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The Hazzard County Blizzard


“Wait for me,” Seven year old Bo Duke ran to his friend.


“I'll always wait for you my little stud muffin,” The little girl replied.


“Uncle Jesse is making fried chicken for Sunday dinner; do you and your momma want to come?” He asked.


“Fried chicken sounds yummy. I'll ask her and let you know,” Candy went into her house.


“Momma, Bo asked me if we can go over to his house for supper. They're having fried chicken!” She said excitedly.


“I don't see why not, how about I bring brownies?” Angela replied.


“That would be great momma because Bo loves sweets, he’s on the porch.”


“Okay honey, tell him that we'll be there in an hour unless Jesse didn’t give him approval to be inviting folks over.”


Candy nodded and stepped outside. “Momma said yes and she’s bringing brownies.”


“Yeehaw,” Bo kissed her on the cheek. “I'll see you later my forever one and only.”  


Candy kissed him. “I'll see you in an hour my little stud muffin.” She went back inside to help her momma with the brownies.



After dinner, Angela helped Jesse with the dishes while the kids went to play.



Bo held his most prized possession in his hands. “Charlie, it's time I introduced you to the woman I plan to marry.” He held it up. “This is Candy Cane I call her that because she’s so sweet.”


Candy blushed. “He’s really cute just like you.”


Bo pointed to the other ones laying on the coffee table. “This is Fluffy the kitty and Beanie the doggie.”


Candy smiled. “Pleased to meet you Fluffy and Beanie.”


“Would you like to hold Charlie?” The little blonde boy whispered. “He’s my favorite momma and daddy gave him to me before they went to heaven. Please be gentle, he still hasn’t gotten over almost being murdered by Cousin Alice.”


“I'd never hurt anything that belonged to you. Would you like me to beat her up for you?” Candy said.


Bo’s eyebrows arched up. “Would you really?”


Candy smiled. “Anything for the fella I love.”


Angela called from the kitchen. “Candy, we have to get home. Feed those critters before that storm hits. Come on, baby.”


“Okay, momma.” The little girl said.


The Duke family bid Candy and Angela good bye and went about preparing their own  farm for the storm that was suppose to come through.


“Maybe we should have stayed at the Duke farm,” Angela commented, noticing the sky was beginning to darken. The wind picked up.


The car swerved to avoid an animal in the road and hit a tree. Candy's mother was knocked out cold.


“Momma, please wake up.” Candy frowned after saying that for several minutes with no reply. She got out of the car and walked back to the Duke farm.

“I found it. Thank you God,” Six year old Candy banged on the front door which flew open.   


“What’s wrong?” Bo asked. The little girl told the blond boy at the door what happened. Since Jesse wasn’t there… they got a flashlight and container of juice. They made sure to close the door when they left.


“It's Angela's car,” Jesse pulled his truck over to the side of the road. While he got out of the driver’s side, he said. “Daisy, you stay put while me and Luke go and see if Angela and Candy are okay.”



“Thank god you’re here. I woke up and Candy was gone. I don't know what I'll do if I lose my baby,” Angela cried when she saw the two figures at her car window.


“Angela, don't worry we'll find her.” Jesse and Luke helped her from the car.


After they got in Jesse’s truck. “Maybe she’s gone back to the farm you know how smart she is and tough too,” Luke said.  


Daisy nodded in agreement. “I bet Luke's right. You know how close those Bo and Candy are.”



“Bo, Candy, are you here?” Jesse hollered when he, Daisy, and Mrs. Summers came into the Duke farm kitchen minutes later. The dark haired boy had went through the front door to check the bedrooms.


Luke came running out to the living room seconds later. “Uncle Jesse I found this note next to Bo's teddy bear, Charlie.” He handed the paper to him.


Jesse read the note outloud.


Dear Uncle Jesse,

Candy's momma is trapped in the snow so we went to rescue her.

Love, Bo


“Oh my god,” Angela screamed.  


“Don't worry they couldn't have gotten far.” Jesse paused for a moment. “Luke, you stay here and watch Daisy with Miss Angela. I'll call Walter Strate and Jasper Davenport to help me look for the kids.”



“Momma's car!” Candy exclaimed when her and Bo got to the vehicle.


“She isn’t in there,” The blonde boy whispered.


The little girl started to cry.


“Maybe Uncle Jesse found her, it's starting to get bad. We better try to get back home,” Bo said.


The two try to find their way back to the Duke farm but end up in a little shack when Bo and Candy figure out they are lost.


“This place isn’t very warm but we'll make do,” Bo frowned.


“You'd better take my coat because it's getting cold and you know how your asthma acts up.”


“What about you? I don't want you to get sick.”


“Don't worry, Bo. Us munchkins are tough,” Candy grinned.



Jesse hadn’t found the kids, neither had anyone after searching for three hours. “Lord, you need to help me on this.” He muttered and turned down another path and came upon a small building. There was snow but since it wasn’t packed, he was able to knock it away from the door. His eyes light up seeing the two children. “Bo, Candy, are you to all right?”


“I’m ok but Candy won’t wake up. She slipped on the floor where the snow came in through the roof and hit her head. Please help her Uncle Jesse,” Bo said.


“We'll have to get her to a doctor. Let’s get out of this place.” Jesse picked Candy and carried her outside. The blizzard was over. They were less than a mile from home.


The little girl and her mother were both taken to the hospital an hour later.


“Uncle Jesse can we go see Candy today?” Bo asked the next morning.


“They don't let children in where she is.”


“But I've got to see her. I love Candy.”


“I'll see what I can do but I can't make you any promises. Now you go and get ready for school,” Jesse told the little boy who ran to the bathroom to wash up.



At the hospital, Doctor Johnson was speaking with Angela. “Mrs. Summers, I really can’t tell you anything else at this time.”


“Just do whatever you need to do,” Angela replied and handed some papers she had signed back to him.


“God, please don't let anything happen to Candy. I love her so much, please don't let her die.” Bo looked at the mirror to make sure he didn’t have any toothpaste on his face. He was startled seeing another image than his own. “You're the pretty lady who gave me the ring. What are you doing here?”


“I'm here to take you to Candy. She needs you,” The reflection whispered to him. “Now fold your hands and bow your head.”


He did nervously and when he lifted his head back up, the little boy saw that he was in a hospital room. He ran over to where a little girl lay. “Candy, please wake up. Please don't die. You're the only one that I'll ever want for my wife,” Bo said quietly.


“Is that you my forever one and only husband?” Candy giggled.


Bo yelled yeehaw, the loud shout brought several people into the room including her mother, a doctor and some nurses.


Doctor Johnson was happy after examining the little girl. “Mrs. Summers, your little girl is going to be all right. You can take her home this afternoon.”



That evening, Candy and Bo had a picnic on the front porch of the Duke farm.


“Candy, you sure look beautiful today.”


“You look pretty handsome yourself, Bo.”


Then they shared a tender kiss and a sweet promise of forever that was observed by several pairs of watchful eyes.



Written by Juanita Ford


Copyright 2000


All Rights Reserved