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Chapter 1

The place was peaceful, the fighting having not reached here. He would regroup with the rest of the men later. The water looked so inviting and clear, unlike the pond a short distance away that was fouled with the blood of both men and horses.

The cool breeze blowing down in to the little valley felt so good after the hot and dirty day. The heat of the day caused the wool of his uniform to scratch his skin. He stripped off his coat and walked down to the edge of the creek.

As he reached in the water it cooled the dry skin of his hands. When he looked at them he noticed small burns covered the palms of his hands. He knew of course they were caused from firing his rifle so many times. The water stung but it felt so good. His throat ached for the taste of the clear cold spring water. Cupping his hands he quickly drank his fill of the cold water.

"It would feel so good," he thought, "just to slip into the coolness of the water." The day was so unusually warm for this early in April, but he knew he had to stay on his guard in case some Billy Yank came upon him here. He also needed to care for the horse he had been riding. It wasn't as smart as the one he had left behind but still it was a good mount and he needed to care for it.

As he fed and watered his horse, in his body and mind exhaustion warred with wariness. Finally winning, the exhaustion of the previous 2 days took over and he fell asleep on the ground next to the creek.

Across the field opposite him sat another solider atop a golden palomino. He had watched the Johnny Reb's every move. Thinking to fill his canteen himself from the only unpolluted water in the area. As he watched the solider relax on the green carpet beside the creek he began to quietly make his way across the field to the cool shade that beckoned.

As he approached the sleeping solider, he saw that the young solider was possibly as young as himself. Not wanting to disturb the man's precious slumber after the bloody battle they had both fought and tired of the fighting himself, he quietly left his horse and made his way to the creek's edge.

In the distance a cannon fired, startling both men. The battle it seemed was back on.

Spotting the man across the creek from him, the rebel solider jumped up, drawing his side arm as he did so. The Yankee solider startled even more by the Reb's sudden movement pulled both of the pearl handle colts he wore. The men stood and stared at each other, neither making another move.

"Kid?" the Yankee officer said as he stared at he scruffy looking rebel.

"Jimmy?" the rebel officer responded back, his eyes not believing he was seeing the man he loved like a brother.

Chapter 2

"Jimmy, what on earth are you doing here?" Kid asked. "I didn't know you were going join this fight."

"Changed my mind. What about you? I thought you were going to home to fight for Virginia? That's a long way from here." Jimmy replied.

"I was, but General Lee asked me to come down here to help out General Beauregard," Kid said, then a slow smile split his face. "You never change Jimmy, smart mouth as always."

Jimmy laughed as he crossed the creek and hugged his best friend. "You have, you don't look so young anymore, not with that beard. I didn't expect to see you here, but I'm glad to find you alive," Jimmy told him.

"Me, too," Kid said as he eased his weapon back into its holster. "You're a Captain!" He exclaimed.

"Looks like you are, too" Jimmy laughed. "Thought you'd've made General by now."

Kid laughed and sat back down on the grassy slope, "Nuh, not yet." Then turning serious he asked, "Hear from anyone lately?"

"Saw Cody not long ago. He's still scouting for Teaspoon's friend," Jimmy replied. "You?"

Kid wanted to ask if he had been back to Sweetwater but couldn't bring himself to. So he replied, "Ran into Jesse a while back in Missouri."

"Who's he riding with?" Jimmy asked hesitantly not really wanting to know the answer.

"Quantril's Raiders," Kid said quietly, "the general asked me to take some men and calm him down some, that's when I ran into Jesse."

"How's he doing?" Jimmy asked.

"Not as good as he pretends," Kid replied.

"I heard Buck rejoined his brother. He's trying to help him and his people. Trying to keep them from having to go to a reservation," Jimmy said.

"I hope the Kiowa has better luck then we're having," Kid replied wistfully.

"Have you heard anything from Teaspoon?" Jimmy asked.

"Only that he joined up with Johnston down in Texas. I heard they're here but haven't run into him. You hear anything from him?" Kid asked.

"No, not since he turned over the marshal's office to Sam and left for Texas with Rachel." Jimmy replied.

"Sam and Emma are back?" Kid looked surprised then relieved. "That's good."

They sat there quiet for sometime. The sun had barely reached its zenith and they had talked about everyone. Everyone except the two women they had avoided talking about.

They heard cannons and gunfire around them. Men screamed somewhere in the distance in terror and pain, but neither man made a move. Unable to stand the silence between them any longer, Kid asked, "How's Rosemary?"

Chapter 3

Jimmy hedged for a moment, "Fine, I suppose. We parted ways a while back. She couldn't let go of the hate." Kid listened to his friend, listened hard, but couldn't detect any sadness in his friend's voice. "Just wasn't meant to be," Jimmy added.

Jimmy then watched Kid. They hadn't talked about her yet. 'Why didn't he ask about her?' he wondered. Jimmy couldn't figure it out. Didn't Kid still love her? He decided to bring it up himself. "Heard from Lou lately?"

"A lot in the beginning. Then some later. But," Kid couldn't look at his friend, "nothing in the last few months."

"Kid, I was in Sweetwater last month," Jimmy said.

Kid stared at his friend, hope filled his voice as he asked, "You were?"

"Yeah, she misses you. She told me you had stopped writing her. She's really worried about you," Jimmy answered.

"I didn't stop writing," Kid exclaimed. "I write her every night. How is she?"

"She's doing better. The babies keep her busy. That boy of yours sure looks like you." Jimmy smiled, "And Little Em sure takes after Lou. You're going to need a shotgun when she gets older to keep fellas like us away."

"Huh?" Kid said. Jimmy stared at Kid; he looked like he'd just been punched.

"The twins, Kid," Jimmy laughed. "Don't tell me you forgot about them."

"What are you talking about?" Kid asked. Then added, "That ain't funny Jimmy, you know Lou and I don't have any kids."

"Lou gave birth to them a month or two back," Jimmy replied.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Kid asked out loud.

"Would it have made a difference?" Jimmy replied back.

"Yes, of course it would have. I wouldn't have left," Kid answered, the anger showing in his voice.

"Then that's why she didn't tell you. She didn't want to stop you. She knew how you felt. Hell, we all did," Jimmy shot back.

"But I should have been there," Kid replied.

"She's had Sam and Emma to help her."

"Is that supposed to make it alright?" Kid threw at him.

"I don't know," Jimmy replied. Wanting to make his friend feel better Jimmy added, "She wanted to name the boy after you, but since she didn't know your name, she came up with James Hunter McCloud. The girl she named Emma Louise." Jimmy watched Kid as he spoke, and saw the calm return.

"Guess I should've told her my name before I left," Kid replied as he punched a near by tree.

"Your hand okay?" Jimmy quipped.

"Yeah," Kid answered, rubbing his hand. "She should have told me."

"I think she wanted to but she didn't want to stop you from doing what you felt you needed to," Jimmy answered him.

Kid sat back down, and leaned against the tree. Tears filled his eyes as he said, "I swore I would be there for her. I didn't even know…" his voice trailed off as emotion filled it.

"You will Kid. Lou's not mad at you just worried," Jimmy felt uncomfortable, he'd never seen Kid like this.

They sat in companionable silent for a short while. Then Kid said, "I'm going home, Jimmy. Back to Sweetwater."

"You'll need an escort through the lines. I'm going with you," Jimmy replied.

"I'll meet you here in a couple of hours," Kid called as he mounted his horse, "I have to tell Gen. Beauregard, I'm leaving."

"I'll be here," Jimmy called as he mounted his own horse and head to his camp.

Chapter 4

A short while later in the Confederate camp, General Beauregard was heard to say, "I'm sorry to have you leave, Capt. Davis. We need more men like you but I understand the way you feel."

"Thank you, sir," Kid replied.

"You've done the president proud. I'm sure he's honored to call you son," Beauregard added. "Take care of yourself."

"I will. You be careful yourself since I won't be here to watch your back, sir," Kid replied as he rode off.

He returned to the same place at the same time Jimmy did. "Ready?" Jimmy called to him.

"More than ready," Kid replied.

As they rode away Jimmy asked Kid if he had heard the news.

"What news?" Kid replied.

"Seems, Jeff Davis's son resigned his commission today, too," Jimmy told him.

"I know," Kid replied with a smile. "Maybe he just wanted to go home." Then he laughed as he looked at his friend.

Shaking his head Jimmy exclaimed, "NO! You can't be!"

"Let's ride!" Kid called to him as he spurred his horse.


From the shadows of the trees a man in a Colonel's uniform watched the two ride towards the west and home.

"Ride safe, boys," he called to them, "Ride safe."

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