
Chap 6 : The Flight Home

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scenechange: on a plane home monica and rachel are sitting , joey and chandler , ross and pheebs

{monica and rachels seats}

monica: how come things are weird between you two

rachel: who

monica: joey

rachel: no nothings weird nothings weird at all

monica: rachel you like him he likes you whats the problem

rachel: hes joey

monica: yes and your rachel and im monica and..

rachel: no you know what i mean it'll be weird

monica: o for godsakes i dont give a crap anymore nothing will be different

{joey and chandlers seats}

joey: and then we decided that we shouldnt do anything [chandler looks alseep] chandler are sleeping [shouts loud enough for only him to hear] wake up!

chandler: [waking up starteled from a dream] o no o no [looks down at his self] o thank god your still there [joey looks weird at him] bad dream

joey: oo ok anyway back to me [chandler starts reading the newspaper] chandler

chandler: sorry joey im just to interested in this article to listen to you

joey: [looks over at the article hes reading] how to avoid breast cancer?

chandler: yes you never know when i might get it and then i wont know what to do and ill die do you wanna live with that on your conciounce?

joey: you dont have breasts though

chandler: i might wanna have them then youll be sorry

joey: i already am sorry *pause* for you

{ross and pheebs seats}

pheebs: im so mad i didnt find that seashell

ross: im sorry pheebs

pheebs: no your not

ross: your right i could care less

pheebs: i didnt find my frank either

guy: what?

pheebs: excuse me was i talking to you no be a good little boy and look away [he doesnt] look away go ahead [he does]

guy: im sorry its just you called my name

pheebs: no i didnt i said the name frank not your name

frank: that is my name

pheebs: your frank

frank: yes

pheebs: im phoboe you can call me pheebs so tell bout your self [to ross] told you that id find him [to frank] go on

ross: o god now im stuck listening to this

[fade black until next episode]

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