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Hello all! Bonnie here! I guess I am a relatively new writer. I wrote my first story back in December 2019 after reading fanfic for quite a few years. I finally got the nerve to post it and was shocked that others actually liked it. So this one little story started a frenzy. I have found that I love writing and I get a little braver with each new one that I write. I remember watching TYR when I was young and looking forward to it each week. I now still watch it almost daily. I was always a Jimmy fan and have discovered that I still am. I find his character expansive and easy to write. I write several of the other riders as well but Jimmy usually has a big part in all of my stories. Well enough of this, I hope you enjoy the ramblings of my mind.

Disclaimer: The Young Riders was created by Ed Speilman and is the property of Ogiens/Kane Production 1989-1992. The stories here in The Rival Riders Library are meant for the enjoyment of the fans of the show and have been written solely for that purpose. Each story is the property of its creator. No copyright infringements are intended.

Bonnie's Stories

*Contains strong language*

The light hit Jimmy in the face and he rolled over to look at the person beside him in bed. Was this a bad dream? How could this have happened? How could he have let this happen? Lou looked as beautiful as he had ever seen her.

Distrust Series Part 1 by Bonnie
The Story

*Contains strong language*

Kid looked at Lou. She looked so beautiful. He felt the rising of feelings that he thought he had lost long ago. He looked into her fearful eyes. But then she turned away, turned to look towards Jimmy. Damn Jimmy. He felt the anger take over.

Distrust Series Part 2 by Bonnie
The Story

*Contains strong language*

Louise looked at Hunter. She looked in his eyes. Her husband's eyes. They were cold, determined. He showed no sign of fear. She looked down at the gun he held. Jimmy's silver colt. She knew those guns shot straight and true. She saw Jimmy in his eyes. She had to have faith in her son.

Distrust Series Part 3 by Bonnie
The Story

*Contains strong language*

"I'm gonna kill you."

"You know all about killing don't you. Just like your dear old Dad. Y'all just love ruining people's lives. You live for it."

"Shut up."

"Why? Your Dad killed my father mentally then along comes you. You shot him down for nothing."

Hunter realized who he was talking about. He started digging his fingers into the dirt. "Your father was Kid, wasn't he?

Distrust Series Part 4 by Bonnie
The Story

*Contains strong language*

Lou looked at her son's handwriting. She slowly opened it. She read it quietly and turned to face Jimmy.

"He said for us not to worry and that his brother is with him. That he loves us and hopes that he will see us again. He loves us so much and will miss us." Lou said letting the tears fall.

Jimmy looked out the window.

Distrust Series Part 5 by Bonnie
The Story

*Contains strong language*

"No. You don't understand. Everywhere I go, I am damned because of you. Because I look like the killer that you were. Because I am the killer that you were. The great Wild Bill Hickok.

Distrust Series Part 6 by Bonnie
The Story

*Contains strong language*

For his daughter's happiness, Jimmy decides to give Tate a second chance. Will Tate prove to Jimmy that he truly does love Lori or will the return of his long lost brother change that? There are two surprises you don't want to miss!

Distrust Series Part 7 by Bonnie
The Story