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Thank You!

We would like to take this oppertunity to Thank all the fans that helped and stood by us.

Ann-Thanks so much for the pictures you sent me. I just loved them and they are perfect!

Jennifer-Thanks also for letting me use some of your pics!

Jeanette-Thanks so much for listening, suggesting and helping me with ideas-You are the Greatest!!!

Charla-Thanks for helping check out the site and giving us little boost every now and again!

Aimee-Thanks for letting us borrow some of your pics off your site. Also a big thanks to you for teaching me how to do you think I got it right???

Tanya-Thanks so much for putting together the TYRFAQ and for letting me link to your Jimmyholics section!

Miss Raye-Thanks for letting me share Hickok's Haven with you and for letting me link to it for our Jimmyholics list-you know we gotta have that.....heehee!

Jonathan-The BEST son a mother could ever have! I couldn't have done it without his help and wisdom in html.

A big Thank you goes out to those whose names aren't on the list-you know who you are. We couldn't have done it with out your help and support!

We love you guys!

Gail & Jamie