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A Teddy Bear Is A Little Boy's Best Friend


“Hey Ginia darling you ready to go over to Jesse and Martha's?”


“Yes Jackson, honey. Doesn’t Bo look cute in his brand new outfit?


“The spitting image of his daddy.”


“He sure is you great big handsome hunk of man.”



“Rosco you pea brain, when ever are you gonna catch those no good blasted dukes, Jesse and that pretty blond brother of his Jackson?” Boss puffed on a cigar.


“I'm trying but those two are so cotton picking tricky,” Rosco replied.


“You'd better or I'll divorce your fat sister and send her back home with you.”



“Jesse, its Jackson, Ginia and that little darling Bo. It's hard to believe that he’ll be three-years-old tomorrow,” Martha said.


Jesse smiled. “Hello Jackson, Ginia and you too little fella. It's so good to see you.”


“Aunt Martha you look pretty. You got any chocolate chip cookies?” Bo asked.


Martha smiled. “Of course I do sweetie. Tomorrow I'll have a great big chocolate birthday cake for you, darling. You'll like that won't you?”


“I sure will,” Bo and let out a great big yee haw.


Jackson, we should get back in time for Bo's birthday party.” Jesse told his brother.


“With this run I'll make enough to pay all the bills and have a little on hand,” Jackson paused. “Ginia and I have talked it over and we'd like you to look after little Bo if anything should ever happen to us.”


Ginia added. “We know that you'd love Bo just like your own.”


“We'll take care of him,” Jesse and Martha said.


The next morning


“Bo I promise that Daddy will be home early. But just in case I'm not, Mommy and I want to give you your present early.”


Bo excitedly opened the box and saw a cute little teddy bear.


“Do you like it, honey?” Ginia asked.


“I love him, Mommy and Daddy. I think that I'll name him Charlie,” Bo smiled.


“That's a great name,” Jackson replied.


Ginia smiled. “Until there's another little one, Charlie will be your buddy. You can tell him anything and he'll always listen.”


Jackson had a twinkle in his blue eyes. “Bo might not have to wait long with you looking like you do this morning.”  Jackson and Ginia kiss passionately.


“I'll see you two at the party,” Jackson said.


“It looks like we'll have a new brother or sister soon, Charlie.” Bo commented.


Jackson and Ginia both laughed.


Three hours later at the Duke farm everyone is joking and having a good time when Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane came through the door. “Okay you Dukes I've got you now.”


“You ain’t got nothing,” Jesse replied.


Rosco smiled. “That jar is full of shine. So I'm taking all of you to jail.”


“Rosco Pervis Coltrane! You've got one heck of a nerve! We're trying to celebrate Bo's third birthday and you're the one who gave Jesse this shine for his birthday last year!” Ginia and Martha said together.


“Mr. Rosco, please don't take my Daddy, Momma, Aunt Martha and Uncle Jesse to jail. If you say that you won't then you can play with Charlie and have a great big piece of birthday cake,” Bo promised.


Rosco looked at the little boy. “Son I guess that I can wait another twenty years or so. Boss will divorce my fat sister Lulu, but that's okay.”


“Could I please have Charlie back, Rosco? It has been three hours and he might be tired.” Bo asked.


“Here you go, you cute little rascal,” Rosco smiled.  


Jackson whispered. “Ginia, I think Rosco needs something to cuddle with at night.”


“Maybe you could teach him some of that Duke charm, Jackson.” Ginia replied.


Later that night


“Bo, you and Charlie have a good night. Charlie you protect Bo from the boogie man,” Ginia said.


“I love you, momma.” Bo yawned.


“I love you too, baby.” Ginia kissed him.


“Let’s go make a baby brother or sister,” Jackson winked at his wife.


Ginia giggled. “Ready when you are, handsome.”


Written by Juanita Ford

Copyright 1999

All Rights Reserved