoming another year older is making her examine her own longing to start a family. She is suddenly terrified that her biological clock is ticking; since she actually knows the truth about her age, and it ain't twenty-nine! 

"But Fran, you have to have a man for that, and you don't." Val says looking like she just spread some real sage pearls of wisdom to her best friend. "I'm mean, don't you?" she says now doubting that she is correct since she usually isn't. Val does some heavy soul searching and makes the decision that she is right. Fran does need a man to have a baby...she thinks. 

"Wait Val! No you don't! I read in Cosmo about those sperm banks! You can just go in and pick out the guy you want, and never even have to meet them. C'mon! There's one on 79th Street! Let's go check it out." She says getting her purse. They trot out the door to Val's car. "Oh Fran. You're going to let a stranger be your donor? Ewww...I mean you haven't even had sex with anyone in years. Can you really let someone you don't know, you know?" 

"Oh Val! You're so stupid. I don't have sex with the donor! They artificially inseminate me." Fran said shaking her head. Sometimes she can't believe how Val gets through life unscathed.  


"Ohhh...Val, look at this one!" Fran cries turning the page of the donor book. Number forty-one! Six foot, thick black hair and green eyes. He gorgeous! You see, you just can't meet men like this in real life!" She says exasperated. Val nods in agreement looking disgusted that Fran is right. "You know guys like this don't exist in real life."  

"Yes, this is definitely the one!" Fran says happily. Boy I'd like to meet this guy! Hell with artificial insemination.  


Val drops Fran off at the Sheffield Mansion. She is now very excited at the thought that she was going to be a mommy. I think I'll go talk to Mr. Sheffield about this...he's the smartest man I know. He'll give me good advice. she thinks heading for his office. 

"Um, Mr. Sheffield?" Fran says walking into his office. "Can I talk to you in private?" She looks at Niles and C.C. and knows that she really doesn't want to discuss this highly personal issue in front of those two yentas. 

"Well, we get the hint." C.C. says insulted as she and Niles leave the office. Soon Max and Fran hear their voices over the intercom. "If we push this button, we can hear them, but they can't hear us!" Niles says conspiratorially to C.C. "Maybe it's this one." "No it's that one, you jackass!"  

"It' s the red one!" Fran yells into the intercom. Max disgustedly pulls the cord out.  

"Now you've done it cow! How am I going to find out what's going on?" He gets an idea and heads to the tool shed. 

"Mr. Sheffield." Fran begins a little shyly. "I always think of you as more as a friend than an employer. What would you say if I told you I wanted to have a baby?" She smiles and looks him deeply in his eyes. 

Max's mouth drops open and his heart starts pounding in his chest. "Miss Fine. How can you have a baby without a man?" He looks at her nervously. Is she seeing someone I don't know about. He thinks worriedly. No, she's been home every night for months. He remembers gratefully that she hasn't had a date in quite some time. Maxwell Sheffield has been harboring tender feelings for Fran for months, but won't admit they exist, even to himself. Lately he has been curiously unhappy whenever she has had a date. He couldn't sleep until she was safely home.


"All I need is a donor!" she says excitedly. She is completely unaware of his feelings for her. I picked the perfect guy. Forty-one. Tall, handsome, creative, with a big head of hair! What'd 'ya think?" She looks at him expectantly.


Oh, my god! She's talking about me! She wants to have my baby!? Max thinks starting to panic a little. He forgets his current fears as a whole new fear suddenly grips him. They sit on the loveseat and Fran unconsciously places her hand on Max's leg. He looks nervously down at it. Even though he is stunned and terrified by her news, he feels a pleasant little jolt in his groin at her touch. Miss Fine has worked for him for three years. Maxwell Sheffield has been in love with her from almost the beginning, though he doesn't completely realize it.

"Um...this is a big decision, Miss Fine. I'm going to have to give it some thought!" he says anxiously. 

Fran pats his leg. "Please take it seriously because you know, I really value your input." She gently squeezes his thigh and leaves. Max almost gets aroused at the unfamiliarity of her touching him below the waist. 

"Oh my god! What am I going to do?!" he cries jumping up from the loveseat. He starts pacing his office. He realizes that the yenta is probably on the patio eavesdropping. "What do you think Niles?" He turns to the veranda door. 

"What makes you so sure she want you?" Niles says skeptically. He is fiddling around with a leaf blower. He has absolutely no idea how to even start it. 

"Oh, come on old man...she practically spelled it out! She wants someone tall, creative, handsome. Who else could she mean? I'm going to have to call her mother...I can't handle this alone!" he says dialing the phone. Max can't believe that, on his own, he is seeking out the most obnoxious person on the planet, Fran's mother Sylvia. He is that desperate. 

At first Sylvia was horrified by her daughter's plans. But, after Mr. Sheffield told her that Fran wanted him as the donor, she suddenly warmed to Fran's plans. She wasn't much help to Max after all. Sylvia had confronted her the next day in the Sheffield living room. "I'm sorry, ma." Fran had said to her. "I can't plan my life around a husband. It may never happen!" Sylvia had just shrugged and went to get something to eat. Max felt alone and defeated as his secret weapon had laid down her arms so easily. 


That evening after dinner, Max asks to see Fran in his office. He is determined to talk her out of this odious plan. But, even if he can't, he has to inform her that he can't possibly be the father. 

Fran is standing in front of his desk. She is curious about his obvious discomfort. "Miss Fine." Max begins nervously. "Are you really serious about all this. Do you really want a baby without a husband? I mean, have you thought of the future? Would you still want to stay here with your baby? Would you be able to be the nanny and a mother at the same time?" 

She looks at him rather hurt. "You wouldn't let me stay here?" she asks slightly worried. She hadn't thought that far ahead. Would he really kick me out of his home? She thinks sadly. I never thought of leaving all of them. I love them all so much. Suddenly it comes to her that of course she couldn't stay here. What an example she would be to his children. 

"Of course I would!" Max says quickly seeing the hurt look. "I just mean, well, do you really...Oh, Miss Fine! I'm so sorry I just can't be the donor! It would be so wrong!" he blurts out. 

Fran looks at him surprised. "Mr. Sheffield, did you think I was going to ask you to be the father?" She lets out one of her unique raspy laughs. 

Max is suddenly quite embarrassed, and he realizes surprisingly slightly insulted by her reaction. "No." he says looking down playing with an invisible spot on his desk. 

Fran moves over to sit on his desk. She touches his shoulder tenderly. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, are you disappointed that I wasn't going to ask you to be the donor?" She is stunned and quite touched that he could even consider that. Yea, like I would ever have the chutzpah to ask the most incredible man I've ever know to be a sperm donor! I don't think so!  

"You could do worse." He pouts. I was absolutely certain she wanted me. How could I have been so wrong. I am a good catch after all. What are you saying, you blithering idiot. You're off the hook! Suddenly he brightens slightly. He doesn't have to worry about that anymore. "Well, Miss Fine...if you're really determined I support your decision." He smiles tenderly at her, but something is nagging him in the back of his mind. He is slightly confused at what it could be.  

"Oh, thank you Mr. Sheffield!" she cries hugging him gratefully. He holds on to her for a second longer than was proper for a friendly hug. Lately he has been having thoughts of just how good it feels when they hugged. That kiss a few weeks ago in that New Jersey department store suddenly pops into his head. That was the first passionate kiss they had shared. Fortunately for him, Fran fainted and had no recollection of it. He had been stunned at how good it had felt and was completely confused at his amorous feelings towards her. He had been enormously grateful that she had no recollection of it.  

"Well, I have to wait a few days." she confides to him. "You know, my cycle has to be at the perfect stage before I can be artificially inseminated." Max blushes slightly at her revelation. Fran leaves him to his thoughts. 

Well, I did all I can do. he thinks, but he's not all that satisfied how this has ended. Out of the blue, a wave of depression rushes through him. He has no clue what has caused it. Suddenly he realizes something. I wonder why I didn't come to her mind as a possible donor? I mean I match her description. Why in the world is this bothering me so? It comes to him. "I really don't want her carrying another blokes child!" He whispers. The thought has unexpectantly paralyzed him. As he thinks it through he realizes. Oh, she'll change her mind in a few days! This is just another of her hair-brained ideas. Relieved at this thought he leaves the office and heads up to his bedroom to try to sleep. 


The big day has arrived and Fran is excitedly getting ready to go to the clinic. Max is beside himself. He had been positive that she was going to change her mind. He summoned her to his office an hour before her appointment. He has been pacing his office for the last half hour. 

"You wanted to see me Mr. Sheffield?" Fran asks curiously knocking on his door. 

"Yes, please sit down Miss Fine." Max says motioning to the love seat. He rubs his hands together nervously. He is perspiring slightly and his heart is pounding madly. "Miss Fine, are you absolutely determined that you want a child this way?" He is hoping against hope that she has changed her mind. 

Fran looks at him confused. "Of course, Mr. Sheffield. I was just getting ready to go to the clinic. Why?" 

Max sits down next to her and gently takes her hands into his. Max looks her straight in her eyes. "Miss Fine, I just can't let you do this. You deserve more than to carry a total stranger's baby. At least you should have a child with someone you know and are...fond of." He looks shyly at her. 

"I'd adore that, Mr. Sheffield, but unfortunately, I have nobody in my life like that." She looks him deeply in his eyes. Suddenly her heart starts pounding a little harder. Could it be? She thinks starting to get excited as a crazy idea creeps into her brain. Stop it Fran. Don't be an idiot. He's way out of your league. 

Max looks deeply into her eyes and says. "Yes you do. If you're so bloody determined to do this, would you allow me to help you out?" He looks down shyly at his hands, his body shivering slightly from nerves and what her answer will be. 

Fran's mouth drops open. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield! Are you saying that you want to be my donor?" She swallows and squeezes his hand. Her head is swimming at this totally unexpected turn of events. I can't believe this is happening? Why is he doing this? Does he care that much about me? I had no idea. Suddenly she is very touched, and happy. 

He looks up at her. "If you are absolutely determined to go through with this, I just have to be. I couldn't live with myself if you got pregnant by someone you didn't even know!" He was feeling a little stronger now and looks her straight in the eyes. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield!" she cries hugging him. "You don't know how much this means to me! Thank you! In a million years I would never have had to nerve to ask you, but there is nobody I would want more to be the father of my child!" 

Maxwell smiles at her obvious joy. He can't believe how relieved he is at her reaction. He hadn't realized how highly she thought of him. He is also very confused by the tender feelings for her that have now taken over his thoughts. 

"Mr. Sheffield." she says excitedly. "Do you want to come to the clinic with me today? You make a...deposit." Realizing what that entails, she looks bashfully down at her hands. Knowing what he would have to do to make that deposit. She can't even imagine the prim and proper Mr. Sheffield doing something like that. Her cheeks turn bright pink at the thought. 

"Umm...yes, and there's the problem that we have to discuss Miss Fine. He says rubbing his hands together nervously. You see, there is no way I could go to a sperm bank. I mean, you know who I am. If word ever got out that Maxwell Sheffield was a sperm donor, I would be the joke of Broadway." He looks uneasily at her biting his lower lip, letting her digest what the very embarrassing circumstances really were. 

She looks confused. "Well if you can't go to the clinic, then how...OH!" She looks at him wide-eyed, her heart was now threatening to burst out of her chest, it is pounding so madly. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield...OY!" She sits down hard on the loveseat in a slight state of shock. 

Max gives her an uneasy look. He shrugs his shoulders very embarrassed now by her obvious discomfort as the realization of what they would have to do together hits her. "Yes, that's the situation. I'm afraid, Miss Fine, that if you want my baby it's going to have to be conceived the old-fashioned way." His cheeks are now as bright red as hers have become. He is having a hard time looking her in the eyes. He realizes that they have never been intimate enough in the past to be comfortable going to bed with each other for the sole purpose of procreation. He is also very surprised that he is quite hard. The thought of what they would have to do to make that baby is crowding his mind.  

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield." Fran puts her hand on her forehead looking up at him. "I don't know." She starts to shiver slightly. Oh, how can I have sex with him? I would be a nervous wreck! He's my boss! I've always suppressed my feelings for him! How would I do that after we made love? She worries, her mind reeling. 

Max notices her discomfort and sits next to her putting his arms around her. "Miss Fine. It will be all right. I mean, we are both adults...we know that it will be a 'no strings attached' type act with a common goal." He says trying to reassure himself as much as her. He suddenly realizes that he is actually slightly charmed at her reaction. To his chagrin, his arousal was growing. She really is so naive. He thinks affectionately. Most women would jump at the chance. I never realized how she seems so innocent sexually. For some reason, this makes him quite happy. Though he won't admit it, he is aware that he is more than a little excited at the thought of making love to her. 

Fran puts her head on his shoulder and thinks. There's nobody's baby I would rather have! I can't let this opportunity pass me by. But, oh my god! Sex with Mr. Sheffield! She suddenly makes a decision. "OK Mr. Sheffield. You're right. She says softly looking up at him. We can keep this almost business-like." She offers him her hand and they shake. She swallows and says shyly. "So, where and when? The next two days are my best time." She looks down at her hands as she realizes what that means. Oh god! That means tonight! 

"Well me in my room at say, eight o'clock tonight. I'll make sure that the children and Niles are out of the house for the evening." He gently takes her shoulder and looks deep into her eyes. "Now, you're sure about all of this?" he asks seriously. He is hoping she has miraculously changed her mind...or does he? 

Fran lifts her head up and smiles at him. "Absolutely. I'll see you tonight after dinner." She hugs him gratefully and leaves his office. She runs up the stairs and calls Val. "Val! Get right over here! You are NOT going to believe this!" 


Max sits down behind his desk wondering if he has done the right thing. He is actually more worried about the short term...tonight, than the fact that Fran will have his child. Well, I won't think of that now. But what's going to happen tonight? He is now getting more and more nervous. Stop it old boy, or you won't be able to meet your part of the bargain. He thinks trying to put it out of his mind. 


Val and Fran are sitting on Fran's bed. Val's mouth drops open as Fran tells her the incredible news. "Oh, god! Fran, you are so lucky! He is so gorgeous!" She sighs. "Aren't you nervous? I know I would be!" 

"Oh, Val! I'm terrified!" she confesses. "I mean, he's Mister Sheffield! He's so out of my league. I've never been with a man like him. He's so rich and powerful." Fran is so shocked at how this has turned around so drastically that she has completely lost her resolve. "I don't think I can go through with this. Val, I'm terrified but I want a baby so badly. And, having Mr. Sheffields baby! Wow! Somehow I have to get through having sex with him." She worries. She doesn't realize how ridiculous that sounds. Like it would be so horrible to make love to a gorgeous, powerful millionaire.  

"Oh, Fran. How can you say that? I wish it were me! He's the most handsome man I've ever seen in person!" Val gushes. 

Suddenly Fran remembers that incredible kiss when she had her shopping addiction. She had fainted but pretended to not remember because he had been so uneasy about it. "Oh, Val, he's kind of repressed when we've had intimate moments in the past. What if he can't go through with it? What if I can't go through with it? Oh, how do I get myself into these things?" she cries desperately. 


Max walks into the kitchen. "Oh, Niles. I have to confide in someone or I'll go bloody mad! He cries. He proceeds to tell Niles the whole story. Niles sits in wide-eyed and open-mouthed disbelief. He is thrilled beyond belief that his two dearest friends were going to make a baby together.  

"Oh, how wonderful sir! You two will make a gorgeous baby!" He exclaims close to tears. Oh, this is so fantastic! I couldn't have planned this any better if I had thought of it first! 

"Oh, Niles...I don't think I can go through with it! I mean, it is Miss Fine! I'm a nervous wreck." He says running his hands through his thick hair. 

Uh oh...he's starting to back out. I have to do something. Niles thinks starting to panic a little. "Well, then you shouldn't do it, sir! I'm sure anyone of those strangers at the donor clinic is good enough for her!" He looks as Max. " It will be strange seeing her pregnant with another man's child, though." he says reflectively, looking innocently at him. 

Max suddenly remembers that is what had paralyzed him in the first place. "Niles, I have to go through with it!" he says rubbing his hands together. "I can't let her have a strangers baby." He makes a firm decision. "Niles, I need you to make sure the children are out of the house this evening." 

"Don't worry sir, they are away for the weekend on that ski trip, remember? I have plans for this evening also." To make popcorn and sit in front of the intercom in my bedroom. He thinks excitedly. Like I would miss this!  

"Thanks, old man. Well, I have some preparations to make." he says patting Niles shoulder and leaving the mansion. 




Fran is soaking in her tub. She's hoping the hot bath will relax her. I don't know if I can go through with this, it's going to be so embarrassing! I'm not sophisticated and experienced like I'm sure he is. I wouldn't be scared if he were just a regular guy, but he's Mister Sheffield! After all he's a big Broadway producer, and my boss! But I want his baby...that I know. I'll just have to bite the bullet and go through with it! She thinks determinedly.  

She gets out of the tub and dries herself off. She brushes her teeth and dons her cream color silk pajamas. She had considered a sexy negligee but then she would really have felt embarrassed. No, I feel more comfortable being as covered up as much as possible. She thinks trying to gather her courage. 


The time has come. Fran takes a deep breath and walks out of her bedroom. She reaches Mr. Sheffield's door and softly knocks. She takes a deep breath and subconsciously hopes he doesn't answer. 

Max answers immediately. "Hello Miss Fine. Please come in." he says nervously stepping aside to let her in. Fran gasps as she looks around his bedroom. There was a beautiful fire crackling in the fireplace, soft music and Dom Perignon chilling. Her eyes open wide as she sees his bed is turned down enticingly. Max notices her _expression and blushes slightly. Niles had prepared the room very seductively. 

Maxwell takes her hand and leads her over to the sofa in front of the fire. Fran looks at him for the first time. Her heart skips a beat seeing how incredibly handsome he looks in his black silk robe and pajamas. Oh god! He's just like Rex Harrison, suave and sophisticated! She thinks completely in awe of him. 

Unknown to her, Max wasn't feeling at all like Mr. Harrison at the moment. His heart was pounding madly and his stomach was in knots at how he was going to get through this. Fran and Max sit on the sofa side by side. Both are quite uncomfortable. "Um, you look lovely tonight, Miss Fine." he says tensely without even looking at her.  

"So do you Mr. Sheffield, I love your black pajamas." she says looking straight down at her hands. Oh, god. I am so embarrassed. He so gorgeous, but he's so out of my league! I mean the last man I slept was Danny. He and Mr. Sheffield are exact opposites. Even though Fran is no virgin, she realizes that she has never been with a man like him. 

Oh, dear god! How are we going to get this started? I can't believe how tense I am. Max sees the champagne and jumps up startling her. "Champagne, Miss Fine?" Fran takes the glass he offers her thankfully. She has never needed a drink more in her life. She downs it in one gulp, her eyes opening wide as it tingles down her throat. She coughs and hands him the glass for a refill. Maybe if I just get drunk, I'll be able to go through with this. She thinks desperately. 

Her _expression and nervousness suddenly charms him. Her uncomfortable demeanor was actually serving to put him more at ease. He is starting to think that she may be quite inexperienced. Fran isn't really, but she definitely is not experienced with men like him. She's obviously quite inexperienced sexually or she wouldn't be this terrified. He thinks happily. Suddenly he realizes that he has to take the lead in this crazy situation. He has to be the strong one. She really is sweet. He looks at her tenderly. It's not like you haven't been with you're share of women. He thinks. All of a sudden he realizes. She needs you to be there for her! I wonder why I'm so damn nervous? I've never had trouble making love to women. Why is she different? Never one to over analyze his feelings, Max doesn't realize that he is so nervous because he has been head over heals in love with Miss Fine for over two years. 

Fran is looking shyly down at her hands and has yet to look him in the eyes. Max notices her shiver slightly and sits next to her putting his arm around her protectively. "Miss Fine, I see how uneasy you are." He put his fingers under her chin and raises her head up to look at him. He is touched at the look of nervousness and what looks remarkably Seeing her anxious _expression makes his heart start pounding again, but this time, it's not out of fear. 

Fran can't take it anymore. She has been with her share of men, but she and Mr. Sheffield have never really shared any real intimacy. This was just an unbelievably embarrassing situation. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, I don't think I can go through with this!" She cries still not looking him in the eyes. "I mean, I want your baby more than anything, but..." She can't bring herself to tell him that she just can't have sex with him. Max sees her cheeks turn pink with embarrassment. His heart goes out to her. 

"Don't be afraid, Miss Fine. I mean, am I so horrible to be with?" He smiles charmingly making those fine lines around his eyes crinkle. His look and comforting manner makes Fran smile for the first time. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield! You're not at all horrible! You're...beautiful!" Her cheeks now turn bright red and she quickly gazes back down at her hands. I can't believe you said that, you idiot. She is now thoroughly humiliated. 

Max's heart soars at her sweetness. He is surprised that he is starting to feel very comfortable...and somewhat aroused. He is actually having a marvelous time now. "Miss Fine." he says tenderly kissing her on the cheek. "You don't have to be the least bit embarrassed or uneasy. "I'm not, anymore. You know I would never do anything to hurt you don't you?" She nods bashfully.  

Max takes her in his arms and kisses her softly. He is pleased that she has stopped shivering and is kissing him somewhat hesitantly back. As he pulls her closer into him, he can feel her heart pounding rapidly against his own. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield." She whispers looking trustfully in his eyes. "Miss Fine..." he murmurs slightly overcome by that look in her eyes.  

Max gently pushes her back on the couch and kisses her softly on the lips. There was no rush and he wants to make sure she is completely comfortable being so close to him in such an intimate situation for the first time. He holds her close, his cheek softly rubbing hers. His body presses against her and he can't resist rubbing himself against her. He is trembling slightly and very aroused. "Miss Fine." he whispers kissing her. She kisses him back her tongue instinctively seeks his, which causes him to groan. 

Max is now absolutely positive that he wants her more than he's ever wanted any woman. Three years of repressing his feelings of love and lust have suddenly converged at once on his body and his mind. "Miss Fine." he moans. 

The feeling of his very generous arousal against Fran's body was having delicious effects on her lower regions. Maxwell presses himself more desperately into her, which causes her to clutch him tightly. "Mr. Sheffield, I don't feel so scared anymore." she whispers shyly looking up at him. 

He is overjoyed and looks lovingly down at her. I can't believe how good this feels. He thinks excitedly. He lifts her up and carries her to his bed. He quickly takes his bedclothes off and gets in with her. Maxwell takes her in his arms and looks deeply into her eyes. 

"Miss Fine before this goes any further, are you absolutely sure about all of this?" He looks deeply into her eyes. As badly as he now wants to make love to her, he has to make sure that she is going to have no regrets. 

She looks up at him bashfully and hesitates slightly, making his heart beat faster. He really wants her tonight. Am I sure? She thinks. I was when I came in here but now, oh, I think I'm having strong feelings for him. This could change everything. I have to just knock these feelings out of my head right now! She admonishes herself. He is doing you the greatest favor of your life, don't complicate things! 

Max is slightly disappointed that she is hesitating. He has never wanted a woman more in his life. Suddenly Fran kisses him and his heart races. He lays her back on the pillow and starts kissing down her throat, slowly unbuttoning her pajama tops. His fingers find her breast and Fran gasps involuntarily. 

The mere sound of her pleasure causes Max to press himself into her body. Only her pajama bottoms are separating them. "Miss Fine." he whispers. He kneels over her gazing into her eyes as he slowly starts to glide her bottoms down. They never break their gaze. Fran starts to breath harder. She quickly kicks them all the way off as they reach her ankles. 

He starts kissing her more fiercely, now almost completely out of control. There is now nothing separating their naked bodies. Fran is a little shy about touching him. After all, he is her boss. Max, sensing her apprehension, takes her hand and gently guides it to his tremendous arousal. "Mr. Sheffield!" She whispers a look of surprise and excitement, with a touch of apprehension. 

"It's for you, darling. " He moans softly looking at her under heavily lidded eyes. The last thing Max wants is to hurt her and knows that he has to make sure she's ready for him. His lips travel slowly down her neck and find her breast. He groans as Fran gently rubs his hard length. "Oh, darling!" he whispers taking her hand away. "If you continue with that, I won't be able to control myself." He goes back to kissing her breast as his hand finds its way to that most important spot. He slowly touches her deep inside, pushing into her.  

Fran cries out in surprise and sheer excitement. Her hips thrust upward to meet him as waves of pleasure sizzle throughout her entire body. She instinctively reaches down and presses her hand over his, to push him deeper into her. "Oh, Mister Sheffield!" she cries as her orgasm reaches its peak. 

Fran's heart is pounding madly and she can barely breathe. Her head snaps back on the pillow and her eyes are tightly shut. Finally she starts breathing more regularly and slowly opens her eyes. Max is looking down at her, extremely pleased with her reaction. He has never been more aroused. Fran slowly comes to her senses and hugs him tightly. "Mr. Sheffield, I've never felt like that before." She whispers her body starts trembling madly. 

His heart skips a beat at her confession. He realizes that he has rarely been so genuinely happy. "Miss Fine, are you ready to make that baby?" he asks his voice husky with passion. He knows only one thing; he was more than ready. He kisses her softly. "Darling, you are so lovely. I want you like I've never wanted anyone. I've never felt this way before." he says lovingly rubbing her cheek to his. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield. Please don't say these things." she says, absolutely stunning him. He looks at her and sees tears starting to well up in her eyes. Terrified he takes her in his arms holding her tightly to him. "Fran, what's wrong...did I hurt you?" He is trembling slightly at the thought. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield...of course not! I've never felt this good in my life. But, you see if you start talking like that, I'm going to have a hard time not falling in love with you. It's taken all my will up to this point to push those feelings out of my heart." she says desperately, burying her head into his chest. "Like a girl with my background could ever love someone like you." 

Max is overjoyed at her confession. "Oh, Miss Fi....Fran. I love you too. The thought of you having a baby with someone other than me destroyed me! Doesn't this all prove how much I love you. I mean, what other friend would do all this?" He smiles down at her and is thrilled to see the look of pure love in her eyes. 

He loves me! Then, we can't do this. "Mr. Sheffield, I want to make love to you so much, but I changed my mind. I don't want a baby like that anymore. Someday I want to have one the proper way. I'm sorry but we can't make love and risk it." she says sadly starting to move away from him. 

Max holds her more tightly and kisses her softly. He reaches over to get a box out of his nightstand. He takes one of the small foil wrapped items out and shows it to her. "It's up to you,, or after we get married, I know you'll want our child soon." he says a twinkle in his green eyes. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield what are you doing with condoms in your room...HEH?!" Did he just propose? She looks at him wide-eyed. Her _expression makes him laugh out loud. 

"I bought them this afternoon, just in case." Max says kissing her. He suddenly remembers his current arousal and pushes her back on the bed. "By the way, Miss Fine, I love you very much. Will you marry me?"  


The End