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The Hazzard County Valentine’s Day Dance


“Hey Luke, since I am an old married man now, you should have your pick of who you are takin’ to the dance!”


“Thanks Bo, your such a pal, cousin.”


“Well I try.”


Candy over hears that as she is looking over her sheet music for her brand new song while Daisy is fixing her hair…


Say That You’ll Always Be My Valentine


Ever since I looked into your eyes,

I’ve had this sweet feelin’ inside of this heart.

When you asked me to be your wife on that most special night,

It was the happiest moment of my life.


So please say that you’ll always be my valentine and

 that you’ll love me for the rest of my life ‘cause darlin’

 to you’ll I’ll always be true. For me there’ll be no one new.

So please say that you’ll always be mine.


Yes, together we’ve made a life so sweet and now that we’ve got our little

Honeybee sweetheart, our life is complete.

So please say that you feel the same way too and

to my heart, you’ll always be true.


Now I wonder who she wrote that for?


“Hey fellas, did Enos tell y’all when he’d be here to pick me up for the dance?” Daisy yelled from the closed bathroom door.


“He should be here any minute.” Luke paused as the door swung open and they came out. “Daisy, you better be careful or Enos might forget he’s a gentleman!”


Candy smiled. “What do you think, fellas?”


“You look beautiful.” Bo walks over to Candy and kisses her, who returns the kiss with one of her own.


Luke and Daisy smile as little Honeybee walks for the very first time over to her parents and says, “Dada, your betiful.” 


Bo lets out a great big YEEHAW at being called Dada for the first time. He smiles, then a knock is heard on the door and Enos peeks his head through the door. “Hey, its time to go y’all.”


Everyone in Hazzard is at the dance, this year Cletus brought Lilly Duberry. Crazy Cooter is with Nancy Johnson. It’s true Rosco’s date Tilly Brown howls at the moon but she’s a heck of a dancer. And those two girls right there are the Jones sisters


“Luke Duke won’t get away from me tonight. Too bad that his cousin got married.” Betty comments.


Kathy snickers. “Married? It’s probably in name only! Why else would a hot blooded man like Bo marry a cripple in a wheelchair inless it was for her money?”


“You don’t think they--”


“Of course not.”


“Hello ladies, well that is what I am gonna call you tonight since we are in a public place. Bo and I are married in everyway. Honeybee is proof of that.” Candy smiles and points to where her husband is dancing with the little girl in his arms.


Kathy rolls her eyes. “Well I never-”


“Bo and I sure do every chance we get.” Candy smiles as Bo walks over just then after Luke takes Honeybee to dance some more.


“My Candy Cane always tells the truth, ladies.” Bo flashes a smile. “C’mon darling, its time for you to go on stage.”


Candy blushes as Bo helps her over to the stage just then and everyone gathers around.


She quickly looks over the crowd before she speaks.


“Y’all know for the most that I retired from performin’ when I got married. Even though I’ve been busy with the baby, I still write when I can find the time. And with the money going to the church for some new song books, I couldn’t say no.” She paused and smiled. “I’d like to dedicate my first number to the Jones sisters.” She waved like a beauty pageant queen towards them and looked them in the eyes as she launched  into…


My Man Likes Ladies Not Trash Like You


Honey, your doin’ you’re very best  to get your hooks into my man.

But on his left hand, there’s a golden band that says

His single days are through.

So girl, if you know what’s good for ya

You’d better just scoot or you’ll be feelin’ the heel of my boot.


‘Cause my man likes ladies not trash like you.

So if you don’t want a big fat shiner, then you’d better make

 yourself some brand new plans and keep your hands off my man.

Tell me you little two bit hussy, do you understand?


Believe me when it comes to lovin’ that hunk

of mine ain’t missin’ nothin’.

So if you wanna leave here in one piece,

you’d better just leave that man be.


Doesn’t she sound just like Loretta Lynn… Candy finished out the rest of her songs as Bo stood by her side with his arms around her and tears in his eyes while  the Jones girls tried to live down the laughter that surrounded them after their faces turned beat red from backing into the table with the cake on it.


And you know how those lovers are on Valentine’s day, Enos bein’ a gentleman left Daisy off at the farm after a good night kiss at the door. After puttin’ little Honeybee to bed, Bo and Candy, well you know. Betty was still tryin’ to get the cake out of her hair while Luke tried romancin’ her.  


So you never know what’s gonna happen in Hazzard County.


Written by Juanita Ford

Copyright 1999

All rights reserved


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