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Blind Love

Blind Love

Welcome to our TYR Discussion. We are discussing Blind Love-a Jimmy ep....woohoo!!! Hope you enjoy it!

NightinGail777: Hi Jamie! How are you tonight???

JaMarieHickey: Great! How are you?

NightinGail777: Just fine and dandy.....can't wait to discuss this ep-it's a Jimmy one!!!

JaMarieHickey: I knew you'd be excited about that! There is some good Kid stuff in here too!

NightinGail777: Well-I only see Jimmy :)

JaMarieHickey: That's too're missing all the good stuff.

NightinGail777: I love the start of it when he is getting ready to draw and shoot. Then stupid head ask if he has something against trees..uh

JaMarieHickey: Stupid head? You mean Sarah? I take it you don't like her.

NightinGail777: Not at all-she almost got my Jimmy hung.

NightinGail777: He should have never gotten on his horse and chased her.

JaMarieHickey: Men do some stupid stuff!

NightinGail777: I will say that his boyish charm shows in this ep better than in any others.

JaMarieHickey: I guess so

NightinGail777: Of course then next he sitting at the table and telling everyone about her and Ike says Aimee's fave quote.

JaMarieHickey: Oh...I love it when Ike says that!!!

JaMarieHickey: LLOL

JaMarieHickey: I like when Lou is talking about how Jimmy fancies the girl and the right time passing you by. You know she was totally talking to Kid there

NightinGail777: Heehee......Do you think Lou was trying to let Kid know something when she said something about waiting to long.

NightinGail777: I think so too. Did you see the look on his face?

JaMarieHickey: I know!

JaMarieHickey: Lou sure does know what she wants....She's got GREAT taste in men!

NightinGail777: I won't coment on her taste.

JaMarieHickey: She's got GREAT taste! :)

NightinGail777: Don't shoot-I swear I'm not a tree......oh so stupid......then she talks to the horse....why can't Jimmy see that she is no good?

JaMarieHickey: I think that line is funny. She is kind of annoying though.

NightinGail777: Almost as bad as the-well you know who.

JaMarieHickey: No one is as bad as her!

NightinGail777: OH-what about when Kid and Jimmy are talking about mysterious woman talk???

JaMarieHickey: LLOL I love Cody's line...

NightinGail777: And of course Cody puts his two cents in.

JaMarieHickey: What about when Lou walks in on them in the barn??

NightinGail777: I just love Jimmy's answer when Lou ask them what's going on.

JaMarieHickey: Me too~!

NightinGail777: See-Kid you are's a wonder they ever got together......heehee

JaMarieHickey: Lou just knew some things were worth waiting for!

NightinGail777: I think it's so sweet when Lou and Jimmy have that little chat on the fence.

JaMarieHickey: I do too.

NightinGail777: She wants to see Jimmy happy.....I always said that they thought of each other as family.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah, it didn't take long for them to either. NightinGail777: And of course Lou being the romantic goes and invites Sarah to a picnic.

JaMarieHickey: I know. How sweet of her~

NightinGail777: Yep-It really is a beautiful lake....and Jimmy looks really sexy.

NightinGail777: And how sneaky of Lou to spy on them to see if they both showed up.

JaMarieHickey: I wouldn't know...I usually don't pay complete attention to this part. Just listen in.

JaMarieHickey: :)

NightinGail777: Oh I can't stand it.....that should be me walking arm in arm with him-not her!!!

JaMarieHickey: LOL

JaMarieHickey: It'll be ok.....

NightinGail777: I know-one day, one day.

NightinGail777: ;-)

JaMarieHickey: hehe

NightinGail777: Now they kiss........ewwwwww.

JaMarieHickey: Ewwwwwwww

NightinGail777: Ike is so funny when he teases Jimmy about the flower.

JaMarieHickey: What about when he walks in the bunkhouse and everyone has them.

NightinGail777: He zips his lips and then when Jimmy comes in to eat......they all have flowers

JaMarieHickey: LLOl

NightinGail777: It's sad hearing Lou talk about what she would like....and then they see "Sarah's father".

JaMarieHickey: Oh...I feel so sorry for Lou! Then I feel sorry for Jimmy.

NightinGail777: I know-he gets so mad at Lou then rides away........he is heartbroken.

JaMarieHickey: He shouldn't yell at Lou though, it wasn't her fault! How was she supposed to know??

NightinGail777: I know but he was heartbroken.......he had to yell at someone.....and she was there.

JaMarieHickey: I know, but I still feel sorry for her. She was just trying to help.

NightinGail777: I just love the way Emma talks to Miss Sarah.....told her off.

NightinGail777: Go Emma, go Emma!!!!

JaMarieHickey: I agree! Emma, Emma, Emma!!

NightinGail777: Oh Jimmy-don't believe her.....she is lying.....don't believe her.

NightinGail777: You can see the anger on his face.

JaMarieHickey: What a B****

JaMarieHickey: I know, she totally played on his sympaty!

NightinGail777: I know-she is a good liar. Now he's hugging her and telling her that she is going with him.

JaMarieHickey: Why do Jimmy and Kid have to find such bad women (with the exeption of Lou)??

NightinGail777: I don't know.....but Lou knows how to get his attention......she just shoots a gun.

JaMarieHickey: That's the only way they would've gotten his attention that night.

JaMarieHickey: I don't like it when he hits Kid!!!!

NightinGail777: Now Kid tells him that she ain't worth it.....which I will admit that Jimmy should have listened to him this time

JaMarieHickey: Kid's right! You just gotta listen to him!

NightinGail777: Well-you know how Jimmy is.

JaMarieHickey: I know!

NightinGail777: I think this is the only time other than the Spawn of Kid being right.

JaMarieHickey: He was right way more than that!

NightinGail777: I don't remember......heehee

JaMarieHickey: You just don't pay enough attention to Kid!

NightinGail777: Well-I gotta keep my eyes on the sexiest rider and we all know that is JIMMY!!!

JaMarieHickey:, I don't think the greasy haired rider is the sexiest. I do beleive that honor goes to KID!!!!!

NightinGail777: I don't think so. Anyway how about how what's his name -Gentry-brought Jimmy in, then Sam goes over and pulls up Jimmy's head.

JaMarieHickey: I know! I don't think he expected it to be Jimmy.

NightinGail777: I know-I think it's upsetting Sam to have to arrest him.

JaMarieHickey: I agree.

JaMarieHickey: I was concerned that Kid and Lou wouldn't make it back in time to save Jimmy.

JaMarieHickey: You know....Kid sure does save Jimmy a lot.

NightinGail777: Jimmy saves Kid too.

JaMarieHickey: Not as much as Kid saves Jimmy though

NightinGail777: Well-I can't really remember how many times but Jimmy does his share.

JaMarieHickey: OK...whatever you say! hehehe

NightinGail777: Did you see the way he looked back at the man in jail-I think he reconized him as being the one that married him and Sarah.

JaMarieHickey: I think so too.

NightinGail777: Oh Sarah is such a weasle......

JaMarieHickey: Yes she is

NightinGail777: How can Jimmy still want to be with her...can't he put two and two together.

JaMarieHickey: He's not always the brightest star in the sky. :)

NightinGail777: I just love the wicked look on that man's face when he finally knows who they are.

NightinGail777: He's the only star!

JaMarieHickey: I know. Whatever!

NightinGail777: I knew that was coming sometime or another...heehee

JaMarieHickey: LLOL

JaMarieHickey: You know me so well

NightinGail777: I know-that is why I know deep down you just adore JIMMY!!!

JaMarieHickey: NO I DO NOT!

NightinGail777: Yes you do!!!

JaMarieHickey: I think you secretly like KID

NightinGail777: Not in a million years.

JaMarieHickey: Sure you say that, but....

JaMarieHickey: hehehe

NightinGail777: I think he is a wimp.......heehee

JaMarieHickey: He's not a wimp!

NightinGail777: Sidenote:Courtney is standing behind me laughing and saying tell her mom-Kid is a WIMP!!!

JaMarieHickey: You guys just don't know!! KID IS NOT A WIMP!!!!!!!!

NightinGail777: It's 2 against 1......heehee

JaMarieHickey: Just cause I don't have anyone here with me...I know there's lots of people that don't think Kid's a wimp.

NightinGail777: Did you see the look on Jimmy's face when the judge said he was guilty? All the other riders were sad too-and Sarah did such a good job of acting sad....heehee

JaMarieHickey: I don't think he can beleive that it's really happening.

NightinGail777: Oh come on Jimmy-listen to Cody this time.

JaMarieHickey: He's not gonna listen to anybody!

NightinGail777: I just love the way Sarah comes in and tells Jimmy that he doesn't know what they are all calling her........she is a good actress.

NightinGail777: Even Spawn couldn't act that good.

JaMarieHickey: She is. She has him right in the palm of her hand. True...Spawn couldn't act at all!

NightinGail777: I will give Lou and Kid credit-it was good work finding out who Sarah really is.

JaMarieHickey: It was. It looks like they had a lot of help looking through the information.

NightinGail777: Yep-the woman in there tells them about her other hubby.

JaMarieHickey: I know. Scary that they got away with it so much!

NightinGail777: I know......but I guess a lot of people did back in that day.

JaMarieHickey: That's true.

NightinGail777: I just love the way the boys waited til the last minute to pull out their guns.

JaMarieHickey: I know. I like how they say everytime they voted, it came up a tie.

JaMarieHickey: LLOL

NightinGail777: I know.....heehee. It is so sad when Jimmy tells Sam that he don't wanna die.

JaMarieHickey: I know. There's nothing Sam can do about it.

NightinGail777: I know and I think it was eating at Sam cos he was helpless and couldn't stop Jimmy from hanging. It was sad to see Jimmy walk up there and them put that rope around his neck.

JaMarieHickey: I agree.

NightinGail777: You could see the happiness on his face when he read the letter that Kid and Lou brought back.

JaMarieHickey: I know! I was so releived when they got back.

NightinGail777: I was too. Did you hear some of the town folk say good for you boys when they stopped Jimmy from hanging.

JaMarieHickey: I know. I don't think they dislike the boys as much as they let on.

NightinGail777: I don't either-only when they got in trouble.

JaMarieHickey: I agree.

NightinGail777: I love how they all go after Gentry.

JaMarieHickey: I know. I wonder why Lou didn't go with them.

NightinGail777: Gentry gets what he deserves.....and so does Sarah.....if only Jimmy hadn't stopped that horse.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. He seems really upset that she got hurt.

JaMarieHickey: Like he still wants to be with her.

NightinGail777: I think he still felt something for her.

JaMarieHickey: I agree

NightinGail777: I think he really thought she loved him, even though he knew otherwise.

NightinGail777: And the scene right before she leaves.....she hurt him yet again.

JaMarieHickey: I agree.

JaMarieHickey: I think she did love him a little

NightinGail777: Well-maybe a little.....who can resist such a sexy man???

JaMarieHickey: He's not as sexy as Kid.

NightinGail777: Well-I won't coment on that one....I'm just glad that Jimmy saw exactly what she was finally.....

NightinGail777: and that is another one finished.

JaMarieHickey: I do too.

JaMarieHickey: Sure is.

NightinGail777: OK-The Keepsake is next.....I love this ep too. I can't help it but I always like Amanda and was glad that everyone accepted her.

JaMarieHickey: I do too. I like the dance...Lou and Kid get to dance!

JaMarieHickey: YIPPEEE

NightinGail777: I know. There are some funnies in this ep but that will have to wait til next time.

JaMarieHickey: I know what you mean.

NightinGail777: Well...nighty night and sweet dreams to you and all of TYR land. Until next time....

NightinGail777: Ride Safe !

JaMarieHickey: Nighty night....Sweet Kid dreams....

JaMarieHickey: BuhBye