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Hughie Hogg Strikes Again


“Hey Candy, wait for me!”


“Good morning my sweet talking little stud muffin and happy birthday, Bo.”


The seven year old towheaded boy blushed, for a second after a kiss on the cheek. “Guess what Candy? Today after school I'm having a birthday party. You're the first one I'm inviting. Uncle Jesse's making be a great big chocolate brownie birthday cake.”


“That sounds yummy! Oh, before I forget here’s your birthday card I made it myself I hope that you like it.” Candy hands him the card.


It says


To Bo Duke,

The cutest most lovable hunk of a little boy I've ever know. Ten zillion hugs and kisses.

Your future wife,

Candy Cane


“Candy, you're the greatest!”  He kisses her on the cheek.


Candy blushes and thinks to herself, I'm sure one lucky little girl.


Hughie Hogg standing a few feet away, “Hey Duke trash and little munchkin that you hang around with, what are you talkin’ about over there?”


Bo smiled. “I'm having a birthday party after school. If you promise not to be a meanie you can come over.”


Hughie grinned, “Who me? Start trouble? Can I bring my sister Peggy and a friend of mine?”


“Sure.” Then Bo saw another friend. “Hey Amina Danielle, you want to come too?


Amina Danielle smiled. “I'd love to Bo.”


Back at the farm


Uncle Jesse says it's hard to believe that Bo is seven years old. Seems like yesterday he was just four when Jackson and Ginia got killed and came to live here.”


Luke says “I came here shortly after that, then Daisy and you've had your hands full ever since.”


Jesse smiled. “I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Taking care of you kids helped me through your Aunt Martha's passing…”


Daisy came in the room just then, “Uncle Jesse, how do I look?”


“Just as pretty as your momma and she was a beauty.”


Bo running through the door, “Uncle Jesse, I’ve invited everyone to my birthday party even Hughie Hogg. Look at the card Candy gave me.”


 Jesse’s eyes twinkled. “That's my future niece-in-law all right.”


A little while later


Bo looks over all the stuff on the picnic table. “I love the gifts y’all gave me.”


Amina Danielle asked, “You really like the shirt that I gave you? I made it myself.”


“It's beautiful,” Bo kissed her on the cheek.


Amina Danielle giggled. “Candy you sure are one lucky girl to have a boyfriend like Bo.”


Candy grinned. “I sure am.”


“I haven't given you my present yet. Now you close your eyes and I'll go and get it.” Hughie walked away for a second while everyone closed their eyes. When he came back he said, “Open your eyes.”


Cousin Alice squealed, “Hey Bo you little cutie pie! I've got some pecan cookies that I made just for you.”


Bo’s eyes widened. “Hughie, if this is what you got for my birthday, then you can keep



Candy muttered. “I knew that Hughie had something up his sleeve.”


Jesse added. “Alice, you know that after the last time that you’re not welcome here.”


“I just can't stay away from him.” Cousin Alice then grabbed Bo and hugged the birthday cake out of him


Candy said, “You meanie, you let go of Bo or I'll knock the rest of your teeth out.”


Cousin Alice snorted. “Not on your life munchkin.”


Candy ran over and bit Alice in the ankle.


Now poor Candy will have to get a rabies shot.


Alice let go of Bo and went after Candy who knocked her out cold.


Bo promised with a glance towards the older boy. “Hughie Hogg, I'm gonna clobber you!”


Candy proclaimed. “Not if I get a hold of him first!”


Three days later, Boss Hogg found out what Hughie did at Bo's birthday party


“Hughie, if you don't stay away from that little Candy Cane. You'll have false teeth by the time your twenty.”


Hughie rubbed his behind. “I think she’s teaching Bo how to fight. I won't be able to sit

down for a month!”


Two days later, Candy and Bo are sitting together.


“Every time that I need you, you’re always there. Your momma must be teaching you right.”


“Not just my momma.”


“Really who?”


“Just like my favorite singer Tammy Wynette sings. I always stand by my man.”


Then Bo and Candy shared a sweet kiss and a promise of forever.


Written by Juanita Ford


Copyright 2000 All rights reserved  


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