The Celibate Miss Fine

The Celibate Miss Fine


Mary Ann

"Oh, Niles--I just can't take it anymore. I love him so much, it is truly physically painful for me sometimes" Fran said. She was sitting in the Sheffield kitchen and was so distraught; she couldn't even finish the éclair in front of her.

"Miss Fine, perhaps you should tell Mr. Sheffield this...I mean, if he knew how you felt once and for all, that might give him the push he needs to tell you what we all know--that he loves you." Niles replied, sadness in his eyes. Niles has been to this show before, but something is different this time. Miss Fine was near the end of her rope--he had seen it coming for days now. Fran had not been her usual dazzling self. She moped around the house in blue jeans and loose sweaters, not her usual tight tops and short skirts. His boss was such a dolt. Doesn't he know what would happen to him, to all of them, if she got fed up and left forever? He shuddered at the thought.

"Niles, I think you're right. I am going to have a straight talk with him, for once. No more flirting and playing around. I'm a real woman, with real needs. He'll kiss me, then holds me at arms length--what the hell does that do to me?" She said. "He gets me all turned on with those spontaneous hugs and kisses, then he pushes me away! Sometimes, late at night, I think I am going crazy knowing that he is just down the hall! I mean he's a man! Doesn't it have that effect on him? How does he handle it?"

Should I confide in him? She thinks. It's kind of embarrassing, but, I have to talk to someone--Val's not the greatest advice giver. She makes a decision. I'm going to tell him.. "Niles" she said softly, shyly gazing down..."I have a confession to make...I've only been with two men my whole life. One was Danny, my fiancé! It's been almost five years since I've slept with a man--it's just not natural, and Randall wants me to go to the Plaza for dinner and dancing, and he begged me to bring an overnight bag. Since we met at that British Embassy event last month, he's been quite smitten with me, and wants me to spend the night with him. I am attracted to him. I mean, how can I not be attracted to him? We have long talks, he looks like Cary Grant, and he has no problem telling me his feelings!"

"Oh, Miss Fine, before you do anything like that, please tell Mr. Sheffield how you feel about him once and for all. Don't do anything you will regret forever!" Niles cried. Oh, no, this was getting serious. Well, I am shocked that she hasn't been with another man in all this time!

"Niles, it's been almost five years that I've worked here. I have loved Mr. Sheffield for over three of those years! I'm a normal, healthy woman, and I have needs! Niles--I can't stand it any longer! He's never going to come around, but I'll give him this one last chance. I guess I owe to both of us--well, really to the three of us." She smiled, looking at her best friend.

"Miss Fine, you really haven't been with another man since you came into our lives?" Niles shook his head incredulously.

"Niles, I've come close, but, every time things got hot, Mr. Sheffield's face always intrudes my thoughts. I just couldn't go through with it. I always felt that I was being unfaithful to him."

She was so sweet and naive, sitting there; Niles couldn't resist taking her in his arms and holding her tightly. He loved her like no other friend he ever had--even the friend that is his bloody insensitive boss.

"Go to him--please--tell him." Niles whispered in her ear.

"OK, I'll go now--but, if things go badly, Niles, I need you to cover for me tonight--I may be starting a whole new life for myself. A life that doesn't include him." Fran whispered back.



Fran knocks on Max's office door.

"Hi, Mr. Sheffield, can I talk to you about something?" She says peeking her head in. Fran smiled widely when she saw him. He looks up and his eyes brightens at the sight of her. He's so damn handsome. She thinks. He just always takes my breath away!

"Of course, Miss Fine" he smiles. "Come, lets sit on the love seat--you'll have my undivided attention!" He says brightly, patting the spot next to him on the love seat.

They sit facing each other. Max notices that Fran seemed nervous, and slightly shy.

"Um....I-I'm just going to say this straight out, Mr. Sheffield she started shyly. For some time now, we have been more than boss and nanny to each other." She says, looking down at her hands, shaking slightly with nervous anticipation. "I have to tell you this now, because I really can't take our relationship as it is any longer." She says, raising her eyes to look deeply into his.

Now he was nervous, and stammered a little. "W-what do you mean, Miss Fine?"

"Mr. Sheffield...Max, I love you. I've loved you for a very long time." She said shyly. "You told me you loved me once, and then you took it back. I understand that, you were probably right, we weren't ready for that at that particular time in our lives." She looks into his eyes, but couldn't read his reaction. She swallows and continues.

"I just want you to know that I would give up anything--dating other men, whatever, if I thought you felt even close to the same way. Mr. Sheffield, I have a confession to make," she says, looking down at her hands. "The main reason I used to date was to make you jealous, but, even that didn't seem to work. The last few months have been sheer torture for me. I really can't go on like this, anymore--it just hurts too much." She looks up at him. Again, no reaction.

Oh, god, what brought this on all of a sudden? I'm not prepared to handle this now! He thinks panicking. "Um, Miss Fine, you have to understand....." he says, but stops when he sees tears form in her eyes.

Ohh, he can't even call me 'Fran'--after all I just confided to him! I have to get away from here. She thinks, stunned by his reaction. "I'm sorry, Mr. Sheffield...I was way out of line. Please forget what I just said. I overstepped my bounds. I don't know what came over me. I-I have to go now." With that, she grts up and heads towards the door, hoping her trembling knees won't collapse before she could exit.

"Miss Fine, please don't go." Max pleads. Oh, dear god!

"Good bye, Mr. Sheffield." Forever. She thinks determinedly.

Fran closes the door gently and runs up to her room. She collapses on the bed expecting to cry her eyes out, but the surprisingly, tears don't come. Now I'm completely humiliated--how will I ever face him again! Well, anyway, that settles it once and for all-- I know what I must do. He doesn't love me--he wouldn't have let me pour my heart out to him that way if he wasn't going to reciprocate. I have to give myself to another man--at least it will be someone who does love me. She sighs and thinks. It's probably the only way to exorcise Maxwell Sheffield from my heart, my mind and my soul.

She takes a quick shower, dons a gorgeous white gown with a plunging neckline that she wore to the reunion. She packed an overnight bag and sneaks quietly down the stairs. She didn't want Niles to hear her and try to stop her. She was resolute. How dare he! I poured my heart and soul to him, and all he could do was stammer back to me! She thinks. Well, five years is enough. I've wasted my youth on more!

He didn't love her; all these months he had been leading her along, in that stupid cat-and-mouse game. Teasing her, then pushing her away. Well, she wasn't going to be pushed away tonight. Randall loved her, she deserved to be loved and satisfied. He is young, handsome, rich, and British--she would force herself to fall in love with him.

Max, in the meantime was still in shock. He sat at his desk, sorting through his feelings. I can't believe this just happened! Of course, I love her--what brought all this on. I thought she understood that I needed more time. I told her that a year ago when we got back from Paris. "A YEAR AGO?! He cries, suddenly realizing how long he has been putting this off. "Has it been a year?!"

He slowly starts to realize that this is the turning point in his life. So, she does love me. He thinks realizing the truth. I guess I wasn't absolutely sure-I think that is partly what has been holding me back. Maxwell, you idiot...-more time for what??? Blast...what a bloody fool I am. He bursts out of his office and races up the stairs to Fran's room "Miss Fine--Fran!" he calls. She's not there, but Niles is, sitting on her bed, he looks forlornly up at Max.

"She's gone,'ve lost her." Niles says, sadly, shaking his head, looking up at Max.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE???" All of her things are still here!" He cries looking around Fran's room desperately.

"Not her overnight bag--she's gone to spend the night with that Randall chap that she met at the British Embassy last month. He has declared his love for her. She wanted to give you one last chance. Apparently, you blew it." He said looking up at him in disgust.

Maxwell looks at his butler, not comprehending exactly what he was saying. SPEND THE NIGHT??

"Mr. Sheffield," Niles said slowly. "I shouldn't be telling you this, Miss Fine told me in the strictest confidence--but, I think it is important that you know everything. I have to break my word so you know exactly what you are dealing with." He begins slowly. "Did you know that she's only had relations with two men her whole life? Her fiancé being one of them. She is really quite naive when it comes to men. And now she's gone to be with this chap because she thinks you don't love her!" He continued."Did you know that she hasn't slept with another man since she met you? That's how much she loved you--that poor sweet child has saved herself for you all these years." He says sadly, shaking his head. "I'll bet you can't say the same." He sneered, remembering the whole Marla Maples incident several months ago. All you had to do was tell her the truth of your feelings for her and she wouldn't be heading for another man's bed now.

"Niles, what are you saying?! She's been with no one all this time? All those blokes she paraded through here, and she didn't have relations with any of them?" His mind was reeling--he didn't realize the depth of her love for him. She wasn't after his money, as C.C. had always accused. No, he had never believed that, anyway. My, god! What the hell have I done?!" he cries, finally realizing the gravity of the situation.

He grabs Niles by the shoulders. "Do you mean she's going to make love to another man tonight? She's going to bed with that Livingston chap?!" Niles, tell me that's not true, or I'll go bloody crazy! The thought of her in bed with another bloke makes me physically nauseous!" He cries.

Niles just shrugged his shoulders. He is furious with his boss, and terrified for Miss Fine. Mr. Sheffield drove her to sleep with a man she didn't love--Niles blamed him exclusively. He had very little sympathy for his boss--this whole relationship should have happened a year ago. "I'm sorry sir, but there's really nothing you can do about it--Randall loves her. She is a beautiful, normal young woman, she has needs, too. I guess you just weren't man enough to fill them...sir."

Max ignores that last dig--he deserves it. "Oh, god, Niles, I must find her--before...." his voice trails off. He had never been more tortured. The image of his Fran making love to another man was just too much for him to comprehend.

"Well, sir, she did mention something about dinner and dancing at the Plaza." Niles smirks. But, of course, you couldn't just break in on them." Niles looks at his boss sideways. That should light a fire under him. He thinks smugly.




Fran sees Randall in the lobby of the fabulous Plaza Hotel. He spots her and rushes over to her with his arms outstretched. "Hello, darling! You look spectacular!" He exclaims hugging her.

"You don't look so bad, yourself, mista." Fran smiles. He didn't notice the sparkle that was absent in her brown eyes.

"Darling, I hope you don't mind, slight change of plans. I was able to get reservations at the Rainbow Room at the last minute--the food there is even better than the Plaza, and so is the dancing!" Randall says nuzzling her. "I'm so happy you brought your overnight bag. I have champagne chilling at my flat."

"That sounds wonderful" Fran exclaims. "I'm ready" In more ways than one, she thought ruefully.




In the meantime, Max and Niles are speeding towards the Plaza. Max is in the front passenger seat. Maxwell's mind goes back to the time he set her up with the soap opera star Brock Storm only nine weeks after she started as his nanny. I would have been responsible if anything had happened to her on that wretched date. Just as I am at fault now! Looking back, I think that's the first time I realized that I had strong feelings of her. He thinks woefully. "Oh, Niles, hurry! I truly think I'm losing my mind--just the thought of her and..." he shuddered.

They pulled up to the Plaza; Max flies out the door before the limo was completely stopped. He runs through the lobby to the restaurant. No sign of them. He runs to the front desk and rings the bell frantically. "Hello, could you please tell me if Randall Livingston is registered here?" He said to the pretty desk hostess.

"No, sir--Oh, he was, you just missed him, but checked out about a half hour ago." she said cheerfully, checking her computer screen.

The color drained from Maxwell's face. NOW how am I supposed to find her? Did he take her to his flat? Where the hell were they? Dejected, he turns and walks through the lobby, out the door. Niles jumps out of the limo and holds the door open.

"No luck, sir?" He asked, worriedly.

"Niles, do you know where this chap lives? How do we find them?"

"No, sorry, I don't sir" Niles shakes his head. "I've checked the phone book, and there is no listing. He probably has a temporary residence, being a British citizen.

Defeated, he looks down and says softly. "Please take me home Niles."



Max and Niles walk through the living room of the Sheffield mansion. Max stops at the bar, grabs the bottle of Chivas, and retreats into his office. Niles walks slowly upstairs, drained. Maxwell sits down heavily in his office chair. He pours the scotch in the crystal tumbler and lets the amber liquid burn down his throat, immediately feeling the effects. He starts to pour another shot, but suddenly stops and sets the bottle back down.

You don't deserve the blissful escape of alcohol--you deserve to be tortured with images of her making love to Livingston. He thinks. He let his mind go down a path better left untread. What was he doing to her at this very moment? Was he making her sigh with pleasure? Were his hands wandering her perfect naked body? Was he kissing her soft breasts, as I had always fantasized? Was she kissing him with those luscious lips that, I know now, belong to ME!?

"What have I done?!" He says out loud, running his hand threw his thick hair. "I truly think I am going mad!" He cries, pounding his fist on his desk.




Fran and Randall are in his plush Manhattan apartment. She has changed into her red lace negligee. She slowly approaches Cedric, a smile on her lips, sadness in her eyes. He turns and sees her, and his jaw drops.

"Oh Fran, you are lovely." he says, his heart pounding rapidly. He moves over to her and they kiss. "Fran, I want you so badly," he moans, holding her tightly to him. He starts kissing her throat, working his way down.

Fran tries to get into it, but something is very wrong. What's the matter with you, you have a gorgeous man kissing you, and you're still thinking of him. Stop it--he doesn't love you--all he ever does is keep hurting you, over and over! She thinks. She suddenly realizes that she can't go through with this charade. It's the wrong man you are kissing. Who do you think you're kidding--you can't go through with this! You love Maxwell Sheffield, and always will.

"Oh, Randall "I can't do this. I'm terribly sorry. I don't love you. I love... Maxwell." she says softly. Backing away from his embrace. "Please forgive me, I thought I could go through with this, but it is just wrong."

"Oh, darling, I love you, but I don't want to do anything that will cause you guilt or unhappiness. If you ever leave him, I will always be there for you." He says, sadly. "I guess I have always known, your heart belongs to another. If you change your mind, I'll be here for you."




Max is sitting in front of the fireplace, staring at the flickering embers. The clock has just struck midnight. He drags himself off the couch and heads slowly towards the stairs, finally ready to try to sleep. As he nears the stairs, he sees the front door slowly opening. Fran walks in carrying her bag.

"M-m-miss Fine, FRAN!" he cries.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield...I thought you would be sleeping by now--uh, good night." She says wearily, heading for the stairs. Damn, why did he have to be awake, the last thing I wanted was to face him tonight. It's just so humiliating." She thinks. Did he just call me Fran?

Maxwell races across the room and takes her in his arms. He is openly weeping and holding her tightly in his arms. Fran is completely shocked at this outburst. Her eyes are wide as saucers as she looks in his eyes. She has never seen this man cry--in fact, she has never seen such emotion from him (except when he was yelling at her). She looks at him wide-eyed. "Mr. Sheffield?"

"Oh, Fran, Fran" He cries. "Can you ever forgive me? I'm such a bloody fool!" he sobs. "I love you so much--I'm so sorry I didn't tell you that immediately after you confided in me this afternoon." Darling, I love you so much. I'm so very, very sorry that I was so stupid this afternoon!" He is trembling, and holding her as for dear life. "Mr. Sheffield...I-I don't know what to say." Fran says, near tears herself. She can't believe the way he was holding on to her. Suddenly he lifts her up and carries her over to the couch. He sits there with her in his lap, his face inches from hers; rocking her like a child in his trembling arms.

"Fran, Niles told me everything. H-how you've been with no other men these last few years, because of your feelings for me! I drove to the Plaza to find you--I was out of my mind, but you weren't there! I was crazy--I had no idea how to find you! I was completely at a loss! I know I drove you into his arms, into his...bed--I am so sorry --I had no idea you had waited for me. " He sobbed. "It's all my fault; I could just kill myself at the thought of you making love to him. I've been through shear hell the last five hours thinking of my beautiful baby in another man's arms!"

He was now cradling her and weeping uncontrollably. Fran was incredulous. He went to the Plaza to get me! I can't believe that this prim and proper Englishman was this emotional. She thinks, not unhappily. Well, I can't torture him another minute.

"Mr. Sheffield" she said softly lifting his face up to look into his eyes. "I have something important to tell you."

Max looked up at her with red-rimmed eyes, still clutching her tightly.

"I have waited for you for so long, but had no desire to be with another man. But, I am a normal, healthy woman and couldn't go on forever with my needs not being fulfilled. When I went to you today, all I wanted was for you to say you loved me, and, I probably would have waited forever for you." She whispered. "I did go to Randall's apartment, but, when he started kissing me, I could only think"

His heart starts pounding wildly--a glimmer of hope forms. Could it be...? He thinks desperately.

"I just couldn't go through with it--that's why I came home." she looks down. "I loved you too much, and even though you didn't return my love, I still felt like I was somehow being unfaithful to you." she says, tears welling up.

"Oh Fran" he yells, kissing her fiercely on her soft lips. "I didn't think I could love you more than I did. What a bloody fool I've been. You're a beautiful young woman with wants and needs, and I was only thinking of my self and my inane fears!" He cries. "Please say it isn't too late" he sobs, hugging her, "Please say you still love me."

She looks him straight in the eyes, and the tears started to fall. "I will always love you...Maxwell."

He lifts her in his arms and carried her up the stairs bounding two at a time. Their eyes were locked as he laid her on his bed.

Of course, Max's room was now lit by candlelight, there was a crackling fire in the fireplace, and soft music surrounded them. The bed had been turned down invitingly. Yenta Niles had taken care of this when he heard Miss Fine come in.

"Darling, please let me try to make these last five years up to you," He said as he lay next to her.

He kissed her tenderly, on the lips. Then with ferocity she didn't know he was capable of. His tongue started to explore her moist warm mouth. His lips moved down her throat, to her soft breasts. Fran moaned softly, as his hands found places that were previously forbidden. Maxwell was at full arousal now.

"Darling, don't do anything--I'm here to please you" he begs, his voice husky with passion. He lay gently on top of her and starts to undress her slowly. I can't believe it's taken me five years to finally do this--she's just lovely.' he thinks. He rips the rest of his clothes off and his naked body presses against hers. His starts to roam every inch of her, causing very pleasant surges throughout her body.

Fran is practically swooning from the pleasure. She could feel his ample arousal against her body. She was already near climax and whispers "Max, please make love to me."

He is overjoyed that she's ready. He has been having trouble controlling himself and he eagerly hovers over her. Maxwell slowly enters her world and, at that instant, they both moan with pleasure. She shudders as he thrust himself deeper, and he lets out a gasp. She was so responsive to him that they were like one. Maxwell was determined to satisfy her and, with great difficulty, forced himself to wait until he saw her eyelids flutter and her head go back in ecstasy. " Oh, Mr. Sheffield!" she cries. Her whole body shuddering.

"Fran, Fran....oh, FRAN!" he whispers, as he releases. He lies on top of her and after several minutes begins to regain all his senses.

He rolls over and gently drags her on top of him. He brings her face to his and says "Fran, I love you, please don't ever leave me again." He holds her tightly in his arms, like he would never let go. Exhausted from the day's events and emotional roller coaster he had been on these last five hours, Max falls asleep, still holding her.

D-did this really happen?' Fran thinks. Wow, that was incredible! I've never experienced anything close to that! He was just so wonderful, so generous! Suddenly, a horrible thought comes to her. Could he have been drunk, will he take all this back in the morning? If he does regret all this, I don't want to be here. A sudden fear grips her. She had lost much self-confidence regarding their relationship since 'The Thing'. She gently wiggles out from his grasp and quietly gets out of bed. She gathers up her clothes and tiptoes down the hall to her bedroom. She freshens up in her bathroom, removes her makeup and brushes her teeth. She then puts on one of her long negligees and dabs a touch of perfume behind her ears. If he comes back to me tonight, I'll know he meant it. She thinks.

She turns the dimmer and her room is bathed in soft dim lights. She lay down on her bed, her arm angled above her head in a seductive pose. Try as she might to stay awake, sleep overtakes her quickly, the emotions of the day wearing on her, also.

Soon Maxwell awakens with a start "FRAN" he calls out. Was it a dream? He shakes his head to clear it. What time is it? The clock on his nightstand flashed 2:30. He gets out of bed and looks around the room. It was no dream--the candles were still flickering. Where did she go...why did she go?? Slightly panicked, Maxwell heads down the hall to Fran's room. "Fran," he says softly, entering her room.

He sees her sleeping peacefully, like an angel, and his heart melts. "Oh, god, I love her so much--my sweet baby." he says softly to himself. Thank you God for giving me a second chance. Overcome with emotion, he lifts her into his arms. She slowly wakes up, and realizes what's happening. "Oh, Mr. came for me."

"Why did you leave my bed, darling?" He asks softly, carrying her back to his room.

She shyly gazes down "I was afraid that you might take it back, and the thought of waking up next to you if you regretted it would have been too humiliating." She whispers, looking imploringly into his green eyes

Guilt racks him. "Oh, my darling, can you ever forgive me for taking it back--it's my fault you are so insecure about us. I am such a bloody fool--how could I have ever hurt you so. Please, let me spend the rest of my life making it up to you." He says, as he lays her back on his bed, kissing her softly.

"You're mine. You belong to me, and I will never let go of you again."

The End