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Jimmy's in the Kitchen

We all know who took over cooking when Emma and Rachel had to leave to go to a wedding or take someone to the dentist-it was Jimmy. Although the riders teased Jimmy, I'm sure you won't get teased with these mouth watering recipes. Take a look at these scrumptuous recipes. If you have any that you would like posted in Jimmy's Kitchen, just send me an e-mail. Enjoy!!!

Strawberry Smoothies
Hot & Spicy Wings
Bandana Bread
Teaspoon's Texas Ranger Toast
Cody's Casserole
Noah's Give me Chicken NOW!
Hobo Stew!
Lady for a night cake!
Poached Apples with Vanilla Cinnamon Syrup!
Strawberry Ice Cream Soda
Sunshine Salad
Southwestern Chicken Stir-Fry
Italian-Style Chef Salad with Creamy Pesto Dressing

Drop me a line and let me know what you think!