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Bo Meets Cousin Alice For The First Time


"Let's go kids, we've got that family reunion to get to." Jesse hollered from the living room where he was waiting.


"We'll be ready in a minute. Bo's telling his teddy bear good-bye."


"Charlie, here's Fluffy the kitty and Beanie the doggie so that you won't be lonesome--Fluffy and Beanie no fighting."


"C'mon, Bo…"


"I'm ready now," Bo paused and looked back at his most treasured items. "I'll see you later Charlie, Fluffy and Beanie."


Daisy came down the stairs just before the boys, "Do I look all right?"


"You look as pretty as a flower in early spring.


Daisy smiled as Bo and Luke joined them.


When they arrived at the reunion… Gaylord, Tina, little son Coy, Mary, Benny, little son Vance, a tenth cousin twice removed and her daughter were already there.


 Jesse exclaimed, "Gaylord, little Coy sure is growing up."


Gaylord replied, "Your two boys are as well and Daisy's quite the little beautiful."


Molly smiled, "Jesse you look as handsome as ever. Let me give you a great big hug." Then she turned to the kids, "Luke you're getting to be such a big boy, Daisy you're becoming such a lovely young lady and this cute little rascal must be Bo."


Bo giggled, "I sure am."


"I know that I'm an older then you but you're the cutest thing that I've ever seen," Alice picked up the little four year old blonde boy and squeezed the heck out of him.


Bo gasped, "Luke, help me please I think she's trying to kill me."


"I'd never hurt you-- why I've got some pecan cookies just for you." Alice let go of him.


"That would be nice," Bo remembered what a good mannered boy he was supposed to be.


Alice smiled, "See that tree house… lets go up there."


Bo smiled too, "Okay."


Alice locked the door after he went in, "If you promise me that we can get married, I'll let you out."


"In the first place, I'm only four years old and your almost as old as Luke, secondly you hug to hard and most important I'm not in love with you."


"I know you'll change your mind…there's pecan cookies on the table."


Bo turned and saw them, he grabbed one and took a bite. Just as quickly spit it out and threw the rest of it at Alice through the window, "I hate these things. Your trying to kill me aren't you?"


"You're such a little cutie when you're angry."


"You let me out of here or Jesse is gonna be mad."


Daisy came over just then. "Why is Bo up there?"


"You stay out of this," Alice hissed.


Bo yelled, "She's got me trapped in here until I say that I'll marry her and she's trying to kill me with pecan cookies."


"You get him down or I'll knock your teeth out!" Daisy declared.


Bo seen his other cousin coming up to the girls, "Luke, please get me down from here. I'm hungry and it's getting cold."


"You can have more pecan cookies; I'll keep you nice and warm." Alice crooned.


"Luke, get me out of here before I have a nerve break down."


Jesse and Molly finally hear the commotion and come over.


Jesse demanded, "What in tarnation is going on here?"


"Alice, get that little fella down now!" Molly barked, seeing where Luke and Daisy pointed.


"All right," Alice went up the tree and unlocked the door.


Jesse helped Bo down who clung to him. He looked at the others, "I hate to go but I think it'd be best."


"Jesse, how about me coming over in a few days and making up a big batch of my crawdad bisque." Molly asked.


Jesse agreed with a nod of his head.


A few days


"Hey Bo! I bet you can't guess who's here?"


"Is it Coy and Vance?"


"It's Molly and Alice."


"Oh, no not them two!"


"Bo, you be nice. Molly's a good woman." Jesse warned.


"She's not the one I'm worried about."


At the moment, Alice grabbed him in a great big bear hug.


Bo yelped, "Uncle Jesse Luke, help me please. She's trying to kill me again."


"You're just the cutest little thing. Please say that you'll marry me when you grow up."


"Look I told you I'm not in love with you and right now I don't even like you." Bo stormed to his room.


Luke and Alice followed while the adults began discussing the ingredients for the bisque.


As they go into the boys' room Alice pushed Luke out of the way and slammed the door shut, then leaned against it so no one could get in.


"I'm not going to let you out of here until you promise me that we can get married."


Bo had tears in his blue eyes and Charlie in his hands close to his chest, "Alice I'm telling you for the last time I'm not gonna marry you and if you won't leave me alone I just might become a monk."


"What's that thing you're holding?"


"It's my teddy bear… Charlie. Momma and daddy gave it to me before they died. Outside of Luke, Uncle Jesse and Daisy he's the one I love most in the world."


"You'd do anything in the world for him?"


"I sure would."


Alice snatched it from his hands. "Bo Duke, you promise to marry me right now or I'll rip little Charlie's head right off."


"I'll do anything, please don't kill Charlie. I'll do anything to save him. Please don't kill my bear, he's all I have left of momma and daddy."


Alice was about to reply when the door flew open. Bo grabbed Charlie and hid behind his uncle who stood in the archway.


Jesse looked at Alice, "If you want to come and visit here again you've got to behave yourself."


"She threatened to kill Charlie. Please don't let her kill Charlie, it's the only thing that I have from mom and dad. Please make her go away, Uncle Jesse."


"Molly, I hate to say this but until Alice can control herself around Bo you better stay away."


"Ok, Jesse… C'mon Alice."


They left and a little later, the boys were playing with their cars…


"Bo, are you all right?"


"Yes Luke, now that Alice is gone and Charlie is safe."


"After what you've been through you think that you'd be through with girls."


"I'm a Duke ain't I… if she's sweet, kind,  cooks good and she don't kill teddy bears, I'll be happy."


Well folks, it looks like another happy ending in Hazzard and let this be a lesson that no one should become a little boy and his bear.


Written by Juanita Ford

Copyright 1999

All Rights Reserved