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Chapter 1

"Things will be just fine, Lou. Just travel safe and I'll see you in a month." Jimmy said as he walked Lou out to board the stage.

"Are you sure that you can handle everyone while I'm gone? I mean I could wait just a while longer before I go."

"No go ahead. Dakota came to help you with Eli so it's only right that you help her."

"I don't know. Maybe I should stay."

"Go, Lou. That baby ain't gonna wait and they will need you there. You know how Buck is gonna be. I got this."

"Maybe I should take Eli with me or go on my horse. I could go faster."

"And how would you carry all this stuff." Jimmy said as he watched his boys load the big trunk full of baby things that Lou had gotten for Dakota.

"I know. I just ain't never left you alone with all of them before."

"I'm telling you, I got this. The girls will help take care of the house and the boys are grown so they can take care of themselves. Teaspoon is right next door. We'll be fine. I just want you and Rachel to be safe."

Lou watched as Teaspoon spoke with Rachel as she stepped up in the stage. Jimmy pushed Lou along. She stood at the coach and turned to her family all standing there. She went and hugged each of her girls. She bent down and whispered something in Eli's ear. He nodded as she stood back up. Her boys saw her coming in their direction. They tried to back up but she grabbed each one of them hugging them tight. Jimmy got her hand and walked her back to the stage. He pulled her close and kissed her. He breathed her in knowing it would be a few weeks before she got back.

"Now go. Do your thing. We'll see you in a few weeks. I love you." He said.

"I love you too. Y'all please be good and listen to your Daddy. Eli." She said pointing to him winking.

Eli laughed as the others waved to their Mom and Grandma as the coach pulled away. Jimmy watched it until he couldn't see it anymore. He turned back to his group of hellions. Teaspoon was right in the middle of them.

"Now. I need to get a few things here in town. Lucas, you can help me. Hunter, run over to Gordon's shop and get those tools that he fixed for me. Girls, just watch that one." He said nodding to Eli.

"Billy is meeting me in front of the dress makers." Said Annie.

"And what are y'all planning on doing?"

"Just walk around town. I promise I'll be ready when you are."

"Fine. Be back in thirty minutes."

He watched as Annie walked off down the street. Lori came up.

"What, you got somewhere to be also?"

"I was wondering if I could walk with Hunter. I'll take Eli."

"Uh huh. Patrick working?"

"I don't know but I want to find out." She smiled.

"Whatever, just please watch Eli. Hunter, watch your sister."

"Lucky me." He mumbled as he walked off with his sister and Eli behind.

"Come on. Let's get this done so we can get back home." Jimmy said to Lucas who nodded.

Jimmy, Lucas, and Teaspoon made their way into the mercantile. The new owner spoke to Jimmy as they came in. He gave him a list that Lou had made him. He started looking around while he waited for the things to be put together. Lucas was walking around the store chewing on a piece of candy. He was looking at some new books when he heard someone tap the glass behind him. He looked over and smiled as he saw a girl blow him a kiss through the window. He looked over at his Dad. He put the book back down and started easing toward the door. Teaspoon was watching trying to hide his laughter. Jimmy turned his head to look at something. He saw Lucas.

"What are you doing?"

"Stepping out just for a minute."

"You're supposed to help me load."

"I will. I just was going to get some fresh air while we are waiting."

Jimmy turned his good eye over to the window. He saw the girl waving at his son.

"Really, fresh air?" He said pointing at the girl outside.

"That too." Lucas smiled and shrugged.

"Which one is that?"

"I think her name is Lillian something. I don't know. She's one of them. I ain't sure." Lucas smiled.

"Lucas, I've warned you about this."

"I just wanted to say hi. That's all."

"Whatever. You got ten. And next time you want to sneak off, it's the left side." Jimmy said trying not to smile.

Lucas laughed as he stepped outside. Jimmy shook his head as Lucas put his arm around the girl and whispered in her ear. She leaned into him as they walked. Teaspoon laughed.

"Now what am I gonna do?"

"I'll help ya load it all. I'm gonna say that is truly my grandson. He takes after me. A ladies man." Teaspoon smiled.

"If he marries six times, I'm gonna run away where he will never find me."

Teaspoon chuckled as Jimmy stood laughing waiting on their supplies.

"I got a sinking feeling that this is gonna be harder than I thought."

"Son, I wrangled all of you riders. You only got five and two of them are girls."

"Yeah, you just said it all. Girls."

Chapter 2

Jimmy woke the next morning. He laid on his side staring at the wall on the edge of his bed. He tried to roll over only to have feet pressed in his lower back. He sighed and slid out from under quilt. He looked around to make sure Eli was still asleep. He had tried more times than he could count to put Eli in his bed. The child just didn't want to stay there. He gave up sometime early this morning and just put him in bed with him. He knew he would regret it later but he was tired. He crept around and dressed. He heard footsteps heading down as he strapped his gun belt on. He put his hat on and slowly crept out the door. He could smell something cooking so at least his girls were on time. He walked down into the kitchen to find Annie and Lori finishing up breakfast. He smiled. Everything was as it should be.

"Morning Daddy." The girls said.

"Morning girls. Your brothers up?"

"Yes, sir. Lucas is out and about doing whatever he does. We ain't seen Hunter yet."

"He still in the bed?"

"Probably since he came in so late last night." Annie smiled over to Lori who smiled back.

"Why would he come in late? He was in bed when I went to sleep."

"Ain't sure. Lucas might know." Said Annie keeping her back to her Dad.

Jimmy got his cup of coffee and started outside.

"Dad, breakfast will be ready in a few." Said Lori.

"Ok, I'll be right back. Listen out for Eli."

Jimmy made his way out on the porch. He saw Lucas making his way back in the barn. He walked in behind him.


"Yes, sir."

"The girls said that Hunter came in late last night. That true?"

"Maybe." Lucas said looking the other way.

"Where the hell did he go?"

"I'm not exactly sure."

"Lucas, you better tell me what you know."

"Shit Dad, he'll know it came from me."

"What is he doing?"

"Ugh.......he went off with Jacob. I don't know what they did. And that's the truth."

"Why didn't you go then?"

"Cause I don't like him. He's an asshole and troublemaker. I got other things to worry about."

Jimmy nodded and walked back over to the house. He made his way inside only to have Eli run into him. He grabbed the little boy by his shoulder to keep him from falling to the ground.

"Table now."

"I ain't hungry."

"Yes you are." Jimmy pushed him back to the table as the girls were setting their breakfast out.

Jimmy yelled out the door for Lucas and Teaspoon who was in with his chickens. He started upstairs to get Hunter. The girls snickered and looked at each other. Jimmy didn't knock he just walked right in. Hunter was sprawled on his chest across his bed snoring. Jimmy walked up and poked his shoulder. He just snored harder. Jimmy leaned down close to his ear and yelled. Hunter screamed out and flipped over gasping for air. He glared at his Dad standing over him.


Hunter groaned and put his arm over his eyes. Jimmy walked to the door. He stopped and walked back over to him. He lifted the blanket.

"Why are you naked?"

"Always sleep this way."

"You lie too. Get dressed and get down to the table."

Hunter frowned as his Dad left slamming the door behind him. He stood and put some clothes on. He ran his hand through his hair. He gathered up his dirty clothes that he had tossed in the corner. He peeked out his door. He went to his sister's room and piled the wet clothes on their floor. Jimmy and the others looked up as he made his way to the table and sat. Everyone was quiet as they ate.

"Daddy, I was wondering if I could invite Billy over tomorrow for dinner." Annie asked.

"Reckon it'll be alright if you're doing the cooking." He said.

"Don't worry. I have it all planned out." She smiled.

"Eat Eli." Jimmy said still chewing.

"Yuck." He said.

"I ain't telling you again. Lucas, we got bout three horses needing to be shod today. Hunter, we got some fence posts that need to be replaced. Girls, can you help watch your little brother?"

"We got laundry and we have to pick in the garden."

"Can't he help?"

"No." They said together.

Jimmy rubbed his forehead. Hunter yawned and picked at his food.

"I'll watch him." Said Teaspoon.

"Thank you. Now let's eat. We got to get this work done today." Jimmy said as he looked over at Hunter who was still yawning. He couldn't take it. He had to ask.

"Where did you go last night?"

Hunter looked over at Lucas and glared.

"Nowhere. I was here sleeping."

"I know you went out. You know you have chores to do here."

"How would you know that I went out?"

"I'm asking the questions here, not you."

"Reckon Lucas just had something to say about it."

"I didn't say a damn thing. He came and asked me this morning." Said Lucas.

"And you just had to tell."

"What was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know. Come up with something. You know how many times I've covered for your ass to sneak out to meet one of your many girlfriends."

"I ain't going to lie. He already knew, Hunter."

"Oh well then I just know who it came from." Hunter said eyeing his sisters.

"It don't matter who it came from! Where did you go?" Jimmy said raising his voice.

"I went out with Jacob. We didn't do nothing wrong."

"Somehow I doubt that. Please let me know next time."

"What! That's all he gets?!" Yelled Lori.

"Can we just eat and get this day started?" Jimmy mumbled.

"Oh yeah, Lori. I put my clothes in your room. I fell in the creek last night so I'll be needing them washed." Smirked Hunter.

Lucas bowed his head laughing. Jimmy closed his eyes. Lori yelled and slammed her fork down.

"That's it! I sneak off to see one boy and I'm stuck here for a month! He sneaks off, falls in the creek, and sleeps in and all he gets is a please let me know! Oh my God! Y'all can do your own laundry! I ain't doing it!" Lori yelled as she walked upstairs.

Teaspoon just ate quietly watching everyone.

"I don't know how you can sit there and think this is fair cause it ain't." Said Annie.

"Annie, don't start with me." Mumbled Jimmy.

"Well I for one would like an answer."

"You should have kept your mouth shut and none of this would have happened." Smirked Hunter.

"Hunter." Said Jimmy quietly.

"How can he get away with this? Because he's a boy and oh my gosh, he's twenty years old. Screw that. It ain't fair for Lori."

"Annie. Hush." Said Jimmy.

"Screw this. I'm going over to Billy's."

"No you ain't! You got chores here!"

"No, you got chores here." She said as she stormed out.

Jimmy jumped up to run behind her. Eli saw his chance. He flew from his chair. Jimmy only caught the back of Annie's horse as she raced bareback out the yard. He turned to go back inside as Eli ran past. He grabbed the boy by his shirt collar and pulled him back in. He placed him in his chair.

"Figured you of all people would have my back." Hunter was saying to Lucas.

"I do. I told you that he already knew so what would have been the point of lying."

"See what happens next time you want to sneak out for one of your females."

"Whatever. Just shut up."

Jimmy came and slapped the table. Hunter and Lucas watched him. He was mad as hell.

"Hunter fence, now."

Hunter sneered at Lucas one more time as he walked out the door. Lucas grabbed his hat off the table.

"Wait a minute."


"How often do you sneak out?"

"Now I didn't do anything last night. I was here the entire time."

"Ain't what I asked you."

"I don't know. A few.......ish."

"Get out."

Lucas grinned as he ran outside. Jimmy looked at Teaspoon and all the dirty dishes.

"Don't look at me. Eli, my boy, we got some things to attend to. We'll see you later for lunch."

Jimmy stood alone at the table. One day. One day and it all fell apart. This was gonna be harder than he thought.

Chapter 3

Five days without Louise and his house was a disaster. He had his boys out working the farm doing his job. He ran around the house trying to watch Eli, cook, do the laundry, and keep the house somewhat clean. Teaspoon walked in and took in the chaos inside. He made his way into the kitchen. Jimmy was sitting in a chair at the table. He had his head laying down on the table top. He couldn't see his face for his hair. Eli had brought in a pail of dirt and had proceeded to dump it on the kitchen floor. He was black from head to toe. He waved at his Grandpa. Teaspoon walked over and sat at the table. Dirty dishes were everywhere. Dirty laundry was piled in the corner and dinner was certainly not on. He grunted. Jimmy didn't move. Hunter and Lucas came walking in.

"He still there?" Asked Lucas.

"What you mean still there?"

"Grandpa, he was like that when we left to tend to the chores." Said Lucas.

"Must be getting to him." Smiled Hunter. Lucas laughed.

The boys went upstairs and came back down in clean shirts.

"Where y'all boys headed?" Teaspoon asked.

"Well dinner ain't on and we all know how Dad cooks, so we're going to eat in town." Said Hunter.

"Back in a few." Smiled Lucas.

The boys left so Teaspoon leaned over and grunted. Jimmy still didn't move. He took his cane and shoved his chair. Jimmy's head flew up. He had the imprint of Lou's tablecloth on his face. He noticed Teaspoon.

"Seems things are out of hand." Said Teaspoon.

"No, no, I got it. I was just taking a short break." Jimmy said wiping the drool off his face.

They both turned as Lori came down. She walked in the kitchen and grabbed herself a snack while humming. She smiled at her Daddy as she went back upstairs. Jimmy turned to Teaspoon.

"Alright, that's it! I can't keep up with tending the horses, the fences, the garden, the cooking, the cleaning, the fucking laundry never ends, and Eli won't fucking sleep! Fuck this shit!" Jimmy said as he slammed his forehead back down on the table.

Teaspoon sat quietly watching Eli build a dirt fort on the kitchen floor. Jimmy just kept his head down on the table.

"Seems to me like you should fix things with your girls."

"I don't know what you mean. Ain't nothing changed around here cept they seemed to get pissed at me and do nothing!"

"Time to make a truce of sorts."


"Time to eat crow Daddy. Let Annie have Billy over. Punish those two young men of yours to be fair to the girls. Truthfully it ain't fair that they get to go do whatever they want anyway. You're giving them too much rein. Talk to your girls and make peace."

"Hunter and Lucas aren't kids anymore, Teaspoon."

"Yeah but they still live under your roof. Fix things. I'm going home. It's much nicer there." Smiled Teaspoon as he got up.

Jimmy lifted his head. He looked at all the dishes. He watched Eli bring in more dirt and pour it all over the floor. He looked at all the unwashed laundry. He'd been in the same clothes for over two days.


"Yeah, son?"

"Can you sit with Eli for a few?"

"Sure can." Teaspoon said smiling.

Jimmy went upstairs and knocked on the girl's door. Lori cracked it open and rolled her eyes.

"Can we talk?"

"I guess."

Jimmy walked in and stood by the door.

"I'm sorry, Lori. I haven't been treating y'all fair. From here on as long as those boys are under my roof, they will go by my rules."


"Yes, really. I have been going about this all wrong. I should have listened to your Mama years ago. I have been treating you girls unfair and I'm sorry. I just don't want to think about you ever leaving home. I don't know why."

"It's ok, Daddy. I know it has to be hard. I'm sorry for going against you so much. I just want to enjoy myself and not be held back. I just want to be me."

"Again, I'm sorry. Your Mama could never be held back so I don't know why I ever thought you could. I will give you some room within reason, just work with me. And please for the love of God, help me."

"Thanks, Dad." Lori laughed.

"Now, I have to go throw Eli in the water trough."

"Here. I got it. I'll help you clean all this mess up."

She hugged her Daddy. She stood back.

"Ugh, you need a bath and clean clothes. You stink."

"I would change if I had some."

Lori laughed and walked down to gather Eli. Jimmy smiled. He might could do this after all.

Jimmy waited for Annie and made amends with her. She forgave him and had helped clean up the house. He told her that if Billy would come help around the farm that he'd be glad to pay him. She lit up at the idea. Now he waited for the other two to show back up. Teaspoon sat on the porch with him. He heard the horses coming. He waited as they put them away and walked over to the house.


"Dad." Smiled Lucas.

"We are gonna have a few changes around here. We will get up at daylight in the morning to get the early chores finished. We'll eat then head back out to finish up."

"Daylight?" Asked Hunter.

"That's right. The same time that we got up before your Mama went on her trip."

"Well Mama ain't here." Laughed Lucas.

"Don't matter cause I am. You had better be up and dressed at daylight in the morning."

"Ok." Laughed Hunter looking at Lucas.

"I mean it. No going out. You have responsibilities here."

"Um, let's see, we aren't kids anymore so we can do what we want." Said Hunter.

"Don't you ever talk back to me. As long as you live under my roof, you do what I tell you to."

Hunter snorted and walked inside. Lucas watched his Dad. He was serious. He followed Hunter in. Jimmy looked at Teaspoon.

"We'll see."

"Oh they're gonna try to make a run for it tonight." Laughed Teaspoon.

"They ain't gonna get far."

Chapter 4

Lucas was the first one to try. He crept down and eased out the door. He walked backwards down the steps. He smiled as he turned around. He walked straight into his father.

"I was just checking on the horses."

"Back inside."

"Come on, I got plans."

"Who is she?"

"Sylvia. Wait, Sally?"

"I wasn't playing. Back to bed."

Lucas sighed and walked back inside. Jimmy waited for number two. He saw Lucas go back upstairs when he saw his other problem come around from the back of the house. He stepped out in the yard. Hunter groaned.

"Back to bed. Daylight comes early."

"I was just going for a ride."

"I don't know what the hell you and that Jacob boy has got going on but I'm putting a stop to it. Get back inside."

"I am old enough to do what I want so move."

"Don't make me Hunter. I swear." Jimmy stared down his younger version.

Hunter smirked. He laughed as he walked back inside. He was going to have a long talk with both of them tomorrow. It was time. He really didn't want to beat the shit out of his own kids.

Jimmy woke the next morning. He smiled when he heard his boys pulling on their boots. They followed him down. He could smell breakfast cooking as they finished the morning chores. He watched his boys finish up. He called them over.

"Boys, I know we got some hard feelins going on between us right now but please understand that I need your help here. With your Mama gone, I need everyone's help."

"I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been doing what I was. I thought about it last night and you have every right to be mad with me." Said Lucas.

Hunter shook his head at Lucas. Jimmy looked at Hunter.

"Hunter, I don't want you to make a mistake and get yourself in some kind of trouble that I can't get you out of. Jacob ain't got the best reputation. I'm asking for your help. Man to man."

Hunter looked up and sighed.

"I ain't been going off with Jacob."

"So where the hell have you been going?"

"I been sneaking in to see Sarah while her parents are sleeping."

"Hunter." Jimmy said putting his hands on his face.

"Yeah, I know."

"Son, you can't do that." Jimmy said rubbing his eyes.

"It's been working fine so far." Hunter smiled at Lucas.

"Why didn't you just tell us you were sweet on Sarah? You could see her the right way."

"Cause I didn't want y'all to know. My sisters will never let me live it down as much hell as I gave them."

"I won't tell the girls. But if you want to see her, you best invite her over and do it the right way."

"Ok, as long as none of y'all say anything to make me look like a fool."

"Deal. Damn, I thought I had raised you better than this."

Hunter smiled but shrugged in agreement.

"Now that we are all on the same page, let's go have some breakfast."

"Actual breakfast." Said Lucas.

"Again, I'm right here. I thought it was pretty good."

"Sure it was." Smiled Hunter.

They sat around the table talking for the first time in almost a week. Annie smiled and laughed. The boys seemed to be calm. Eli was eating. Teaspoon smiled as he watched them all. Lori looked at her Dad.

"Dad, can I have a friend come stay for a few?"

"Stay? As in sleep?"

"Yeah. She lived with her grandmother but she just recently passed. She is scared to stay out there all alone."

Teaspoon looked at Jimmy waiting to hear the usual no. He cleared his throat at him.

"Who is she?"

"Kristen Mears. Her parents died when she was young so now she only has an aunt left. It will be a few weeks before she can get here. No one else in town has offered. I thought she could stay here until her aunt arrives."

"I guess so." Jimmy said already regretting his decision.

"Thank you! She can stay in the room with me and Annie."

Jimmy turned to his boys.

"No horse play either. You know what I mean."

"Not a problem." Said Hunter while Lucas smiled.

"Luke. I mean it."

"Sure thing." He laughed.

Jimmy looked back at Lori.

"She your age?"

"A year older. Sixteen."

"She can stay only until someone comes to claim her."

"Thanks Dad. She will help out around here too until Mom gets back."

Teaspoon watched Jimmy talk with his kids. Things seemed to be looking up.

Chapter 5

Hunter and Lori went to collect Kristen the next day. Teaspoon tipped his hat as they rode in. Kristen smiled back. They pulled the wagon up to the front porch. Hunter helped his sister down then helped Kristen.

"Come on. You can meet everyone." Lori said as she pulled her over to Teaspoon and Eli.

"This is my Grandpa."

"You can call me Teaspoon." He said smiling.

"And that little rascal is my little brother, Eli."

"I'm Kristen. Thank y'all so much for doing this."

"It's our pleasure." Said Teaspoon.

Lori pulled her over to her sister.

"You know Annie. This is her boyfriend, Billy."

"Hi." Smiled Kristen.

"Over here, is my other older brother, Lucas and my Dad." Lori said pulling her over to the wood pile.

"Well hello." Said Lucas smiling that smile of his.

Jimmy popped him in back of his head. Lucas dropped the act and walked away. He stuck his hand out.

"Jimmy McCloud. It's nice to meet you. Lori told me about your grandmother, I'm sorry to hear."

"Thank you. It's ok. I really appreciate you letting me stay until my aunt arrives."

"It's no problem. If you need anything, just ask."

"Come on. I'll show you the house and our room." said Lori as they walked to the house.

"Your Dad seems nice."

"Sometimes. He can be a real pain in the ass."

Kristen laughed as Lori showed her around the house. She looked back over her shoulder as Lori ushered her inside.

The next few days seemed to go by much easier than the first. Hunter and Lucas had settled down. Lucas wasn't sneaking off to see one of his many girls but Jimmy feared it was because he thought he had one at home now. Annie, Lori, and Kristen seemed to be having a grand time which made Jimmy breathe a sigh of relief. Happy girls equalled happy life. Eli hadn't seemed to be quite as bad so things were looking up. Jimmy put the hay rake down and wiped his brow as he saw Hunter riding back in from town.

"Head above water, Eli." He said as he walked to stand next to the water trough that the boy was playing in.

"Dad, got a letter from Mama." He said pulling it out his pocket.

Hunter got down off his horse as Jimmy opened the letter.

"Want to play?" Eli asked Hunter.

"Don't mind if I do!" Said Hunter as Eli laughed.

Jimmy turned around after hearing a loud splash. He was frowning still holding the letter.

"Don't jump Eli." He mumbled.

He finally looked up to see Hunter in the damn trough with Eli. Both were soaked.

"How old are you, Hunter?" He asked smiling.

"It's hot. This is so nice." Hunter said as he splashed his baby brother.

"What am I gonna do with y'all?"

"I ain't sure. You want to play to?" Hunter said smirking as he saw Lucas walking up behind his Dad with a bucket of water from the other trough.

"No, I'm good." Jimmy said right before he was suddenly soaked with water.

He slowly upped his head. Hunter, Lucas, and Eli laughed as the water dripped from his hat. He frowned at all of them. Hunter tried to hide his smile. Jimmy turned to find Lucas with a bucket.

"You're gonna pay for that."

"Got to get me first!" Lucas yelled as he scooped up another bucket throwing it in his Dad's face before he could grab him.

Hunter climbed out the trough. They ran Lucas over to the barn and wrestled him to the ground. Eli laughed as he watched them carry him over to the trough and dump him in. He went completely under. He popped back up.

Lori, Annie, and Kristen watched the boys from the porch.

"They got another thing coming if they think they are gonna come in this house wet." Said Annie.

"My Lord, you sound like Mom." Said Lori smiling.

"I know you didn't just say that."

"Do they always act like that? I've always been by myself." Asked Kristen laughing.

"Be thankful. Brothers are annoying." Said Annie.

"And don't get me started on our Dad." Said Lori.

"Time to get supper on." Said Annie getting up as Lori followed.

Kristen watched standing at the door as the boys finally stopped horsing around. She watched them take their shirts off and wring them out. She smiled. My goodness what a view.

Chapter 6

The family sat around the table that afternoon. Jimmy listened as Hunter and Lucas were talking with their Grandpa. He wanted to ride the fence line with them tomorrow. Lori was talking to Eli as he ate. Kristen was looking at him. He looked at her then turned his attention back to Annie.

"Billy coming tomorrow?"

"I think so. He just needed today to go into town with his father for supplies. He should be here early like always."

"I might send him out with Lucas and your Grandpa. Hunter has asked if he could have a day off."

Annie and Lori snapped their attention to their brother.

"Really?" Said Lori smiling.

"I got plans." Hunter said looking uneasy.

"Why can't you look at us, Hunter?" Taunted Annie.

"What are you going to do?" Said Lori leaning in closer.

Hunter looked at his sisters. He saw his Dad and Grandpa smiling. His brother just looked smug. He looked back down at his food.

"I have a picnic with Sarah."

"I knew it!" Squealed Annie.

Jimmy put his hand up to stop any further picking. Kristen smiled as she watched. He lost his smile.

"Girls, I told Hunter that we wouldn't tease him or make him look stupid."

"Like he needs our help with that." Said Lucas.

"I knew I shouldn't have done this." Said Hunter.

"Son, if you like this girl then you shouldn't be ashamed. I told you to court her the right way. Now tomorrow, I want you to pick her some flowers, take a nice picnic basket, and be a gentleman. I'll make sure no one bothers y'all."

Hunter nodded as he went back to eating. Lucas watched him blush.

"I think it is so sweet." Said Kristen.

"Well, we'll see how sweet he can be." Said Lucas looking at Hunter. Hunter cut his eyes at him.

"I think he will do just fine. It seems that he has learned from the best." She said looking at Jimmy.

"I don't know about that." Said Jimmy turning his gaze over to Teaspoon who cocked one eye.

"I hope that one day, I can find someone to treat me the same way." She said smiling.

"Well you sure ain't gonna find it here." Said Annie laughing.

The subject changed to the upcoming church picnic and other news. Hunter looked back at his Dad.

"What did Mama have to say?"

"Well, it looks like the baby ain't made its appearance yet. Looks like it's gonna be a few more weeks."

"I was hoping it was going to say that she was on her way home. I miss her." Said Lori.

"It shouldn't be much longer. I miss her too baby." Said Jimmy feeling his heart ache for his wife.

Hunter and Lucas finished their meals. Hunter walked outside with Lucas trying to give him pointers in his ear. Annie scooped up Eli. She tickled him as she chased him upstairs. Lori and Kristen starting clearing the table. Jimmy and Teaspoon were talking about some news being passed around town.

"Yeah, when Hunter was in town earlier Tom told him that he has lost three calves to this lion. He seems to be coming in closer."

"We should bring your herd in tomorrow."

"Can't yet. We need to fence off half that pasture to hold them. They've doubled in size this season."

"Well that's good news and bad news."

"I'm going to have a family meeting. I don't want the girls wandering off on their own unarmed. A lion that close to town is dangerous."

"I agree. Something ain't right with it to be this close."

The two talked as Lori gathered her Grandpa's dirty plate and cup. Kristen walked over to get Jimmy's. He stiffened as he felt her hand on his back. She moved it up to his shoulder. He looked over at her.

"Sorry, I just want to grab your dirty dishes." She said.

"Here." He said handing them to her.

She smiled as she walked away. Jimmy looked over at Teaspoon.

"I might be second guessing her staying here."

"You don't think she did that on purpose do ya? She's sixteen." Teaspoon laughed.

"I know. Just I get this odd feeling from her the longer she stays here."

"Well, it won't be much longer. Her aunt should be here end of next week. Just hold out for Lori's sake. Ya don't want her going back to doing nothing around here."

"Hell no. I can't do that. Don't worry, I'm just going with it at this point. I sure ain't gonna make them two mad again."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow. I'm gonna ride that fence line."

"See you then. Just watch that bad knee. Rachel will kill me if you hurt it again."

"Don't be worried about her. All talk and no action."

Jimmy laughed as Teaspoon got his cane and excused himself. He pushed away from the table and walked to take his mug in the kitchen. He saw Kristen at the basin but Lori was gone. He sat his cup on the small table. He went to turn when she grabbed his arm. He turned to look at her.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help but hear. Is there really a big cat that close to us?"

"Yeah but hopefully someone will get a shot on him. They do come down from time to time." Jimmy said as he went to turn away to leave again.

Kristen held his arm tighter. He stopped again.

"You need something, Kristen?"

"You can call me Kris." She said smiling up at him.

Hunter and Lucas walked in the front door. Jimmy pulled his arm away just as his boys walked in. He moved away from her as fast as he could.

"Something wrong?" Asked Hunter frowning.

"Not a thing. I'm calling a family meeting in the morning about that lion you heard about."

The two kept talking as they walked upstairs. Lucas was left standing in the kitchen with his back leaned against the wall. He smiled at Kristen.

"How's it been going, Kristen?" He asked.

"Just fine. I really like it here."

"Good, I kind of like you here too."

"Lucas, I'm sorry but just don't, ok. I don't court and I'm not looking."

"I wasn't implying that."

"Sure, I won't be number whatever. I've heard all about your friends from your sisters. I'm not saying that you aren't a very handsome young man but just not right for me."

"I'll have to thank my sisters then."

"No it's not what they told me either. I just found that I prefer older men. I'm sorry." She said as she pushed past him and went upstairs.

Lucas turned and watched her go. He laughed. Older men. What did she mean by that?

Chapter 7

Lucas watched as Hunter helped Sarah on a horse. He laughed as he saw him catering to her. His brother. His older brother that had been in more fights than he could count, that said he would never let a female tell him what to do was acting like a bumbling idiot over this girl. Lucas laughed and started to walk over to introduce himself just as his Dad was crossing the yard. He grabbed his arm and pulled him inside the barn.

"No. Just no." He said

Jimmy walked to the barn door to see his girls gathering on the porch. He pointed to the house. They giggled as they went back inside. Hunter and Sarah left so Jimmy was able to get back to work. He tipped his hat at his son as they rode off.

"Never thought I'd see the day." Said Lucas.

"She's been after him for a while now. It was bound to happen sooner or later."

"Just figured never."

"I don't even want to hear it out of you. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Pick one Lucas."

"I'm trying. It's hard. Each one has got something that I like about them."

"Pick one."

Teaspoon walked over and heard the end of the conversation. He snickered.

"Picking one again?"

"I'm trying to tell him that I can't. There's just something about all of them." Said Lucas smiling.

"How many is it?" Asked Teaspoon.

"Please, don't ask that." Said Jimmy frowning.

"Down to only a few. I had three last month but then Jenny starting talking to me, or is it Jilly. Hell, I don't know. So then it was four until Matilda's Dad started letting her court . So five, but then Sylvia started seeing Jefferson. She's so stupid. He ain't no good. She'll be back." He laughed.

Teaspoon lost it. He fell over as Jimmy glared.

"Seriously? Four, if I counted right." Said Jimmy.

"Let me see.....yeah four for now."

"Pick one."

Teaspoon laughed harder. Jimmy frowned at Teaspoon.

"You ain't helping. Why the hell do they all want you anyway?"

"Look at me. I got smarts and I've been told how good looking I am. So why not?"

"You got til the end of the month to pick one or I cut it out altogether."

It was Lucas's turn to lose his smile. He shook his head as he walked off.

"Jimmy, son, that boy of yours is something."

"Something like a pain in my ass. Never in my life did I ever think that I would have to tell my son, the quiet one I might add, to pick one girl."

"He lost that quietness years ago. Now he is cocky like his father used to be."

"I ain't never done anything like that."

"Maybe, maybe not. Think Hunter is ok out there?"

"Teaspoon, that boy has been sneaking into her house for months. I think he is fine. Another problem I got to worry about. The both of them are gonna kill me."

"Here comes Billy."

"Good now y'all can get going so I can see some peace."

"Look at your future son in law. Fine young man."

"Now I know it's time for you to go." Jimmy said as he led Teaspoon's horse out the barn with Lucas coming out soon after.

He held Teaspoon's horse as he mounted. He waved them out the yard along with Annie. She stood by her Daddy. Jimmy watched her looking at Billy.

"Like him that much, huh." He said.

"Maybe." She said blushing.

"I kind of like him too."

She looked at her feet smiling.

"Just don't let him forget that he has one time to make a mistake." Jimmy said as he walked over to gather Eli who was on the porch with Lori and Kristen.

"Come on wild man, let's go check the baby pigs."


Kristen laughed as she watched Jimmy run off behind Eli. Lori saw her looking at them.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, this just makes me wish I had a family like this."

"Well you can count us as yours while you are here."

"I guess. Can I tell you something?"


"Maybe just one day, I can find a man like your Dad. A handsome family man."

"Ew, gross. That's my Dad. I can't think of ever being with someone like him." Lori laughed as she walked back inside.

Kristen watched them disappear around the buildings. She took a deep breath. She turned to help Lori with the laundry. Kristen went from room to room gathering clothes. She watched Lori go gather Eli's clothes. She scooped up Jimmy's. She watched Lori go out the door. She lifted Jimmy's dirty shirt to her nose and breathed in his scent. She smiled.

Jimmy carried Eli over to the house about an hour later. Annie saw them coming out the window.

"Oh my God! No, no, no!" She yelled.

Lori rushed over to look. They both had mud all over them.

"Stop them Annie!"

They both rushed out on the porch. Jimmy stopped and looked in his daughter's stern faces as they blocked his way with their arms crossed.

"Just where do you think y'all two are going?"

"Inside to get clothes." Said Jimmy as he held a muddy Eli.

"No. Oh my God! Is that from the hog pen?"

"Eli kind of fell over the rail and I had to scoop him out. Look I need clothes then I'll clean all this up."

"No, you ain't tracking that all over." Said Lori.

Annie ran upstairs and came back down with the two some clothes. She ran across the yard to the wash room and tossed them over the wall. She ran back out of breath.

"Now go." She said.

Jimmy looked at his youngest as they walked away.

"It ain't that bad but we sure as hell don't want to get on their bad side. Come on, race ya!"

Kristen watched out the window as Jimmy raced behind his son to the wash house. She heard Eli rush in a few minutes later. Annie got him and finished dressing him seeing he was halfway dressed. Lori went to close the door behind as her Dad stumbled in.

"Daddy please, we are trying to get the food ready. Eli can't be running all over in here."

"Sorry, I tried." He smiled.

"I'll be so glad when Mom gets back. This is getting old. I'm never getting married and if I do, I ain't having no boys." Lori said as she turned away.

"That works better for me anyway." Her Dad laughed as he finished buttoning his shirt.

"You would say that."

Annie pulled a fully dressed Eli back over. She pushed him at Jimmy.

"I swear. Stay away from the dirt and the pigs. Boys are just so gross."

"Does that count for Billy too? Should I run him off now?"

"No. Just go away."

"You girls sound just like your Mama!" Jimmy yelled as he took Eli back outside.

Kristen stood next to the wall. He really was something to look at. He was actually pretty perfect in every way.

Chapter 8

Jimmy told his family the news of the lion. He told them all to stay close. He didn't want any of them going off unarmed until someone killed it or ran it off. Kristen sat and watched him talk. Teaspoon saw her staring dreamily. He hid his smile as he looked around the table.

"I'm going out in the morning to go check on Griffin. I doubt anyone has told him about what's going on. When I get back, I expect to see the rest of that fence up so we can bring the herd in before it comes our way."

"We'll have it ready. I'm supervising." Said Teaspoon.

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"So Hunter, how did it go today? You the new Mr. Sarah?" Snickered Lucas.

"Ain't none of your business. Leave me alone."

"My, my, someone must have girl problems."

"Shut up, Lucas."

"Stop it. Now. Lucas, you got one more time to open your mouth. Hunter, we'll talk later." Said Jimmy.

"So this sounds like we got Eli tomorrow." Groaned Lori.

"That a problem?" Said Jimmy looking at her already getting aggravated.

"No, I...."

"Good then."

"I'll watch him with you. I would love to, if you don't mind, that is." Said Kristen.

"I don't mind, Dad?"

"That's fine. Annie, I'm gonna need to borrow Billy to help Hunter and Lucas finish the fence. He can help bring in the herd also."

"I would like that." She said smiling.


"Sorry, I love that he gets to come work to here."

Kristen watched as Jimmy laughed. His voice made her feel warm all over. She loved to watch him.

The boys stood and went upstairs. Lori took Eli up while the other girls went to clean the table. Kristen went to get Jimmy's. She leaned over and made sure to brush against his arm. He cut his eyes at her as she smiled. He looked at Teaspoon after she walked away.

"I see what you mean. You got an admirer."

"I told you. That girl is only sixteen, what the hell does she think she's doing? I got to stay away from her until her aunt comes."

"Tell her to stop."

"Then what, make her leave and piss off my girls. This house would fall apart again. Just help me stay away from her."

"First thing I would do, is button that shirt all the way to the top."

Jimmy looked at the kitchen and did just that while Teaspoon laughed.

"God, I need Louise to come home."

Teaspoon patted Jimmy on the back before turning to go home. He turned back around.

"Oh yeah, I hate to tell you this but I heard your oldest talking to himself earlier. Seems that boy Jacob is trying to be sweet on Sarah. He's looking to beat his ass. Good night." Teaspoon eased on out the door.

Jimmy held his hands up as he watched him go. Now he had to watch Hunter. He grabbed his hat and left before Kristen could come back in. He went up to sit with Eli until he went to sleep so Lori could come help in the kitchen.

Kristen waited until the house was quiet. She looked over at Annie and Lori sleeping. She eased to the door. She slipped out and crept past the boys room. She could hear them snoring. She walked up to Jimmy and Lou's room. She listened. It was quiet. She carefully opened the door and peeked inside. She saw Jimmy laying in the bed on his right side. She knew he didn't hear well on his left side. The girls had told her the story of how their parents had got together and how his accident had come about. She knew he wouldn't hear her. Eli was sleeping in the bed beside him. She walked over and just looked at him sleep. He was so gorgeous. She reached out and touched the tip of his hair. She pulled it through her fingers. Jimmy grunted and turned onto his back. She stood still. She looked at his chest. She reached her hand out but stopped. Eli started moving. She crept back out the door and closed it slowly. Jimmy felt Eli moving. He felt like someone was standing over him. He opened his eyes but they were alone. He sat up and looked to make sure. He laid back trying to go back to sleep.

Jimmy woke early leaving Eli in bed. Hunter and Lucas followed him out to the barn to get their day started. Teaspoon was walking over.

"I'll be back. I'm going to check on Griffin. Watch the girls and Eli til I get back. I won't be long."

"We'll see you in a few." Said Teaspoon.

Lucas started pulling supplies out to finish the last half of the fence. Teaspoon was helping when he heard Billy ride up. He jumped in to help. Annie walked up. Teaspoon heard her talking to Billy. Next thing he knew Billy walked off holding her hand.

"Excuse me?!" He yelled.

"I only need him for a minute. Don't tell Dad, he'll never know." Annie smiled.

Teaspoon suddenly heard hoofbeats behind him. He spun around to see Hunter racing out the yard. He looked at Lucas.

"What the hell?"

"Shit, he's going to look for Jacob."

"I can't believe this." Teaspoon said rubbing his face. Lucas didn't answer.

He looked to see Lucas racing away after this brother. He looked at the fence. This wasn't going to end well.

Jimmy rode over to Griffin's small cabin. He pulled up and looked around. He got down off his horse and knocked on the door. He didn't answer. Jimmy walked around back. Griffin's horse was out back.

"Griff? It's Jimmy!" He called out.

He heard something inside. He walked back to the front.

"Griff?" He said as he knocked on the door again.

He heard Griffin's goats baying from the back of the field. He walked over that way. He saw Griffin laying in the pasture near the edge of the woods. He rushed to him. He put his gun down and rolled him over. Jimmy fell back in shock. He was dead. Mauled. He heard it then. He heard the low growl. He looked over at the trees. Three dead goats laid near them. He sat perfectly still. He saw the mountain lion watching him near the dead goat. He looked at his gun on the ground. The big cat let out a scream as Jimmy went for his gun. He grabbed the pistol just as the cat launched itself at him. He let go of the revolver as he grabbed the cat falling on his back. The cat clawed at him. He felt it claw the side of his neck and chest. He struggled against it's weight. The cat bit into his arm above his wrist. He slung Jimmy around digging in. He ended up over next to Griffin's body. He let go of the cat and felt for Griff's knife. The cat bit in deeper and clawed his arm. Jimmy screamed out as he stuck the knife in the cat. He watched it fall back. It ran off in the trees. Jimmy lay back gasping in pain. He pushed himself up unsteadily. He took off what was left of his shirt and wrapped it around his arm as tight as he could. He wiped his face. He needed help but he couldn't leave Griff out here. He got his arm and pulled him into his cabin. He fell back against the door shutting it. The world started to spin. He took a few breaths. He needed help. He staggered over to his horse as it tried to shy away from him. He finally got the reins and pulled himself onto it. He turned it toward home.

Chapter 9

Teaspoon had managed to get Billy to help him with the fence along with Annie. She wasn't much help but she did try, he had to give her that. He looked up as he heard a horse coming. He saw Lucas.

"Where have you been and where's that damn brother of yours?"

"About that."

"You were supposed to help us with this fence afore your Dad got back! We had to just do the best we could! I'll tell ya, you boys ain't got no sense of responsibility and...."

"Hunter is in jail."

Teaspoon stopped. Annie looked upset. Billy just got quiet and put the hammer down listening.


"He got in a fight with Jacob over Sarah. I tried to talk some sense into him but let's just say that he beat the living shit out of him. Jacob is over at the doctor's and Hunter is locked up. Not to mention, Sarah's Dad was in town and now he knows. He ain't none too happy."

"Oh my God. Jimmy is going to kill me and y'all."

"Billy, you might need to head on home. It ain't gonna be pretty." Said Annie quietly.

"Shouldn't your Dad have been back by now?" Asked Billy.

"You're right. Grandpa?"

Teaspoon was about to speak when he heard Lori and Kristen yell out. He looked at them. Lori was pointing and screaming. Lucas looked where she was pointing.

"Oh fuck!" He yelled as he started running.

"Merciful God." Whispered Teaspoon.

Billy rushed over to help Lucas. Jimmy rode slumped over on his horse barely hanging on. Blood dripping down his chest and arm. Lucas rushed over and pulled him down. Billy stood beside them.

"Kristen, take Eli to my house! Billy can you go for help?"

"I'll help you get him inside then I'll go."

He helped Lucas carry his Dad inside. They put him on the kitchen table. Billy rushed out. Annie put a rolled up blanket under his head. She went to grab some rags and water. Lori just stood there crying. She never had been the strong one in situations like this. Lucas and Teaspoon began unwinding the shirt off his arm. Jimmy was watching them trying to blink back the pain.

"Hold on, son."

"I'm fine. It killed Griffin." Jimmy said swallowing hard.

"Just be still Dad. Billy went for help. You're gonna be fine."

"I'm good. I'm good." Jimmy mumbled.

"Lori, honey, why don't you go over to my house with Kristen?" Suggested Teaspoon.

Lori nodded and walked out crying.

Billy came back with the doctor as Annie was trying to clean some of his cuts. Teaspoon, Billy, and Lucas walked into the other room.

"What are we gonna do about Hunter now?"

"I'm gonna make sure that Jimmy is ok then I'll go see if I can get him out." Said Teaspoon.

"Dad's gonna kill him."

"Don't tell him right now. Not in the shape that he is in. I'll get Hunter. We'll bring in the horses before dark. Damn, damn."

The three stood outside and looked up when Annie walked out.

"He said he has a lot of deep cuts to his neck and chest. It bit his arm and tore the skin. It bit it so hard that it went to the bone. He says we just have to keep it clean and watch for infection which is common with animal bites. He was hurting so he gave him a little something for pain. He's in his bed sleeping now. Doc said he would send men out to take care of Mr. Griffin."

"That's good news."

"Dad said he didn't kill it. It's still out there."

"Billy, can you help Lucas get the horses? If it's still alive then we can't lose the stock."

"Yes sir."

"I can help them, Grandpa. I ride just as well as they do." Said Annie.

"Just be careful. He'll have my hide if something happens to you. Lucas and Billy watch yourselves. I'm going for Hunter."

"I'll get the wagon for you." Said Lucas walking off.

"Go let Lori and let them know that everything is going to be fine. I'll be back shortly. I hope with your brother."

Teaspoon climbed up in the wagon and set off toward town. Lucas and Billy saddled a horse for Annie. They mounted up after she came back from talking with her sister. They raced out the yard to try to get the herd in before dark. Lori and Kristen took Eli home. Lori tried to grab Eli before he ran up the stairs. He made it to the top and jumped right in bed next to his Daddy. Jimmy grunted but didn't wake up. Eli laid down beside him. Lori couldn't get him to move.

"I'll be right back. Don't jump on him." She whispered.

Eli nodded and laid still. Lori looked in a few minutes later to find both of them sleeping.

Teaspoon pulled up in front of the jail. He carefully made his way out the wagon. He walked in the door. Hunter looked up but then quickly pulled his hat down. His Grandpa sat down in the chair.

"How you been Larry?"

"Been better, Teaspoon."

"I got ya."

"I know you came for Jimmy's problem over there so just cut the small talk. He can leave in the morning." "No chance I could get him now."

"No. Tomorrow."

"We kind of had something come up at home. His Dad was hurt pretty bad and I need his help at the farm. I can't do it by myself. I wouldn't ask otherwise. I'd agree with you."

Larry tapped his hand thinking it over. Hunter stood and limped to the bars.

"What happened to Dad?"

"Well luck wasn't on his side. He had a run in with that lion that's been killing all the livestock around here. It killed Griff and jumped your Dad. Got him pretty good."


"Yeah, he's lucky. He didn't get to kill it so I have your sister trying to help with the horses since you ran out on us like you did."

Hunter looked down at his boots. Larry listened to Teaspoon. He stood and got the keys. He let Hunter out.

"Go before I change my mind. You owe me, Teaspoon." Said Larry.

"Thanks, Larry. I'd leave him here to suffer if it weren't for this."

"Go. Get." Said Larry.

Hunter limped out holding his side and followed his Grandpa. He groaned as he pulled himself up in the wagon. Teaspoon turned to look at him as he picked up the reins.

"How does the other guy look if you look this bad?"

"I'd rather not say." Said Hunter.

Hunter had a black eye, busted nose, busted lip, and he walked rather stiffly. Teaspoon shook his head.

"Boy, you'll learn one day."

"How's Dad?"

"He'll be ok. He was lucky."

"Sorry." Said Hunter.

"Don't worry about me. You need to worry about what your Dad is gonna say when he finds out."

Hunter nodded and looked the other way.

"Did you at least win her over?"

Hunter smiled.

"She's mine alright."

"Atta boy."

Chapter 10

Two days later, Teaspoon made Hunter go up to see his Dad. Jimmy still didn't know about the trouble that he had in town. Hunter walked up just as Lori was coming out.

"He in a good mood?"

"Sort of. Kinda grumpy but I had to change his dressings. Good luck."

Hunter eased in the door. He tilted his hat down in the front looking in the door. Jimmy watched him.

"What happened, Hunter?"

"How did you know I did something?"

"The way you are acting trying to avoid eye contact. I was the same way. Spill it."

Hunter looked up at his Dad. Jimmy snickered. Hunter looked surprised.

"Tell me." Laughed Jimmy.

"Stupid asshole Jacob was trying to talk to Sarah."

"Don't say anymore."

"I got locked up." Hunter said closing his eyes.

Jimmy watched his face as he laid in the bed.

"It's ok. I've been there before. He got you pretty good though. Thought you would do better than that."

"You should see him. I sent him to the doc's."

"I hear you." Laughed Jimmy.

"I'm not in trouble?"

"No, just tell your sisters that you are. Our secret. At least you got the girl right?"

"Of course, but her Dad ain't too happy right now though."

"We'll worry with him later." Jimmy said as he tried to move. His face contorted in pain.

Hunter went to help him.

"You ok?"

"I will be. I can't really use this arm and when I move the cuts try to rip back open. It fucking hurts. I want your Mama to come home."

"Maybe we should write her."

"No, she'll only worry. I will be fine until she gets here."

"Ok. I got chores to do so I best be going. I'll come back up later."

Jimmy nodded as he closed his eyes to try to sleep. Hunter walked outside. Kristen stood next to the door. She peeked inside. She felt his pain. Her heart ached. She stood by the door. The door moved. It creaked. Jimmy opened his eyes and saw her standing there. She smiled at him.

"You need something?" He asked feeling uncomfortable.

"I was checking to see if I could help you with anything." She said as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"No, I'm good. Lori just went downstairs."

"I feel so bad that I can't do anything to make you feel better. Are you in pain?" She said as she laid her hand on his chest.

Jimmy lifted his good arm and moved her hand back to her lap. She smiled and tried to grab his hand.

"No, no, no. You got to stop this. You are sixteen. You need to get away from me."

"What could it hurt? I like older men. I can't help but be attracted to you."

"I'm married with kids. I ain't interested. Please stop and leave. Now."


"Leave Kristen."

"I told you to call me Kris."

"Get out."

Annie walked in and heard her Dad's tone of voice. Kristen had stood right as she walked in.

"What's wrong? Why are you being so mean to her?"


"She was just checking on you. Why would you act like that?"

"Annie, you don't understand."

Kristen glared at Jimmy. She made her eyes water and rushed past Annie.

"Oh my God Dad!" Annie slammed the door and left.

Jimmy leaned back. Fuck it. It was gonna fall apart again. That girl had to go before she caused him a world of trouble. She was already creating it.

Chapter 11

Teaspoon came to talk with Jimmy the following afternoon. He walked in just as Lucas was helping him down the stairs.

"What you doing up?"

"Going stir crazy. Thought I'd come sit down here for a while." He said as he sat down.

Teaspoon sat down across from him. Lucas flopped down in the other chair.

"Where is everyone?" Jimmy asked.

"The girls are over at my house. Hunter is outside running Eli for a few. His turn."

"The girls are mad at you again." Laughed Lucas.

"Teaspoon, Luke, I got to tell y'all something while they ain't here. That girl Kristen has been trying to put the moves on me."

Lucas burst out laughing. Teaspoon snickered with him but he knew Jimmy was serious.

"Dad, what?"

"He's being serious. I've seen her lookin." Said Teaspoon.

"What? Why?"

"I'm telling y'all. She's been coming in my room at night." Said Jimmy.

"Little paranoid?" Smiled Lucas.

"Luke, I'm being dead serious. Yesterday when I yelled at her, it was because she kept putting her hand on my chest and making these remarks."

"Jimmy, you got to nip this in the bud fore Louise gets home." Said Teaspoon.

"What? You are serious. You know what, she basically told me. I just couldn't figure out why she didn't want this." Lucas said pointing to himself.

Jimmy cut his eyes at him. He looked back at Teaspoon.

"If I send her packing, my girls are gonna quit again. Things will go to shit real quick around here. Hell, they are already pissed."

"Maybe I can run her off in my own way." Smirked Lucas.

"Might work." Said Teaspoon.

"Go for it." Said Jimmy taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

"You ok, son?"

"Ain't been feeling too great. That's all. This arm is killing me."

"Hunter and I are heading out in a few. Doing a little cat hunting." Said Lucas.

"Please be careful." Said Jimmy closing his eyes letting his head fall forward.

"Jimmy? Sure you ok?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I just ain't ready for this. I'm going back to bed."

Lucas looked at Teaspoon. He pulled his Dad up and helped him back upstairs. He laid him down and walked back downstairs.

"He felt hot to me."

"Go get the doctor just for piece of mind. I'll stay and keep that girl away."

Lucas returned shortly with the doctor. Jimmy was none too happy to see him but he didn't say anything. The doctor came down to talk with them all gathered down below.

"That bite looks infected. He has a slight fever. All you can do is keep it clean. Start changing the dressing twice a day. I would suggest cleaning it with alcohol and horse liniment. It will hurt like hell but it will kill down the infection."

Teaspoon shook his hand and walked out with him. Hunter let his head fall back in the chair. Lucas sighed. The girls didn't say anything.

"You know, we can't do this. Y'all will have to help with those dressings until Mom gets back."

"We'll see." Murmured Lori.

"You know how he is when he is sick or in pain. He was just grumpy. Please he needs you now til Mama comes back."

"Fine." Murmured Annie.

"Where are y'all going? Ain't it your turn to watch Eli, Lucas?" Asked Lori.

"Nope. Not now. Hunter and I are going to look for that cat. We'll be back for supper." He said tipping his hat at her which only pissed her off more.

Lori rolled her eyes as both her brothers got their rifles and left. She watched them ride out the yard. Teaspoon walked over to Eli.

"Why don't me and you make an afternoon of it? Let's go chase some chickens."

"Alright!" Eli said as he rushed out.

Teaspoon winked at Lori making her smile. She loved her Grandpa. Annie looked at the two girls.

"I'm going to talk with Dad. I'll be down in a few."

Annie walked up and knocked before walking in. Jimmy was propped up in bed. He opened his eyes when she walked in and pulled up a chair. She sat down and crossed her arms.

"I know you ain't feeling good and you're grumpy but why were you talking to Kristen like that?"

"Annie, honey, I've been thinking. I think she should wait for her aunt in town from here on."

"Why?! She's mine and Lori's friend! She hasn't done nothing except help do your laundry and help us keep your house clean!"

"I know you won't understand but I just need her to leave. Please don't get angry."

"Angry! I ain't gonna be stuck in this house any longer than I have to be! I know you didn't follow through with Hunter and he went to jail! You are never going to treat us the same!"

"You better listen to me or I will tell Billy to go to hell!" Jimmy said getting angry himself.

Annie jumped up and turned to leave.

"Annie, stop! I'm sorry. I'll explain it all to you later but she has to go." Jimmy said feeling sick.

Annie saw the look on her Dad's face. She went back over to him. She wiped his brow. He closed his eyes. He fell asleep.

"I'm sorry. I am. But I ain't taking this no more."

Annie stood and went to her room to pack. Lori watched in disbelief as Annie got her things.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm moving in with Grandpa. You would be wise to do it also. I'm so mad that I just need a break from this family."

Annie got her things and left. Lori looked at Kristen.

"I can't leave him." She said.

"Neither can I." Whispered Kristen.

Chapter 12

Lucas and Hunter rode through the valley looking for any signs of the lion. They had been riding for a few hours when they rounded a bend on the way almost back home. Jacob was there with three of his friends. Hunter pulled to a stop. He looked at his brother.

"Hunter McCloud. I told you that wasn't the end of it. You think you can just jump me from behind and make me look like a fool."

"That's wasn't how it was and you know it."

"I've brought some friends to even out the odds since your little brother is with you."

"He didn't do nothing. He didn't lay a finger on you."

"Maybe but you ain't gonna make me look stupid ever again. I'm gonna make sure of that."

Hunter looked at the other boys with Jacob. Most were older than them. He knew one of them. Lucas just casually sat and watched.

"So y'all ready for this?" Sneered Jacob.

"Come on Jacob. Don't be a pussy and let others do your dirty work for you." Smirked Hunter.

"Look fellas. This ain't got to happen. Not here. Not ever." Said Lucas trying to reason with them seeing his brothers temper start to flare.

"I ain't got time for this shit." Mumbled Hunter.

Jacob and the other three circled around the McCloud boys. Lucas got pulled off his horse. Hunter was next. Jacob and his friends started in. Lucas yelled out as they held Hunter down and proceeded to hit him repeatedly. Hunter looked to be losing consciousness. They kicked him and kept laughing. Lucas pulled against the boy that held him. He managed to get free and turned on the boy. He hit him twice sending him to the ground. Lucas knew they were only fifteen minutes from home. He ran over and pulled another boy off Hunter. He kicked him and pushed him back. He pulled his gun.

"Stop! Get away from us or I'll kill ya!" He yelled.

Jacob and the others put their hands up. They backed away laughing.

"This ain't over Lucas."

They jumped on their horses and left. Lucas knelt over his brother. He couldn't see his face for all the blood.

"Hunter, lay still. I'm going for Grandpa. I'm sorry but I'll be right back to get you. Just lay still."

Lucas jumped on his horse and made the fifteen minute ride in ten. Teaspoon saw his face as he rode in. He stood up. Lucas yelled for his help. Lori came outside hearing the yelling. She grabbed Eli. She watched as Lucas got the wagon and her Grandpa. She didn't know what was going on. Where was Hunter?

They came upon Hunter fifteen minutes later. He hadn't moved from where Lucas left him. Teaspoon limped over to him.

"Hunter? Son, can you hear me?"

Hunter moaned and rolled to his side. Teaspoon pulled him back over to face him.

"Hold on. We have to move ya. Lucas is gonna to put you in the back of the wagon. It's gonna hurt."

Lucas got under his arms and pulled him to the wagon. Teaspoon lifted his legs and helped put him in back. Lucas tied his horse and they rushed toward town. They pulled up at the doctor's. He helped Lucas take him inside. Lucas came out and fell back against the wall staring out into nothing.

"Lucas, I know you're upset but don't go causing any more trouble until I handle this."

Lucas just stared ahead.

"Listen. It ain't gonna help a thing. I'll talk to the sheriff and go from there."

"That son of a bitch jumped us. He meant to kill him, Grandpa. I can't let that go."

"Lucas. You have to for now. Your Dad ain't in any shape to help ya and I'm to old for that shit. We'll let the law handle it."

"So I should just do nothing? That's what you're saying?"

"No, I'm not. Let's just get your brother through this. See how bad things are first. You and him are close. He'll need you."

Lucas nodded and looked back out into nothing. Teaspoon closed his eyes to rest for a bit. Everything was going so good now it had went to hell in a hand basket in a day. He slept until he heard the door open.


"They got him good. Broke his nose. Busted his head and broke some ribs. You said Jacob did this?" Doc asked Lucas.


"I'll let the sheriff know what happened. Y'all go home and let him stay here. It would be better for everyone."

"Thanks Doc."

Lucas and Teaspoon got ready to head home. Lucas was quiet the entire ride. Teaspoon knew it wouldn't be long before he got even no matter how much he tried to talk to him. It was only a matter of time.

Chapter 13

Louise and Rachel looked out the stage as it crossed the plains. Lou smiled. It wouldn't be long now and she would be with her family again. Lord she didn't realize she would miss them so much especially Jimmy. She had hardly been able to sleep without him. They were getting closer by the minute.

Lori saw Billy ride over to her Grandpa's house. Annie hadn't moved back yet leaving all the chores to her. She silently fumed. The laundry was piling up again and the cooking was killing her not to mention taking care of her Daddy. Hunter was still in town at the doctor's so Lucas was the only one covering the farm. Kristen was sitting with Eli as Lori watched out the window. Billy kissed Annie and left to help Lucas. Lori growled. Teaspoon came to gather Eli as he had made it his routine every day.

"Eli, come on boy. We got mischief to find."

Eli laughed as he walked beside his Grandpa.

"I've had it. I'm going over to talk to my sister." Lori said stomping her foot.

"You have to change your Dad's dressings. You haven't done it yet." Said Kristen.

"I'll do it when I get back." She said as she stormed out the door

Kristen watched her cross the yard before making her way up. She eased the door open. Jimmy was lightly snoring. She eased over to the bed. She watched him sleep. She sat down beside him. He didn't stir. She knew that he was taking medicine for pain. She smiled as she laid her hand on his chest. He still didn't move. She smiled as she curled up in bed beside him. She put her face in the crook of his neck and held him tight.

Louise and Rachel pulled into the yard. She had never been so happy to see her home. Rachel looked around while Lou thanked Steve for giving them a ride.

"Where is everyone?" Rachel asked.

"I ain't sure. I noticed the horses are closed off."

Then Lou heard it. Annie and Lori flew out of Rachel's house screaming at each other. She looked at Rachel who shrugged. The girls screamed in each other's faces like they never had before. Rachel frowned when she saw Teaspoon limp his way over. Eli ran behind completely black from dirt.

"What the hell have I missed?" Murmured Lou.

"A lot apparently."

Lou shook her head and walked over to her girls. They both stopped and squealed seeing their Mama. They hugged her. Teaspoon grabbed a hold of Rachel.

"What in tarnation is going on here?" Lou asked.

Both her girls got quiet. Teaspoon looked at the women.

"Well first off, I can't tell you how glad I am to see you both."

"Keep going." Said Rachel.

"It's been interestin."

"Where's Jimmy?" Asked Lou.

"He's in bed."

"In bed? Why, it's daylight out."

"Darling, he had an incident a few days ago."

"What kind of incident?" Lou said worry spreading on her face.

"We've had lion trouble. He went to let Griff know to watch out and he was attacked. He's tore up pretty bad and Doc says he has an infection in the bite on his arm. He's been sick."

"My God. Why didn't y'all come get me?"

Louise rushed over to her house not waiting on the others. She ran upstairs and shoved open the door. Jimmy was laying in the bed with a young girl curled up beside him. She had her arm and leg across him. She slammed the door.

Kristen jumped then smiled. Jimmy opened his eyes. He felt someone move beside him. He smiled when he saw Louise but then he lost it when he saw the look of hurt on her face. He then noticed Kristen to his left.

"What the hell are you doing? What's going on around here?!" Yelled Lou.

"You must be the wife." Said Kristen.

"Ya think?!"

Jimmy's head was splitting. He didn't know what was going on.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"What's goin on?! Let me tell you. I came home early to find my girls are at each other's throats, the house is a mess, Eli is filthy, you've been hurt, and now you got a fucking girl in your bed! I'm leaving now and to think how excited I was to get here!" Lou screamed.

Rachel and the others saw Louise rush out the room. They could hear Jimmy yelling. Kristen came out to stand in the hall. Teaspoon looked like he could kill her. Rachel watched his expression. Lori and Annie looked surprised. Lou came rushing down the stairs. Jimmy staggered out the room and fell into the wall behind her. He took a moment and got his bearings. He followed her outside.

"Lou, it ain't like that! I didn't know what was going on!" He yelled.

"You looked pretty comfortable to me, you no good cheating snake!"

"I ain't done nothing I swear. This can't be happening." He said.

"Why Jimmy? Why? How could you?" Lou cried.

Teaspoon rushed in the middle. He turned to Louise.

"Lou, he's telling the truth. He ain't done nothing. Look at me. Ya know I'd kill him myself if he ever did."

Lou got quiet. She listened.

"Lori brought her here. Her grandmother passed leaving her alone. Jimmy agreed to let her stay here until her aunt arrived to take her back with her. She's a sixteen year old girl with a crush and bad intentions. That's why Annie moved out."

"Annie moved out?"

"Don't panic. Just in my house. Jimmy and I found out about that girl. He tried to talk to his girls about her leaving. The girls got mad with him for the second time. Annie got mad and left. Lori is mad with Annie because the whole load of the house fell on her. Jimmy is telling you the truth. He ain't done nothing but pine for you while you were gone."

Lou looked at Jimmy. He looked like he was dying inside. He looked so pale. She smiled at him. He tried to smile back but suddenly felt sick. He felt himself slipping. He heard Lou yell as everything went dark.

Lou and the others yelled as he fell down the porch steps. He hit the dirt at the bottom. Lou pushed Teaspoon aside. She got to Jimmy at the same time that Lori and Kristen did. She pushed Kristen away.

"Get away from my husband and get out my house you little tramp." Lou growled.

"Excuse me? I have been taking care of your so called man and your house for a few weeks while you were on break. I have every right to help him." Kristen said as she put her hands on Jimmy.

Lou slapped her hands away. Rachel looked at Teaspoon who just shrugged.

"You got a lot of nerve little girl." Lou said pushing her back in the dirt.

"Well I lied. I ain't so little. I'm twenty one years old you hag. I ain't got no aunt coming for me. Yes my grandma died, that's true. I came here for your son but realized I loved his Daddy. So now he's mine." Kristen said standing.

"Yours? Y'all hear that? I don't think so bitch. He's my man and I'll kill for him." Lou said standing.

Kristen stared back at Lou. Lou stepped across Jimmy and slapped Kristen. Kristen grabbed her face and screamed. She glared at Lou and went to slap her back. Lou grabbed her wrist. The two women fell to the dirt fighting. Rachel looked at Teaspoon again who just watched. Annie and Lori rushed in and tried to pull them apart. Lucas and Billy took that moment to ride back in the yard. They both jumped down and rushed over to help their sisters. Billy got Kristen while Lucas got his Mom.

"Ya got three seconds to get off my property before I kill ya!" Screamed Lou.

"He needs me not you!"

Lou pulled Lucas's gun and pointed it right at Kristen. She put her hands up and eased back.

"Leave! Now!"

"Billy, why don't you take Kristen into town." Said Teaspoon.

Billy got Kristen and started pulling her away. She got up on Lucas's horse while Billy got on his.

"You're the crazy one." Kristen said right before they rode out the yard.

Lou turned to Annie and Lori who were just standing there.

"Get her things out my house now!"

"Ok. Ok. We're sorry Mom. We didn't know."

"No, you were too busy fighting your Daddy to notice what was going on around you. Now, go burn them." Lou growled.

The girls nodded.

"You're moving back in Annie."

"Yes ma'am."

Jimmy moaned and tried to roll over snapping every one's attention back to the ground. Lou fell beside him. She put her hands on his face. He opened his eyes.

"Lou. Don't leave me. I'll die without you."

"I would never."

Jimmy smiled and tried to sit up. Lucas got down and helped him.

"Jimmy, let's get you back inside and to bed."

"Lou, I didn't touch that girl. I didn't."

"Hush, don't say another word. She's gone."

"Mom beat her ass." Laughed Lucas.


"Come on, Lucas. Help your Daddy back to bed. I'll be up in minute."

Lucas pulled his Dad up. Lori helped get him in the house. Annie looked at her Mom and followed. Lou looked around.

"Where's Hunter?"

"About that."

Rachel looked at Teaspoon as he looked down. She saw Eli standing beside the house. Rachel moved over and got his hand. Lou bent down and hugged him. She looked back at Teaspoon.

"Well? Where is he?"

"Come inside and sit down. You've missed a lot."

Chapter 14

Jimmy woke the later that evening. He saw Lou unwrapping the bandages on his arm. He watched her as she worked. She looked up to see him smiling.

"Sorry I had to wake you but I got to change this."

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you, Jimmy."

He watched her face when she saw his arm. She carefully turned it looking it over.

"It's worse than I thought." She whispered.

She got the alcohol and horse liniment. She poured some in a basin and soaked her rag. Jimmy held his breath as she washed his arm. She cleaned his chest and neck. She wrapped his arm again. She carried the basin out and down to the kitchen. She came back up and sat on the bed with him. She took his hand.

"Your fever seems a little better then it did earlier. How do you feel?"

"Somewhat better. I'm so sorry, Lou."

"Don't be. It's hard to keep up with this family on your own and from what I heard, our kids didn't make it easy."

"I was just trying to keep the peace."

"I heard all about your first week. Made me laugh."

Jimmy laughed.

"I'm just so glad you're back."

"Jimmy, I have to tell you something and it ain't good. Teaspoon was trying to wait until the right time but you need to know." Lou's eyes teared up.

"Lou?" Jimmy said looking worried.

"Hunter is in town at the doctor's. Seems after this fight with Jacob in town earlier, Jacob wanted to get even. They jumped him and Lucas. They beat him pretty good." Lou said wiping her eyes.


"This ain't your fault. You couldn't have known."

"But I did know, Lou. I knew all about that first fight. I did nothing about it. Then this shit happened. I can't win. He ok?"

"He will be. He's busted up pretty good. Nose, ribs. You can't fix everything for him. He is twenty years old. It's time for him to start thinking for himself."

"Lou, he's been sneaking in to see Sarah at night. I told him to court her the proper way. That's when all this came up."

"Wait, sneaking in her house at night?"

"Yeah. Not to mention that Lucas has been seeing a different girl every night."

"I see."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to come home to a mess but I screwed up."

"No from what I heard, you tried too hard."

"I didn't try hard enough. Lucas has four girls, Hunter is at the doc's, Eli ate way too much dirt, the girls hated me, the house was a mess, and I let this so called friend of Lori's stay who tried to mess with my marriage." Jimmy closed his eyes.

"Just focus on getting over this. I could have lost you to that lion."

"Let me know when Hunter gets home."

"I will. Now sleep." Lou bent down and kissed him.

"What did Buck get this time?"

"Another girl."

"Number three." Smiled Jimmy.

"Yep. Now sleep."

Jimmy smiled as she wiped his face. She waited for him to close his eyes before leaving the room. She stood outside the door. She took a deep breath. Time to fix this shit. She walked down to have a little chat with her family. She surprisingly found them waiting at the table. She stood in the doorway.


Everyone of them looked guilty down to Teaspoon. Rachel was the only innocent one since she had went with her.

"Heard Buck has another daughter to handle. Glad that she came ok." Said Teaspoon.

"Don't even try it."

They all got quiet.

"Annabell and Lorilei, I'm gonna start with you two. How could you do your Daddy that way?"

"He wasn't being fair. We just wanted to make our point." Mumbled Annie.

"I asked you before I left to take care of the house and let your Dad worry about the rest. I thought you two were old enough to handle yourselves but I was wrong. Then your father let you bring that girl here trying to kiss y'alls asses so y'all would help out when that was what you were supposed to be doing in the first place. You were so stuck up in yourselves that you didn't even notice what was going on! Then he tried to tell you and you turned on him again! I'm so disappointed."

Lori didn't say anything. She just looked at her hands. Annie looked down as well.

"And Lucas. My smart Lucas. You had the nerve to sneak out at night but I will say, that you were the only one to redeem yourself. You apologized and tried to help. Even with Hunter. But if I hear your Dad tell you to pick one again, I will beat your ass myself."

Teaspoon smiled.

"And you, Gramps. Did you help out or just supervise?"

"I watched Eli."

"Watched him eat dirt?"

"That is water under the bridge." Stated Teaspoon trying not to smile.

"Look I know your Dad is hard on you girls but he just thinks he can protect you from the world. He will learn to let go. Lucas, I know y'all are best friends but stop trying to pull things over on him. Please. Now Eli. I think it's about time you got some chores around here. It's time I let you grow up. You can do that, can't you?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now Lucas, get Hunter home tomorrow then we'll figure out how to handle this Jacob Mills thing."

Chapter 15

Lucas drove the wagon into town the next morning to go pick up Hunter from the doctor's. He pulled up outside and got down. He didn't know what to expect from him. He knew he'd be itching for revenge. He walked up and knocked. The doctor opened the door and waved Lucas inside.

"He's been ready. He's in there. How's your Dad?"

"He's getting there. Mom came home yesterday so he's in good hands now."

"I'm glad she made it back safely. Well tell her to keep Hunter's ribs wrapped. His head will heal just fine. His nose is gonna take a while though. She'll know what to do."

Lucas nodded and went in the room to get Hunter. He was standing staring out the window.

"Hunter? Ready?"

"Yeah." He said as he brushed past Lucas and out to the wagon.

Lucas shook his head and followed. He went and helped Hunter up in the wagon. He walked around and got the reins. He started them back toward home.

"Mama's home."

"Good to know."

"Look Hunter. I know you're pissed. I'm with you. Just know that I got your back but I think you should heal up first."

"That fucking son of a bitch is gonna get what's coming to him."

"Don't worry about that. I know it for a fact."

Hunter got quiet and tried to calm down. He turned his two black eyes toward his brother.

"How's Dad?"

"He's making it. Let me tell you. You sure missed all the excitement at home." Laughed Lucas.


"Mom came and caught Kristen laid up in bed with Dad."

"What the hell?"

"Don't worry, it wasn't him. It was her. Mom beat her ass and sent her packing. It was great." Laughed Lucas.

Hunter laughed but then he lost his smile.

"She's gonna kill me."

"Maybe. We will just have to wait and see."

Hunter wrapped his arm around himself as the wagon lurched back and forth. They were heading out of town when Lucas saw a horse running on the plain. Hunter looked up as the horse caught his attention.

"Luke, that's Sarah."


They watched as she recognized them and rode over. Hunter eased down out the wagon as she approached. She was crying. She jumped from her horse and ran to Hunter. He wrapped his arms around her. She was shaking.

"What's wrong Sarah?"

"I heard about what happened."

"It's ok."

Hunter hugged her tight and heard her gasp. He pushed her away.

"What are you not telling me, Sarah?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to see you."

"Tell me." Hunter yelled.

Lucas jumped down and went to his brother. He grabbed his arm as Sarah jerked hers away. Her sleeve rose. Hunter saw and snatched it back. He pulled her sleeve up. She had bruises all up her arm. She stared in his face until Lucas spoke.

"Sarah, tell him what happened. Please. Who hurt you?"

"Jacob." She whispered.

Lucas looked at Hunter who was fuming. He looked back to Sarah.

"When and how?"

"My Dad doesn't want me to see you anymore so I snuck out. He caught me on my way into town. He grabbed my arms and told me that I was his girl. He tried to grab my shirt. He had one of his friends with him. I kicked and fought. I got away and ran to my horse. They laughed as they chased me. He screamed that he would have me. I got away and went home. I haven't told anyone." She said as she started crying.

"Hunter, let's go home. Regroup." Said Lucas.

"That fucking bastard is gonna pay for hurting her. Either you're with me or against me. I don't give a shit either way."

"Hunter, please. I want to get him just as much as you do. Maybe we should tell grandpa."

Lucas grabbed Hunter and tried to hold him back.

"Let go of me, Luke."

"Hunter, please." Said Sarah.

He pushed around Lucas and pulled himself up on Sarah's horse. Lucas watched him ride off.

"Get in the wagon, Sarah. We have to get home and quick."

Teaspoon watched as Lucas pulled up in the yard but he didn't see Hunter. He stood to walk over as Lucas ran into the barn. Teaspoon had just got to the door when Lucas galloped out the barn. Teaspoon fell back against the wall to get out the way.

"What the hell?"

He finally noticed Sarah just as Lou came running off the porch.

"Where's Hunter and what the hell was that all about?" She yelled.

"Sarah?" Asked Teaspoon.

"Yes sir. You have to follow them. I'm afraid they are about to make a huge mistake."

"What's going on?" Asked Lou.

"Hunter is going after Jacob."

"Because of the fight?"

"No because of this." She said as she pulled up her sleeves.

"Oh my God." Said Lou as she ran back inside.

She came back out with her trousers on and her gun. Teaspoon already had her a horse ready.

"Jimmy's fever has been bad today. Don't tell him. He'll try to follow."

Teaspoon nodded as he watched Lou race out after Lucas. He put his arm around Sarah and ushered her to the house where Rachel was waiting on the porch.

Chapter 16

Lucas went back to where Hunter had taken off. He hurriedly looked around. He found his tracks. He took off in that direction hoping to catch up with him in time.

Hunter rode out to the first place where he thought Jacob would be. He wasn't there. Now he knew exactly where he would find him.

Jimmy looked up as Rachel made her way in the room. She placed the basin on the small table and went to bring in some more bandages.

"Jimmy, I am gonna change these dressings for Louise. Then I'll get you some lunch."

"What's wrong? Where's Lou?"

"She had something to take care of. She'll be back later."

Rachel went to start unwrapping his arm when Jimmy pulled it away from her.

"Rachel? What's going on?"

Rachel sighed and thought it over. She looked back at Jimmy. The worry in his eyes killing her.

"She has gone to find Hunter and Lucas."

"What, why?"

"There's been some trouble."

"Jacob. Fuck it."

Jimmy threw the blanket off and started to stand. Rachel put her hands on his arms.

"Jimmy, stop. You can't. Lou didn't want you to know for this reason. She will get them. Please, you aren't in any shape to be riding yet."

"Get out my way, Rachel. You ain't gonna stop me from getting to them."

Rachel stood back in a panic as Jimmy dressed. She turned and went downstairs. She went to Teaspoon. Teaspoon was walking up on the porch with Rachel just as Jimmy was trying to make his way down.

"Hold it right there, son."

"Get out my fucking way, Teaspoon."

Annie and Lori looked on from the garden. Rachel put her hands over Eli's ears.

"I can't let you go. I know this is hard but you ain't in no shape to ride."

"I'm going to help my boys."

"Jimmy, look at yourself! You can hardly stand!"

"Teaspoon, don't make me." Growled Jimmy.

"I'll go with him."

Teaspoon and Rachel turned to see Billy standing there holding two horses.

"I'll ride with him. I'll make sure he gets back."

Teaspoon looked at the young boy. He stepped out the way as Jimmy stumbled past them out to the yard. Billy held the horse as Jimmy pulled himself up in the saddle. Billy got on his horse. Jimmy kicked his and ran out the yard. Billy turned back to Teaspoon.

"I'll watch him, I swear."

"I know you will. Be careful out there and thank you."

Billy turned and rode out after Jimmy.

"What the hell is going on?" Asked Lori.

"It's because of me." Said Sarah from behind.

"Jacob." Said Annie.

"Your brothers are out for blood. Let's just hope and pray that your parents find them before they do something they might regret." Said Teaspoon looking out in the distance.

"Come on, Eli. Let's go make some cookies. Lori, want to help?" Asked Rachel.

Lori looked at Rachel and wiped her eyes. She nodded. Annie looked to Sarah.

"Can I take you home?"

"I'd like that. My mom and dad are probably looking for me."

Annie went to get the wagon. She went inside and came back out with her gun. Teaspoon watched the girls as they left. He took a deep breath and looked down at the ground.

Hunter rode out to Jacob's house. He wasn't at his usual spot so he knew he'd be home. Hunter saw him and two of his friends walking in the corral behind their barn laughing. Jacob looked up and laughed pointing at Hunter as he pulled his horse to a stop.

"I'm surprised to see you up so fast. Ready for more?"

Hunter got down off his horse. He walked closer to Jacob.

"I saw what you did, you lousy fucker. You're gonna pay for touching her."

"Really. We'll see about that. She's mine. I take what I want."

"I'm gonna kill you." Growled Hunter.


Jacob and his friends walked around Hunter laughing.

"You look a little stiff. Sure you want to do this cause we know how this is gonna turn out."

Hunter smirked. He hit Jacob square in the face. As Jacob fell back, his two friends grabbed Hunter from behind. Jacob stood nose to nose with him.

"I think I'm gonna fuck you up good this time." Jacob said as he hit Hunter in his stomach.

Lucas rode up to find his hot head brother trying to take on three at one time. Lucas jumped from his horse before it came to a stop. He grabbed one off Hunter. He threw the boy down and hit the other holding his brother back. Hunter lunged on Jacob knocking him to the ground. One of the boys tried to grab Lucas. He turned and hit him sending him to the dirt. He bent and grabbed his collar. He started hitting the boy in the face until the other boy got him around his neck and pulled him off. Lucas fought as the boy hit him in his side. Jacob kicked Hunter in his ribs. He fell back gasping when Jacob hit him in his broken nose. Jacob stood and pulled his gun aiming it at Hunter.

"You ain't gonna win. I'm gonna be the one to kill you." Said Jacob.

Lucas was fighting the other boy when he heard the shot. The boy slowly let go of Lucas. He jumped around. Hunter stood looking down at Jacob with his pistol in his hand. Lucas froze.

"What the fuck is going on here?!"

Lucas spun to see Jacob's father standing beside the barn. Hunter still stood seething over Jacob. Lucas ran and grabbed Hunter's arm.

"We got to go! Now!"

Lucas got Hunter to their horses. They mounted up as Jacob's dad pulled his gun. They rode away toward the canyons as he opened fire.

Chapter 17

Lou rode up the Mill's homestead hearing shots. Panic flooded through her as she drew closer. She saw Jacob's dad shooting. She saw her boys retreating in the distance. She rode her horse up in front of Jacob's dad screaming.

"Stop! Please stop!"

"Those two bastards of yours just shot my boy!"

Louise looked around and jumped from her horse. She saw one boy moaning in the grass. Another sat propped up by the barn. She went over to Jacob along with his father. Lou looked up upon hearing more horses approaching.

Jimmy rode up into the yard. He saw Lou and Duncan bent over Jacob. Billy rode in behind. He went and helped Jimmy from his saddle. He helped him over to Lou.

"Lou?" Jimmy asked seeing the tears run down her face.

"Lou? What happened?" He asked again.

"I'm gonna tell you what happened. Your boy killed mine." Sobbed Duncan.

Jimmy looked and saw the other two bloodied boys. He looked back at Jacob. He was shot. Shot through the heart. He felt like his life was being sucked out of him as he took it all in. Lou cried out as his legs buckled and he fell to the ground.

Jimmy opened his eyes. He was back in their room. The sunlight coming through the window. He pushed himself up in the bed. He put his hands over his face.


Jimmy slid his hands down to see Lou in the doorway. She walked over and sat down on the bed. She felt his forehead.

"I'm good." Jimmy said quietly.

"I ain't so sure yet." Smiled Lou.

"Hunter and Lucas?"

"I don't know."

"I'm gonna find them and clear this up. I will bring them home or die trying."

"Hunter shot him. They saw him. He killed him, Jimmy. They are looking for him."

"I didn't want this for him." Jimmy said letting the tears fall.

"What are we gonna do?"

"I'm gonna go get my boys."

Lou looked up as someone knocked on the door. She saw Teaspoon peeking in.

"Sarah is here. She'd like to talk with you."

Lou nodded. Sarah eased in the room. She looked embarrassed.

"It's ok, Sarah. This ain't your fault." Lou said walking over to take her hands.

"I just wanted to let you know that I told my dad what Jacob did to me." She said as she pulled up her sleeves.

Lou closed her eyes as Jimmy looked down in anger.

"I was scared to say anything at the time. We went to the sheriff. He knows everything. Doc went also to try to help."

Sarah looked at Jimmy and Lou.

"I'm so sorry." She said as she started to cry.

Lou grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. She looked over her shoulder at Jimmy.

"I have to tell you one more thing."

Jimmy looked up at her. Lou stepped back.

"Hunter left me a note in our barn." She said as she handed it to Lou.

Lou looked at her son's handwriting. She slowly opened it. She read it quietly and turned to face Jimmy.

"He said for us not to worry and that his brother is with him. That he loves us and hopes that he will see us again. He loves us so much and will miss us." Lou said letting the tears fall.

Jimmy looked out the window. Teaspoon got Sarah and led her back downstairs. Annie and Lori met her at the bottom and pulled her into a hug.

Lou closed the door. She turned to find Jimmy already up and trying to dress.

"What are you doing?"

"The sheriff needs their side of the story. I'm going to find them."

"You know Jacob's father ain't gonna be able to let this go. I'm scared." Lou cried.

Jimmy stopped and turned to look at the love of his life.

"I'm gonna find them and make this right. I ain't gonna let this happen to my boys. I've been there."

"Please wait. You're not over this yet. Please, wait a few days. I can't lose you too."

Jimmy stopped and walked over to Lou.

"You know I can't wait. I've been hurt worse than this before, Lou. I'll be fine. I love you. Tell Billy to take care of things here until I get back. Get him to hire some help. I hate to admit it but I trust that boy. I'll see you soon. I promise."

Lou held her breath as he walked over to the closet. She cried as he pulled the trunk from the back. She watched as he took his silver guns out. He unwrapped them and held them in his hands. She closed her eyes. He stood and walked back over to her. He wiped her tears. He bent and kissed her.

"I love you. I'll see you soon with our boys. I'll kill anyone who gets in my way."

With that, Lou cried silent tears as he made his way outside. She watched him go into the barn from the window. He didn't say a word to anyone else as he galloped out the yard.

Teaspoon walked up and into the room. He saw Lou crying at the window. He looked at the open trunk. He looked down at the floor. He understood.

Chapter 18

Hunter and Lucas sat around their camp for the night. They watched the flames dance.

"Where we heading?" Asked Lucas.

"I ain't sure."

"You ok?"

"Not really."

Lucas sat and waited for Hunter.

"I wanted to kill him, Luke. I wanted to watch him die."

"He deserved it."

"Yeah, but does that make it right? I now know how Dad felt. I understand now."

"Maybe we should head toward Denver. We can find some work there. Stay out of sight and just do our jobs."

"Jacob's father will look for me. Maybe you should go home."

"I told you before, I got your back. I ain't leaving you."

Hunter nodded.

"Reckon, we'll ever see them again."

"I'd like to hope so. I miss them already."

"Me too."

Hunter laid back and looked up at the stars. He held onto his chest.

"We need to see the doctor in the next town Let him check you out."


"Get some rest Hunter. We will get through this somehow."

Hunter laid back and kept watching the stars.

Jimmy rode as far as he could then he stopped to make camp. He had stopped in a small town and asked about his boys. Luckily, the clerk at the store said he had seen them earlier buying a few supplies. He was on the right track. He laid back on his saddle. He felt sick. He would rest tonight. He couldn't let this get him down. He had to fight through this to get to his kids. He would find them.

Lucas and Hunter rode into the next town around noon the next day. They found the local doc's. Lucas waited for Hunter to get checked out. He looked up as the old man walked out.

"He needs to rest those ribs of his. Other than that, he looks good."

"Thank you sir."

"Why don't you get a room here tonight?"


"You boys in trouble?"

"No sir, just passing through."

"I see."

Lucas looked over as Hunter eased his way outside.

"You ready?" Asked Lucas.


The old doctor watched the two young men ride off on the horizon. He shook his head. They kind of reminded him of someone he used to know.

Jimmy rode hard the next day. He wiped the sweat from his brow. He would find his boys and he would do anything to save them from this kind of life.

The End

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