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Bo Duke And The Tooth Fairy


A four year old boy comes running in the house. "Momma, look my tooth fell out."


"Look at that," She smiles at him. "I guess you'll be getting a visit from the tooth fairy."


"Really, momma?"


"That's right, sweetie. She'll leave a quarter for it, if you are sleeping when she comes. She's very shy."


"Can we leave out some cookies like we do for Santa?"


"We sure can. Now you go get cleaned up for supper because we're having fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and apple pie."




As Bo washes up for supper, he tells Charlie, Fluffy and Beanie. "If the tooth fairy is nice, I don't think she'd mind if I stayed up to met her. Don't tell momma and daddy or they might not let me watch."


After supper, Gina tells her husband and son. "Martha called and asked us if we would like to come over for Sunday dinner because they are having a big turkey."


"Are they having brownies and chocolate chip cookies too?" Bo asked.


"I'm sure they will," Gina replied.


Jackson winks. Him and his young son both have huge sweet teeth. "Now it's time to get ready for bed."


Bo flashed his famous smile. "Ok, daddy."


"Remember you go right to sleep or she won't visit." Gina says as the two head toward the little fella's bedroom.


*                                                                    *                                                             *


"He should be asleep," Jackson said. After seeing the clock on the fireplace mantle now read an hour later.


"I'll go play tooth fairy," Gina replied.


"After you do that, how about you play tooth fairy for me."


"We'll see about that."


Then they kissed.


"Charlie, Fluffy, and Beanie… you be quiet. We don't want to scare her away." Bo pauses as the door opens. "Here she comes. She looks so pretty."


"Shouldn't you be asleep, little one?" Gina asks after stepping over to the bed.


"I am asleep. I'm just pretending to be awake."


"Sweetie, I'd love to stay and talk but you need your sleep." She puts the money under his pillow. Bo smiles and watches her walk out.


Gina walks into her bedroom across the hall where she found her husband laughing.


"Don't you dare say one word or you'll be sleeping on the couch for the next 20 years."


"Darling," He took her hand with a twinkle in his big blue eyes. "please tell me you'd never do that to me."


"You know I wouldn't because I'd miss you." She giggled and turned the lamp on the nightstand off when he kissed her.


I reckon y'all know what happened next.


Like I've always said… in good ol' Hazzard County we believe in happy endings.




Written By Juanita Ford


Copyright 2000

All Rights Reserved


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