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Chapter 1

Jimmy stood outside the barn brushing one of their horses. He stopped and smiled watching Louise attempt to work in the garden with Rachel. Their surprise arrival was running around almost tearing up the entire thing. Elijah was born five years ago. Jimmy remembered how close that he had came to losing Louise that day but he also remembered the day that she got to hold her child for the first time almost a week later. The light in her eyes that day always seemed to push away the bad thoughts of his birth. Jimmy shook his head as he led the horse back in the barn. He could hear Lou and Rachel fussing outside. She met him at the door as he was walking back out pulling a giggling Eli by his hand.

"Your turn." She said.

"What in the world is that look for? Are you trying to tell me that your baby is giving you a hard time? Not Eli." Jimmy smiled.

"I ain't gonna say anything. Just take him. And he is still my baby!" Lou turned around and walked back to the garden where Rachel was trying not to smile.

"Where's Annie and Lori, by the way?" Jimmy yelled.

"Pulling laundry!" Lou yelled over her shoulder.

Jimmy looked down and Eli was gone. He spun around just as he was climbing on the top rail of the corral. He grabbed the wild boy and pulled him down.

"Let's see. I think your Grandpa is moving chickens this morning. I think it might just be the job for you."

"Please, can we go now?"

"Sure. I think he is gonna be so happy to see us." Jimmy said as the two walked over to Teaspoon's new chicken coop.

Rachel pointed over to Teaspoon as Lou looked up.

"Oh Lord. That ain't gonna last long." She said.

"I think it will keep him occupied for a while. That boy has so much energy. Wish I had it." Rachel smiled as she watched Jimmy sit beside Teaspoon to watch Eli run chickens all over the yard.

"Of all the ways to occupy a child. I tell ya we are getting too old for this. Those poor chickens will never be the same."

"Count your blessings, Louise. You have a beautiful, healthy family."

"We've sure had some tough times in the past years."

"But look at y'all now."

Lou smiled as she watched Eli run a chicken down and grab it around it's neck. Jimmy jumped up and pried the chicken out of his grasp. She saw Eli turn and argue with his Daddy. Jimmy just stood bent over in front of him trying not to smile as the little boy made his point. She laughed as Eli turned to run after another chicken. Jimmy put his hand on his lower back as he slowly straightened back up. He walked over and eased down next to Teaspoon. She knew that he was always in pain ever since he was shot in his lower back but he never said a word. The front door of the house slammed shut as Annie and Lori now fifteen came out fussing carrying a load of laundry. Lou's girls both had long dark hair. Annie always kept her hair braided and neat while Lori usually let hers just fly everywhere. They were just a little taller than she was.

"Here comes my blessings." Sighed Lou.

"What's going on with them now?"

"Boys. And their Daddy."

Rachel and Lou went back to their garden. Hunter and Lucas took that moment to ride into the yard. Lou watched as her boys tied and swung down from their horses. Hunter was now a man at twenty and hard as hell to deal with sometimes. Lucas was now eighteen and too damn smart for his own good. Hunter now looked just like Jimmy did that first day that she met him at the beginning of the express. Lucas had took a turn and now looked like his father but he had kept her eyes. He had caring eyes. Both of those bad boys of hers had that same long hair as their father. She watched the two little Jimmys tend their horses wondering where the hell they had been. She watched Jimmy hand Eli off to Teaspoon and walk over to his boys. Triple trouble she thought. She went back to her gardening.

"Hunter! Where did you and Lucas go?!" Annie shrieked as she dropped the laundry.

"Here we go." Mumbled Lou.

Annie stomped over to Hunter who was ignoring her. Lori followed.

"Where did you go?!" She yelled again.

"Town." Said Hunter.

"You had no right putting your nose in my business!"

"I had every right! You are my sister and that boy ain't good enough for you!"

Jimmy stepped up and got between his kids. He pushed them apart.

"He ain't nothing but trouble so we had to do something. We didn't hurt him if that's what your implying." Said Lucas.

"Lucas!" Annie yelled.

"Stop! Stop it right now!" Yelled Jimmy.

Lou stood and wiped her hands off.

"Sorry Rachel. I'll be back shortly. Like I said, boy trouble."

She walked over and got her girls.

"Come tell me what the hell is going on, now." She pulled the two girls back toward the house.

"I'm gonna kill you Hunter!" Yelled Annie.

"Just you wait until you get a girl. We're gonna make your life hell!" Yelled Lori.

Jimmy stood with his hands on his hips. He turned to look at his boys who were smiling.

"What did y'all do?"

"Annie was trying to see Billy from town. We just had a little chat with him today." Said Hunter shrugging.

"Y'all can't get in your sister's business like that." Said Jimmy.

"I didn't let Hunter hurt him. We just talked is all. Delicately but not too delicately." Smiled Lucas.

"Let's just say that he hopefully won't be a problem anymore." Said Hunter.

Jimmy heard the door to the house slam. He waited just a minute before putting his hands on his boy's shoulders. He laughed.

"Good job, boys."

Chapter 2

Supper at the table that night was quiet at most. Lou watched as the boys talked like nothing was wrong. Jimmy right in the middle. Eli had crashed at the table. He was sitting sleeping in his chair with food still in his mouth. The girls were quiet and staring at their brother's and Daddy silently fuming. Lou stood and went to Eli. She woke him up and carried him over to the chair in the front living room. She had just eased him down when she heard it start.

"Dad, Hunter went into town and roughed up Billy." Annie said.

"No, I didn't." Said Hunter.

Lou took a deep breath and walked back into the dining room where they were all gathered. She sat back in her chair to finish eating.

"He didn't do no such thing." Said Lucas.

"You were with him!" Said Lori.

"No proof of that." Smiled Lucas while Hunter laughed.

Lou listened as the bickering started going around.

"How do y'all know that the boys weren't running an errand for me?" Asked Jimmy.

"Oh please. You probably sent them there!" Yelled Annie.

"Girls, just calm down." Said Jimmy.

Lou put her hands on her face. Such a wrong thing to say.

"Calm down! Hunter and Lucas just went and scared my boyfriend away! Now he won't have nothing to do with me cause of my crazy family!" Shrieked Annie.

"I didn't hurt him. I just had to make sure that he understood some things." Smiled Hunter.

"And you still ain't got no proof of that." Said Lucas still eating.

"Dad!" Screamed Annie.

"Quiet! You know how I feel about all this. Y'all are too young to be seeing anybody and that's it." Said Jimmy staring back at his teen daughters.

The girls slammed their forks down. They growled as they grabbed their skirts and ran upstairs. Lou put her fork down as well.

"Hunter, Lucas, your Dad and I need to have a talk."

"Uh oh." Smirked Hunter.

"Get. Now."

"Sorry." Whispered Lucas in his Dad's ear as he stood up.

The boys grabbed some rolls and left. Lou crossed her arms and stared across the table. Jimmy looked down at his food.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jimmy mumbled still looking at his plate.

"Look at me."

Jimmy looked up and put his fork down. He eased back in his chair.

"You can't do this you know."

"Do what?"

"Don't play that with me. Those girls of yours are growing up and of course, you have to deal with new friends."

"No, I ain't gotta deal with nothing. They can court when they are twenty five."

"Seriously. You're gonna say that. Were you twenty five?"

"I'm a boy. It's different."

"No it ain't. You can't act like this. I can understand if the boy is bad or trouble but you can't just chase off every single one. People think we are crazy."


She stood and sat closer. She looked in his face.

"You are gonna stop right now so life can get back to normal around here. You're also gonna set those two mini yous straight. You're gonna apologize to your daughters and give them some freedom. Understand."


"It ain't that hard, Jimmy."

"It is. What if I let them see boys and something happens? How can I trust some boy?"

"You have to trust your girls. We raised strong girls, Jimmy. We have to trust them and if something comes up then guide them in the right direction."

"I don't know."

"Well, I do. It's time. Lucas has been sweet on girls."

"But he's a boy. I talked with him about, you know. Things."

"Let our girls have some freedom. A dance is coming up in a month. It'll be a great time for you to practice and still be there to watch over them. Let them dance and have fun. I'll have that talk with them. Don't worry so much."

"You know how young boys are."

"Don't I know it." Smiled Lou.

"That ain't helping."

"Jimmy. Let them court. It will make everyone happy. I will keep up with them. I promise."

"Ok. I'll talk to the boys."

"Thank you." Lou leaned down and kissed him.

Jimmy closed his eyes still feeling the electricity between them. He pulled her on his lap. She laughed.

"Now you better break up your little gang you got going on before I do it. You didn't think that I didn't know about you boys working together. Now get. I got to clean up this mess." She said as she kissed him again and stood.

Jimmy smiled as he slapped her behind as she jumped up. She turned back around.

"First, clean up that little hellion of yours in the other room. Then handle those other two."

"Yes, ma'am." Jimmy said walking to gather Eli.

Chapter 3

Jimmy left Hunter and Lucas home to help Teaspoon around his house. He drove the wagon into town with Lou and his girls. He looked over to Lou who was talking happily with the girls. He still wasn't comfortable with all this. His girls courting some boy who would have no good intentions up his sleeve. Hell he knew all about it. He had been one of them. He pulled the wagon up to the store. He helped Lou and his girls down like he always did. He did that as well as open doors for them. He wanted them to know that every man should show them respect.

"Can we run over to the dress makers, Mama?" Asked Lori.

"Sure thing honey. I'll come for y'all when we're finished."

Annie and Lori looped their arms together as they walked down the street. Jimmy watched them go. Lou walked over to him.

"Stop staring, they just want to pick a new dress for the dance."

"I still ain't so sure."

"Come on. You said you'd try, remember? Now let's get these things."

Jimmy looked one last time as Lou pulled him inside the store.

Annie and Lori scanned through dresses. They looked in all the new books. Finally making their decisions, they walked outside to wait on their Mama. Annie started smiling when she saw Billy waving to her from the alley. She turned to her sister.

"Go back inside and wait for Mama. I'm going to talk to Billy."

"Ok, but what about Dad?"

"Mom said he promised. He can't say anything if I just talk to him. Look he really likes me and I like him. If he ain't scared of our brothers then he's a keeper. Be right back."

Lori watched as her sister stepped beside the building grabbing Billy's hand. They stepped out of sight. Lou and Jimmy walked over to the dress makers to gather their girls. Jimmy stood outside while Lou went in to pay for the girl's dresses. He sat on a bench chewing on some licorice when he thought he heard his daughter giggle from beside the store. He looked over his shoulder as Lou and Lori walked outside talking.

"Where's Annie?" He asked.

"She's talking with someone." Said Lori looking to her Mom.

"That boy?" Jimmy said as he stood and started to walk over to the side of the building.

"Jimmy?" Said Lou.

"What?" He said as he stopped.

"Don't. You promised."

He grunted but he kept staring at the alley. He stood and stared until he saw Annie walk out holding that boy's hand. He felt sick to his stomach.

"What are y'all doing?" He asked Annie.

"Talking. He asked me to go to the dance with him." Annie smirked at him.

"Not that. That." Jimmy said pointing to their hands.

"What? Holding hands? I guess there's something wrong with that?" Annie asked.

Jimmy went to say something and step forward just as Lou grabbed his arm.

"You must be Billy?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"It's nice to meet you. Thank you for asking Annie to the dance. I'm sure she will have a wonderful time. You'll have to come for supper one night so we can get to know you better."

"Thank you, ma'am. I'd really appreciate that."

"Annie, honey, it's time to head home. Billy maybe you can come out to the farm this Saturday. We'd love to have you."

"I wouldn't miss it." He said smiling at Annie.

Jimmy watched as Annie turned and grabbed his other hand. She told him she would see him later. He was starting to sweat just watching them. Annie smiled one last time as she let his hands go.

"Annie, show me your dress. I saw Lori's. It's beautiful." Said Lou.

"Mom, it's so pretty! I'm so excited!" Annie said as she walked back inside the store with her Mom and sister.

Jimmy stood staring at good ole Billy. Billy looked at his feet. He nodded before trying to turn away to leave.

"Hold it."

Billy froze. He turned around slowly.

"First thing, don't you ever look at your feet when another man is staring at you. Grow some balls. Second, be a man and get a voice if you got something to say especially when it comes to my daughter. Third, just know, I'm watching you. I've killed before and I damn sure ain't afraid to do it again."

"Yes, sir." Stuttered Billy.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Annie asked quietly.

"Nothing, baby, just getting to know Billy here."

"That's it?" Asked Lou putting her hand on on her hip.

"Yep. See you Saturday, Billy." Jimmy said as he stuck his hand out.

Billy carefully shook it. Jimmy smiled as he turned and ushered his girls back to the wagon. Billy took off his hat and wiped his forehead. Damn, he thought, she had a dangerous looking Dad, and her brothers were rough, but man, she was worth it.

Chapter 4

Hunter and Lucas stood in the shade of the barn watching Billy walk around with their sister. He had been coming around quite often since that first dinner invite. Hunter picked at a piece of straw as he watched the two walk around holding hands. Lucas sat on a barrel and watched his brother warily.

"Might as well get over it. He's gonna be around a lot more now." Lucas said.

"Still. I got my eye on him. He's got one time."

"Mom seems to like him. He seems alright to me."

Hunter saw his Dad walk out the house with Eli. He saw him staring at the two as well until Eli jumped off the porch at a dead run toward the horses. His Dad rushed down to follow.

"It ain't set in stone yet. Dad ain't so sure either."

"You know Dad. He doesn't ever want them to court. His rules."

"Where you think they're going?" Hunter said watching Annie.

Lucas shrugged as his Dad walked over holding Eli under his arm by his side as the boy squirmed.

"Where are they going?" He asked his boys.

"We were just wondering that." Said Lucas.

"Think we should find out?" Asked Hunter.

"Read my mind." Jimmy said as he walked off with Eli.

Hunter and Lucas smiled. They started walking off behind their sister and her new love. Lou saw her boys walking a little ways behind Annie and Billy. She wiped her hands on her apron and walked straight to the barn. She found Jimmy checking over a new foal. He had tied a rope around the middle of Eli. She huffed as she saw the young boy run around as far as he could reach.

"Excuse me?" She said.

Jimmy stood up and walked over to the stall door.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"What are those two doin?"


"Oh you know who. Those two trouble makers of ours. They're off spying on Annie. They better not cause any trouble because Billy is a good boy. I kind of like him."

"I kind of don't."

"Please, you ain't gonna like any of them if you don't give them a chance. Your girls are gonna get married one day. You do know that, right?"

"They are fifteen. Don't even start on that."

"Don't you argue with me either. Tell those two to back off or they'll be hell to pay."


"Don't Lou, me. Don't you dare ruin this for your daughter or I'll make your life miserable. Understand."

Jimmy nodded but looked the other way. He wasn't gonna fold easy on this one. Lou turned to stomp off when she turned back around.

"And take your child off that damn rope! He ain't no dog!"

She stormed off as Teaspoon walked in. He watched as she slammed the door to the house. He eased down and propped his cane up by the wall. He smiled at Jimmy.

"Well." He said.

"Yeah, well."

Teaspoon laughed.

"Don't laugh." Jimmy said as he watched Eli who was now swinging from his rope.

"Elijah!" Yelled Jimmy.


" Say, sir."


"Come here." Jimmy said as Eli walked over and he untied the rope.

"Please, try to stay out of trouble. Just for a few ok. Here. Go dig a hole or something." Jimmy said as he handed him a shovel.

He watched as the boy laughed and ran out the barn. He could see him digging in the distance.

"Lou ain't gonna like him having that shovel." Said Teaspoon.

"That's his problem, she babies him too much. He needs to grow up."

"You got girl drama?"


"Son, they are gonna grow up. You can't stop time." "But they are only fifteen, for Lord's sake. Not to mention both of them are lookers. Why couldn't they be ugly, ya know?"

Teaspoon laughed and watched Jimmy pace.

"I mean, come on. Annie already has a boy calling and it won't be long afore Lori does too. Am I supposed to just let that happen?"


"You siding with them now?"

"Lucas has got a girl. Hell, he's got like five."

"He's a boy."

"Listen to yourself. Remember when I found out Lou was a Louise. If I had thought like you are thinking now, I would have fired her because she was a girl."

"That's different."

"Is it?"

"I guess it ain't."

"Think about it. You should get to know the young man. I kind of like him too."

Jimmy looked at Teaspoon and shrugged.

"I reckon."

"Good then it's settled. Now your youngest is proceeding to bury Lou's cat in that hole."

"Son of a bitch. Eli!" Jimmy yelled rushing off to dig up the cat.

Teaspoon laughed as he eased his way back home.

Hunter and Lucas followed Annie around the far pasture as they walked. She finally took notice of them and stopped. Billy turned around. He eyed their guns on their hips as they carelessly walked closer.

"Shit." He said.

"Don't you dare let them smell fear."

Hunter and Lucas ambled on up in their easy way. Lucas smiled while Hunter frowned. He was always smiling.

"Go away." Said Annie.

"We ain't doing nothing but walking." Said Lucas.

"The hell you were." She said.

"So Billy boy, what you think you are doing walking our sister all the way out here?" Said Hunter walking up to the boy dismissing his sister.

"Nothing. We were just talking." Billy said.

"Really. I doubt that." Hunter said getting even closer.

"What were your intentions?" Said Lucas still smiling as he got closer on the other side.

Annie pushed between the three.

"Oh my God. Please leave!"

Annie was pushing at her brothers when they heard a horse coming. She looked up and saw her Dad. Great, another one she thought. He pulled up and swung down.


Hunter and Lucas turned to look at him.

"Boys, leave them alone. Head on home."

Hunter turned and put his face back in Billy's. He tipped his black hat at him as he turned around. Lucas bumped into his shoulder as he walked by smiling. Annie rolled her eyes. Jimmy stood by his horse making sure the two were headed home. Annie breathed a sigh of relief until her Dad walked up to Billy.

"Where were you taking my daughter?" He asked as he stared in his face.

"For a walk, sir." Billy looked back in his eyes remembering what he had told him in town.

"You sure that's all?" Jimmy said inching closer.

"Yes, sir. I meant her no harm in any way. I like her too much for that." He stared back in Jimmy's eyes.

"Good. Might be hope for you yet." Jimmy patted him on the shoulder as he mounted his horse. He rode back toward home.

Annie squealed as Billy leaned over and wiped the sweat from his face.

"My God, they're intense."

"You did it! He is starting to like you! You didn't back down!" Squealed Annie.

Billy hugged her but kept watching his back.

Chapter 5

The day of the dance finally came. Lou helped fix her girl's hair after they had dressed. Jimmy made his way downstairs to wait with his boys. He flopped down beside them in a chair. He looked over at Hunter who still had his hat on.

"Hat off. And fix that tie." He said.

Hunter mumbled something but did what he said. He laid his head back as they waited. Soon their Mom made her way down. Hunter watched as his Dad smiled and stood for her. Damn if he would ever let a woman make him act like that. His sister's came down and they all loaded up. The girl's rode in the wagon with their Mom and Dad while the boys rode their horses. Teaspoon and Rachel decided to stay home this time and watch Eli for them. They pulled up in town after their short ride. Jimmy saw Billy waiting by the door for Annie. He looked over at the boy standing there like some idiot. He pointed at him then at his daughter. Billy jumped forward and ran to help her out the wagon. Jimmy nodded at him as they walked inside. Lou smiled.

The dance was full and lively as always. Annie danced and laughed with Billy while Jimmy watched. He had to admit that the boy was growing on him. He saw Lucas dance with one girl. Then another. Then another. That boy was gonna find himself in a world of trouble if he didn't stop that crap soon. Hunter was trying his best to hide from Sarah Winnsboro. Jimmy and Lou laughed as she caught him over by the food. She had been sweet on Hunter for a while now and so far he tried to avoid her at all costs. Jimmy had told Louise that he thought Hunter secretly liked her was why he ran. They both laughed as Hunter listened to her talk. He tried to excuse himself and walk off with some food but she followed still talking. Then Jimmy lost his smile. He saw Lori standing close to some boy that he didn't know. He leaned over to Lou.

"Who is Lori talking to?"

"I don't know. Don't think I've seen him around before."

Jimmy went to stand up when Lou placed her hand on his arm.

"No sir. It's their night remember. You can see them and they are just talking. Sides that, you need to ask your wife to dance."

Jimmy took a breath and held out his hand. Lou smiled as he spun her out on the dance floor. They danced to the slow song as Lou laid her head on his chest. He leaned down to smell her hair. The song continued as they were lost up in each other. When the song ended, Jimmy snapped out of his trace. He looked around. He saw Annie and Billy over by the food. He saw Lucas with a different girl, again. He saw Hunter and Sarah hiding in the corner talking. He didn't see Lori.

"Where the hell is Lori?"

"What? She should be right there." Lou said turning.

"She's gone and so is that boy." Jimmy said walking over to his sons.

Lou watched as all three excused themselves and started looking for her. She put her hands on her hips. She went to ask Annie if she had seen her sister.

Jimmy and his boys walked outside. They split up. Lucas came up on them around the far side of the dance hall. Lori was leaning back against the wall and the boy was standing in front of her. He walked up to them.

"Hey there, what's going on out here?"

Lori rolled her eyes.

"This is Isaac. He's new in town. We were just talking." Lori said.

"Out here, away from it all. Isaac is it?" Lucas said getting closer.

Just then Jimmy and Hunter rounded the corner. They walked up to the pair as well.

"Who are you?" Asked Hunter.

"Says his name's Isaac and he's new in town." Said Lucas.

"Really, don't embarrass me like this." Said Lori.

"Get inside to your Mama, now." Said Jimmy.

Lori looked at Isaac. Lucas got her arm and pulled her away. Hunter followed walking backwards staring at the newcomer. Jimmy turned on the young boy.

"What were you doing walking my daughter out here in the dark alone?"

"Nothing. She seemed all too excited to come." Smiled Isaac.

"I see. Cocky little bastard."

"You should know."

Jimmy felt his temper flare. He got nose to nose with Isaac who didn't flinch.

"Listen to me you little son of a bitch. I don't like your attitude and I don't appreciate you taking my daughter out here alone. I can already tell that I ain't gonna like you. Stay away from her."

"Yeah, we'll see about that."

"Don't you even think of threatening me. You don't know who you are dealing with." Jimmy said as he walked away leaving Isaac in the alley.

"I got a pretty good idea."

Chapter 6

The next morning, Lori was doing everything in her power to avoid her Daddy and her brothers. Lou watched as she did her chores and hid away in her room. Rachel watched her go back upstairs.

"What happened last night?"

"Lori was talking to some new boy in town and let's just say my gang was at it again."

"Poor thing, they probably embarrassed her. Billy seems to have grown on him, though."

"That's just it. Billy has been coming around a good bit. He shows Annie and Jimmy respect. This one that she is suddenly crushing on, took her away from the dance in the dark. Then from what I understand, he smarted off to Jimmy. Not a good start."

"Maybe she'll understand one day. Her father only wants to protect her."

"Can you listen out for Eli? I need to talk with Jimmy."


Lou walked and went outside. She saw the horses coming into the yard. She waited for Jimmy to swing down.

"I need to talk to you." She said.

"It better not be about what happened last night. That little bastard needed more than he got."

Jimmy looked at his boys who still sat on their horses. They turned and rode off toward town.

"Where are they going?"

"An errand."

"Jimmy, I trust your judgement but maybe you should give this boy a chance for Lori."

"Hell no. Don't even ask me that. You didn't hear the way he spoke to me. Forget it."

Lou nodded and walked back toward the house. Jimmy was really upset over this. He had every right to be.

Lori watched her brothers ride off toward town. She knew what they were doing. Her Dad was leading his horse into the barn. She eased downstairs and could hear her Mom talking to her Grandma. She walked out the back door and ran off toward the far pasture.

Jimmy walked over to the house just as Lou was coming out on the porch.

"You seen Lori?" Lou asked him.

"Thought she was with you."

Jimmy felt his heart fall as he watched Lou look around the yard. He turned as his boys rode back in.

"Well?" He asked.

"Nobody knows his family or where he came from but he's been in town a few weeks now." Said Lucas.

"And he's appears to be around nineteen years old from what he's told others." Said Hunter.

"Y'all see your sister?" Asked Lou.

Both boys shook their heads.

"Split up. Find her." Said Jimmy.

The boys turned and rode off in opposite directions. Jimmy went to get his horse ready. Teaspoon walked over as he rode out the yard.

"What's going on?"

"Lori is missing. She must have snuck out."

"Lord. Think she ran off to meet that boy Jimmy is worried about."

"I don't know what she's thinking."

"I pity him if she did. He has got three tough ones to deal with."

"I know."

Hunter rode toward the far pasture. It was almost dusk when he met her walking back home. He pulled to a stop beside her.

"Where have you been?! We've been looking all over for you!"

"None of your business. I'm almost back home."

"Lorilei, Dad is on the war path."

"I don't care. He can't tell me who I can and can't see."

"You met him didn't you?"

"So what if I did? I like him."

"He ain't no good, I'm telling you. Lori, stop!" Yelled Hunter as she had kept walking.

She turned and crossed her arms.

"Let me give you a ride home, please. It's gonna be dark soon."

She nodded and swung up behind him.

"Just be careful. You're my sister and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Dad's gonna kill me."

"Probably." He said as he kicked his horse toward home.

Lucas rode toward the outskirts of town where they had heard the boy stayed. He rode around until he saw him walking behind some buildings. He rode up and cut in front of him. He swung down.

"Where's my sister?"

"Last I checked, I left her out at your place."

"So you saw her then?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"We told you to stay away from her."

"She seems really eager for me to see her if you know what I mean." Isaac said smirking at Lucas.

Lucas leaned back and laughed. He turned and hit Isaac right in the jaw knocking him back.

"That's my sister, you dumb fuck. Stay away from her. Last warning."

Isaac straightened back up rubbing his face. He watched Lucas mount up and ride off. Now was not the time for this. It would be soon.

Lucas rode in to hear his Dad practically yelling at Lori. He walked inside and stood back against the wall next to Hunter.

"Who found her?"

"Me. She snuck off to meet that asshole."

"I see. I found that same asshole in town. We had a nice chat."

"Ya get your point across?"

"Hope so. It ended with my fist up side his fat head. Where's Eli?"

"Spending the night at Grandma's."

Lucas nodded as he listened to his Dad go on and on. Lori tried to argue her side but he cut her off every time. They finally heard the end of it.

"Not him. Not ever. Go to your room." Jimmy said.

"That ain't fair." Said Annie.

"Push me and see how it turns out for you, young lady."

Annie didn't say another word. She ran up behind her sister. They saw their Mom walk over to their Dad who was still pacing. They couldn't hear what was being said but soon their Dad walked past them outside. They followed him out. He stood on the porch looking up at the stars.

"Where you been Lucas?"

"Town. Found our friend and tried to make him understand."

Jimmy turned to face his sons. He walked closer.

"Boys, watch yourselves. I get a bad feeling about this boy. I can't explain it."

"We will."

"Keep eyes on your sister at all times. Both of them."

"Yes sir."

Lori heard them talking out her window as she curled up underneath it. Annie walked over.

"You really like this guy that much? He needs to come and visit. You know, win Dad over."

"He ain't gonna do that."

"Is it worth it? You want to be with him that much that you would go against Dad?"

"No. Not really. I just want to show him that I can see whomever I want when I want. I aim to do just that."

Chapter 7

Lori sulked around the farm doing her chores. She watched her Dad talking to some man. Hunter and Lucas rode in herding about ten horses. The man and his employees roped the horses. They paid and rode off. Her Dad looked her way after the buyer left. She turned her back and went the other way.

Jimmy gave the money to Lou. She saw him watching his daughter.

"She ain't gonna run away. You know her better than that."

"Do I really? At one point my girls thought the world of me, now they look at me with disgust in their eyes."

"It's just because you are a tough Daddy. They will understand one day."

"I miss the old days, Lou. I love those girls more than I can say. I'll be damned if I let anything happen to them."

"I've been thinking. Maybe we can send word to Buck and Dakota. See if she could spend some time at their place away from you know who."

"I hate to put that on him. He and Dakota have kids of their own to worry about not to mention the hell she went through with Kid. I can't ask that of them. I'll handle this."

"Ike might could help."

"He has family now too. Me and you can handle this."

"Maybe. Just don't smother her. She'll come around."


Lori was watching her parents talk. She saw her sister getting her horse ready. She knew she was going over to Billy's house after his mother had invited her over for dinner. Hunter and Lucas were walking around side by side like always. They watched her like hawks. She would make a run tonight after everyone went to bed. It was her only chance. She had seen Isaac in town yesterday. She dropped a note on the ground. She knew he got it. He would be waiting for her. She just had to get there.

Supper that night was quiet. Lucas was talking about one of his many admirers as his Dad cut him off. He started telling him to stop playing all those poor girls. Hunter watched her. It was like looking at a younger version of her Dad. She felt like her Dad was staring at her through him. It was like he had a set of eyes always on her. She finished eating and excused herself. Annie was playing with Eli as her sister left the table. She watched her go.

"Is your sister ok?" Asked Lou as she started clearing the table.

"I don't know Mama. She hasn't been talking to me lately."

"She's just heartbroken."

"I don't know what she's got in her head but I feel lost without her."

"Things will pass, honey."

"I'm going to get Eli ready for bed."

"Thanks, baby." Said Lou.

Lou continued picking up plates while listening to Jimmy lecture his two look a likes.

"Lucas, you can't go having but one damn girlfriend at a time. It just ain't right."

"I can't help it. There's too many to choose from."

"Well, pick one."

Lou tried not to laugh as she carried plates in the kitchen. She stood and listened by the wall.

"Why are you laughing, Hunter, you're scared of that Sarah girl." Said Lucas.

"I ain't scared of her. I just ain't about to be head over heels for some girl then have her tell me what to do like Mama does with Dad."

"I'm sitting right here." Said Jimmy.

Lou snickered.

"Didn't mean it that way." Said Hunter.

"Lucas, Hunter. Listen, sons, you can't go around treating girls like they don't matter for nothing. Trust me I know. I've been there. It only makes you look stupid and on top of that, it makes them feel unworthy of affection. Women and girls should always be treated with respect. Remember that."

"Yes, sir." They both said.

"Now Lucas."

He cocked one eyebrow looking up at his Dad.

"Pick one."

Lou smiled behind the wall. She heard their boots walking upstairs. She walked back into the room with their table. She saw Jimmy grimace as he stood from the chair. She wrapped her arms around him.



"I heard what you said."

"It's true."

"I love you."

"I love you, Louise."

"What are we gonna do with those two boys? Handsome devils ain't they?"

"I guess."

"Handsome, cocky, smart, bad ass boys."

"Men. You mean men."

"No, they'll always be my boys."

"I know."

"Reckon since your back is hurtin and all that, you need to skip other activities tonight and just hit the hay. Right old man?"

"I'll show you how old I am."

Lou giggled as Jimmy chased her into their room. Lori waited until the house was quiet. She tiptoed downstairs. She eased the front door open and started walking down the trail leading off the farm in the bright full moon.

Chapter 8

Jimmy walked in the house after finishing the morning chores as Lou was setting the table for breakfast. He saw Annie chasing Eli into the room. He knew his boys were washing up outside. He didn't see Lori.

"Lori still asleep?"

"Must be. I haven't seen her this morning." Said Lou.

"Annabell, your sister still in bed?" Jimmy asked.

"She was when I dressed." She replied before chasing her little brother out the room.

"She sick?" Jimmy asked Lou.

"I don't think so. I'll go see what she's doing."

Lou walked up the stairs and knocked on the girl's door.


She waited and didn't hear anything. She opened the door. She walked over to her bed laughing.

"Lori, honey, you're gonna sleep the day away." Lou said as she pulled the covers back.

She froze. There was nothing but a rolled up blanket under the quilt.

"Jimmy!" She yelled running down stairs.

She almost collided with him at the bottom.


"She's not there." Lou said starting to cry.

"What do you mean she ain't there?"

"Her bed is empty. It was just blankets under the quilt. She took some of her clothes. She's gone."

"Fuck! Hunter! Lucas!" Jimmy yelled.

The boys ran into the house. Jimmy met them at the door. Annie eased back in carrying Eli. She looked at her Mom who was crying.

"What's wrong?" She whispered.

"Lori ran away."

Annie hugged Eli tight trying not to cry as she watched her Dad and brothers.

"Your sister ran away." Jimmy told them.

"You've got to be kidding." Said Lucas.

"That son of a bitch." Said Hunter.

"Split up. Find where he picked her up then come find me so I can track them. That dumb ass little motherfucker ain't gonna run off with my fucking daughter. I'm gonna kill him." Jimmy said as the three rushed out to get their horses.

Annie removed her hands from Eli's ears. She looked at her Mama.

"I've never heard Dad so mad."

"He is scared. So am I."

"He looks like he is out for blood, Mom. I've never seen him that way before."

"I have honey and it ain't gonna end too well. Let's go let your Grandpa know what's going on. He might can talk some sense into your Dad fore he beats the shit out that boy."

Jimmy, Hunter, and Lucas split up and rode through all their far pastures. They met back up at the house around lunchtime. They hadn't found any tracks. Lucas had made a quick run through town and Isaac was no where to be found so now they knew they were together. Jimmy sat on top his horse looking around as his boys got off their horses. Teaspoon walked over.

"Y'all got ten minutes before we go look again." He said to them.

"Jimmy, why don't you come on down from there." Said Teaspoon.

"Cause I'm going back out." He said stretching his back in the saddle.

"Get down. Come eat then if you have to, go back out to look. I'll even ride with ya."

"The longer that I wait the farther she is away from us. I'm gonna kill that little fucker when I find him."

"Son, stop that kind of talk. If you think about it, your daughter had a hand in this too. Ya gonna kill her?"

Jimmy glared at Teaspoon.

"No, I'm just gonna lock her ass up and throw away the key."

"Get down and take a minute to think about all this."

"What's there to think about?! That son of a bitch ran off with my daughter!"

"That right there is why you need a minute. You aren't thinking straight and if you aren't then you know your boys aren't either. They look to you."

Jimmy's head fell back. He looked up at the sky. He closed his eyes.

"You don't know this boy, Teaspoon. There's something about him that I don't like. I just know he ain't no good. He's a smart ass and disrespectful. I'm worried about her. She's my baby."

"I know. I'm worried too. Let's just think about this. I don't think she will go far. Hell she might even come back home. Let's see what happens afore you go murdering somebody."

Jimmy shook his head and looked at his hands. He sat there a moment longer before getting down.

"That's better. Let's go to my house. Get a sandwich and give you some time. Then we'll go look again."

Jimmy nodded as he tied his horse and walked with Teaspoon back over to his house. Hunter and Lucas watched from the porch eating their sandwiches. Lou came and sat their cups down. She went back inside.

"What was she thinking? She should have had more sense than this." Said Lucas.

"I don't give a fuck about that. I'm gonna beat the shit out that little bastard. Just wait and see."

Lucas nodded and kept eating.

Chapter 9

Jimmy stood by the corral two days later watching the horizon. He had yet to find her and she had yet to return. Lou watched from the door of the house. She wiped her eyes quietly. Jimmy hadn't hardly said anything to any one of them and he hadn't slept since she left. Lou was at a loss. Annie had been crying nonstop for her twin. Hunter and Lucas rode themselves to death everyday looking for any clue and as time went on, the madder they got. She could see Hunter's temper rising with each passing hour. Lucas looked unhappy but kept his cool for the most part. She saw Jimmy sit on the ground and prop up against the barn. He just sat with his legs stretched out in front of him. Lucas came out leading a fresh horse. She watched him say something to his Dad. He mounted up and left. Jimmy hung his head down while crossing his arms. She walked off the porch over to him.

"Where's Lucas headed?" She asked.

Jimmy didn't answer so she walked closer.

"Jimmy? Where's Lucas going now?"

He still didn't answer. She knelt down and lifted the brim of his hat. He was fast asleep. She pushed his hat back down then pushed his back against the barn. She stood back up. She turned and walked back in the house.

Lucas rode over toward old man Jenkins' place. He hadn't bothered to stop earlier and ask him if he had seen either one of them. He was hoping that maybe he might have seen something. He slowed his horse as he came into the old man's yard.

"Mr. Jenkins?" He called but no one answered.

"Mr. Jenkins? It's Lucas. Lucas McCloud. You here?"

Lucas walked up to his little shack. There was no movement anywhere. He felt like someone was watching him so he drew his pistol. He pushed open the door but the small house was empty. He walked over to the barn. He walked inside still holding his gun in his hand.

"Mr. Jenkins?"

The horses inside started moving around unsteady. Lucas looked around. Chickens flew up from the corner causing him to spin in that direction. He saw the shadow move behind him. He turned to look. He saw the boy but it was too late.

Isaac watched as Lucas reflexively pulled the trigger missing him as he fell to the ground. He kicked his gun away. He stood over him still holding the piece of wood that he had hit him with. He nudged him with the toe of his boot. He tossed the wood down and grabbed Lucas's legs.

Hunter rode back in a few hours after Lucas left. He rode straight to the barn. He was dog tired from being in the saddle all day. He had rode the herds then he made a quick trip to town just to see if ole boy had shown back up. He saw his Dad snoring as he swung down. He tried to ease past him but he lifted his head.

"Sorry, I was trying to be quiet."

"It's ok. I didn't realize that I fell asleep. I got things needing to be done."

"I already rode the herd. All's accounted for. Fence line was good."

"Thanks, son."

Jimmy grimaced as he tried to stand. Hunter offered his hand and pulled him on up.

"Lucas inside?" Hunter asked.

"He should be by now. He went to talk to Ron. Ask if he had seen anything."

"His horse ain't in here."

"Really? I'm going to ask your Mama."

Hunter set about tending his horse when Jimmy came rushing back in.

"Get another horse. He never came back."

"That's odd. It ain't but like a twenty minute ride there."

"That's what I know. Let's go see where he is."

The two got horses as Lou watched them race out the yard with Eli by her side. Jimmy and Hunter came to old man Jenkins' place. Lucas's horse was wandering around out front. Jimmy looked at Hunter and pulled his gun. Hunter did the same. They eased up to the house but it was empty. They made their way over to the barn when Jimmy stopped in his tracks. Hunter looked around. He saw what stopped his Dad. Lucas's gun was laying in the dirt. You could see where he had fired and it hit the back of the barn. Drag marks led them out back but nothing once they got there. Hunter looked at his father.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I wish the fuck I knew."

"Where's Jenkins?"

Jimmy looked around the back of the barn when he saw him laying behind his old wagon. He sighed.

"There. He's dead."


"Let's take care of him then head back to the farm. I have to tell everyone what's going on."

"Dad, what are we gonna do? This brings back some bad memories. Ones that I tried to forget."

"Hunter, that is in the past. It ain't him. He's dead and buried. We know that so don't even go there."

"Then what's happening?"

"I wish I knew."

Chapter 10

Lori heard movement at the top of the hole. She stood and pressed her back against the wall of dirt. She looked up at the top. She saw Isaac struggling to pull something. He got it next to the edge.

"Hey baby! Watch out below!" He yelled.

She stood against the far wall away from him as he rolled it over. It was a person. She closed her eyes as they fell down on the bottom in front of her. The person laid still. She saw a hat come floating down in the air.

"Be back soon! Now you have some company!" Isaac laughed as he walked away.

Night was falling making it hard for Lori to see. She eased over to the person. She yelled out when she recognized Lucas. She went to him.

"Lucas? Please, Lucas?" She started crying again.

He didn't move. Isaac had left her one small lantern hanging on a wall but she didn't have anything to light it. She searched his pockets. She knew that he would have flint. She cried harder when she found it. She lit the lantern in the waning light. She cried as the light sprung up on the walls. She had been two days in darkness. She went back to her brother. He had blood on the side of his head. She didn't know what else was wrong. She didn't know what to do so she sat close to him during the night.

Jimmy and Hunter sat on the porch with Teaspoon. Lou had cried until she had exhausted herself. Rachel had put her to bed and now was soothing Annie. Eli played at the base of the steps in front of them.

"Reckon tomorrow, we will go back to Jenkins' home. See if we can turn up anything further."

"Grandpa, there weren't anything there. We looked."

"Well, we'll go look again. You might have missed something the first time. Never hurts."

"Can you ride with your bad knee?"

"Course, if'n I can get up there."

"Dad, what do you think our next move should be?"

Jimmy didn't answer. He just sat staring out at the darkness. He leaned over and put his face in his hands. Teaspoon watched Jimmy.

"Hunter, why don't you get Eli and let's go check the horses for the night." Teaspoon said getting to his feet.

Hunter didn't answer. He just stood and got Eli's hand leading him to the barn. Teaspoon stood and followed leaving Jimmy to cry in private.

Lucas opened his eyes as he felt someone pushing against him. He tried to move his head as a pain spasm ran down his neck. He sucked in a breath through his teeth. Lori leaned over him. He focused his eyes.


"Thank God, Lucas. I thought he had killed you."

"Where are we?"

"I don't know. I've been so scared and alone."

Lucas went to sit up. Lori got his arm and pulled him. He got dizzy but she held on to him. He frowned.

"You ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Asshole hit me with something. God my body is sore. My arm hurts like hell."

"He pushed you over the side. We are in some kind of hole. It's deep. I've been here in the dark for two days."

"Lori, why the hell did you run like that?"

"I was stupid. I just wanted to prove a point to Dad that I could do what I wanted. Look where it got me."

"You pulling a Hunter?"

"Don't compare me to him. I ain't that bad."

"We got to get out of here. Who is he anyway?"

"All I know is Isaac. I'm so stupid, Lucas. I don't want to die down here."

"Don't talk like that. They are still looking. They will find us. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."


"Now. Tear me off some of your dress. I need you tie it around my head as tight as you can and I think I've dislocated my shoulder in the fall. Help me secure my arm."

Lori set about the task at hand as Lucas looked around at their surroundings trying to think of a way out.

Jimmy moved his hands off his face. He dried his eyes on his sleeve. He went inside and into their bedroom. Lou was curled up in a ball sleeping. He eased over. He undressed and slid in next to her. She snuggled close to him as he wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes waiting impatiently for morning.

Chapter 11

Hunter woke early the next morning. He dressed and made his way outside. He didn't see his Dad. He must be still asleep. He walked over to the barn. He looked at his brother's horse. He felt anger and frustration building inside. He felt lost without his brother. He started shaking with anger. Lucas always knew what to say to curve his temper. Now he was all alone. He saddled his horse. He wasn't going to wait. He had to find his brother and sister even if that meant going by himself.

Jimmy woke to the sound of Eli running around his room. He groaned and rolled over. Lou was up and dressed. She was trying to quiet Eli when she saw him.

"Sorry. I was trying."

"It's ok. I need to get up. I've got to get back out there."

"You needed the rest and you need some food first."

"I'm good." He said as he stood and stretched.

He got dressed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around Lou's waist.

"I'm sorry for being so hard to deal with."

"Don't be. Here eat this. Then go find our kids." She said as she handed him a ham biscuit.

He took it as he walked out to the barn. Teaspoon was crossing the yard. Jimmy turned to him at the barn door.

"You seen Hunter?"

"Not this morning."

"Fuck it."

"What now?"

"I told that hot head to stay with me and not go off alone and what does he do?! He went out a fuckin lone!" Jimmy said as he kicked the dirt.

"Settle down."

"Does he not remember everything that we've been through in the past?! I can't fucking do this shit again! I can't handle it!"

"Jimmy! Shut up and calm down! Look at me!"

Jimmy shook his head and put his arms against the wall. He started to panic. He felt himself breathing too fast. He tried to slow it down.

"I can't!"

"Look at me. Yes, you can. You're gonna find Lori and Lucas. Hunter is fine. Just saddle up and follow his tracks. Everything will work out. Just take some deep breaths."

"Teaspoon, I can't lose them."

"You ain't gonna. Now get yourself together and go find those kids of yours."

"I ain't sure if I should leave you here alone with the girls. He might come here." Said Jimmy.

"Son, we don't even know if the two are related yet. Don't go jumping the gun."

"I'll stay with him."

Jimmy and Teaspoon looked up to see who had spoken. Billy was standing by his horse looking at them.

"See Jimmy. Go find them."

Jimmy looked at the determined young man. He got his horse ready. He patted Billy's shoulder as he led his horse out the barn. He mounted and raced out the yard. Teaspoon looked at Billy.

"Ever shot at anyone before son?"

"No, sir but I'll do anything to protect Annie."

"You have shot a gun right?"

"I have one but no, not really."

"Well, it's high time you learn. Come on."

Hunter rode around to the back of Jenkins' barn where they had found him. He got down and walked slowly through the grass looking for anything. He looked at the mountain in the distance. If he were to kidnap anyone, he would take them somewhere away. Somewhere quiet. They would have to be close but not too close. Like the mountain. He smirked as he started walking that way.

Jimmy followed Hunter's tracks back to Jenkins' small farm. He saw where he had walked around the barn. He mounted back up. His tracks were heading toward the mountain.

Lucas was laying back against the wall of dirt with his eyes closed. Lori was walking around trying to see if she could find a way to climb out. Lucas opened his eyes and saw her feeling the walls.

"Anything?" He asked.

"It's smooth. I can see light coming from somewhere up there but it's still dark. Even with the lantern it's hard to see."

"I think we are in some kind of hole in the old mine shaft. Hopefully Dad will see where he pulled me here."

Lori walked back over and sat beside Lucas. She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she started to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Luke. I knew better."

"Don't start that now. We are gonna get out of here. I have an idea. Might not be a great idea but still I'm gonna try."

"What is it?"

"You'll see. Just stay clear."

Lucas pulled himself to his feet just as Isaac walked over with a lantern to the top of the hole. He watched as he sat the lantern down.

"Watch out below baby doll!" He called out as he tossed a canteen down.

Lucas watched as it fell next to her feet. He could now see how deep the hole was. He guessed about twenty feet or so. He didn't know how the hell he didn't break anything. Isaac went to leave.

"Hey Isaac! It's your buddy Lucas!"

He watched as the light made its way back. Lucas smiled.

"I was hoping that you had fell on that big head of yours. No such luck."

"Appears that lady luck ain't on your side then."

"Now I'll have to fuckin kill you."

Lucas laughed making Isaac all the more mad.

"You ain't got the balls to do that. You are just a chicken shit that tried to do it the easy way by taking a girl. What do you want with her anyway?"

"Her? I don't want her you dumb bastard. I want your brother. I was hoping his dumb ass self would come looking not you. But anyway, he's next."

Lucas frowned looking over at Lori.

"What the hell you want with my brother? He ain't done shit to you."

"He's done plenty. Like ruin my life."

"Ruin your precious little life. We don't even fucking know you asshole."

"Y'all know me alright."

"No, we don't ya chicken shit coward! You don't account for nothing!"

"You knew my father you lousy son of a bitch! Your fucking brother killed him! Shot him down like some dog!"

Lucas looked over at Lori who had covered her mouth. They knew who he was talking about. He put his finger to his lips telling her to be quiet.

"Well your father was nothing but a murdering coward just like you."

"Don't you dare talk about him!"

Isaac yelled and pulled his gun. He shot down in the hole. The dirt kicked up between them. Lori screamed but Lucas didn't flinch. Isaac yelled out and walked out leaving the lantern up top. Lucas looked at Lori and smiled.

"He could have killed us numb nut!" She whispered.

"True but if Dad is close then he just heard that shot."

Chapter 12

Hunter heard the shot. He pulled his horse to a stop and tied him to a tree. He pulled his gun as he ran into the trees. He slowed as he saw the foothill of the mountain come into view. He knew where he was. It was the old abandoned mine. Lucas and he got in trouble more than once for venturing out here. He looked at the entrance but he didn't see anyone. He saw a horse off to the side. He crept around the tree line trying to get a closer look. He was almost there when something hit him from behind. He dropped his gun as he fell down onto his hands and knees. He heard the voice.

"I was counting on you coming alone. You are just as stupid as I had hoped."

"Where's my sister and brother?" Snarled Hunter starting to shake with anger.

"Safe. For now."

"I'm gonna kill you."

"You know all about killing don't you. Just like your dear old Dad. Y'all just love ruining people's lives. You live for it."

"Shut up."

"Why? Your Dad killed my father mentally then along comes you. You shot him down for nothing."

Hunter realized who he was talking about. He started digging his fingers into the dirt.

"Your father was Kid, wasn't he? That two faced piece of horse shit that tried to kill my Dad and our family. He deserved to die."

Isaac went to swing the board that he had again. Hunter rolled over and grabbed it. He pushed back as Isaac growled in hate over him. He kicked Isaac making him fall off of him. He turned and went to grab for his gun. Isaac rushed over and kicked it farther away. He then kicked Hunter twice before he could stand and move. Hunter hit him in the face. He lunged at him as he fell away. The two fought on the ground. Isaac slipped his hand down and pulled his gun. Hunter saw and grabbed his wrist with both hands. Isaac reached over and got a rock with his other hand. He slammed it to the side of Hunter's temple. He watched as he fell back holding his face. Isaac got to his feet and pointed his gun at Hunter. Hunter wiped the blood from his eye as he looked up. He stared at Isaac.

"Bye you son of a bitch. This ain't how I wanted to do this. I wanted to throw you in that hole and watch you slowly starve to death. A miserable painful death."

Hunter wiped more blood from his face as it poured from his temple. He now knew where his brother and sister were. He waited for the shot when Isaac was suddenly thrown back away from him. He wiped his eye again as he saw his Dad beating the shit out of him. Hunter stumbled off the ground and staggered into mine. He saw a lantern in the distance. He wiped his face again as he walked. He saw an opening. He fell on his chest looking down the hole. He smiled as Lucas and Lori met his gaze. He looked around and saw some old rope curled on the mine floor. He stumbled his way over to it shaking the dizziness away. He tied the rope around an old beam and tossed the rope in the hole.

"Lucas? Think y'all can climb up?"

"We'll figure something out."

Lucas looked at Lori.

"Go Lori. I can't."

"No, you'll go first. I'll tie the rope around you then I'll come up last. Hunter?!"


"Lucas can't climb up. We think he's dislocated his shoulder. You're gonna have to pull him up."

Hunter looked around just as his Dad fell onto his chest beside him.

"Lucas can't climb out. He's hurt his shoulder." Hunter told his Dad.

"I'm going to grab that horse at the mine entrance. Be right back." Jimmy said as he stood.

Hunter watched him start to run then fall against the wall. He noticed blood dripping off his fingers on his right hand.

"Dad, you ok?"

"Fine. Be right back."

He turned back as Jimmy left. He soon came back with the horse. He untied the rope from the beam and tied it to the horse. Hunter watched as he leaned on the horse out of breath.

"Dad? You're bleeding."

"They ready?" Jimmy said not answering him.

"Yeah, I think so. Lucas slow and easy!" Hunter yelled down.

Jimmy slowly walked the horse. He watched as Hunter helped Lucas out the hole. They tossed the rope back down. He breathed a sigh of relief as Lori was helped out the hole. They all took a moment to gather themselves smiling.

"Where's Isaac?" Asked Lucas.

"Outside." Said Jimmy.

Hunter pushed up from the floor. He wiped his face again as he walked outside. Jimmy hugged Lucas and Lori as they all walked outside.

"Where is he?" Hunter asked.

"Right there." Jimmy said as he pointed.

They all saw a pool of blood on the ground but Isaac wasn't there. Jimmy felt like his air was sucked out of him. He rushed over and pulled himself up on the horse in the mine. His kids watched as he rushed away. Hunter looked at Lucas and Lori.

"Fuck this shit."

"What's wrong?" Asked Lori.

"He's going for Mom and Annie." Mumbled Lucas.

"Think you can ride?" Asked Hunter.

"Me, how bout you?" Said Lucas.

Hunter wiped the blood off his face again. Lori watched him. She ripped a piece of her dress and tied it around his temple.

"That should help for a while." She said.

Hunter shook his head and blinked his eyes.

"Feel dizzy." He said.

"Come on you two." Lori said as she helped Lucas up in the saddle.

Hunter looked around.

"Ain't but one horse, Lor."

"Get on with Lucas. I'll walk y'all to Jenkins house where we'll get another horse."

Hunter nodded as he got on behind his brother. Lori took off at a fast walk leading the horse back to old man Jenkins' farm.

Chapter 13

Lou sat the kitchen table with Teaspoon and Rachel. Annie and Billy walked outside to the barn. She turned her mug around and around in her hands. Rachel watched her fiddle with the cup.

"Jimmy and Hunter should be home soon. Hopefully they will have some news for us." Said Rachel quietly.

"I think I'm going to sit on the porch for a few." Teaspoon said as he stood up and walked outside.

"I can't relax Rachel. I can't shake this feeling that something bad is about to happen."

"It's going to be ok." Rachel said as she placed her hand on Lou's arm.

Billy held Annie in the barn as she cried. She buried her head on his chest as he rubbed her back. She felt his arms loosen and his legs buckle as he fell to the floor. She stood back in shock. Isaac was standing there pointing his gun at her. He was holding his side with his other hand. She looked at all the blood on his stomach and pants leg. She looked at Billy laying on the ground. She took a step back.

"Get over here." Isaac said aiming his gun right at her.

Annie didn't know what to do. She stared back at him. She felt like she couldn't move. Isaac reached over and wrapped his arm around her pulling her close to him.

"Here. Tie this around me." He said handing her a piece of rag.

Annie nodded as she wrapped it around his wound. She heard him suck in air as she pulled it tight. She stood back up. He grabbed her around the waist and put his gun to her head.

"Let's go see Mom and wait for the rest of your family."

Teaspoon stood as he saw Annie get pushed out the barn. He stopped when he saw Isaac behind her with his gun at her head.

"Get inside old timer." Said Isaac.

Teaspoon backed into the house carefully keeping his eye on Annie. Rachel and Lou saw Teaspoon easing in backwards.

"What are you doing?" Asked Rachel smiling until she saw Annie.

Lou felt sick when she saw her daughter. Eli clung to his Mama's skirts.

"Rachel, take Eli upstairs. Please."

"That's fine. Take the little one. Just remember I'm watching." Isaac said.

Rachel reached down and took Eli's hand. She pulled him upstairs. Isaac turned back to Lou and Teaspoon.

"So you're the one." He said watching Louise.

"What?" she asked confused.

"You're the one that he lost everything for. You're the one that broke his heart beyond repair. You killed him first and then your bastard son finished him off."

Lou stopped and looked in Isaac's eyes.

"You're Kid's son." She whispered.

"Fucking right I am."

Teaspoon could now see the resemblance in the boy. He looked at him.

"Son, you don't have to do this. Your father was troubled. He chose his path. You don't have to follow in his footsteps. You can put the gun down and leave right now while you still can." Teaspoon said looking at the wound in the boy's side.

"Don't fucking call me son. You sided against him. You think I don't know who you are old man. The father figure that threw him down like trash instead of trying to find him and help him. Oh yeah, I heard all about that from my mother."

"That's not how it all happened." Said Teaspoon quietly.

"Yeah it is. I know what I have to do." He said as he pulled some rope out of his back pockets. He handed it to Annie.

"Tie them."

Teaspoon looked at her as she tied his hands and ankles.

"It will be ok. It's ok." He whispered.

"I heard that. Believe it if you want." Said Isaac.

Annie went and tied her Mom while Isaac checked the ropes behind her. He looked at Annie.

"Shut them up." He said.

Annie looked around and grabbed two small rags. She tied it in their mouths.

"Good girl. Now get over here." He said as he pointed his gun at her.

Annie walked over to stand in front of him. She saw him panting holding his side. He spun her around and grabbed her arm.

Lou and Teaspoon looked up in fear as they heard a horse coming into the yard.

Chapter 14

Jimmy rushed into the yard. He jerked his horse to a stop. Something was off. He looked around and didn't see anyone.

"Teaspoon?" He called out.

Lou heard his voice. She tried to yell past the gag in her mouth. She turned worried eyes to Teaspoon.

"One's here." Smiled Isaac.

Lou looked out the window as Isaac pushed Annie to the front door. She saw Jimmy slumping over in his saddle. He looked like he was hurting. She turned worried eyes toward Teaspoon. They both looked out the window as Isaac pushed Annie on the porch. Jimmy slid down off his horse and fell onto his knees. He wiped the sweat off his brow as he struggled up his feet.

"Annie, you ok?" He asked hoarsely.

"Dear old Dad, she is just fine but you sir on the other hand look a bit peakish."

Jimmy swallowed and stood up straighter.

"Where's everyone else?"

"They're just fine. They are all inside waiting for their turn."

"Put the gun down. Just put it down and I'll let you leave."

"You took everything away from my father. You were the one that made him the way that he was. It's your fault. You caused all of this."

Jimmy felt himself sway. He caught himself on the horse. Isaac smiled as he watched Jimmy swallow hard.

"Feeling alright there Dad? That knife wound starting to get to you? Getting soft in your old age." Smirked Isaac.

Jimmy tried to blink away the sickness that he felt. He pushed back up holding onto the horse. Annie noticed the blood steady dripping off her Dad's fingers onto the dirt. Isaac started to laugh.

"See honey, your Dad is a little hurt. Right Daddy?" Isaac laughed.

"Annie." Said Jimmy as he fell down onto his knees.

Isaac pushed Annie down the steps toward her Dad. Jimmy felt himself slipping. He fell onto his chest as they neared. She saw the massive amount of blood down his back and arm. Isaac stood holding her tight and pointed his gun at Jimmy's back. Annie jumped as she heard more horses coming. Isaac stopped and turned his attention to the others. Hunter slid down from his horse. Lucas and Lori right behind. Hunter saw his Dad on the dirt.

"What the fuck did you do?" He said pulling his gun.

Lucas pushed Lori behind him as he stood watching unarmed. Isaac turned his gun back to Annie. He pressed it against her head.

"Toss it down or I blow her brains out."

Lucas looked at Hunter wondering what he would do. Hunter slowly lowered his gun glaring at Isaac. He dropped it to the ground. Lucas saw Isaac move the gun. Before he could yell out, Isaac pulled the trigger throwing Hunter back on the ground. Lucas yelled out and pushed Lori away.

"Run!" He yelled.

Lori took out at a full run for the barn. Isaac laughed as he saw Lucas running behind his sister trying to protect her. He pulled the trigger. Annie screamed as her brother fell. Isaac was distracted as Lucas tried to get back to his feet clumsily. Annie took that moment to elbow him in the gut. She kicked him between the legs and raced up the steps back in the house. Isaac yelled out and bent over. He slowly stood back up and started walking over to Hunter when a shot rang out. He stopped and looked over to the barn. Billy pulled the trigger again. The shot struck Isaac in the chest for the second time. He smiled at Billy as he collapsed to the ground.

Annie quickly untied her Grandpa and Mom. Louise rushed out the door. She looked around the yard. Lori was helping Lucas to his feet. Jimmy was laying face down on his chest. Hunter was rolling around in the dirt on his back. She didn't know what to do.

"Get your son. I'll see about Jimmy." Teaspoon said beside her.

Rachel stood in the doorway with Eli looking out. Annie saw Billy. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm going to get Eli so Rachel can help. Can you go fetch the doctor?"

"I'll be right back." He said lightly kissing her lips.

She smiled as he rode out the yard. She grabbed Eli and carried him back inside so Rachel could help. Rachel went to Teaspoon first.

"What we got?"

"Looks like he was stabbed quite a while ago in his upper shoulder. He just lost so much blood trying to get here. I got pressure on it. See about the boys."

Rachel rushed over to Lou. She looked at Rachel with tears running down her face.

"Let me see." Rachel said as she shooed her away.

She pushed Hunter back down flat. She looked to Lou.

"Just his shoulder. Hunter, baby, I know you're in pain but try to lay still for your Mama."

Rachel went to Lucas and Lori.

"I'm fine Grandma. Just caught my leg. I'm good." Said Lucas.

Rachel stood and looked at everything going on around her. She said a silent prayer for her family.

Chapter 15

Two weeks later, Louise and Lori were finishing up hanging the laundry. Billy and Annie were riding back in after checking the herd playfully laughing with each other. Teaspoon walked out the barn behind a running Eli. Lucas limped out behind him still favoring his arm. She heard Lucas yelling at his younger brother. She saw him limping faster trying to catch up with him. She laughed. She watched Jimmy and Hunter coming from the feed shed. Jimmy was still walking somewhat stiffly from the wound and cut on his upper back. Hunter walked beside his father talking with his arm still tied up in a sling. Lucas pushed Eli off on Teaspoon and walked over to where they were standing in the yard. She watched her boys. She smiled as she took in how much they all looked alike. Jimmy saw her staring and smiled over at her. He said something to his boys and walked over.

"What you think you're looking at?" He said smiling.

"My handsome men." She smiled.

"I don't know who you're talking about."

Louise laughed harder.

"What are we gonna do with those two boys?"

"What you mean?"

"What I mean is, we are in trouble. We have two very handsome, strong, daring young men on our hands that look and act just like you."

"They might look like me but their better than I was at that age."

"They have you to show them the way."

"What about those girls of ours? I still don't understand why they couldn't have been ugly."

"Stop it." Laughed Louise.

Jimmy looked down at Lou. He swept her up in his arms and kissed her. He smiled as he heard his boys groaning.

Rachel came out and yelled that it was time for dinner. Lou smiled and pushed Jimmy away to help Rachel bring the food out. He followed behind her. Teaspoon herded Eli over as Jimmy pushed him down in a chair. Soon everyone was seated outside. Teaspoon said a prayer as the meal started. Lori looked over at her Dad and Mom.

"So, how's everyone feeling? Back to normal yet?" She asked.

"We're getting there. Few more weeks and we should be good as new." Said Jimmy.

"That's good."

Jimmy eyed her suspiciously.


Lori looked at her sister and felt herself blush.

"What you two got going on?" He asked watching his girls.

"Well Dad, there's a dance next month." Lori started.

"No. No way." Said Jimmy shaking his head.

"Jimmy, honey, she had someone ask her to go." Said Louise.

"No." He said again.

"I was hoping you were gonna take me anyway." Smiled Lou.

Jimmy saw his daughter's face fall. He felt his heart break. He sighed.

"Do I know this one?"

"Yes, sir. It's Patrick, the blacksmith's son."

"He's a good boy, Jimmy. Not too mention how cute he is." Laughed Lou winking at Lori.

Jimmy cut his eyes around the table thinking it over.

"I guess so." He heard himself say.

Lori turned to Annie and Billy squealing. She jumped up and hugged her Dad's neck. Jimmy hugged her back.

"Just remember. I've killed before." He whispered.

Lori just giggled. He looked at his boys.

"How bout y'all? Might as well hit me all at one time."

"Um. I might ask Sarah." Whispered Hunter looking at his food.

"Bout time you caved." Laughed Jimmy.

"That's so sweet Hunter." Smiled Rachel which made Lucas laugh.

Jimmy turned to him.

"And you?"

"No one in particular. Probably have bout three there."

Jimmy frowned at his son while Teaspoon snickered.

"I told you to stop that. Please listen for once."

"I did. I had five lined up. I narrowed it down to three."

"Oh my God, Luke. Pick one."

"Maybe one day." He smiled.

They all laughed except Jimmy. He looked at Billy who was laughing also.

"Why are you laughing? You better not get any ideas from him. You aren't set in this family yet, you know."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Billy said smiling at Annie.

Jimmy finally smiled.

"It might be hope for you yet."

The End

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