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Candy Cane And Cousin Alice Meet For The First Time


Jesse announced as the boys were having a snack one afternoon, "I've got some good news. We're having company for a while."


"That's great-- who is it Uncle Jesse?" Bo asked.


Jesse smiled, "Molly and cousin Alice will be staying with us for a spell."


The 7 yr. old towhead with big dark blue eyes slid off his chair and under the table faster than a flash of lightening.


"Bo, come out from under there!" Luke said, peeking under the green and white tablecloth.


"We may be cousins and blood brothers but after what she did to Charlie, I'm staying right here, Luke."


Jesse chuckled, "She promised to behave herself."


"He'd never lie to us," Bo thought about his kind uncle and then came out from under the table with an announcement of his own. "If she lays one finger on Charlie I'll knock her teeth out."


The boys finished their cookies and milk.  


A little while later


"Jesse, your still the best looking man that I've ever laid eyes on." Molly cooed.


"Molly, you're still the charmer." Jesse replied matter of factly.


Alice grabbed Bo and tried to squeeze the daylights out of him, "Hey! You're still the cutest little dickens that I've ever seen!"


Bo hollered, "Luke she's trying to kill me again!"


Alice looked at him, "I'll let you go but please just give me one little kiss."


Bo glanced to see Jesse and Molly were in conversation. "Okay close your eyes," He knocked Alice right in the eye.


Jesse exclaimed, " What have I told you about hitting girls!"


A tearful Bo cried, "Alice doesn't count… she almost killed my teddy bear Charlie." Then went running into his room.


Jesse glanced from Luke running after Bo to Alice and Molly, "Maybe it's not such a good idea you two staying at the farm besides I thought that she had learned to control herself."


"Those two will be fine, Jesse." Molly said with a smile.


The next day


"Charlie I'm gonna hide you in Luke's drawer she'll never think to look there now, not a peep out of you." Bo held the bear tightly and turned hearing the door squeak shut. He sighed when he seen it was his older cousin. "Is that okay, Luke? Charlie's life is at stake you know."


The brunette boy smiled, "It's more then all right, little cousin." He then followed Bo outside where Candy and Alice were about to meet for the first time.


Alice huffed, "Who is this little munchkin?"


Candy stood on her tippy toes, "Who are you?"


Luke said quietly, "This is cousin Alice."


Candy gritted her teeth, "So you're the witch that made Bo have a nervous break down and tried to kill his teddy bear!"


"You stay away from Bo Duke or you'll be sorry because he's all mine I tell you," Alice threatened.


Candy retorted, "Oh no he's not!"


Bo warned, "Alice you don't want to get Candy mad or she'll knock your block off


Alice laughed, "Afraid of this little munchkin, not me!"


"This one is for Charlie," Candy hauled off and hit Alice.


Bo let out a great big Yee haw.


"I'm gonna get you, munchkin!" Alice paused for a second.


"This one is for trying to steal MY LITTLE STUDD MUFFIN!" Candy hollered, then knocked Alice out cold.


Alice begged when she came around a moment later, "Please stop I've had enough."


Candy asked, "Do you promise to never touch Bo or Charlie ever again?"


Alice pledged, "I promise I'll never touch him again or that dang bear."


Candy shook her little fist at the older girl, "If I hear anything about you ever hurting Bo I'll knock the rest of those teeth."


A few days later


"Candy I'm so glad that Alice is gone and that Charlie's life is not in danger anymore," Bo giggled. "After what you did to her… she'll never come back ever again, I hope."


"I was glad to help you out, cutie. After all I am your future forever one and only wife!"


Then Bo and Candy shared a sweet kiss and a promise of forever.


Written by Juanita Ford

Copyright 2000


All rights reserved  


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