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The Keepsake

The Keepsake

Welcome to our TYR Discussion. We are discussing The Keepsake-an ep we both like very much! Hope you enjoy it!

NightinGail777: Hi Jamie! Hope you had a great weekend.

JaMarieHickey: Hi Gail! I had to work all of it, but it was still good.

NightinGail777: Don't feel alone-I was right out there working with ya.

JaMarieHickey: Glad I wasn't the only one then! :)

NightinGail777: We are discussing The Keepsake tonight..right?

JaMarieHickey: Sure are, I really enjoy this ep!

JaMarieHickey: Especially the dance!! hehehe

NightinGail777: I did too. I really liked Amanda even though she tried to trick Teaspoon. I know you just love the dance.

JaMarieHickey: I do like Amanda. I didn't think I'd ever make it to the end of the ep! hehehe

NightinGail777: How I remember.....all you talked about was the dance, the dance.

JaMarieHickey: LOL It's my favorite part.

JaMarieHickey: be Lou for that moment.......

NightinGail777: I'll pass on that one. I think the part I liked the most was when Ike was breaking the horse that Cody couldn't and then when Amanda ask Ike to dance and not Cody....Oh the look on poor Cody's face.

JaMarieHickey: I know what you mean. Those were pretty funny.

JaMarieHickey: I also liked when Jimmy and Cody were chowing down on the cake and commenting on Teaspoon's dancing skills.

NightinGail777: Yep.....that was funny too.

NightinGail777: I'm sorry but Amanda just didn't look like the saloon playing card shuffler that she potrayed.

JaMarieHickey: No she really didn't.

NightinGail777: I just hate that Teaspoon didn't get to meet his real daughter.......but it was good that she had Amanda to be with her.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah it was. And he did get to hear about what she was like...what Amanda knew of her anyway.

NightinGail777: This is true.

JaMarieHickey: Even though he didn't get to meet Elizabeth, he did get a daughter of sorts.

NightinGail777: That's true.

NightinGail777: I just love the way Teaspoon is looking for water.

JaMarieHickey: I know! That scene cracks me up.

NightinGail777: I think it's so funny when the boys and Teaspoon come up on the house and there is Amanda.....and they are all so dirty!!!

JaMarieHickey: Yeah...what a first impression!

NightinGail777: The look on his face when Amanda tells him Elizabeth's mothers could tell that he loved her.

JaMarieHickey: Oh yeah. She really meant a lot to him.

JaMarieHickey: It's too bad he thought he had to leave her.

NightinGail777: And you can see the contempt that he has for the man that married Beautrice.......Cyruss.

NightinGail777: I know....if only he had gone to her........surely she loved him also.

JaMarieHickey: She must've to set aside that much money for him and to make him take the keepsake.

NightinGail777: I's sad when he takes out the haircomb and holds it close to him.

JaMarieHickey: I felt sorry for him.

NightinGail777: I did too.

JaMarieHickey: What about when Ike was showing Amanda Sampson?

JaMarieHickey: Cody tries to butt in and catch her eye.

NightinGail777: I was so cute. And of course you know that Cody just had to get in on it but Teaspoon took care of that.

JaMarieHickey: He looked like a different person all cleaned up.

NightinGail777: He really did.....he cleans up well.

NightinGail777: She impressed Ike when she knew sign language.

JaMarieHickey: I know.

NightinGail777: I love to hear Teaspoon tell Cody-"Don't sass me boy!"

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. I loved it when he and Amanda were walking through town.

NightinGail777: Did you see the look on Sam's face....priceless.....he was amazed that Teaspoon had a daughter.

JaMarieHickey: I know! LLO

JaMarieHickey: ooops LLOL

NightinGail777: heehee

NightinGail777: What about when he is reading the letter to Amanda......he is so thoughtful and considerate.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. He didn't have to tell her the contents. He's such a nice man.

NightinGail777: It is so heartwarming when he tells her about how he and Beautrice loved each other and that she is his daughter.

JaMarieHickey: I agree.

JaMarieHickey: I think Teaspoon had an idea there'd be trouble when he noticed Amanda watching that guy.....I can't think of the bad guy's name! :(

NightinGail777: I know......I can't think of his name right now either.

JaMarieHickey: It's on the tip of my tongue....

NightinGail777: I know-I'm going through my tape right now but you know how slow the ff button is....heehee

JaMarieHickey: LLOL

NightinGail777: Lucas Malone is his name.

JaMarieHickey: Thanks! I knew it started with an "M"!

NightinGail777: He is so evil and so......did you see how he went through Elizabeth's things before she died?

JaMarieHickey: I know. He's a terrible man! She tried to stop him, but she was just too weak.

NightinGail777: I know.

NightinGail777: How about when Lou gets all upset about Teaspoon leaving?

JaMarieHickey: I keep trying to think of different scenes, but all I can think of is the dance. hehehe

JaMarieHickey: I know. I think she really looked toward him as a father figure.

NightinGail777: I think so too.

NightinGail777: Emma understood but Lou got really upset.

JaMarieHickey: She had a lot of people leave her in her life. It would've been hard to deal with for any of them, but I think worst for her.

NightinGail777: OK-the next scene is when Malone is in the saloon and those two men reconize Amanda.

JaMarieHickey: Ok

NightinGail777: It was so sweet of Teaspoon to buy her that music box. They had a good talk on the way back to Emma's.

JaMarieHickey: Yes they did. They really got a chance to get to know each other better.

NightinGail777: Yep. And of course there is Cody on the horse....he is so funny when he falls off.

JaMarieHickey: Ike shows him up. I love that scene.

NightinGail777: And Ike has the look of confidence-he knew what he was doing.

JaMarieHickey: He sure did!

NightinGail777: I know you know what comes next.

JaMarieHickey: favorite part....

NightinGail777: It's all you have talked about.

NightinGail777: THE DANCE!!! heehee

JaMarieHickey: hehehe....Kid is so sweet. He knows Lou is bothered watching all the girls so he takes her outside.

NightinGail777: Teaspoon can really dance can't he?

JaMarieHickey: He's so very cute in this part!!!

JaMarieHickey: Yeah!

NightinGail777: And Jimmy is so sexy standing there eating cake.

JaMarieHickey: Feeding his face....he's really shoving the bites in. hehehe :)

NightinGail777: I love when that girl comes up to Buck and ask him about scalping people......the look on her face when he tells her just one-him and then he looks at Ike.

JaMarieHickey: I know! So funny.

NightinGail777: And Kid tells Lou to let's go outside....then they dance......ah soooo sweet..heehee

JaMarieHickey: Then...we see Kid and Lou outside having a dance of their own. YEAH!

NightinGail777: When the music stops.....they kiss......

JaMarieHickey: They kiss twice!

NightinGail777: and kiss.

JaMarieHickey: YIPPEEE!

NightinGail777: Now we are back inside...finally. Did you see the look Buck gives Ike when he and Amanda get on the dance floor.

NightinGail777: And poor Cody........he's been beat.

NightinGail777: or as he says....whipped.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. I like it when he concedes to Ike. Poor Cody....didn't get the girl that time.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah, but it takes me about 6 rewinds to get to this part. hehehe

NightinGail777: Oh come on.......the Kid and Lou scene isn't that good.

JaMarieHickey: Oh yes it is!

NightinGail777: Sam warns Tespoon about Malone.......and did you notice that Sam says he is over there talking to Tompkins wife.....I didn't know that Tompkins had gotten married.

NightinGail777: We never hear about that wife again.

JaMarieHickey: I know. It looked like the woman they show when Lou is watching people dance. She was with a young man too.

JaMarieHickey: Until Sally shows up.

NightinGail777: But this wasn't Sally and in that one ever says anything about Tompkins being remarried.

JaMarieHickey: I know. Hmmmm.....

JaMarieHickey: odd.

NightinGail777: Amanda gets really defensive when Teaspoon mentions Malone.........I think she was talking about her own past when she gave him a piece of her mind.

JaMarieHickey: I think so too.

NightinGail777: Teaspoon is so kind and understanding towards her.

JaMarieHickey: I think he feels guilty about not being there for her.

NightinGail777: He was so generous to give her all the money.....she just couldn't understand him.

JaMarieHickey: She's probably never been around anyone like him. He was an original.

NightinGail777: Well-he did say they broke the mold with him.

NightinGail777: Of course that Malone dude thought that Teaspoon had more money and Amanda was trying to keep it from him.

JaMarieHickey: I thought it was great how she stuck for Teaspoon, not wanting him to be killed.

NightinGail777: I know......and he slapped her....boy is he gonna get it.

JaMarieHickey: He's done.

NightinGail777: I love the way Emma catches her going through Teaspoon's things.

NightinGail777: You can't lie to Emma........she's too smart.

JaMarieHickey: Emma saw right through her.

NightinGail777: Yes she did....and it was good that Teaspoon forgave her about lying to him.

JaMarieHickey: She was lucky.

NightinGail777: She was that......I don't think the boys were that forgiving til Teaspoon explained to them about her being with Elizabeth and helping her.

JaMarieHickey: I agree about that. I think seeing that Teaspoon forgave her helped.

NightinGail777: Just like Jimmy to ask why they can't take on Malone directly...I love their little plan.

JaMarieHickey: I think their plan was great.

NightinGail777: Did you notice that one of Malone's hoods is also the guy that tries to sell Jimmy and Kid some horses in the first ep in season 3?

JaMarieHickey: No. I didn't notice that one. I'm gonna have to watch both eps again.

NightinGail777: He's a little scruffier in this one but it's the same one.

NightinGail777: Malone thinks he is gonna win against Teaspoon.......what a fool.

JaMarieHickey: Like Amanda is gonna help him cheat.

NightinGail777: I just love the look on Malone's face when he looses.

JaMarieHickey: I know! It's the last thing that he expects.

NightinGail777: And usual Teaspoon-drinks on me.

JaMarieHickey: LOL

NightinGail777: I love the way Amanda goes along with Teaspoon......she is strongheaded.

JaMarieHickey: She's a lot like Lou. Very independent.

NightinGail777: Amanda be so bad when she pulls out that little gun....and of course here comes Jimmy to the rescue too.

JaMarieHickey: I like how all the boys were camped out waiting for them.

NightinGail777: When Malone falls off his horse he runs in the bushes to hide......but Teaspoon finds him.

JaMarieHickey: Teaspoon's really sneaky. He snuck up on Malone instead of the other way around.

NightinGail777: Teaspoon knew that Malone had another gun....I love the way he says-I was hoping you wouldn't dissappoint me after he shoots him.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. That's a great line.

NightinGail777: And when she leaves it's so sad.....Cody gets a kiss, she tells Ike to save her a dance.

JaMarieHickey: yeah. Poor Teaspoon. He didn't really get to spend a lot of time with her.

NightinGail777: I love when she makes him agree to be partners in a saloon.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah.

JaMarieHickey: Like he'd really say no.

NightinGail777: She gives him back the music box as something to remember her by.....then he opens it up.

JaMarieHickey: I like the song it played.

NightinGail777: I know....a sweet tune.....sounds so familar but I can't think of what it is.

JaMarieHickey: I can't either.

NightinGail777: Well another one is finished.....let's see....which one is next?

JaMarieHickey: Hmm......Fall from Grace.

JaMarieHickey: A Jimmy ep. When's the next Kid ep???

NightinGail777: Oh-another Jimmy ep.......woohoo!!! I like this one....but it's not my fave.

JaMarieHickey: It's alright.

JaMarieHickey: Grace is from one of my soaps!

NightinGail777: I think a Kid one is next after this one.

JaMarieHickey: Yes it is! YEAH

NightinGail777: Yep-it's Hard Time.

NightinGail777: Then finally a Lou ep.

JaMarieHickey: We've got some good eps coming up.

NightinGail777: I know.....I can't wait....Bulldog is coming up too......and that is my all time fave!!!! I can't wait for that one.

JaMarieHickey: We'll have to get to work so we can discuss it!! :)

NightinGail777: I know-I can't wait.

NightinGail777: Well-it's time to say Nighty night and Sweet Dreams to everyone....and you too, Jamie.

JaMarieHickey: Sweet dreams all....and Jimmy dreams to you Gail! :)

JaMarieHickey: Buh bye!

NightinGail777: Until next time......

NightinGail777: Thanks Jamie.....I will say I hope all your nights are filled with Kid.....heehee

JaMarieHickey: hehehehe

NightinGail777: Bye-bye