Friends in the Past


Disclaimer: Regular one, yada yada…
Authors: Nitza and Riki. Best friends forever. XD

Chapter 1. Rachel’s point of view.


She opened her eyes slowly. It was finally morning. With excitement, she got dressed and went downstairs. Jill, Amy and her parents were eating breakfast.
         “Why didn’t you wake me up? Like, it’s nearly 12 now!” She said angrily, looking at her parents.
         “Well, princess, you need you beauty sleep… I didn’t want to wake such an angel.” Her dad smiled at her, taking another sip from his coffee, not taking his eyes off the newspaper he was holding.
         “Are you saying im ugly, that I need beauty sleeps?” She asked him, getting angry and annoyed.
         “We’re leaving soon, your party is planned?” Her father asked, still reading and sipping coffee.
         “Ya, Monica will come to help me and all later, when are you going?” She asked impatiently.
         “Uh, chill Rach, we WILL go away… oh, and Amy, I need my hair straightner back.” Jill said, turning to Amy.
         “Yah, I need mine back too.” Rachel said to Amy as well.
         “Agh, fine!” Amy said angrily. “Dad, I need a new hair straightner.” And she went upstairs to her room.
Rachel went upstairs as well, calling Monica, her best friend.
         “Hey, Mon, ya, my family’s leaving soon enough. You coming? Ya, I have bagels over here. Ok, come fast, im going crazy. Bye.” And she hung up. She fell backwards, lying in her bed. She, Rachel Green, was having her 15th birthday party today. 
         “Rachel, we’re leaving! Bye!” She heard distant voices from downstairs. Her family was leaving. Finally. She was thinking about Chip. They were the hotest couple on school, the king and queen on Lincoln High, though, she wanted to break up. She caught him cheating on her for the 2nd time a week ago, and since then it’s always on her mind. ‘I’ll do it tonight.’ She thought. ‘I’ll be drunk, it will be easy.’ And with that thought, the doorbell rang. 
         “Rach? Open up, it’s me.” Monica said from behind the door.
Rachel got up, feeling heavy, and opened Monica the door. Monica came inside, whilst saying “Bad news.” She sat on the couch. “The band canceld on us.”
         “No! what am I going to do without a band now? Agh! It’s going to be awful!” Rachel said, dropping herself on the couch near Monica.
         “Wait, I may have a solution. My brother, Ross, has a band, they aren’t that bad, and with a little bit of praysing from you, they can be a hit.” Monica said, eating the sandwich she brought from home. 
         “Fine. There’s no other chance. Who gets the drinks?” Rachel asked, going to the kitchen to get herself water.
         “I pulled some strings, and I know this guy who knows this girl who can get us cheap vodkas, so I contected her, and she will be here with the drinks at around 9. While you there can you get me something to eat?” Monica said, finishing her sandwich.
         “Who’s this girl anyways? By the way, im gonna break up with Chip tonight.” Rachel said, coming to the living room with water and food for Monica.
         “Umm.. Phoefe, or Phoete… something like that… I met her once, she is alright. A bit stupid, but who isn’t?” Monica said, eating even more. “And whats up with you and Chip?” Monica asked.
         “Well, remember I told you, a week ago I caught him with Nancy? Well, it wasn’t the first time… so I think it’s just over… im gonna get myself a better boyfriend and make him jealous of me.” Rachel said, knowing she sounded evil.


In the evening, the whole Lincoln High was in Rachel’s house. Some people threw others to the pool, some waited for the drinks.
         “Rachel? Rach, this is Phoebe.” Monica came to Rachel, who was dancing with some unknown boy.
         “Hey, hey, wheres the drinks?” She yelled, trying to be louder then the music.
         “They are in the kitchen. You mind if I stay here for a bit? My albino roomante is having his pet cow, and it stinks.” Phoebe yelled, hoping to be able to stay.
         “Sure, you can stay, just leave the bat on the plate…” Rachel said, hearing only half of what Phoebe said. “Im gonna get drinks, you want some, Joey?” She asked the boy whom she was dancing with.
         “Sure…” He said.
Rachel went to the kitchen, passing a lot of people she didn’t even knew. She stood on a chair, raising her voice. “People! We have vodka in the kitchen! Whoever misses… uh… mm… well, wont get drunk! LET THE PARTY BEGIN!” She got off the chair, grabbed 2 full cups of drinks, and 2 full cups of juice. She brought it to Joey, and they both drank. Half an hour later, Rachel felt dizzy. She couldn’t stop giggling, and she already broke up with Chip (“Hey Chip! This is Joey, he’s my new boyfriend! Take care now!”), and she and Joey got closer. They sat on the floor, her head on his shoulder. She was quiet now.
         “Hey, Rachel, you still drunk?” He asked her, holding her hand.
         “No.. no.. I think.. yes. Oh no.” Rachel mumbled, not knowing what shes saying.
         “Is it ok, if I’ll ask you something now?” Joey asked her, looking innto her eyes now.
         “Um, yah, sure…” She wrinkle her forehead.
Joey leaned to her, holding both her hands in his, and kissed her on the mouth. Just a small, flimsy kiss. Rachel held his neck with both her hands and pulled him closer to her, kissing him passionatly. When they tear apart, Rachel wasn’t confused or embarrassed. “You wanted to ask me..?” She said, trailing off.
         “I think I already got my answer.” Joey smiled and they started making out on the balcony floor.
         “RACHEL?!” a loud yelling was heard from the kitchen.
Rachel jumped to her feet. 
         “Dad?!” She asked, half to herself.  

To be continued…

© Something Unexpected