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Bo Duke Gets Married


It’s a beautiful spring day and everyone is getting ready for Bo Duke’s wedding. Yep, the Romeo of Hazzard Country is going to marry his childhood sweetheart, Candy Cane. They met when 5-year-old Bo came to the farm after a drunk driver killed his parents Jackson and Ginia. Jesse who had just lost his wife Martha, took the little fella in.


One day at school, a few months before Luke came to live at the farm, some bullies beat the tar out of the little blonde boy who was smaller than them. One of them was taunting Bo when a cute little girl came up and said, “Hughie Hogg, you leave him be!”


Hughie laughed. “What do you care? Is he your boyfriend?”


The little girl stared at him. “You are twice as big as he is and it’s not a fair fight. So you leave him alone, or your gonna have to answer to me!”


Hughie was surprised but he didn’t show it. He looked at the two. “Duke boy, your not worth it,” He snickered as he turned to leave with his friends. “White trash always sticks together.”


The little girl went over to Bo and put her arms around him. “Don’t cry, everything will be alright.” She wiped the tears from his eyes as he whispered, “Thank you.”


She smiled. “Your welcome, I just can’t stand to see anyone or anything hurt.”


Bo said. “Me either,” then he smiled. “By the way, what’s your name?”


“Candice Summers.”


Bo’s smile widened. “Is it ok, if I call you Candy Cane? Cause your sweet enough to be one.”


“That would be great.!” Candy smiled, her pretty eyes meeting his.


Those Duke boys start out early don’t they? Bo and Candy grew closer as the days turned into months and years. On Candy’s sweet 16th birthday, Bo took her to a dance in town.


He noticed she was a little sad. “What’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything.”


Candy burst into tears. “You know I love you.”


“I sure do because I love you too,” he kissed her on the lips.


“Momma says I can’t see you anymore because you and Luke are on probation and we’ll be moving to Nashville in a week.”


Tears filled their eyes, they both knew they’d never see each other again.


Bo looked hopeful for a moment. “Maybe we could get married. I know Uncle Jesse would help us out.”


“It would just get him in trouble. That new man, Momma has been seeing is behind this.”


Bo bit his lip to keep the tears back. “I won’t give up. Somehow, someway, we’ll be together.”


“Please promise me that you will never forget me…” Candy said, before they kissed for the last time.


Bo and Luke became legends in Hazzard County, the blonde one was the bigger ladies man, but every now and then he’d think of his sweet Candy Cane in the years that went by. Meanwhile Candy’s mother remarried and her stepfather made her life a living hell after leaving Hazzard.


One night when he came into her room, Candy could smell the whiskey on his breath.

He put his hands on her shoulders and said, “Candy Cane… that’s what that Duke boy used to call you, tell me it isn’t true.” He tried to kiss her.


Candy tried to squirm away. “Leave me alone or I’ll tell Momma.”


“You do and I’ll make sure that your precious Bo Duke dies.”


Candy closed her eyes and cried as her stepfather had his way with her. When he left, she cried for Bo to put his arms around her. The next morning, Candy came down to breakfast.


Her mother glared at her for a moment. “Girl, how could you do this to ME?”


“What do you mean?”


“Ray told me what happened last night and how you two… I can’t say the words. I want you out of my house and I never want to see you again. Why don’t you go back to that white trash Bo Duke.”


So Candy left, she wanted to go back to Hazzard but after what had happened, she  just couldn’t face Bo. The next few months were even worse for young and pretty Candy.


One night while walking home from the diner where she waitressed, a man started to run after her. Candy picked up an old wine bottle after remembering what her stepfather had done. “You come any closer and I swear to God, I’ll kill you.”


The old drunk believing how brave she sounded took off. Candy went running back to her one room apartment. She cried and wished she could be back with Bo.


Back in Hazzard, Luke started getting restless.


One night he announced, “You know how much I love you all but I decided it’s time I struck out on my own.”


Uncle Jesse said, “We all love you  and just want you to be happy. So you do what you think you got to do.”


Bo confided, “I’ve been thinking of going on the NASCAR scene again.”


Daisy chuckled, “I got news too… I’m getting married.”


Uncle Jesse smiled. “That fella in the country band?”


Daisy smiled. “Yes.”


Well Daisy made a beautiful bride. After Bo and Luke left that same afternoon, Jesse turned to the Sheriff. “I’m really gonna miss those kids.”


Rosco agreed. “You know Jesse, I will too. Khee!”


Back in Nashville, Candy started singing on the weekends and writing songs.


One day her friend Jan said, “You sure sing pretty and those songs are so beautiful.”


Candy  said, “I have a new one called Sweet Childhood Memories, you want to hear it?”


“I sure do!” Jan grinned.


Candy sang….


Oh sweet childhood memories,

Lord how they mean the world to me.

Yea, things like sitting on daddy’s knee,

falling to sleep dreaming of Candy land,

and the gentle touch of momma’s hand.


Oh my sweet childhood memories,

I remember my sweet sixteen and

getting my first kiss. Back then my heart

only knew a young girl’s joy and happiness.

My sweet childhood dreams memories,

they mean the world to me.


And I’ll never forget that boy in Hazzard County,

 the tender way that he loved me.

Yea his eyes were the deepest blue,

His heart was tender and true.

Oh, that country boy, he still

means the world to me.


Jan smiled. “That was beautiful.”


A few months later Bo Duke was the number one driver in the country, with all the money and girls that a good ol’ Hazzard boy could want.


Candy came into the diner one afternoon. “Jan, I just got back from the doctor.” She paused for a moment, her voice was teary when she spoke again. “He said there is something wrong with my muscles and I’ll be in a wheelchair this time next year!”


Jan patted her hand. “Just when everything was going so great for you.”


Candy smiled bravely. “The one good thing is that it won’t kill me.”


Well the months passed and Candy ended up in a nursing home that wasn’t very kind.

She feels more alone now alone now than ever, her music and memories of Bo, the only things that are keeping her sane. Every night in her dreams, she’s with her sweetheart Bo Duke. Finally Candy hears from a manager named Leroy L. Langston who makes Boss Hogg look like a saint. After talking about her songs for a while,


He said. “Candy, there is a way for me to get you out of here.”


Candy asked, “What?”


He smiled. “If you marry me, I’ll get you out of here and manage your career.”


Wanting to leave the nursing home, Candy agreed. “I’ll marry you but it will be a marriage in NAME only.”


Leroy’s smile widened. “Believe me that will be no problem.”


Three weeks later, Candy Cane became Candy Cane Langston. One night while Leroy was out, she hummed a new song called Back Home In Hazzard County…


Back home in Hazzard County

Lord, that’s where I long to be.

Looking into the eyes of my

country boy, so gentle and sweet,

yeah he was the love of my life.

And I’d give anything if only he could

be holding me tight.

Hazzard County, I’m really blue

and missing you tonight.


Even after all these years,

oh I still cry lonely tears

for that sweet as honey

country boy who still

 means the world to me.

Back home in Hazzard County,

that’s where my heart longs to be.


His eyes were the deepest blue,

his heart so loving and true.

And I’d give everything if only

I could be back home in

Hazzard County with the only

one that’s ever loved me.


Within a few months, Candy was one of Country music’s brightest stars.


One morning, Leroy announced. “Candy, I’ve just made a deal for you to play at a place called The Boar’s Nest.”


“You mean in Hazzard County?”


Leroy said, “Yea, the new Boss Hughie Hogg wants to show everyone that a little girl from Hazzard can make good.”


“I’ve never asked you for anything before could you please cancel? I’ll play anywhere but there, I don’t want the people…”


Leroy cut her off. “You mean you don’t want Bo Duke to see you. Hughie told me all about the two of you. Well, if you don’t do this, you’ll go back to I found you, only it will be much worse. I promise you.”


“Okay, I’ll do it.” Candy said, not having a choice.


Meanwhile, Bo and Luke had returned to Hazzard when Jesse took ill. Daisy and Enos had almost gotten married but she just wasn’t take the chance again, after having been divorced once already.


Bo came in the door first. “Daisy, its sure good to see you.”


Daisy laughed. “Your still a sweet talker.”


Luke came in then. “You should hear him when he really pours it on.”


Bo grinned. “You don’t do so bad yourself, cousin.”


Daisy led them in to see Uncle Jesse where he lay on his bed. Three days later, Jesse passed away.


Daisy said, “What are we gonna do without Uncle Jesse?”

Bo patted her hand. “Daisy honey, you’ll always have me and Luke.”


Luke nodded in agreement.


A few nights later, Bo said. “Luke, how about we take Daisy down to The Boar’s Nest to try and get her mind off things.”


Luke smiled. “Bo, I think we all need a break.”


Caney Cane prayed as she put her make up… God, if Bo is still in Hazzard County, please don’t let him see me like this.


A few minutes later Hughie Hogg announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we have some real fine entertainment. We’re got a local girl that made good… Miss Candy Cane Langston. So folks, here she is.”


Bo, Luke and Daisy walked in just as Candy started to sing


I’ll Never Love Anyone But You…


Oh, how I miss your eyes of deepest blue,

the way that you used to

say sweet things like I love you, and

I will for the rest of my life,

and I’ll make you my wife.


Bo was speechless for the first time in his life as he heard those words, because he knew it was his sweet Candy Cane. After Candy was done singing, he got up and walked over to her. Without thinking, he bent down and kissed her on the lips.


Then he said, “I knew that I would find you again, Candy.”


“Is it really you, Bo?” Candy asked.


He smiled. “It sure is. Can you come out to the farm? I’d like for us to be able to talk.”


“I’ll try.”


While Leroy was talking to Hughie in his office, Candy got her driver to take her to the Duke farm. She said with tearful eyes, “Please don’t tell on me.”


The driver replied, “After what that so called husband does to you. You deserve to be happy. I promise I won’t tell.”


Bo smiled as the car stopped in the driveway and the driver opened the door. He ran to Candy, “Let me help you.”


Luke came over too. “Let me help, too.”


After he helped Candy inside, Luke said. “It’s nice to see you again Candy but I’m going out for the night. I might not be back till late. See you tomorrow. Have a good evening you too.”


When they were alone, Bo wrapped his arms her and said, “I’ve missed you so much!”


Candy started to cry, then she told him everything from the incident with her stepfather, her mother throwing her out, the nursing home, and the agreement she made with Leroy.


Bo said, “That’s all behind you now. No one will ever hurt you again. You can divorce that dirty snunk, then we can get married.”


Candy looked at him in surprise. “You still want me even through I’m a cripple?”


Bo held her face in his hands. “You’re still the same girl I fell in love with inside and whatever it takes, we’ll make it work.”


That night they fell asleep in each other’s arms. The next morning, Leroy came to the Duke farm.


He looked at Bo smugly. “You have something that belongs to me.”


“Candy is staying with me. So you get off this farm or they’ll have to carry you off.”


Leroy snorted. “Alright but the law is on my side.”


Bo threw a punch as he said, “You leave her be or I swear to God, I’ll kill you!”


Luke had watched the whole thing, “I’m right behind you, cousin.”


Enos walked up behind Leroy just then. “You’re coming with me.”


Leroy glanced behind him. “Who are you?”


Enos replied, “I’m with the L.A. FBI, you’re wanted for so many crimes it ain’t funny. So you’re coming with me.”


Candy and Daisy smiled as the skunk err Leroy was led away. Six months later Candy’s divorce became final.


After they got home from getting the papers from the lawyer, Bo said. “Candy Cane, you know that I love you.”


Candy smiled. “Yes.”

“Candy, will you marry me?”


“Bo, I love you with all my heart but are you really sure you know what you are getting into? I mean I’m not like all of your other girls and I can’t walk.”


He put his arms around her. “You love me and I love you. Uncle Jesse always used to say that love will always see you through,” then he kissed her once, twice. “C’mon say yes.”


“How can I refuse a proposal like that?”


Well folks it’s finally here, Rosco is Boss now since it turned out that Leroy L. Langston and Hughie Hogg had a lot of dirty dealings, they needed to do some time for.


Rosco asked, “Bo Duke, do you take Candy for your wife to love and cherish in sickness and health?”


Bo smiled. “I do!”


Rosco nodded. “Candy, do you take Bo to be your husband?”


She asked, “Bo, are you really sure?”


He wrapped his arms around her, and then kissed her once, twice. He said, “C’mon Candy, say yes,” he smiled. “The quicker you do we can start the honeymoon!”


In a breathless voice she said, “Oh boy will I,” she turned to Rosco. “I do!”


Folks in Hazzard County, we believe in happy endings.


Written by Juanita Ford


All Rights Reserved



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