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Chapter 1

Jimmy slowly made his way into the next small town. He kept looking around for any sign of his boys. He had silently hoped that they would stop here for a few because of Hunter. Jimmy knew his oldest hadn't left in the best of health. He rode along slowly until he saw a local sign for the doctor. He wasn't feeling too keen himself and needed to stop before heading on toward Denver. He pulled up and slowly slid down. He knocked on the door as an older man opened it.

"Morning. I was hoping that I could get you to look at my arm before I headed out." Jimmy said.

"Is that you?"

"Excuse me?"

"It is you. Been a long time."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"You probably don't recall me but I remember you, Mr. Hickok."

Jimmy dropped his eyes and looked around before turning back.

"It's McCloud now."

"I see. Come on in. Let me see to your arm."

The man opened the door and motioned him inside. Jimmy eased inside as the man pointed to a chair. He sat down.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I hadn't realized that you no longer used your name but it wasn't hard to recognize you with those guns of yours."

"I don't normally carry these anymore but I feel I could use them in my favor this time. How do you know me?"

"I was the doctor that patched you up quite a few years back in Laramie right after that Enright trial. I was quite a few years younger then. Couldn't believe that I had met such a notorious man. Never have forgotten though I had wondered what had happened to you. No one has said your name in a long time." The man said pulling a stool over closer.

"Well that's what I had hoped for. I had hoped that name would just disappear."

"I understand you wholeheartedly. What have you been doing all these years?"

"Got married. Had a litter of kids." Said Jimmy.

"That's wonderful. I could have sworn that I met your younger twin a day ago. I was shocked to say the least."

Jimmy perked up.

"Did he have another boy with him?"

"He did. Goodness, they are your sons, aren't they?"

"Yeah. Little assholes. That's why I'm heading through here. Was he alright? Did they say where they were going?"

"The older one looked like he had been roughed up pretty good. I told the other one to let him rest for a few days but they wouldn't listen. They headed on out of town toward Denver. He was ok for the most part."

Jimmy nodded.

"What we got here with you?"

"I got in it with a lion bout a week ago."

"Let's take this shirt off and have a look."

Jimmy removed his shirt as the doctor looked on. He looked at the healing claw marks on his neck and chest. He made his way down to unwrap his wrist and arm. The man frowned as he cleaned them causing Jimmy to hold his breath.

"Well, this is infected but I have a feeling that you already knew that. You should stay put for a few days before this gets any worse."

"I can't. Just clean it and wrap it. I'll be fine."

"James, this looks bad. You're not a spring chicken anymore. You really need to consider letting me take care of this before you move on."

"Just do what I said. I'll be fine."

The man leaned back and saw the determination in Jimmy's eyes. He reluctantly nodded. He cleaned the bite again and rewrapped it. He sat back as Jimmy put his shirt back on. He watched as he slowly pushed himself up out the chair.

"What I owe ya?"

"Two dollars should cover it."

Jimmy pulled the coins out and put them on the table. He went to move out the door.

"James, good luck on finding your boys. I know you have to go, but please, keep watch on that arm. You have to take care of yourself first so you can help them. If not, you won't be able to help anything."

Jimmy nodded and walked out the door. He swung up on his horse. He kicked him on through town.

Chapter 2

Hunter stood by his horse outside a small store in Denver waiting on Lucas. He kept his hat pulled down low over his face trying not to draw attention. He turned hearing his brother come up beside him.

"Got us a few things but I'm almost out of money. We got to come up with a plan soon."

"Luke, maybe you should head back home. I was the one that pulled the trigger. You can go back."

"Naw, what's the excitement in that. Sides, you're my brother and I'll always have your back. I heard a fella talking bout a town called Leadville little ways down from here."

"I ain't never heard of it."

"He was saying that he was heading to work there. Seems to be a bustling place. I think we could find work easy there."

"Sounds like a plan then."

"You ok?"

"Fine as I can be. Let's go. People keep staring at me and I don't like it."

"You? They ain't staring at your ugly bruised mug. Look at this handsome devil beside you." Smiled Lucas as a girl walked by staring.

"Shut up, smart ass. Get on the damn horse."

Lucas laughed as they mounted up and rode out of town.

Jimmy rode into Denver as the sun was setting on another day. He knew he was lagging behind. He had to rest longer than he wanted to but he had started feeling sick. The bite on his arm had started draining through the bandages. He wiped the sweat off his face. He needed to get on into town and get it looked after again. He couldn't let it get him down. He rode into the busy town. He tried to sit up as straight in his saddle as he could. He made his way through the horses and carriages. He asked where he could find the doctor there and made his way up to the house. He slid down and leaned on his horse for a few before trying to make his way up the steps. He felt eyes on him as he knocked on the door. He swayed slightly. He faintly saw the door open before falling on the floor.

Jimmy opened his eyes. He slowly began to focus. He felt slightly dizzy. He didn't recognize the room that he was in. He heard someone move over in the corner. He turned his good eye over. He frowned and blinked a few times.

"You ain't seeing things. It's me."



"What are you doing here?"

"I have been here a week with Cassie visiting her parents. Question is, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Got trouble."

"I can see that."

Jimmy sighed and looked around again.

"You're at the doctor's. You don't know how surprised I was to hear word going around that an injured Wild Bill Hickok was in Denver. Of course, I didn't believe a word of it until I peeked in to see for myself. What's going on, Jimmy? The guns. Pushing yourself like this. Putting the name back out there. It can't be good."

"Hunter and Lucas got into some trouble back home."

"Must be bad."

"Hunter killed a boy. Luke ran with him."

"My God."

"He shot Jacob Mills."

"What the hell, Jimmy?!"

"Long story but they headed this way." Jimmy said closing his eyes.

"Look. You ain't going nowhere next few days. Doctor says your arm is infected and you got a high fever."

"I got to."

"No, you don't. I ain't gonna let you."

"Noah, I have to find them."

"I understand that but you ain't in no shape. How are you gonna ride when you can't even hold your head up?"

"I have to find them." Jimmy said closing his eyes.

"And you will. I'm gonna help you. Rest now. I'll see you tomorrow."

Noah stood and went to leave. He looked back at Jimmy shaking his head. Damn those boys. Too much like their father.

Chapter 3

Lou woke up alone a week later. She rolled over reaching for her husband like she always did. She squinted her eyes and wiped away the stray tear. Eli could be heard moving around from his small bed. She took a deep breath and moved off the bed. She set about making it before dressing Eli to head down to start breakfast. She started gathering supplies when she heard her girls coming down. She smiled at them as they made their way into the kitchen. The door opened and Rachel walked in smiling with Teaspoon behind. He sat in the chair as Rachel set about helping Lou.

"Billy here yet?" Asked Lou.

"Should be here any minute." Said Teaspoon.

"How are things working out?"

"Decent I reckon. Billy is a fine young man." Replied Teaspoon winking at Annie who smiled back.

"I don't mean with him. I mean with the other two. I ain't sure about them yet." Said Lou.

"Don't worry Louise, I'm watching them. Hansen is a good boy and Tate, well I'm working on that one."


Louise and Rachel finished up breakfast when they heard a horse outside. Billy knocked on the door. Annie rushed over.

"You don't have to knock." She said.

"Yeah, I do. Morning Mrs. McCloud. Mrs. Hunter."

"Call me Lou, Billy. I consider you a part of our family. How bout grab those other two from the bunkhouse so we can eat." She said smiling.

Teaspoon sat at the table and watched as Billy and Hansen made their way in. They took off their hats and hung them beside the door. He shook his head as Tate stumbled in. He went to go sit when Teaspoon hit him in his knee with his cane.

"Son of a bitch." He mumbled.


"Sorry." He said looking around.

He took his hat off before sitting down.

"That's better." Said Teaspoon.

The group ate and discussed the day's work ahead. Lou listened but her mind was elsewhere. She snapped back as Rachel called her name again.


"I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

"It's ok. I have to run into town for some supplies today. Did you want to ride?"

"No, I dont think so. Unless you need me?"

"No, I just thought it could do you some good to get out the house."

"I just don't think I want to go."

"Lou, you need to get out. You can't hide from the townsfolk forever."

"I know what they are saying about my son. I don't need to hear it for myself."

"It's not everyone. The town knows the story honey. They don't fault him."

"But Duncan does. I can't go right now. I think I'm going to ride the fence with Billy just to get away for a few."

"Now that's a plan. I'll watch Eli." Said Teaspoon.

"We'll take care of dinner and the house, Mom. Don't worry about it. Take the day." Said the girls.

Lou smiled at her family. She turned to Teaspoon.

"You think y'all can stay out of trouble?"

"That is nothing to worry yourself with. I'm sure we can find something to do." He answered as Lou shook her head.

"It's settled. Billy and Hansen, you got Lou. Tate, you will go into town with Rachel for supplies." Said Teaspoon.

Tate rolled his eyes but nodded. Rachel smiled at the young man.

"Tate, please stay out of trouble. Lord knows that you seem to find it everywhere you go."

"Yes sir. I'll go get the buckboard." He said excusing himself.

Lou and the others sat as Billy and Hansen excused themselves to go get their horses ready.

"That boy is something." Said Lori.

"What do you mean?" Asked Lou frowning.

"Just what I said."

"Lori, honey, you ain't sweet on him are you?"

"Lord Momma, no. That boy ain't got sense God gave a goat. I don't know how he's made it this far."

"Lori, that ain't nice. But I know what you mean." Laughed Lou.

"Ladies, you know better than to talk like that. Besides, he hasn't had anyone to show him the way and he has nowhere else to go. He'll be just fine." Said Rachel.

"That's right. I will raise him up right. I did your father after all." Said Teaspoon standing.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Said Lou going to get dressed to ride for the day.

Teaspoon stood by the porch steps with Eli as Tate pulled the buckboard over. The boy got down and walked over to wait by Teaspoon. Rachel made her way out with Lou's list. She walked over to the wagon. Tate just stood there with his arms crossed. Teaspoon cracked him in the knee again.


"Nope." He said pointing at Rachel.

"Oh, sorry."

Tate helped her in the buckboard before he climbed up beside her rubbing his knee.

"You best remember your manners in town. I have eyes everywhere."

"Yeah." Mumbled Tate.

Teaspoon grunted.

"Yes sir." He said as Rachel smiled.

Teaspoon watched the two of them leave before turning to Eli. He caught a glimpse of Lori watching Tate pull away. He shook his head. Jimmy sure wouldn't be happy about that.

"Come on Eli. Let's find us some trouble."

Chapter 4

A week later found Lucas walking back over to the boarding house in Leadville. The street was quiet at the late night hour. He walked inside and eased up to his room. He carefully pushed the door open and quietly closed it. He pulled off his vest and shirt before laying on his bed. He peered over at Hunter who was snoring. He looked back up at the ceiling. His brother was finally looking and acting like himself. He looked better every day with most of his bruises starting to fade. He thought of their family left behind. He had to admit that he missed them all. He closed his eyes wondering what they could be doing right then.

Jimmy woke early and eased up out of bed. He dressed and made his way downstairs. He found Cassie and her mother in the small kitchen.

"Have a seat, Jimmy. It's just about time to eat." She said smiling.

"Noah up?"

"Heavens, he's been up. He and Silas should be back any minute."

"Thank you again for this."

"Don't even. Family help family." She said putting a plate in front of him.

"Young man, your color looks better today. Feel quite cool." Said Cassie's mother putting her hand on his face.

"Um, yes ma'am. Much better." Jimmy said looking down.

"I suppose you'll want to head out soon." Said Cassie.

"I have to. I needn't have been here this long."

"I thought as much. That's why I packed Noah and Si's things yesterday."

"He should stay here. He doesn't need to get involved in this."

"You know him better than that."

"All the same. He needs to stay."

"Boy, don't be so hard headed. You need the help and you best welcome it. I'm gonna go make them some food for the road." Said Cassie's mother as she walked away.

"Well." Said Cassie.

"Yeah, well."

"Don't argue with her. She'll knock the teeth out your mouth if you do." Laughed Cassie.

"I don't doubt that one bit."

Jimmy looked up as Noah and his son's came inside. Noah had good well mannered boys that he had every right to be proud of. Silas was now seventeen while Ulyssee was eight. Noah's daughter, Martha, was the same age has his own girls and seeing her come into the kitchen made him think of Lori and Annie. He looked at his plate.

"Morning Jimmy. Looking like you are bout ready." Said Noah.

"I need to be going. I shouldn't have stayed this long."

"It's only been a week and a half. Sides that as sick as you were, you didn't have a choice." Noah said grabbing another cup of coffee.

"You think they headed for Leadville?"

"Yep. Had a few men from town that saw them. Looked to be headed in that direction. It's a busy town from what I hear. Some good, some bad."

"Figures my two would head there. I swear."

"Hey, they get it honest. Si and I are going with you. We will find them."

"You don't know what that means, Noah."

"Don't say a thing. It's what we do." Noah said patting him on the shoulder as he walked into the other room.

Hunter woke the next morning and stretched. He dressed and left Lucas in bed. Since Lucas had started working every night, he had made it a habit to sleep most of the morning. Hunter made his way down the street to grab a bite. He made his way inside the saloon. He stood at the bar waiting on his sandwich. They had been here two weeks so he had started getting familiar with some faces. He was eating when he heard a voice behind him.

"Son, you sure look like someone I used to know."

Hunter stopped and turned around.

"Sorry, you talking to me?"

"Shit boy, who else would I be talking to."

Hunter looked at the dirty looking man in front of him.

"I'm sorry but I don't know you."

"I didn't say that you knew me, I said that you remind me of someone that I used to know."

"Ok." Hunter frowned and turned back to eat.

"You look an awful lot like Hickok. You kin to him ain't ya, boy?"

Hunter tensed up but slowly let it out before turning around.


"Hickok. Wild Bill Hickok ."

"I've heard the name before but I don't know him."

"You sure? Heard once that he had a boy."

"Sir, it ain't me if that's what your asking."

"I ain't so sure you're telling me the truth." The man said stepping closer.

"Chad, leave that boy alone. Just cause he looks like him, it ain't him. Come on now, he would be a hell of a lot older."

"Trent, I ain't sure. I think the boy's lying."

Hunter stood and tried not to move. He stared back at the man.

"Look, Trent, he has the same eyes."

"Shit, come on. Leave that boy alone."

Hunter heard them arguing as they walked away. He slowly released the breath that he was holding. He knew who his Dad had been and he knew that he favored him but damn. He made his way out and back to their room. He went inside and closed the door causing Lucas to jump up.

"The hell Hunter?"

"Luke, I was just at the saloon and some guy tried to start some shit with me."

"Please tell me you didn't." Lucas said rubbing his eyes.

"No, I didn't. He knew Dad from back then. He recognized me. Asked if I was kin."

"Shit that's a first."

"Yeah. What should I do? I don't want to draw attention to myself."

"First off, just stay in the room for now. I got to go to work early today. What he look like?"

"Bout your height. Gray hair, blue eyes. Nasty teeth. Had on a fur coat."

"Should be easy enough to spot. I'll look for him. He'll probably be moving on soon."

"You going to work or you going to see her?"

"Does it matter?"

"Hell yes, it does. You getting involved with that girl is gonna cause problems."

"Please. You know me."

"This is different. Her Dad owns the saloon that you, I might add, work for. It ain't gonna end well when he finds you sneaking to see his only daughter."

"You sound like Dad." Laughed Lucas.

"Shut up. You know what I mean. We might can't stay here."

"I ain't leaving her. If we leave, then she will have to also."


"I can't leave her behind."

"You couldn't just pick one at home? But now?"

"She's the one."

"We are so screwed."

Chapter 5

Jimmy watched as Noah said goodbye to Cassie and his kids. Si sat on his horse waiting. Cassie bid them all safe travels and said she would see them on their way back through. The trio set off toward the town of Leadville.

Hunter waited impatiently in their room. He still had quite a while to go before Lucas would be there. He tapped his foot. Fuck this. He stood and walked outside. He walked down the street to go find his brother since he hadn't taken the time to come back and let him know what he found out about the man from earlier. He made his way into the saloon, his mood growing more sour by the minute. He walked in and up to the bar. He looked around to finally see his brother in his fancy duds in the corner. He was watching Penelope like a hawk as she went from table to table. He knew her father treated her like the help. That he didn't really care if something happened to her but damn, it pissed him off to see his brother following her and not even noticing that he had arrived. It really pissed him off. Damn, not that she wasn't a looker but he figured family would come before her. He stood thinking. Maybe it's just jealousy since he had run and left Sarah behind. He was deep in thought when the familiar voice sounded off again.

"Trent, I'm telling ya that fella is kin to him. Can't nobody look that much like that motherfucker and not be his kin."

Hunter closed his eyes. He was in no mood for this shit.

"Sonny, turn around sos my friends here can get a good look."

Hunter felt the anger start to smolder. He took a deep breath and tried to push it down.

"Ya deaf, boy. Turn around sos we can see that ugly mug of yours."

"I ain't looking for no trouble." Hunter said still staring at the bar.

"Fellas, I'm telling ya, he's got to be kin to that no good son of a bitch. I said turn around boy."

Hunter felt his temper slide. He spun around.

"What's your name, boy?"

"Fuck off."

"What did you say?"

"I told you and your friends to fuck off. It don't matter who the fuck I am kin to and what my name is."

"Yeah it does. He owes me."

"I don't owe you a damn thing."

"You're his boy, ain't ya."

"Get out my face."

The men stepped forward to grab Hunter when he punched the mouthy one in the face. Lucas was watching Penny when he heard the noise come from across the room. He looked and looked again. Hunter. He rushed over to Penny.

"Get in the back room and close the door!"

"Luke, please be careful."

He made sure that she was safely tucked away before running over to try to separate the fight. The other boy that worked the floor came over as well. The entire room erupted into chaos. Lucas lost sight of his brother as men jumped on him. The sheriff soon came and was able to help break it up. Lucas and the other boy was left a bloody mess. Three of the men that had started the fight were dead and Hunter was nowhere to be seen. He silently hoped that he had made it back to their room and was hidden away until he could sort this out.

"Lucas, what the hell happened?" Asked the sheriff.

"Those three right there started it far as I could tell. Those two over there were with them." He said motioning to the two standing in the corner.

The sheriff went over and pulled the two survivors away.

"We didn't start shit sheriff! It was Wild Bill Hickok's son! He did it! You got the wrong men!" They yelled as they were pulled across to the jail.

Lucas made his way over to Doug at the bar. He leaned back as he handed him a towel. He wiped some of the blood from his face.

"Weren't that your brother they were talking about?"

Lucas looked over at Doug but didn't say anything. Doug nodded.

"Don't worry. I didn't hear or see a thing."

Lucas nodded back at him.

"Penny ok?"

"Yeah. She snuck up to her room before her father could get involved. You know he would take it out on her."

"I'm gonna leave soon, Doug, and I'm taking her with me."

"Just watch yourself. You know how he is about what belongs to him."

"Don't worry bout that. I'm going to check in on my brother."

Lucas made his way back over to the boarding house where they were staying. He walked up and into the room. He went to speak when he noticed that Hunter wasn't there. He stood as he saw the note on his bed. He read it and flopped down. Hunter was gone. He had left him behind.

Chapter 6

Teaspoon sat and watched as Billy tried once again to separate Hansen and Tate. He just watched and shook his head as the boys fought. Again.

"Billy! Come here!"

Billy stopped yelling and turned toward Teaspoon.

"What about them?"

"Let em have at it. They'll tucker out soon enough."

Billy came and stood over beside Teaspoon watching the show. Lou heard the noise and made her way over to them as well. She put her hands on her hips.



"Looks like I'm gonna have to let them go and find some more help." Said Billy.

"Naw, it's just the one. Hansen is fine. See they are already tiring out." Teaspoon said satisfied as the two boys stopped and laid on their backs.

"Just hold off on that, Billy. I should agree with you but I think Tate would be better off staying here. That boy needs direction. I'd hate to know where he could end up." Said Louise.

"I told y'all that I'm working on him. No faith." Said Teaspoon.

"Well, get to working on it. Put their ass to work." Said Lou turning back to the house.

"Billy, take Hansen with you to see about those mares."

"Yes, sir."

Billy went over and pulled Hansen to his feet. He pulled him back out toward the corral. Teaspoon slowly stood and walked over to Tate. He stood over him looking down.

"Lost that one." He said.

"I ain't gonna lose the next."


"Why what?"

"The fight dumbass."

"He looked at me like I was stupid. Dumb fucker." Tate said standing.

Teaspoon wacked him in his knee with his cane.

"Fuck, son of...."

"Language. I done told you about that mouth of yours and if I have to cripple you to get through that big dumb head of yours then that's what I'll do."

"Guess you're gonna tell me to leave."

"Nope. You'll get tired of fighting soon enough I guess."

"It wasn't me this time. That dumb fuck....shit!" Tate yelled as Teaspoon hit him with his cane again.


"Sorry. He gave me this look, Teaspoon."

"You can't go around fighting every soul that looks at you like your stupid. Better yet, if you start acting like you got some sense then people would look at you like you had some!"


"Damn boy. Use your head. Start acting like you ain't so stupid!"

"I ain't stupid."

"Prove it to me. Go clean up your face and shoe that horse. I'm telling ya that's the fourth fight this week. Next time I'll take ya to jail myself." Teaspoon watched Tate go into the barn.

Eli came running over with Rachel carrying a basket of eggs.

"Look at what I done got."

"I see Eli. You couldn't wait for me. Now I'm sad that you done went and had all the fun without me." Said Teaspoon as Rachel smiled.

"I couldn't wait. You were over dealing with those fuckers." Said Eli as he turned to run toward the house.

"Oh my God." Said Rachel snickering as she watched him disappear inside.

"Well. I know who he has been hanging around." Teaspoon said cocking his eyebrow.

"We got to get that under control before his Daddy gets back. And get those two boys straight if Jimmy is to let them stay here."

"I know."

Rachel heard voices coming from the barn. She looked up to see Tate bringing a horse out. She looked to the back of the barn to see Lori coming from the other way back over toward the house. Teaspoon smiled and looked back at his wife before looking out at the horizon.

"What is that?"


"Teaspoon, is she sweet on that boy?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"My God. She is."

"Now I ain't sure yet. I've been noticing some things but no proof."

"That boy is wild."

"Yeah, maybe. But so was her Daddy."

"Does Lou know?"

"No. I don't want to worry her with it. I'll handle it."

"This isn't going to end well when her Daddy finds out."

"Have faith. I'll fix it by then."

"How are you planning on doing that?"

"You'll see. That will be a decent young man by the time Jimmy gets back."

"He's seventeen, Teaspoon. She isn't but fifteen. This is giving me a headache."

"Look. Don't tell Louise. She has enough to worry with. I'll handle it."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"Why does everyone always say that?"

Chapter 7

Lucas laid on his bed until it was time for him to head over to the saloon. He dressed and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He sighed. There was no helping all the bruises on his face. He made his way out and over. He walked in just as the crowd was starting to pick up. He made his rounds around the floor watching tables and customers. Penny still hadn't come down. He frowned and went over to Doug.

"Where's Penny?"

"Ain't sure. I haven't seen her all afternoon."

"Something's wrong." Lucas said as he saw her father making his way down.

The old man walked by and stared a hole through Lucas. He sat a table across the room and started playing cards. The other boy that worked the floor at night came to stand beside him.

"How is it, Tony?"

"I'm ok. Sore but ok. You?"

"I'm good."

"You might not be after what I got to tell ya."


"I got here early today. Her Dad knows that you and her are a thing."

"Where is she?" Asked Lucas turning serious.

"In her room. Don't look like that or he'll know what I'm telling ya."

Lucas swallowed and smiled before turning back to the bar.

"Is she ok?"

"I don't know. I do know that he is planning on taking care of his problem tonight."

"Got ya."

"Yep. Thought you should know. I got to make my rounds." Tony said as he walked off.

Doug walked by and stopped.

"That ain't good." He said.

"I know. I'm getting her away from here tonight. I just ain't sure how yet."

Lucas pushed off from the bar and walked around. He stood in the corner with his arms crossed when he thought he saw a familiar face. He stood still and smiled.

Cody walked in and sat at a table. He was laughing and talking when he noticed him. He frowned. Why was he here? He shouldn't be. Lucas tipped his head to the bar. Cody excused himself and walked over. He ordered a drink.

"Uncle Cody."

"Lucas. What the hell are you doing here?"

"Long story."

"Where's your Dad?"

"I don't know."

"You in trouble?"

"You could say that."

"What's going on?"

"Hunter was here. He left me behind."

"I know your Dad is looking for you. He wouldn't just let y'all run away."

"We had to run."

"Why, Lucas?"

"Hunter killed a boy."

"The fuck?"

"I'll tell you all about it but you see, I got trouble myself."

"Go on."

"I need to get this girl out of here so we can run."



"Well who?"

"The owner's daughter."

Cody fell forward and rubbed his forehead.

"I knew I should have kept riding. Let me guess, you're involved with her."

"Possibly." Lucas smirked.


"He knows. He plans on clearing things up tonight."

"Damn it all." Said Cody sighing.

"Yeah, I know."

"He in here now?"

"Yep. Got to make my rounds."

Cody turned around as Lucas made his way through the room. He saw the old fat man watching him. He knew who it was now. Damn, he should have kept riding. He heard the bartender come back up.

"Luke needs your help. Please. I'll make some sort of distraction if you can help them get out of town. Miss Penny deserves better than this life."

Cody turned to nod at the barkeep. He reckoned he wouldn't be staying long after all.


"Yes sir."

"Got some paper?"

"Yeah I do." He said reaching under the bar and sliding it to Cody.

"Look. Their father will probably be coming through here shortly. Give this to him for me." Cody said scribbling a note on the paper.

"How will I know him?"

"You see Luke's brother?"


"Then you'll know their father when you see him."

"Ok. Don't worry. I'll make sure he gets this."

"Where is Penny?"

"Heidi!" Doug called over to another girl.

"What ya need?" She asked coming over.

"This gentlemen needs some company. Maybe all the way down the hall......"

"Sure thing." She nodded.

She led Cody up the stairs giggling. She pulled him all the way down. She stopped at her door. She leaned back. She opened and slammed it. She pulled him to another room. She knocked twice on the door. It cracked open. Heidi didn't wait before shoving him through it. She closed it behind him. He turned to see a young lady standing at her desk. She looked scared.


"Who are you? What do you want?" She asked sniffling.

"I'm Luke's Uncle. I'm gonna help him get you outta here."

Penny nodded but still acted unsure. Cody moved forward and saw her face. She had a black eye and busted lip.

"Your father do that?"

"He's gonna kill Lucas."

"No he's not."

Chapter 8

Jimmy, Noah, and Si rode into Leadville the next morning. Noah and Jimmy kept their eyes to the street looking for any sign of his boys.

"Pa, something is going on over there." Said Si.

"What in the hell?" Exclaimed Noah looking at the torn apart saloon and the crowd that kept walking by.

"I'd say we are on the right track." Said Jimmy.

"Now Jimmy, you can't think that your boys had anything to do with this."

"Unfortunately, yeah I do."

"This is wild. They must be tough." Said Si looking at the broken windows.

"Don't you be getting that in your head." Said Noah to his son as they pulled to a stop.

Jimmy swung down and walked inside. He took in all the busted tables and chairs. He saw girls trying to clean it up. He took a deep breath. The barkeep looked up and saw the strange man standing inside the doorway. Lord, the resemblance was unreal.

"Sir? Can I help you?" Doug called out.

"Maybe." Jimmy said walking over.


"No, I'm here......"

"Don't." Said Doug as he poured a drink.

He slid the drink and note over. Jimmy cut his eyes at the barkeep. He slipped the note in his pocket.


"Hope you have a good day."

Jimmy walked back out and got on his horse. Noah and Silas were outside waiting.

"Let's ride out of town." Said Jimmy.

"I haven't asked around yet." Said Noah.

"No need."

Noah frowned and motioned for Silas to mount back up. They rode a little ways out of town when Jimmy pulled to a stop. He slipped the note out and read it. He smiled looking at Noah.

"Well, what is it?"

"Cody's with Lucas. He said he would stall him. They're heading south."

"Our luck just seems to have turned around. He got Hunter too?"

"Ain't sure. Let's go." Jimmy said as he urged his horse on.

Cody sat around the small camp that they had made in the canyons. He hoped Jimmy would be catching up with them soon. He saw Lucas over there fretting over Penny. The boy was head over heels. Cody sipped some coffee as he walked away to look out in the distance. He saw horses coming. He stood for a minute and carefully watched them until he recognized the riders. He smiled as he made his way out to meet them.

"Jimmy. Glad you got the note."

"Cody." Jimmy said swinging down and pulling Cody into a hug.

"Noah, is that your boy? Almost grown."

"Yeah, don't remind me." Noah said walking to give Cody a hug as well.

"Been a long time." Said Noah.

"You got my boys?" Asked Jimmy.

"I got one of them."


"He left Lucas in town. Figured he headed south."

"Lucas alright?"

"Yeah about him..."

"What's wrong?"

Cody smiled as Jimmy followed him back toward camp. They stopped watching the two by the fire.

"Who is that?"

"Well, that's Penny. You see, your son just had me help her run away."

"Run away?"

"You see, he had gotten him a job at the saloon and had taken a real shine to her."

"Fuck. And?"

"Her Daddy owns the saloon that we busted up aaaaannnnnnd he may be looking for us now."



"Why? Why can't they just be normal? Be good, quiet kids. Why?" Jimmy said rubbing his face.

"We used to say the same thing about you." Laughed Cody.

"What am I gonna do?" Jimmy asked as Lucas stood and turned around to finally see him. He froze.


"I can explain....."

Jimmy shook his head and walked over to his son. He pulled him into a hug. They stood there for a few before Jimmy finally pushed him back. He looked at his face.

"I worked at the saloon. Got in a fight."

"I can see that."

Penelope stood watching. Jimmy looked at her bruised face. Lucas saw him looking.

"Penny, this is my Dad."

"Jimmy McCloud. Nice to meet you."

"Penelope." She said embarrassed.

"Penny, don't be embarrassed. After all, you haven't met the rest of our wild bunch yet. You'll more than likely fit right in." Smiled Jimmy.

"You mean you ain't sending me back?"

"Any man that would do that his own daughter, doesn't deserve to live. I would never send you back to that hell."

She smiled slightly before turning back to the fire.

"So son, finally picked one I see?"

"I did." Lucas smiled.

"Couldn't make it easy huh?"

"What fun would that be?"

"Lucas, Lucas."

"Dad, we might have some trouble behind us."

"I know. We'll handle that if and when the time comes."

Jimmy shook his head as Noah and Silas walked into camp. The family smiled and sat around to catch up.

Chapter 9

Lou swept her porch while watching Annie make her way over to Billy with a mug of water. She leaned against her doorway. Lori and Elijah were working pulling weeds in their small garden. She smiled watching Lori's patience with her little brother. Rachel walked across from her house.

"You look a million miles away."

"Today is Hunter's birthday. Twenty one years old and I don't know if I'll ever see him again."

"You will."

Lou nodded watching the others. She turned her attention to Tate. She watched him working on the corral fence. He suddenly threw down the hammer and kicked the rail. She shook her head hearing all the colorful words fly out his mouth.

"That boy there. I swear. He can get on a body's nerves."

"He'll get there."

"I ain't so sure." Said Lou as she watched him rip off the board that he had just started replacing. He tossed it in the dirt and continued to cuss it out as he stomped on it.

"I find it entertaining." Laughed Rachel as Teaspoon flew over to him.

"He just doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense."

"I can't complain. He keeps Teaspoon out my hair."

They watched as Teaspoon yelled back at him. The boy nodded and picked the board up. Teaspoon sat on a crate to watch as he went about putting it back. Rachel saw Lori staring. Louise followed her gaze.

"What is she doing?"

"Watching the show I guess."

"Rachel, I get this feeling that she likes that boy. Maybe it's just me."

Rachel wasn't sure how to answer when Lori and Eli came walking up. Eli rushed inside.


"Yes, Momma?"

"Have you taken a liking to Tate?"

"God sakes no. That boy ain't got no sense. He don't know how to act. I would never." She laughed as she walked inside.

Lou glanced over at Rachel who was looking at her feet.

"My Lord."

Rachel couldn't hide her smile. She tried to gather herself.

"Louise, it ain't that bad."

"Rachel? Ain't that bad? Have you seen that boy? Jimmy will die."

"Oh don't overreact. It hasn't really became anything and it will probably just die away. Just a passing fancy."

"I hope so. I truly do. Now I have to keep my eye on her and him. Does he fancy her?"

"Honestly he hasn't really shown if he does. Either he doesn't look at her like that or he's smarter than we give him credit for."

Lou was shaking her head looking at the horizon as Teaspoon walked over.

"I'm going to check the pigs. Thought Eli might want to go."

"Eli!" Lou yelled.

"What's on your mind Lou? You ok?" He asked as Rachel tried not to smile.

"On my mind. That." She said pointing toward Tate.

"I got ya."

"My Lord, you know too? Am I the only one that didn't know?"

"No, I don't think Annie has paid any mind."

Lou groaned as Eli flew out the door.

"Want to go check the pigs?" Asked Teaspoon.

"Fuck yeah!" Eli yelled rushing across the yard.

Lou turned wide eyes toward Teaspoon as Rachel covered her mouth.

"Don't worry. I'm working on that." Said Teaspoon as he tried to hurry across the yard glancing back over his shoulder.

Lou looked back to Rachel who was failing trying not to smile. Lou shook her head and laughed. She laughed until her eyes teared up.


"It's gonna be hell to pay when Jimmy gets home. Please just let him and my boys get back home."

"Come here. They will. I'm sure they are on their way now." Rachel said hugging Louise.

Chapter 10

Hunter sat on his horse on the small ranch outside of Durango. He watched the cows mill around. He felt that pit in his stomach eating away at him when he thought of his brother. Maybe he should not have left him. He hoped he wasn't in any trouble because of that girl. He heard a horse and looked over to see Keaton riding up.

"Hunter, we got to run over to another spread. Think you can ride?"

Hunter thought it over. He had started working for this small outfit a few days ago and he felt that something was not right. He felt it that first day in but he really needed the money so he pushed it aside. Now that he had been here a few days, he had started noticing more things that just seemed off. Like how more cows would appear and get moved or sold quickly. They always told him that they came from another field but damn, he had rode most of them by now.

"Depends. What are we doing?"

"Got a couple cows needing to be moved and since Rob got shot over that stupid shit in town, we a fella short."

Hunter looked back at the cows. He didn't think Rob had gotten shot over a dispute in town. He sat thinking.

"Look Hunter, I've been trying to see if I could trust you. I'm beginning to think that I made a bad choice." Keaton said pulling his gun.

Hunter saw the movement but he didn't flinch or make a move. He just sat staring at the herd. He realized that he should have left days ago. He had made yet another dumb mistake. Now he knew the only way that he could leave would be if he was six feet under. He looked slowly back over to Keaton.

"I'll go."

"Can I trust you, though?"

"You can."

"Hunter, Hunter. You see I know by now you've seen some things and the other fellas wanted me to put you to a test. I like you, boy, but the others not so much. If you cross me, it ain't gonna be pretty."

Hunter nodded. He was in deep shit now again because of his stupidity.

"What's it gonna be? Join with us or join with the dirt?"

"You're stealing cows."

Keaton didn't acknowledge his statement just kept his gun aimed at him. Hunter would have to go along until he could find a means out. He wished he had Lucas with him. He could figure this out easy.

"My name isn't McCloud." Said Hunter.

"You lied to me boy?"

Hunter stared ahead.

"It's Hickok."


Jimmy walked along the edge of the ridge from their camp that they had set up. He walked and stared at the terrain. He didn't hear Lucas come up beside him until he spoke. Jimmy spun around.

"Knew you wouldn't hear me." Said Lucas.

"Sorry son, that side you know."

"Ah, you were deep in thought. I needed to talk to you. Away from everyone else."

"Figured as much." Jimmy said trying to smile.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened at home. I know we can't go back."

"No one said you couldn't go home. The sheriff knows what happened. I'll deal with Duncan."

"Really? Hunter ain't wanted?"

"No. Though he may be once we catch up with his ass. I have to say, I'm worried, Luke."

"Then what I need to tell you ain't gonna make ya feel any better."


"Back in Leadville some man thought he recognized Hunter. He started causing trouble. That's why he ran."


"He recognized you."

Jimmy shook his head and looked at his feet. He felt like the air was being sucked out of him.

"The man said that Hickok owed him and that he knew that Hunter was your boy. I ain't sure but that man and two of his friends are dead."

"Think Hunter killed them?"

"I'm sorry to say that I do. Dad, he's been acting strange. Like he doesn't know who he is anymore."

"We are gonna find him and get him home."

"I can't help but feel like something is wrong. He's in trouble again."

"I will bring him home or I'll die trying."

"I think Penny's father will try to find her."

"I know that too." Jimmy sighed.

"Shit just gets deeper and deeper."

"When we get to Durango, Cody has a friend there. She will keep her safe until we find Hunter."

"I can't let anything happen to her." Lucas said looking at his Dad.

"I promise you that it won't."

"What am I gonna do? I ain't never felt this way about a girl before."

"First, keep her safe. Second, take care of her. Third, let her meet your Mom and sisters. She might run away from us." Laughed Jimmy.

"Figured you'd beat the hell out of me."

"I'm just glad you finally picked one." Laughed Jimmy.

"I honestly didn't think it was possible." Smirked Lucas.

"No, she seems like a good match for you. I have to say she's smart and with beauty to boot. Sides that, I kind of like her. She'll keep you straight just fine."

Jimmy patted Lucas on his back as they walked back over to camp.

"Come on. We should hit Durango tomorrow."

Chapter 11

Billy walked two days later leading a black mare. He stopped to speak to Hansen before making his way over to Teaspoon and Eli.

"We got a tree fell cross the fence out on the north side. Hansen saw it this morning. We are heading out to fix it."

"Sounds good. Where's Tate heading?" Teaspoon said as he watched the boy head on toward the pond.

"He said he needed a day. He's been doing good so I told him it was fine. Hope that's ok."

"Yeah it's fine. Ain't been much going on lately. He needs to be here tomorrow though. Got a feller coming to buy ten head."

"Yes sir. Need us to bring some in tonight?"

"Good idea. Bring in the fifteen bay yearlings out from the west pasture. We need to be moving them on. He can take his pick from them."

"We'll get right on it as soon as we get the fence back up."

"Billy, son, you are a good boy and you're doing a mighty fine job here. You ought to be proud."

"Thank ya sir." Billy said smiling leading the horse into the barn.

Teaspoon turned back around after watching the boy walk inside the barn. He squinted his eyes and looked again. Lori was on her horse heading out to the far pasture. He frowned. He saw Rachel coming around the house with her basket. He stood and made his way over.

"Rachel, where is Lori heading?"

"She is going to pick flowers out on the prairie for the house. Why?"

"Lordy Lord."

"Why? What's wrong? What aren't you telling me?"

"Can you watch Eli?"

"Yes....... Teaspoon?"

"I got to see to something."

Rachel stood in disbelief as he pulled himself unsteadily up on a horse that he had Billy hurry and saddle. She put her hands on her hips.

"Teaspoon?!" She yelled as he rode away.

Billy walked over.

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. Where is he going?"

"He didn't say. Just that he needed an easy horse. Should I go after him?"

"No, no. That's alright. You've got work to do here. It just makes me wonder what it could be that he would ride. He doesn't really ride anymore."

"Well he should be fine. After all, Tate rode down to the pond." Billy said as he walked off.

Rachel closed her eyes. Tate. Lori. What a convenient occurence. She looked down at a waiting Elijah.

"Come on, baby. Let's go see if your Mom needs help with supper."

Teaspoon rode on down to the pond. Please let this just be a coincidence. He eased his horse over to the tree line. He took a deep breath. There was that rascal Tate but no Lori. He felt relief flood over him. He started to turn his horse back home when he heard it. Laughter. He closed his eyes. He looked up to the sky before turning back around. There she was. Laughing. She walked along with Tate just smiling. She pushed his arm. Teaspoon watched as she ran and he laughed chasing her. Tate caught her and pulled her into a hug. Teaspoon's eyes got wide as the boy bent down to kiss her. He leaned forward causing the horse to balk in reverse. He yelled out as he fell to the ground. Tate stopped and pushed Lori behind him.

"What the fuck was that?"

"I don't know. It came from over there."

Teaspoon finally pushed himself up but he had a hard time getting to his feet. He was struggling when he saw the boots walk up to him. He heard the boy holster his gun.

"Fuck, we didn't know what the fuck was going on over here."

"Grandpa." Lori said putting her hand over her face.

"Don't just stand there. Help me up."

Tate reached down and got Teaspoon's arms. He pulled him up.

"The fuck you eat old man. What the fuck you doing out here? I could have fucking killed you."

Teaspoon straightened up. He looked at Tate. He took his foot and kicked him in the knee.

"The fuuu.......!"

"No more! Boy, I am so sick of hearing your mouth!"

"Yes sir." Tate said quieting down.

"Grandpa...." said Lori.

"What the hell you doin Lori? And with him of all people? You know this ain't gonna turn out well!"

"Grandpa, I really, really like Tate. He's a good boy. Just a little rough around the edges. Please, Grandpa, don't tell no one. Please give him a chance."

"Lori, I am supposed to look after y'all while your Dad's gone."

"Please, Grandpa. He will stop cussing and he will start acting better. I promise he will."

"I will what?" Said Tate.

"You will stop cursing all the damn time and act like you got some sense!" Lori fussed at him.

"It's hard, baby. That's the only way I know how to talk. I swear it's the fucking truth."

Teaspoon kicked him in the shin again.

"Fuuuuu. I mean, please stop doing that sir."

"See Grandpa. He can do this. Please. I really like him. Please."

Teaspoon watched as Lori's eyes started tearing up. He looked up at the sky. He was going to regret this but he couldn't tell her no.


"Ok? Truly? You'll see! He will start acting better and talking better! You'll see! Thank you!" She said hugging her grandfather.

"I'll be watching." Teaspoon said eyeing Tate.

"I ain't gonna hurt her, Mr. Hunter. I fuc..... I mean, I really like her a lot. Ain't that right, baby." Said Tate.

"No more curse words. You better not screw this up cause if you do, if I ain't able to kill you, you better bet your ass that her Daddy will." Teaspoon turned as Lori led his horse back over.

Tate helped him up in the saddle before Teaspoon looked down at him again.

"Stop calling her baby."


"What was that?"

Lori popped Tate on his arm.

"Yes sir."

"Better. Now Lori why don't you accompany your Grandpa back home."

"Yes sir."

Lori went to gather her horse when her Grandpa yelled out.

"Don't forget the damn flowers."

"Oh yeah, thanks!"

He watched as Tate walked over to hold her horse for her. He helped her mount up. Teaspoon watched as he waited for her to get settled before handing her the flowers. He spoke to her softly before he went to gather his horse. The boy might show some promise if he could get his mouth right. Damn. Damn. He was gonna get in trouble for this.

Rachel walked out in the yard as Teaspoon and Lori rode back up. Lori got both their horses and led them in the barn. Rachel handed Teaspoon his cane that he had left behind. She crossed her arms.

"What was that about?"

"I got so excited to hear about the flowers. I just had to go see for myself."

"You lie horribly."

"I cannot confirm nor deny that statement. Excuse me."

Rachel tapped her foot as he walked across to their house. She turned hearing another horse. She saw Tate ride back in. My Lord it was true. She knew it and now her husband was involved in this new love affair. Lord help them all.

Chapter 12

Hunter sat watching as Keaton argued with another boy that they had recently taken on. He thought it wise to keep his mouth shut so he tried to stay out of it. Keaton paced around the snide little bastard. The boy just acted like he was some badass that shouldn't be worried. Hunter turned back to his horse when he heard the shot. He kept his back to the others and closed his eyes. He turned to see Keaton kicking the now dead boy. He spit on him before some of the others began to drag him away to bury him. Hunter took a deep breath as Keaton angrily walked over.

"Another one. God, this shit just ain't working out. I just knew that he would fit in. Smart ass."

Hunter just nodded.

"Hickok, I heard of a wagon train passing nearby with bout fifty head. Be ready to ride in an hour."

Hunter watched as Keaton walked back off into the midst of the others. He looked at each one. The would be gang was now up to about fifteen men. He had to get away from this. Another man named Derek walked over to stand beside Hunter.

"I been with Keat for a year now. I think he's making a mistake with you."

Hunter turned and glared at the man.

"Nothing to say. You never got nothing to say. See that's the problem. I don't trust a man that don't talk. Sides your so called father shot my father down like a dog. So begs my pardon, I don't like you. You look just like the no good son of a bitch. I'm watching you, Hickok. I'll get my payback one way or another."

Hunter tried to stay calm as the man finally moved on. He didn't know how he was gonna get out.

"Mount em up. We heading out earlier than I thought."

Hunter checked his gun and got on his horse. He felt the sweat rolling down his back. He not only had to watch for others defending themselves and killing him, he had to watch his back for members of the gang as well. He was spurred his horse on behind the others as they rode out to the unsuspecting wagon train.

It didn't really take long before the wagons came into view. Four men rode along herding the cattle. Keaton looked down the line at his men. He smiled and nodded. Hunter raced down with his gun drawn. He shot but he always shot wide. The battle ensued for a while. Hunter watched as innocent after innocent fell dead. He felt himself falling into hell. He had to do something. He saw a man draw on a young boy. Hunter rode his horse over and kicked the man down. He shot him and pulled the boy over. He whispered for him to lay and be still. He looked around unseen. He saw another one of the gang aim for a man and wife. Hunter aimed and shot him dead. He told the couple to do the same and also about the child hidden. He mounted his horse and rode again through the chaos. At the end when the smoke cleared, Keaton's men rounded up all the cattle. They herded them onward toward their hideout. Hunter looked back over his shoulder quickly. He had managed to save five people. He turned back around to pay attention to the herd.

Keaton rode back into camp from town the next day ranting and raving. All the men stopped to watch him as he carried on until one finally spoke.

"What's going on, Keat?"

"This!" He said dropping posters down.

All the men walked over to look. Someone had recognized five of them from town. Hunter didn't see his name but he was relatively new. He stepped back.

"I thought we killed them all! How the hell could this happen?!" Yelled another man.

"I'm done. I'm high tailing it away from here!" Yelled another.

"I'll be damned if I find the end of a noose! I'm with you!"

Keaton shot his gun in the air grabbing all their attention.

"No one is fucking quitting this! You hear me! No one!" He yelled.

The men quieted down and waited.

"Now it seems we may have a little problem here. We may have a rat in our midst. Someone with enough compassion to help some of those fucking people. I will find out who. Any one care to step forward and just get it over with?"

All the men looked at each other. Hunter remained quiet. He tried to act nonchalant.

"I will find out. Til then, no one leaves this camp unless I say so. If you do, you'll be shot dead. No questions asked."

Hunter backed to the back of the crowd. He may have just screwed up. Big time.

Cody rode into town first with Penelope. The others waited outside of town not wanting to draw too much attention. Jimmy and Lucas came in next. Cody was waiting for them at the saloon. Noah and Silas came in town last. They went to the mercantile to snoop around and then maybe the sheriff's. Cody watched as Jimmy and Lucas made their way up to the bar. He noticed several men stop and stare at Jimmy. The light shining off his twin pistols.

"She safe?" Asked Jimmy.

"Oh yeah. No one will ever know."

"Thanks." Said Lucas.

"She will be fine. Mags will watch her like her own. I trust her completely."

"Hear or see anything unusual?" Asked Jimmy as a man walked out the saloon rather quickly.

Cody watched him go.

"Nothing until you came walking in. Seems people take notice."

"Good. Might work in our favor."

"I'd watch yourself, Jimmy. This whole town acts jumpy."

"I'll be fine."

"We are supposed to meet Noah and Si at the back of the livery in just a few." Said Lucas.

"Cody, take Luke with you. Go see if Noah found anything. I think I'm gonna sit here for a while."

"Maybe I should stay with you." Said Lucas.

"Son, I think it'd be best to stay out of sight away from me. Pull that hair up and stick to Cody."

"But, what about you? You need help. You can't hear and see....."

"That's enough. Go with Cody before someone takes a closer look."

Lucas reluctantly nodded as he left with Cody. Jimmy ordered a drink and went to sit with his back against the wall in the far corner so he could watch the door.

Lucas stopped in a nearby alley. He tied his hair up on top his head and shoved his hat down. Cody walked up to him. He pulled out a pair of glasses. Lucas glared at him.

"Put them on. Listen, your Dad had somewhat of a reputation that I know that you are vaguely aware of. You need to stay hidden so they can't use it against him if it comes down to that. He's playing a dangerous game but if someone knew your brother in Leadville by him looking like your Dad then he's laying his cards down on the table that someone here knows him as well. Trust me, your father's reputation is bigger than either of you boys think."

Lucas nodded and slipped the glasses on. Cody motioned him out to head to the livery. Silas was waiting in the back but Noah wasn't there.

"Si?" Asked Cody.

"Pa will be here in a few. We heard a rumor and he just wanted to follow up."

"Good or bad?" Asked Lucas.

Si took in his new look. He smiled but looked down. He cleared his throat.


"Spill it." Said Lucas.

"We don't know for sure but we know your brother is in town or was in town. He started working for a cattle outfit."

"That ain't bad if he's still there."

"Not quite. Folks around here think they are cattle rustlers but no one has ever tried to prove anything. Pa went to talk to the sheriff. The people seem scared to talk about it."

"Shit." Said Cody.

Noah took that chance to walk inside. The group turned to look at him. He stopped and looked right at Lucas.

"Si tell you?"

They both nodded.

"It's true. He rides with them." Noah said handing posters over.

Cody flipped through as well as Lucas. Lucas felt like he was dying as he looked from page to page. They said the five noted were wanted for murder.

"I don't see his picture." Said Cody.

"No, he wasn't named at the last robbery but folks survived. Normally no one does. I went to talk to one of them. I described Hunter and he was the one that helped them. He was there with them though. No questions about it."

"Why doesn't he run? He needs to get away from them. That ain't who he is." Said Lucas.

"Probably because he can't." Said Cody.

"And if they find out what he's doing, he's a dead man." Said Noah.

"Shit." Said Lucas.

"One more thing I heard." Said Noah.

"Can it get any worse?" Said Lucas.

"He's going by Hickok."

Cody shook his head. Lucas stared at his hands.

Chapter 13

Louise carried the wash out to hang on the line. She smiled as she passed Annie in the yard with Eli. She was taking him over to begin his morning chores that had been given to him. He had to feed the chickens and collect the eggs before heading over to tend the pigs. Usually Teaspoon went with him to watch him do his chores but he was busy as a buyer was coming to purchase some horses. Lou began hanging the wash as the men came riding into the yard. She turned to look over at them. Teaspoon was hard negotiating while the other three boys sat on their horses listening. Lou remembered that day long ago when they had listened to him do the same thing. She remembered Jimmy back then. Young, hot head Jimmy. She could even recall that ugly black shirt that he had been wearing. She hated that thing. She stood staring letting her tears fall.


Lou jumped and wiped her eyes. She turned to find Rachel standing behind her.

"I'm sorry, Rachel."

"You ok?"

"I'm fine."

"What is wrong? You aren't fine."

"It's stupid."

"Is it?"

"I was just watching Teaspoon sell the horses. It just brought back memories of long ago."

"I see." Smiled Rachel.

"Back when Emma took care of the station, he did that same exact thing with an Indian named Running Pony. I can still see each one of us sitting around the corral listening." Lou laughed.

"I hope his negotiating skills were far better back then." Laughed Rachel.

"Not at all." Lou said still laughing as she wiped a tear.

"Was that all?"

"I remembered Jimmy that day. Long before I ever knew that I would love him so much. He had on this awful black shirt. I hated that shirt." Lou said as she cried.

Rachel walked over and pulled her into a hug. She rubbed her back.

"He will be home anytime. I know it."

Lou moved back and pulled another piece of clothing from her basket.

"I hope so. It's been almost two months."

"I know it's hard but try not to worry. It will be any day now."

Lou watched as the men left with about ten head. She saw Teaspoon talking with his young crew. Lori came walking over from the house.

"Mom, I finished the kitchen. Can I please run into town? I ordered some material and it was supposed to come in this week. I want to see if it came."

"I guess but let me get someone to ride with you." Lou was saying as Teaspoon crossed the yard.

"Well, I already asked the boys and Tate is free. He can ride with me."

Lou stopped and looked at Rachel who looked down at the laundry. She knew it. They were hiding something.

"Maybe Billy can go?"

"But I already asked and Tate said he could?" Lori said looking at her Grandpa.

"Um, yeah, Billy and Hansen are helping me."

"See Mom."

"I don't know. Tate doesn't know how to handle himself, Lori. Not that I don't trust you, but he always, and I mean always, finds trouble wherever he goes. I just don't think it would be a good idea."

"But Mom, I just want to go get my things and get right back home."

"Lou, I think it would be alright." Whispered Teaspoon.

"Why is that?" Lou said spinning to glare at him.

"Um, well, I've been working hard on that boy and he is really starting to, um, you know, make a turn around." Teaspoon said looking at Rachel for help who just shook her head at him.

Lou watched how both of them acted. She turned back to Lori.

"Is that the only reason that you are going to town?"

"Yes, Momma, I swear. Won't be gone thirty minutes."

"Fine. You got thirty minutes then I come looking."

Lori nodded and went over to the barn. Lou saw Teaspoon creeping away out the corner of her eye as well. He hobbled on into the barn. Soon after, Tate and Lori rode out the yard in the buckboard. Lou watched for any sign that they were sweet on each other but they sat as far apart as they could without falling off the wagon. She heard Rachel snort.

"They think they are pulling one over on me but they ain't. What do you know?"

"Absolutely nothing."


"Honestly I don't but I think we both know someone who does."

"That old goat. I'm gonna kill him. That boy. Uh." Lou stomped back to her house with her now empty basket.

Rachel tried not to laugh as Lou turned back around.

"Thirty minutes! Tell him I need a horse ready and waiting!"

"Sure thing, sweetie."

Louise sat impatiently waiting for the next thirty minutes and not much to her surprise the two problems had not made their way back home. She stomped over to the barn. She glared at Teaspoon as she walked by him.

"Lou, I'm sure you'll pass them on the trail."

"When I get back, everyone around here is gonna come clean. And I mean it!"

Lou swung up on her horse and sped off toward town. She didn't pass the wagon on her way to town and the more she rode on, the hotter she got. She came roaring into town and spotted their wagon in front of the store. She stomped in but her child wasn't there.

"Mrs. McCloud?"

"What Earl?" Lou said angrily.

"I saw Lori and that fella that works for y'all. They are over at the marshal's."

"I'm gonna kill her. Thanks."

Lou slammed the door causing Earl to wince. He felt sorry for the two youngins. Lou stormed over to the jail. She pushed the door open hard making Larry jump. She saw them in the cells.

"Lou, let me explain what happened." Said Larry.

"Shut up, Larry."

Lou stomped over to where Lori was sitting with her arms crossed. Tate looked down at his boots.

"What did you do?" Growled Louise.

"I want you to know that this here ain't my fault." Said Lori.

"Spill it."

"Got into a small squabble was all. I don't know why Mr. Larry had to get in the middle of it." Lori said glaring over at the marshal.

"Tate." Lou said.

"I'm sorry. So sorry."

"Oh shut up. Larry, tell me."

"Your two there went over to the store. The boy, Tate, there, waited in the wagon for Lori. According to witnesses, a young girl stopped to speak with Tate."

"Keep. Going."

"Miss Lori there seemed to get rather mad. She ran out the store and pushed the girl. The girl said something back to her and that's when your daughter punched her in the nose. Gave her two black eyes. Then your daughter grabbed a broom from the barrel outside the store and started hitting Tate there with it until I broke it up. I was just going to send someone out to get you."

Lou turned slowly around to face the two in the cell. She saw Lori still sitting there with her arms crossed. She could still see the heat rising off her head. She turned to Tate who was holding and rubbing his arm. She couldn't help it. She broke down and started laughing. Larry tried not to smile but soon he was laughing too. Tate looked scared to death while Lori fumed at the two. Once their laughter subsided, Lou wiped her eyes.

"When can they get out?" Asked Lou trying to contain herself.

"I was just waiting for one of y'all to come collect."

"The girl's parents ain't mad?"

"Naw, the girl's Momma said that her daughter was too open. She needed to be taught a lesson. As for the store, you just need to cover the cost of the broom that she broke on ole boy there."

"I'll go settle up then I'll be back for them."

"They'll be right here waiting."

Lou went over and paid Earl who really didn't want the money. He was just surprised that quiet Lori had beat the crap out of both of them. Lou spoke with him for a few then went to to collect the two prisoners. She made Tate ride her horse back while she rode in the wagon with Lori. They slowly made their way back home. She looked over at Lori who still sat with her arms crossed.

"Might as well get over it." Said Lou.

"I'm sorry, Momma." Lori said starting to relax.

"What is going on around here?"

"I've been lying. I do Mom. I do like Tate." Lori said ashamed.

"Figured that. I'm talking about in town."

"That little whore, Tiffany thought she could just come up and talk to him."

"Why'd you beat him with a broom?"

"Cause he talked back!"

Lou shook her head and laughed. Tate looked back over his shoulder.

"I'll kill you next time! Ya hear me!" Lori yelled at him.

Tate looked back ahead.

"Lori, Lori. Why that one? Why him?"

"Momma, I don't know. I can't explain it. I know he's not thought of as good and he's hard to handle but I promise you, that he ain't as bad as people think."

"I guess we'll see, won't we."

"You ain't gonna run him off now?"

"No, maybe your Grandpa is right and he just needs a little guidance. Sides that, I think he'll think twice before he ever crosses you again." Laughed Lou as Tate rubbed his arm again.

"Next time, I'll aim for the head. Maybe knock some sense into it."

"Oh, Lori. You're more like me every day."

Lori giggled then as Lou saw Tate turn around to look at her again. She saw Lori blow him a kiss. He winked back at her. Lord help her, they would be a hell of a couple.

Chapter 14

Jimmy stayed in the saloon just watching the people come and go. He finally stood to make his way out. He noticed a young man watch him go. This young man had kept his eye on him almost the entire time that he was there. Jimmy made his way over to the hotel. He stepped inside but didn't get a room. He watched the young man ride off on a black and white paint out of town. He made sure to get a good look as they rode by. He needed to see what the others had found. He looked around before making his way over to the livery. He found only Noah waiting in the back.

"Well, what's it looking like?"

"He's here alright. Riding with some unsavory characters."

"Please don't tell me that."

Noah handed Jimmy the wanted posters. He looked at each one.

"Murder. Cattle rustling." He said quietly.

"Yeah. There were some survivors from the last robbery. I went and spoke to them. They described Hunter perfectly. He was the one that helped them get away but he is riding with this outfit."

"Holy fuck. Why, why does he get into things like this?" Jimmy said rubbing his face.

"If I had to guess, he didn't know. Probably signed up for work then it was too late. Now he can't get out."

"He knows too much."

Jimmy fell back against the wall. He just stared at his boots. They both looked up as Silas came walking in checking behind him.

"What's wrong? Someone following you?" Noah asked.

"No, but I got something."

"Well, let's hear it." Said Noah as Jimmy listened.

"I was standing at the blacksmiths watching the street when a man came up to me. He asked if I was new in town."

"What did you say?" Asked Jimmy.

"Told him that I was just passing through. Then he asked where was my home so I told him I didn't really have one. He offered me a job."

"Don't tell me." Said Noah.

"Pa, he asked me to help work cattle out of town."

"Silas, just no." Said Jimmy shaking his head.

"I already took the job."

"No, no. We already have one mixed up in this mess and we don't need another in the line of fire." Said Jimmy.

"Jimmy, this could work. It could show us where they are holed up." Said Noah.

"You can't be serious. This is your son we are talking about. I can't let him do this." Said Jimmy.

"Uncle Jimmy, I can do this. I'll lead you to Hunter. I'll stay out the way." Silas argued.

"I don't like it anymore than you do, Jimmy, but so far this is our best option on finding him. Silas is sharp. He knows how to handle himself. I have faith in my son."

"I can't. I won't let him do this. This is your child." Argued Jimmy.

"And Hunter is yours. It's settled. Silas?"

"He meets me tomorrow at noon."

"Good. I'll go fill in Cody and Lucas. We'll be ready.

"Noah, please make him stay. I don't want anything to happen to my nephew."

"Have a little faith, Jimmy. It's gonna all work out."

They left Jimmy standing in the back of the barn. He couldn't believe the loyalty of his family.

Hunter was sitting alone off to the side of the camp when he saw Max riding back in. He slid down and strode right to Keaton. He saw him look over at him. He looked down at the ground. He wasn't surprised when he saw boots in his line of sight.



"Max saw a man in town today. Looks a hell of a lot like you."

Hunter tried not to let his surprise show. He kept a straight face.

"Know anything about that?"


"Seems like a few around remember him as a Hickok. A very dangerous one. Ring a bell now?"

"Ain't sure. I'd have to see him."

"Really, gunfighter or your father maybe?"

"I told you that I don't know."

"Max heard something else valuable in town also."

Hunter looked up in Keaton's face. He didn't even blink.

"Seems like word on the street is that someone that looks a lot like you was a hero. Hell, even saved some people from a gang of cattle rustlers just the other day. What you know about that?"

Hunter just stared into Keaton's face. He looked calm but his heart was pounding.

"So what you got to say?"

Hunter tried to come up with an answer. Something smart to get him out of this mess but he had nothing. God, he needed some wisdom from Lucas. He was staring at Keaton when his world went dark.

"Tie him up. We'll hold onto him for a few."

"What about the man in town?" Asked Max.

"We'll let Derek deal with him when the time comes. He needs closure on what happened to his father."

"This is Wild Bill, Keat. I doubt that Derek is gonna be able to handle him."

"Don't worry so much Max. That's why we are holding on to the boy there. He has to be looking for him and he will put it all together sooner or later. We just have to make sure to dispose of both of them."

"You make it sound so easy but you do know about him right?"

"Course I do. But do you know that we got over ten men. Don't worry so much." Laughed Keaton as he walked away leaving a worried Max.

Chapter 15

Teaspoon sat in his rocker watching his family spread out over the old station. It was Sunday and other than feeding the stock, it was a day for rest. He watched as Billy rode up shortly after dinner. Annie ran over to meet him. He watched the two hold hands and laugh as they walked into the barn. Billy was a good boy. His granddaughter had made a good choice. He saw Lou and Elijah over by the large oak. Eli was swinging high as Lou smiled as she pushed him. Rachel came out the house with two mugs and sat in the chair beside him.

"Such a beautiful sight as always."

"I know. Seeing them together never gets old."

"I know what you mean. I miss the others so much."

"You know what we need to do."

"Drink this coffee before it gets cold." Laughed Rachel.

"No, have a reunion of sorts. With everyone."

"You know, that would be nice. A big dinner and for an entire week."

"A week. Now that's a plan."

"We'll figure it out more as soon as Jimmy gets back."

The conversation stopped as they saw Tate and Lori coming in. They saw Lou turn her attention to them as well. Tate was running behind Lori as she just kept walking and ignoring him. The boy seemed to be begging. He would cut in front of her but she would push him away each time.

"What in the world?" Asked Rachel.

"Ain't sure."

They saw Lou leave Eli and make her way over to the two. She stood between them and spoke. Lori was pissed and Tate seemed desperate. Lou shook her head and flung her hands up in the air. She stormed back over to Elijah leaving the other two to fuss.

"She seems really mad." Giggled Rachel.

"I can tell." Teaspoon said as Lori pushed Tate backwards.

They both looked down to laugh as he fell in the horse trough. Lori didn't even look back. She walked right past them with her head held high in the house.

"I'm going to have a word with Tate." Said Rachel still smiling.

"I'll take Lori." Said Teaspoon.

Rachel made her way over to Tate who had stomped in the barn. He hadn't heard her come in. She smiled as he threw down his soaked hat then proceeded to stomp on it.

"You stupid son of a bitch fucker! Why am I such a stupid fuck?! Why the fuck?!" He got quiet when he noticed Rachel.

"It's ok. You better now? I think you won against the hat."

"I'm sorry."

"Tate, you are always apologizing honey. Don't apologize for being yourself." Rachel came to stand closer where the young man was standing.

"I ain't supposed to be cussing. I know. I'm just so damn confused and fucking angry. Shit, I'm sorry."

"What happened?"

"Lori thought I was gonna have this big thing planned and ask her to the dance. I forgot all about that shit. She got pissed the more she waited. I'm so stupid."

"That's why she is so mad?"

"Yeah, then when she told me, I just asked. Dumb fucker. Sorry."

"Tate, honey. It will be ok. Girls are hard to figure out. We are very demanding at times." Rachel laughed.

"She's mad. Again."

"She'll be fine. Her Momma is head strong. Look here's what you do, I will pack you a small picnic. You go change your clothes then go pick her a bundle of yellow wildflowers. They are her favorite. Take her out to the fields where they bloom. That is her most cherished place. Then you don't cuss at all, you hear me. You make the world seem like it is stopping for her. Then as the sun sets, you ask her. Problem solved."

"Tell me that one more time."

"Come on my boy. Let's walk to the bunkhouse."

Teaspoon knocked easily on Lori's door. She cracked it open. She was clearly still angry.

"May I?"

"Sure whatever. Just don't you dare say that I'm being hard on that boy. Ugh, what a freaking dumbass! He knew about this dance and he does nothing about asking me! Why, why the hell would I pick someone like him?! I should have hit him in the head when I had the chance!" Lori said stomping over to her bed and flopping down.

"You like him that's why."

"But he's so stupid sometimes."

"Lori, darling, we all are. We ain't got a clue as to what is going on in y'alls heads half the time. We just try to go along with whatever it is. Women are complicated. Don't tell me otherwise."

"Grandpa. I don't know."

"Give him some time and give him a chance. I think he will make it right. He knows what to do now and he won't forget it. I'm sure of that. He's just like the rest of us. We didn't come into this world knowing how women's minds work. Y'all have to train us." Laughed Teaspoon.


"Really. Look at your Mom. She trained your Daddy pretty good." Laughed Teaspoon.

"How about you and Grandma?" Smiled Lori.

"I am like the wind. Untrainable."

Lori laughed and hugged her Grandpa when they heard a knock on the door. Teaspoon looked at her and nodded. She walked down. Tate was standing there with a bundle of her favorite flowers. He was smiling.

"How did you know?" Lori asked taking them.

"I didn't. Just thought something as pretty as you should have something as pretty as them."

Lori smiled. His words weren't eloquent but the meaning was there. Teaspoon watched as Lori took his arm. He made his way down to the door as the two rode off. Rachel was on the porch.

"Well, that should end that little problem." Said Teaspoon.

"Yes it should. I hope it works out for them. I think they are a good match if she can train him some."

"Think so, huh."

"Oh yeah. Just like you and me. I think I trained you pretty well."

Teaspoon and Rachel laughed while listening to Eli giggle as his Mom pushed him higher on the swing.

Chapter 16

Silas stood waiting the next day at dusk to meet the man. He didn't even know his name. He had been waiting for a few minutes when he walked up. The man looked at him.

"You ready?"

"I'm ready to eat if that's what you're saying. I need the money."

"Good. Let's go."

Noah, Jimmy, Cody, and Lucas watched as the two rode out of town. Noah nodded to Lucas to get their horses. They mounted up and followed a good ways behind. After riding for almost an hour, they noticed distant smoke in the distance. Jimmy pulled to a stop.

"This is it." Noah said.


"Jimmy, it's gonna work out."

"We should split up. Circle them." Said Cody.

"Sounds like a plan." Said Noah.

"Cody, take Lucas. Keep your eye on him." Said Jimmy.

"Will do." Cody and Lucas went to skirt around.

"Here we go." Said Jimmy.

Noah nodded as the two edged closer to try to get a look at the camp. Jimmy looked around the camp. He counted about thirteen men milling around. He felt Noah nudge him. He looked to where he was. He saw Silas being introduced around the camp. He saw him talking to another man. This one was clearly the one in charge. He looked around again for Hunter.

"Jimmy look at Si."

Jimmy looked back at his nephew. He tipped his hat toward the rear of the camp.

"He's there. I see him." Said Noah quietly.

Jimmy strained to see. He finally could make him out.

"Is he ok? I can't tell. Damn my eye."

"He's alive. His arms are tied to that branch above him. Looks like they worked him over."

"Fuck. Five to thirteen. Odds ain't in our favor. We got to think of something."

"I'm thinking. Maybe I can get a signal to Silas and he can get to Hunter."

"No, that would out him. No."

Noah was thinking when he saw the leader walk over and get in Hunter's face. He spoke a few words before he punched him in the gut. Jimmy growled.

"Enough of this shit."

Noah went to grab his arm but missed. Jimmy holstered his gun and started walking straight to camp.

Lucas went to stand as he saw his father start making his way into camp but Cody held tight to him.

"I can't let him go this alone." Said Lucas trying to pull free.

"Just wait. Let this play out. Please."

Lucas looked at Cody before settling back down to watch. Jimmy walked closer when the men took notice finally. All three pulled their guns. He put his hands up and stopped walking. He saw them calling to the others. Soon the would be leader emerged.

"Daddy Hickok, I suppose?"


"What brings you all the way out here? Better yet, how did you find us?"

"Just taking a little walk."

"Really. I know what you came for."

"Do you?"

"A man of little words. Like your son."

"I wouldn't know about that."

"Get his guns."

Jimmy stood with his hands up as two men grabbed his pistols. He watched Keaton turn them over in his hands.

"Legends right here. I honestly didn't think they existed. You either for that matter but yet here you are. Right in front of me."

"Where is he?"

"See I told you I knew what you came for. He's fine." Keaton said tipping his head to behind him.

"I'll cut you a deal."

"A deal?" Keaton laughed still staring at the twin pistols.

"My pistols for my boy."

Keaton froze. He stared at the guns. He smiled at Jimmy.

"A father's love. A love like none other."

"Take them. Give me him and we walk away never to be heard from again."

"Too good to be true."

"You have my word."

"You hear that boys?" Keaton laughed looking at all the men.

"Well what is it gonna be?"

"Get him."

Jimmy didn't fight as two men grabbed his arms and held him. He just watched the man in front of him.

"This is how it's gonna go down. I don't trust you. Not one bit nor do I trust that lying little shit back there. So, I have a friend here that needs something from you and he's gonna get it. Derek."

Jimmy just stood as Derek emerged from behind Keaton.

"You killed my father so now I'm gonna kill you." Sneered the man.

Jimmy didn't know him from a hole in the ground but apparently he had shot this man's father. He just looked on.

"So to make it fair, I'm gonna give each of you a gun with one bullet. You know how the rest goes down."

Jimmy didn't even take his eyes off the men. He just stared them down.

"Then after he kills you and we finish off your boy, I get your guns and a good night's sleep knowing that there is no one left to run their mouth about us. Now that there is a good deal."

Jimmy watched. He didn't fight as Keaton loaded each gun with one bullet removing the rest. He just had to keep their attention. He saw Silas easing back toward Hunter slowly. They left one man to watch Hunter. The rest gathered around for the show. The men holding Jimmy let him go. He saw the man named Derek go stand down from him. The men got quiet waiting.

Silas moved on back. He stood beside the boy watching Hunter.

"What do you want?" The boy asked.

"My cousin."


Silas hit the boy. He watched as he fell. He quickly pulled his knife and cut Hunter down. He knelt beside him as he fell.

"You ok? Can you move? I got to get you out of sight."

"I think so."

Silas got under Hunter's arm. Cody and Lucas saw Si helping Hunter walk away. Cody lifted his rifle. Lucas made his way down closer to camp.

Noah saw Jimmy and the man squaring off. He made his way closer as he saw his son helping Hunter out of the line of fire. Lucas crept down behind the camp. He saw one of the men look to where Hunter had been. He frowned and walked over. Luke got him from behind. He smiled as the man fell. He pulled him out of sight.

Noah came down to the near side of the camp. He was close now. He saw sun glint off Cody's rifle. He frantically looked back at the gang. His fears were realized when he knew that some of the men had turned to look.

"We've got company!" One yelled.

Cody took that opportunity to let out a shot. The shot tore through two men standing side by side.

"Find cover!" Yelled Keaton.

Noah shot and hit another man rushing by him. He yelled out for Jimmy as Derek didn't run instead he aimed right for his friend. Jimmy was faster and able to get off a shot. The shot struck Derek high in his chest. He pulled the trigger before he was thrown back onto the ground. Noah saw Jimmy fall as well. He watched the remaining men scatter. He ran over to Jimmy and grabbed his arm. He pulled him back behind cover.

"You ok?"

"Fine. Where's the boys?"

"Silas took Hunter out of sight."

Jimmy nodded as he saw Cody take out another. Lucas shot two on the far side. Noah made his way over to where he saw some run. He left Jimmy where he was. He heard Noah's shots. He saw Keaton and two others trying to leave. He stood and shot the the two with Keaton. He frowned as Keaton galloped out of camp unharmed. He ran over behind him along with Lucas when they heard a shot in the distance. They rushed toward the trees when they came upon Silas and Hunter. Hunter stood hunched over Keaton's body. Jimmy made his way over to his oldest.

"It's over Hunter."

"He killed innocent people. I need to make sure."

Jimmy closed his eyes as Hunter shot the dead boy again. He slowly reached around and got his gun.

"It's over."

"It will never be over."

"Hunter, son?"

"It will never be over! People take one look at me and condemn me for who you are! Why?! Why do I have to look like Wild Bill Hickok! Why can't I just be me! I'm not you damnit! Maybe I should just accept the fact that I am where I am supposed to be. In a gang of killers. It seems to come to me easy enough."

"Hunter, stop. I can't go back and change my past. I'm sorry that this happened. You don't know how sorry I am."

Noah and Cody just stood watching.

"I wish I'd never been born. I wish I didn't look like you."

"Hunter, don't say that. You know who Dad really is. He isn't at all what people made him out to be. Please, don't say that." Said Lucas walking to stand in front of his brother.

"I can't help but feel this way." Said Hunter.

"I'm sorry, son." Said Jimmy turning away.

"Hunter, don't do this. Come back home with us. You belong there." Pleaded Lucas.

"Why? I'm wanted for murder. I wanted to kill that boy. I wanted to kill Keaton. It makes no difference. Fact is, I guess I take a little too much after him."

"Listen to yourself. What the hell is wrong with you? Do you even know what you're saying? You ain't wanted for murder. Dad cleared it all up. You can come home."

"I feel like no matter where I go, people will hate me for who I look like. Just look at the past week. I was damned before I could crawl." Hunter took a deep breath and tried to stand up straighter.

"Well use it to your advantage. Hell, I wish I looked more like him. I wish I was him. If only I could be half the man that he is." Said Lucas shoving Hunter.

Hunter turned to look at his brother. He saw that he spoke the truth. Maybe he looked at this all wrong. He still felt angry inside. His brother stared at him waiting for his words to sink like he knew that they would. He turned to see his father limping away.

"Dad?" Hunter said.

Jimmy turned and Hunter could see the pain of his words in his eyes. He felt like he had a knot in his chest.

"Dad. Wait." He said again.

Jimmy began limping back over to his son. Hunter waited for the harsh words but none came as his father pulled him into a hug. He hugged him back.

"I'm a little sore you know." Hunter said quietly.

Jimmy set the boy back. He shook his head.

"Let's get you cleaned up and looked at. I need help with this leg." Jimmy said.

"I'm sorry for what I said."

"Don't say another word. It's in the past. I understand."

Cody and Noah came over to help tie off Jimmy's leg so they could get him to town. Silas and Lucas tied up the two remaining men that were alive. The group set off back toward town.

Chapter 17

Louise rode with Elijah, Rachel, and Teaspoon to the dance. She kept her eyes going back and forth between the two couples. Annie and Billy kept smiling at each other while Lori and Tate talked. They pulled to a stop. Once inside the group spread out. Lou sat at the table with Rachel while Teaspoon stood laughing with some men in the corner. Elijah was over playing with some boys his age from town. Annie and Billy danced. The two seemed almost too perfect. Lori and Tate danced as well but the boy looked to be walking on eggshells.

Lou sat deep in thought. The days had flown by since Jimmy had left in search of their boys. She had not gotten a single letter but she expected that he was busy trying his damndest to get to them. Almost three months without the love of her life and her two sons. She felt sadness welling up deep inside. She sat thinking of how good it would feel to be back in her husband's arms. Then she heard it.

"You pig!"

"Lori, I swear that girl is lying. I ain't never courted her!"

"You are such a liar!"

Lou looked to see Lori shoving Tate. He was trying to explain and the little slut in question was over on the side smiling proudly. Lou had enough. She stood and marched over.

"Shut up!" She screamed.

The crowd that gathered quieted. Lou turned toward her daughter.

"Lorilei, I thought we had raised you better than this!"


"I don't give a shit who that little tramp is over there. Can't you see that she is only trying to come between the two of you! My Lord! Believe your man every once in a while. You chose him after all!"

The girl's mother heard Louise referring to her child. She stomped up.

"And to whom are you calling a tramp? My daughter is most certainly not one!"

"If the shoe fits then wear it."

"You should talk. You run that farm when your husband should be the one doing it. Now he is off running behind those two criminals of yours while you have boys living right there on the farm with you and your daughters. Improper to say the least."

"At least I have a man you old hag. And don't you dare talk about my sons."

"Why not? They take after their criminal father. A murderer. You think we don't know who he was. Nothing but a killer."

Lou lost it. She punched the woman right in her face. The woman fell back screaming. She charged back at Lou. Soon both women fell to the floor. Lori took that chance to run over and tackle the daughter. The girl tried to get away but Lori held on. Teaspoon ran over to Tate.

"Get your girl!"

"Fuck no, she might hit me!"

"Get her!"

Tate groaned but grabbed Lori. He pulled her off kicking and screaming as the girl stood holding her face. Teaspoon and Billy got Lou. She spit blood from her mouth as the other woman slowly pushed herself off the floor. Larry came and got between them. He shook his head.

"What is it with you McCloud women?! Jail now!" He said.

Lou sat in the cell with Lori later that night. She smiled over at her daughter.

"Well, I don't know about you but that was the best dance we've had in a while." Laughed Louise.

"I dare that bitch to ever look at us cross again."

"I have a good idea that she won't."

"If she does, I got more just waiting for her."

"Nice hit, by the way." Said Lou.

"I learned from the best." Smiled Lori.

Lou pulled Lori into a hug as they closed their eyes waiting for the morning to come.


Jimmy and the others rode back in to Durango. Cody took the two boys to the marshal's. He came out smiling. Lucky for them, the two alive were wanted. They laughed as they separated the reward money. Lucas jumped down and made a beeline for Maggie's house.

"Impatient." Said Cody laughing. "

Head over heels is more like it." Said Jimmy smiling.

Hunter slowly slid down gasping.

"You ok? You need the doc?" Asked his father.

"No just sore. I'm ok."

"Same here. I think I'm gonna head over and get this leg taken care of. I'll be right back."

Jimmy limped across the street. Cody and Noah were talking when Lucas ran up. He jumped on his horse.

"Lucas?" Asked Noah.

"Four men came and found Penny. They took her."

"Lucas wait!" Yelled Cody but the boy didn't even turn back as he rode away.

Hunter pulled himself clumsily on his horse. He didn't utter a word as he followed his brother.

"I'm going for Jimmy. Silas go grab a few supplies. Seems we won't be staying a few days in town after all." Said Noah.

Silas nodded as he ran off. Noah looked back toward Cody. He shook his head.

"How does this always happen? I mean it's like a black cloud following them everywhere."

"I don't know but I think I'm gonna start calling it the Hickok curse. I'll make sure our horses are ready."

Noah jogged over to the doctor's small office. He told Jimmy what had just happened.

"Fuck this."

Jimmy rushed as fast as he could over to his horse. He didn't wait for the others as he swung into the saddle to gallop after his boys.

Chapter 18

Lucas rode as fast as his horse would take him. He figured that he would take her back home. She wasn't nothing to him but the help anyway and he treated her as such. Lucas saw smoke up ahead. He didn't stop or take anything into consideration as he rode hell bent into the camp.

Penny was sitting beside the fire holding her arm to her chest. She could still taste the blood on her lips from her father's hits earlier. Her face was swollen and hurt. He had snatched her arm so much that it just throbbed. She willed herself not to cry as her father and his hired guns walked around the small camp. He came and stood looking down at her. She kept her eyes at his feet.

"You should be thankful that I didn't kill you. I normally kill things that run from me but since you are my daughter, figured you deserved another chance. You are my blood after all."

Penny didn't answer. She just held the tears back and swallowed against the lump in her throat.

"You'll make a fine whore. Young. Untainted. Top dollar. And as for that beau of yours, I know he'll be coming. I'm counting on it."

"I hate you." She said quietly.

"Ain't the first time that I heard that my dear. It damn sure won't be the last."

Penny sat holding her arm when she heard hoof beats rushing closer. She looked frantically into the distance. Her father heard it too. He motioned to his men. Penny jumped to her feet.

"Lucas! Stop! Watch out!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Shut the fuck up!" Yelled her father as he hit her as hard as he could knocking her down into the dirt.

Lucas saw her father hit her. He saw her fall limp onto the dirt. He growled as he spurred his horse straight toward the old man. He was angry. He wasn't thinking straight as he rushed in the camp. Her father fell out the way as Lucas went for him. One of his men rushed out. Lucas saw and shot him down.

"Shoot him you fools!" Yelled her father.

Lucas saw another man to his left. He spun his horse in that direction when he felt something tear into the back of his shoulder. He fell forward but pulled himself back up in the saddle. He aimed and shot the man. Lucas felt another tear into him. He fell backwards off his horse. He lay staring up at the sky.

Penny lay in a daze. She heard gunfire. She rolled and pushed herself up on her knees. She screamed as she saw Lucas fall from his horse. Her father was laughing as he stalked to stand over him. He pulled his pistol. Penny pushed herself up with all that she had left. She ran and jumped on her father's back.

Hunter rode straight into the chaos after his brother. He saw two men walking toward Lucas and Penny beating her father in the head with her hands. He saw his brother laying on his back. The men took notice and turned to him. He didn't hesitate as he shot both of them. Penny's father grabbed her over his shoulder and wretched her onto the ground. She laid gasping for air as he went to kick her. Hunter took aim and pulled the trigger. Her father stopped and looked at him in shock.

"The hell?" He whispered.

"Look at me." Said Hunter.

"What?" He scratched out as he looked up in his face.

"That's my brother, you no good son of a bitch." Hunter said as he emptied the remainder of his gun into him.

Penny's father spun around and fell dead. She laid still. She was scared to move. Hunter slid down and went to her.

"Penny. It's ok now." Hunter said.

"Lucas!" She wailed as she crawled away over to him.

Hunter followed her over. They both kneeled over him. Lucas was staring up at the sky, taking short gasps. His shirt was soaked through.

"Penny...." Lucas rasped trying to breathe.

"I'm here. It's ok." She said grabbing his bloody hand.

"Luke, look at me. Just hold on." Hunter said stripping off his coat and shirt to pack the wounds.

"I just want her to be safe." Lucas whispered.

"She is. She will be."

Lucas slightly nodded as his head fell back.

Hunter turned upon hearing horses. He looked up as his Dad and the others rode in.

Jimmy jumped down and fell as his leg went out from under him. He pushed himself back up to run over to his boys. He fell down next to Lucas. He looked at Hunter.

"How bad?"

"I ain't sure. I just tried to stop the bleeding."

Jimmy nodded as he started cutting Luke's shirt off. He threw the pieces aside. Cody knelt down next to them. He noticed the wound to his side. He saw the shot to his shoulder. Jimmy looked at Cody.

"Jimmy, we got to move him fast."

"I know." Jimmy said tying off his side.

"Look. I'll take him. Get him on my horse."

Jimmy stopped and looked at Cody. He nodded knowing he would be faster than him.

Jimmy finished working. He motioned for Noah and Silas. Cody jumped up on his horse behind the saddle waiting for them to lift Lucas up. Jimmy, Hunter, Noah, and Silas picked him up as Cody pulled him straight in front of him. Cody tipped his hat at Jimmy as he spurred his horse into a dead run. They stood and watched him disappear on the horizon. Jimmy turned around to see Hunter with Penny in a hug as she cried. He walked over.

"Penelope?" Jimmy asked softly.

She wiped her eyes and pushed away to stand. He saw her swollen and purple face. She pulled her arm close to her.

"Let me see." Jimmy said carefully as he pushed her hair out her face.

He saw that her eye was swollen shut as well as her cheek. He reached for her arm but she shook her head. She had a small cut on her forehead that was slightly bleeding.

"It hurts." She said.

"Let me see what he did. We need to get you to town as well."

She held her breath but nodded. Jimmy pulled her sleeve up. He saw bruising from fingers as well as hand prints but what caught his attention was the abnormality right below her elbow. Noah came to stand close by Hunter. Jimmy looked at them shaking his head.

"Penny. Honey, we need to wrap this arm before we take you into town."

"No, it's fine." She said pulling away.

"No it ain't. He broke it." Said Noah.

"I said it's fine."

"Penny. It will be better to let them wrap it so you can ride. That way you can get to Luke faster."

Penny turned to look at Hunter. He was right. She needed to get to town. She cleared the fog that was surrounding her mind. She finally nodded. Noah eased forward to hold her arm still as Jimmy wrapped it tight. Hunter held her hand as she gritted her teeth.

Once they tied her arm close to her chest so as not to jostle it, she mounted Noah's horse in front of him. Jimmy took one last look at the bodies. He saw how many times that her father was shot. He took a deep breath before walking to his horse. He felt like his air was being slowly sucked out his body. Lucas could be dead before he could get to him. He felt that his oldest was slipping away into a darkness that he couldn't come back from. He felt as if he was losing him. He had to push it back. He had him beside him for the moment and he needed to get to his other son. The group sped back toward town.

Chapter 19

Cody was waiting for the others when he finally caught sight of them riding into town. He moved down from the doctor's small porch to meet them in the street. He went to help Noah ease Penny down. He could tell that she was hurting.

"Well?" Asked Jimmy walking to the front.

"I got him here. Don't know much else." Answered Cody.

"I don't know about you but I'm going in to see what's going on. Y'all can sit out here if you want to." Said Hunter trying to make his way up.

Jimmy grabbed his arm and spun him around to face him.

"I'll go. You wait here. You hear me."

Hunter nodded and stepped aside as his father made his way into the house. Silas went to sit on the far end of the porch away from everyone. Noah watched him go as he held onto Penelope. Jimmy soon eased the door back open followed by an older woman. She came down to Penny.

"I'm Margaret. Come honey. Let me see about you while my husband finishes up."

"I don't know." Said Penny scared.

"It's ok, Penny. Let her help you. I'll be along shortly. Nothing else bad is gonna happen." Said Jimmy quietly.

Penny looked back to Margaret but finally shook her head yes. She followed the old lady back in the house. Jimmy looked at all the others waiting before he walked back inside. Noah made his way over to Silas.

"You ok?"

"Not really."

"It's hard. I know. I've been here before and it never gets any easier."

"My cousin could die. He looked like he was dying. I ain't never seen anything like it."

"I know but you have to think on the good side of everything. You have to always keep the faith that everything is gonna be alright. I wish it hadn't had happened this way but son, I am proud to call you mine. You rode with us and the things that you did for this family, it takes a man to do what you did. Trust me, I've seen worse than this."

"What if he dies?"

"Aw, he won't. He'll be fine."

"How can you be so sure?"

"He's a McCloud. Should I whisper Hickok. I've seen his father way worse than this. Ya can't kill em." Noah said laughing.

Silas actually smiled.

"Remember. Always look for the good side."

Cody walked over to stand by Hunter. He just stood deep in thought.

"Hunter? How is it?"



"Yeah just like I said. Fine."

Hunter walked farther away as Cody shook his head. He feared something was going on underneath that boy's exterior. Something that wasn't good. He felt that the young man was troubled. He would mention it to Jimmy at a better time. Cody was still watching Hunter when Jimmy came out onto the porch. He looked at all of them waiting.

"How is he?" Asked Noah finally.

"Lucky. Both shots seemed to have missed anything important. I ain't sure how. He lost a lot of blood but as long as infection stays out, he should be fine." Jimmy said smiling at the last of his words.

Hunter took a deep breath feeling relieved. Noah smiled and patted Silas on the back as the boy smiled. Jimmy went to sit on the steps. He eased down keeping his sore leg straight out in front of him.

"And how is Penny?" Asked Cody.

"So far just her arm is the only problem. I mean besides being bruised and sore. I can't understand how a man could do that to his child."

"What are you gonna do?"

"First I'm gonna go send a letter to Lou. Then we are heading home. With Penny."

Cody nodded as Jimmy pushed himself back up to go send his letter.


Lou held the letter in her hand a few days later. She wiped her eyes as Rachel and her girls looked on. She smiled happily at them.

"They will be heading home soon." She said crying again.

"Everything ok, Momma?" Asked Annie.

"Yes. I'm just so happy. He has the boys. I can't explain how happy I am."

"I knew Dad would find them." Said Annie proudly.

Lori looked down at her hands. She fidgeted with them. Lou noticed.



"What's wrong?"


"I see." Said Louise as Rachel smiled.

Lou reached out and took her daughter's hand.

"You tell Tate to stay clear and wait. I'll tell your Dad. He will just have to accept it." Said Lou smiling.

"Ok." Lori said standing to go find Tate.

Annie laughed watching her go. She cut her eyes back to her Momma.

"Think this is gonna go well?" She asked.

"He likes Billy. Enough." Said Rachel smiling as well.

"Yeah but Tate ain't Billy." Said Annie.

"I'll handle him. It's just gonna be hard. No one opens their mouth until I have time to ease him into it. Everyone needs to make sure Tate stays clear of Lori and doesn't do anything stupid. You know how much sense he as." Said Lou rubbing her forehead.

"Momma!" Laughed Annie.

"Don't laugh. You know it's the truth. Lord help us all."

Teaspoon spoke from behind them.

"Don't you dare. My grand daughter and I still have a few days to whip him into shape. Sides that, Jimmy might just take to him."

"Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath." Groaned Lou.

"That's it. Maybe Tate can win Jimmy over before he finds out about them." Said Rachel.

"That's a great idea. I'll get right on it." Said Teaspoon hobbling off.

"My Lord. What are we doing?" Sighed Lou.

"Keeping the peace, maybe?" Smiled Rachel.

"This is gonna be good." Laughed Annie.

Lou glared at her but then looked at Rachel who seemed about to burst. She couldn't help but laugh as well. The trio sat and laughed as the sun began to set.

Chapter 20

The ride home was slow going at best. The group had managed to stop more times than they could count. It had been almost two weeks since Lucas was shot. Jimmy rode up beside the wagon to glance at his son.

"You ok? Need a break?"

"No. I'll be ok. The faster we get there, the quicker I can get out this damn wagon."

"Won't be long now." Smiled Jimmy.

"It has never felt so good to see familiar land."

"Penny?" Asked Jimmy.

"I'm fine. Nervous, really." She replied looking down.

"Don't be. You'll see there is no need for that."

"That's what I keep telling her." Said Lucas shifting to his other side.

"You know what she needs to take her mind off it!" Yelled Cody over his shoulder as he drove the wagon.

"No!" All three yelled.

"Damn. Y'all just don't understand how music can soothe the body and soul."

"Music maybe, but your singing can kill a horse." Said Jimmy.

"I'm hurt by that remark."

"No offense, Uncle Cody, but I have to side with Dad on this one." Said Lucas.

"All you McClouds are the same. Miss Penny loves my voice."

"I'm sorry but I have to side with them." She said.

"My God. A few weeks with these turds and you already are taking their side. Lord A mighty. I'll just hum instead then."

Jimmy shook his head at a smiling Lucas and Penny. He looked toward the back of the wagon where Hunter rode in silence. He stared out at the prairie as they rode along. The boy seemed to be somewhere else. As soon as they got home and settled, Jimmy was going to see what's going on. He turned to look back ahead.


"Tate, you can't act stupid. Remember your manners and my God above all, steer clear of Lori. Don't let him catch you with her until we can tell him." Said Teaspoon again.

"Why the fuck y'all...."

"That's what I'm talking about. Lord boy. You value your life?"

"Sorry. Why y'all act like I should be scared of him? He ain't nothing but her Daddy."

"You're right. Listen to yourself and use that damn head of yours. That's her Daddy. You are interested in his little girl. You picking up what I'm laying down?"

"Picking what?" Tate said looking at the ground.

"Figure of speech, numb nut. It means..."

"It means do you understand." Said Eli from behind them.

"Why can't you just say that?" Asked Tate looking back at Teaspoon.

"Everyone knows that. Dumb fucker." Eli said walking away.

Teaspoon grunted and blared his eyes back at Tate.

"See what you've done caused."

"How the fuck I cause that?"

Teaspoon wacked him on his knee with his cane.

"Ow!" Yelled Tate bending down.

"Did you just hear yourself?"


Lori came rushing into the barn interrupting them. She looked at her Grandpa.

"They're coming!" She said excitedly.

"Remember what I said." Teaspoon said to Tate.

"What was it again?"

"Shit son. Manners, mouth, no Lori. Keep repeating that."

They all walked out into the yard to wait for the wagon.

Louise ran off the porch as Jimmy swung out his saddle. He reached for her as she jumped in his arms and held her tight.

"I can't believe it. I'm so happy." She cried.

"Lord, how I've missed you." Said Jimmy burying his face in her hair.

Annie, Billy, and Lori stood back watching. They noticed the young girl with them in the wagon. No one else had noticed yet. Teaspoon recognized Cody. He walked over and wrapped him in a hug. Rachel came running over to hug him as well.

Lou let Jimmy go and went to her oldest. He kept looking down at his feet. She ducked down to peer under the brim of his hat. He looked ashamed. She saw the fading cuts and bruises. Lou shook her head and pulled him into a hug.

"Everything is gonna be alright now. I love you, Hunter." She whispered to him.

He didn't say anything but smiled as he stood back. He nodded as his sisters ran over to hug him as well.

Lou looked at Jimmy as a girl was helping Lucas out the back of the wagon. He sat on the edge trying to get himself together. Lou walked over and pulled him into a hug.

"Momma, you're killing me." He whispered.

"Lucas McCloud, y'all better not ever pull a stunt like this again. You ok? What happened?"

Jimmy walked over and grabbed Lou's hand.

"That is a long story. I'll fill everyone in but he will be fine."

"Momma, this is Penelope. Penny."

Lou turned to look at the girl as she looked away trying to hide the bruises on her face.

"He picked one." Whispered Jimmy which made Lou laugh.

She shook her head and walked over to Penny.

"Louise McCloud. That over there are his sisters, Annie and Lori. That's his Grandpa Teaspoon and his Grandma Rachel. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet all of y'all." She said smiling.

"Penny's gonna be staying a while. Girls, after we get Luke inside, can you help her get settled?" Said Jimmy.

"Yes, sir."

The girls walked over to her chatting away. Jimmy saw all the fear begin to melt off Penny's face. He smiled. She would fit in just fine.

Chapter 21

A week had flown by. Jimmy walked out on his porch with his mug in hand. He took a deep breath. The familiar scent of home filled his nose. He smiled as he watched Billy striding into the barn. The boy had done a fine job helping while he was gone. He hated to admit it but he truly liked the boy. He saw the one they called Hansen making his way out with a horse. He seemed to be quiet and well mannered. Then he frowned. The dumbass walked out. He had only been around the boy named Tate for a week and he already wanted to wring his neck.

"The boys did a great job keeping the place up." Said Teaspoon easing up the steps.

"Two of them maybe."

Teaspoon turned and saw him watching Tate.

"Um, well all of them."

"That boy, Tate, seems to be trouble."

"I think you are wrong. He's a nice strong young man."

"He seems too nice to me. Like he's hiding something."

"No, ain't nothing like that. Nothing of the sorts."

Jimmy glared at Teaspoon.

"Spill it. What do you know that I don't?"

"What? Nothing."

"You are defending that jackass. I know you can clearly see that he ain't got all his oats sewn in a row. So why defend him?"

"Oh look, here comes Elijah. Think we'll go tend the chickens."

Eli came walking out with his basket to go gather eggs. Jimmy put his hand on the little boy's shoulder.

"Good job, son." He said.

"Good job, my ass. Stupid fucking job." Eli said as he stomped off.

Teaspoon cocked one eye and glanced over at Jimmy who was staring open mouthed. He started after Eli.



"What the hell was that?"

"Your child is going to get eggs."

"Don't play that."

"Look, Eli may have picked up a few new words."

"Oh my God. From who?!" Jimmy said getting angry.

"I ain't sure. But at least he uses them the correct way. Now excuse me."

Jimmy stood shocked as Teaspoon walked away. He sat his mug on the porch railing and walked over to the corral to watch the herd in the distance.

"I got a man coming to see about ten horses. Which ones you want me to bring in?" Asked Billy coming to stand beside Jimmy.

"Ain't sure since I've been gone. You got any suggestions?"

"Got a few colts that we probably could move."

"Sounds good. We need to move the stallions. Use your judgement."

"Yes sir. Um, Hansen is leaving day after next."

"Where's he going?"

"Heading west with some of his friends. Guess he's looking for adventure."

"Hate to see him go. He seems to be a good boy. How bout that one?" Jimmy said pointing to Tate.

"Um, yeah, he's a hard worker. He's fine."

Jimmy watched Billy look ahead and not make eye contact with him.

"What the hell is going on here? Everyone here acts strange whenever I ask about him."

"Ain't sure really. Got to go. Got to bring them horses in."

Jimmy frowned as Billy hurriedly walked away. He saw Tate steal glances over at him then go the other way. He followed him into the barn. He saw him go into the rear stall. He watched as the boy jumped in alarm when he saw him waiting.

"Fuck! Wait, oh. Um, sorry bout that."

"I reckon I see where Eli picked up a few words."

"Uh, yeah, sorry again."

"Why are you avoiding me?"

"I, uh, fuck I don't know."

"Jimmy, can you help me please?" Yelled Louise realizing that her husband had cornered the boy.

"Why Tate?" Jimmy asked again as he heard Lou walking closer.

"I, uh, uh. Um, oh hell, cause they told me too."

Lou felt the color leave her face as she saw Jimmy frown. What the hell was the dumbass boy saying? She grabbed Jimmy's arm and pulled him away toward the house. She looked over his shoulder and cut her eyes back at Tate.

"What the hell is going on here?" Asked Jimmy getting angry.

"What do you mean?"

"First Teaspoon, then Billy, now you. What is it with that boy?"

"Don't be silly. You are reading way too much into it. The young man has had a hard way. He needs someone to look after him. That's all."

"Where are we going?"

"The boys are moving into the bunkhouse with Tate and Hansen since Penny will need a room. It ain't right for Lucas and her to be under the same roof. It ain't proper. You, sir, get to help move their things."

"And where are they?"

"Lucas can't pull at nothing yet and Hunter is going to meet Sarah."

Jimmy watched as Hunter made his way out the house. He forgot about Tate as his oldest walked across the yard. Hunter had hardly spoken to any of them the last week that they had been home. The words that he had spoken after they found him in Leadville still haunted Jimmy's ears. That and the fact that his son had killed more. A lot more and most troublesome was that he seemed to have developed a way about it. Jimmy berated himself for not trying to see what was going on sooner but with everything that had happened, he was distracted to say the least. He would make a point to speak with him alone tonight.

Hunter rode out the yard toward town as Penny and Lucas came driving the wagon back in. Luke waved at his brother but he didn't stop. Jimmy pulled Lou to a stop.

"What? This stuff ain't gonna move itself."

"Something's wrong."


Jimmy pulled away from Lou and ran over to the wagon. Lou followed behind.

"Dad, word in town is that Duncan's gonna make good on some threats." Said Lucas.

"I thought he left town." Said Lou worried.

"Where is he?" Asked Jimmy.

"Don't know. We didn't see him. I tried to stop Hunter but he ain't been himself lately. He ain't hardly said two words to me since we got back. I'm worried."

"Me too." Said Jimmy.

"Maybe we should go talk to the sheriff." Said Lou.

"I'm going to find Hunter. I'll be back." Said Jimmy.

"Wait and I'll go." Lucas said as Penny helped him out the wagon.

"No, sir. You ain't fit yet. Penny, help him on inside." Said Lou.

"Yes ma'am."

"But.. Dad shouldn't go alone."

"I'll go with him." Said Louise.

"I'll get our horses while you change." Said Jimmy walking off as Lou ran to the house.

Chapter 22

Hunter walked out the mercantile with his small little package. He stepped out and saw Sarah hurrying towards him. He actually smiled as she ran to his arms.

"I'm so glad to finally see you." She whispered.

"I'm sorry. I just needed some time. Can you walk for a minute?"

"Of course."

Hunter took her hand as they walked through town and around back where it was quiet away from the busy street. He kept stealing glances over at her as they walked. He took a breath.

"Sarah, the reason I didn't see you sooner is I did some things that I shouldn't have done. Bad things." He hesitated.

"You can tell me."

"I killed more men out there. A lot more." He said leaning back against a building.

She stayed quiet waiting.

"For the first time, people didn't see me. They saw my father and who he used to be."

"Used to be?"

"I have never said anything to anyone. You can't tell nobody. Only a few know around here."

"I promise, Hunter."

"He was, is Wild Bill Hickok." He said quietly.

"Excuse me? The man in the book? What?"

"Yeah, the one and only."

"Oh my word."

"Men saw me for him. For who he used to be. They came at me. Everywhere I went. You just don't understand how that made me feel. I feel cursed. Like my life isn't my life all because I look like him. I'm damned. He was a killer and he was damn good at it."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I think I am too cause I'm damn good at it. I think I like it." Hunter said looking at his feet.

Sarah stood trying to take in everything that he said. She finally reached out and pulled his face up to peer into hers.

"Listen to me. If you killed those men, then I believe that's what you had to do. You are a good person. A kind, caring, brave, smart man and I love you for it."

"What if it gets worse? What if I just keep on?"

"You won't have to. Everyone in this town knows you. They know you are not whoever that person is. If we have to live here forever, then so be it. I'd stay here forever if I were with you."

"It might come up again. I don't think I can put you through that."

"I didn't ask for your opinion either." Smiled Sarah.

"You gon pay for my boy."

Hunter closed his eyes as he heard the familiar voice come from behind Sarah. He opened them to see Sarah staring at him. The fear evident in her eyes.

"Sarah. Go get the marshal."

"I ain't leaving you."

"Go. Now."

She shook her head but started backing away. Duncan didn't notice as he glared at Hunter.

"Mr. Mills, please don't do this. I'm sorry about what happened. I really didn't mean for it to happen that way. We don't have to do this."

"Yeah, we do. I saw you kill my boy. My only son. You just took him. Now I'm gonna take your life for his."

Hunter shook his head at Duncan. He saw him aiming his gun. He saw him start to pull the trigger.

Jimmy and Louise galloped into town. They rode down the street. They saw people running and screaming. They looked at each other as they swung down. Jimmy ran behind the townsfolk as Lou followed him. They froze when they turned the corner. Lou screamed as her tears fell. Jimmy felt the air get sucked out of him. He saw the sheriff standing to the side. He grabbed his shoulders and turned him.

"Where the fuck is he Larry?!"

"Jimmy, calm down. Come on."

Jimmy turned and ran behind Larry as he went for his horse leaving Lou behind to grieve with Sarah's parents as they knelt over the dead girl.

Jimmy and Larry followed the tracks out of town. They urged their horses faster when they finally saw the two up ahead. They slid to stop. Larry ran but stopped. He stared. Jimmy stopped also but soon began easing his way over to his son.

Hunter stood over Duncan pointing his gun at him. Duncan held his arm from a shot to his shoulder.

"Why?! Why her?! You no good motherfucker!" Yelled Hunter.

"Hunter. Son. Stop. We'll get him." Said Jimmy as he eased closer.

"Stop, Dad. Stop right there."

"Don't do this. You're better than this. Let us take him to jail."

"He shot her. He killed her. God how I loved her. He's gonna pay."

"And he will."

"I know he will. Look at me you dumb fuck!" Screamed Hunter.

Duncan looked up at him.

"I want you to see the eyes of who is gonna kill you." Hunter growled as he emptied his gun into him.

Jimmy closed his eyes. He opened them and looked at Hunter.

"Give me the gun."

"No. I'm leaving. Don't look for me."

"No, son you ain't going nowhere. We'll figure this out."

"No. You don't understand. Everywhere I go, I am damned because of you. Because I look like the killer that you were. Because I am the killer that you were. The great Wild Bill Hickok. You killed me before I was ever born. You ruined my life. You killed Sarah. You took her away from me."

"Don't say that. He didn't kill Sarah because of who I was and you know it."

"No, he didn't. He killed my Sarah because of me. Because I take after the no good murdering father that I have. Because I am good at killing just like you. I killed his son. I wanted to. Now he took her. She was innocent. It's all because of me and you."

"Please, don't go. You ain't thinking straight."

"No, for once I am. I am becoming what I was meant to be from the day I was born."

Jimmy looked at Larry who just stood waiting. He looked back at Hunter.


Hunter spun and faced his father. He looked on with hurt and hate in his eyes.

"I wish I didn't look like you and I wish I had never been born. Don't look for me."

Jimmy watched Hunter walk to his horse. He grabbed his arm. Hunter spun and punched his father in the face knocking him down. Jimmy watched as Hunter wiped his eyes as he mounted and rode away. Larry walked over and helped him up.

"You gonna put out a warrant?" Asked Jimmy holding his nose.

"No. Way I see it is self defense."

Jimmy watched his oldest disappear on the horizon.

"At least he won't have no one looking for him, Jimmy. I wouldn't do that to you. Duncan was in the wrong."

"Thanks, Larry."

"Don't worry. He'll come back. Just give him time. He's a good boy. You raised him right."

"Maybe. I just ain't so sure." Jimmy stared into the distance feeling like his world had just collapsed.

Larry patted his shoulder and went to wait by his horse. Jimmy stood for almost another hour before turning to head back into town. He had to tell his family. He felt as if a black cloud was settling over him. Just when he thought the past was in the past, it came rushing back to hurt him and those he loved. He wiped his eyes as he turned his horse toward town.

The End for now........

Drop me a note and let me know what you thought!