
Chap 2 : The Car Ride

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scene: monicas apartment [everyone is there]

monica: 'wow so everyones here'

all: 'yea'!

monica: 'great now lets...

chandler: [interrupts] 'go outside and get into the cabs that are waiting' [everyone stares at him] what?

ross: 'dude you interupted monica' [in a whisper]

joey: [also in a whisper] 'in the middle of a sentence'

pheebs: [also in a whisper] 'when she was talking'

rachel: [also in a whisper] 'and giving out orders'

chandler: [ looks confused] 'soo?'

[they all gasp and monica walks up to chandler with a death stare and he now looks scared]

monica: 'chandler' [touches his arm and he flinches away all turn to look at him and start laughing]

chandler: 'that was so not funny' 'i was really scared i mean its monica your talking about thats not even close to funny'

ross: [in histerics] 'your soo whipped'

chandler: 'im not wh..

joey: 'dude your whipped'

chandler: 'am i'

monica: 'honey you've always been whipped'

pheebs: 'she's right'

[all start laughing again while chandler doesnt look amused]

scene change: to monica and chandlers car

monica: 'sweetie im sorry but it was funny'

chandler: 'im sorry i couldn't hear you through all your laughter'

monica: 'geez [under her breath] baby'

chandler: 'what' [looks at her] 'did you call me something cause i think i hears someone call me a baby' [empathizes the word baby]

monica: 'well you heard it cause i said it'

chandler: 'yea'

monica: 'yea'

chandler: [yelling] 'really'

monica: [also yelling] 'really why did i hurt your feelings?' *pause* baby

chandler: 'oo now its on'

monica: 'really you think you could take me'

chandler: 'yea' *pause* 'words right not hitting?'

monica: 'no of course not you think im gunna have you hit me palease'

chandler: 'ok... wait...heyy whats that supposed to mean

[continue to fight as scene changes to ross and phoboe]

scene change: ross and phoboes car

ross: 'so what do you wanna talk about?'

pheebs: 'lets talk about how i was superwomen last week and saved all those poor people from that tragic fire'

ross: 'pheebs that never happened'

pheebs: 'fine ross put down my dreams you dont see me putting down your dreams of a chick magnet do you?'

ross: 'thats not a dream thats true' [sits up proud]

pheebs: 'no its not'

ross: [slumps back down] 'yea your right' 'sorry about turning down your superwoman theory'

pheebs: 'thats ok' 'and sorry about making you finally relize what you are to women'

ross: [nods] 'i was bound to find out somehow'

pheebs: 'yea you were'

scene change: to joey and rachels car

rachel: 'joey will you stop looking down my shirt' [annoyed]

joey: 'im sorry its just that its there and im joey'

rachel: 'well look out your window instead'

joey: 'but the goods are this way' [points to her top of shirt]

rachel: [pushes his hands] 'would you grow up'

joey: [mimicks her] 'would you grow up'

rachel: 'alright you know what i dont havta listen to this'

joey: 'good than ill just continue to stare'

rachel: 'fine if your gunna stare at something of mine i'll stare at something of yours'

joey: 'yea you will'

rachel: [slaps his arms] 'i was kidding'

joey: ' yea but i wasnt' [rachel looks disgusted]

[fades black until next episode]

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