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Bo Duke Meets His Daughter


Picks up where Rebuilding A Life ended


“Honey, are you ready to go? Karen is gonna take care of the kids. Trixie said that she'd help out too. So if you’re ready we'll go and try to find Kara.”


“Baby, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I just hope that she doesn't hate be for not being a father to her.”


“Bo, chances are she may not even know about you. But no matter what Bo I love you and I'll stand by you.”


“Candy, I love you so much. I'm sorry if Diane hurt you…”


“She's gone now. What you did before we got back together is your business

and besides if it hadn’t been for that stepfather of mine and my mother, we would

have gotten married.”


“Don't worry momma me, Tammy, Fluffy and Buffy will look after little Bo.” Honeybee said just as Bo closed the door behind him and Candy.


2 hours later as the General pulls up to a street, “Candy, darling if you need to take a rest before we do this let me know.”


Candy smiled. “Bo don't worry, us short people are tough.”


“You short people may be tough, but you’re also sweet too.” Bo kissed her and then slid out of the window.


“Bo, it's almost closing time so she should be coming out.”


“Candy, it's been ten minutes, maybe she didn’t came to work today?”


As Candy was about to speak, a strikingly beautiful blue eyed, tall blonde came

walking out.


Candy whistled.  “Bo that must be her. She looks just like you.”


“Yeah, she does.” Bo took a deep breath, “Here goes nothing,” and then he walked over to the young woman.


“Kara, is that you?”


Kara smiled seductively. “It sure is, handsome.”


Bo looked nervously at her. “Diane was your mother, right?”


Kara laughed. “She's the witch that gave birth to me, but lets not talk about her handsome. Lets go over to that motel, believe me every penny will be worth it, sugar.”


“Kara, I'm your father and what do you mean talking to me like that!”


“Hey, if you want to pretend you're my long lost daddy that'll be fine, handsome.”


“I'm serious my name is Bo Duke Your mother and I we're lovers and she

never told me about you.”


 “Ok, you are telling the truth. Well Daddy dear what do you think of your sweet little girl? Hey if you still want to go to the hotel I'm still game.”


“My God, what in the world happened to you to make you want to sell your body? Sweetheart, don't you know that it's wrong.”


“I'm just like my momma except when I got pregnant I got rid of the little bugger fast.”


“Kara you’re still young you can leave this life behind and come back to Hazzard with my family and me.”


“And marry some country hick? No thank you. I've got to go, I've got to make a living.”


Bo was quiet as he walked back to the car to Candy and they checked into the hotel, suddenly the tears start to run down his handsome face after him and Candy laid down.


“Darling, go ahead you let it all out.”


“Candy, I just can't believe that Kara could choose to live her life like that. I mean to sell herself to any man, Doesn't she realize the danger that she’s in?”


“Bo, only God knows what that girl has been through. All we can do is pray

and hope that she comes around, you want me to go with you tomorrow?”


“Would you?”


 “Of course I would.”


That night Bo held Candy like he'll never let her go


The next morning just before the bank opened,


 Kara spat seeing Bo and Candy coming toward her. “You again! What do you want an other reunion. If that's why you've come back here then get lost, rube!”


Candy yelled, “Okay missy that's enough of that! Your father is trying his best to make this right with you and I won't stand by and let you break his heart. Can't you see how much that you’re hurting him?”


“Kara, you can't be happy living this life, you could get killed. I know that I wasn’t there for you when you we're growing up but I'm here for you now. Kara please come back home with Candy and me,” Bo paused for a second as they stared off. “Please say that you'll come home with us? I've just found you please. Don't let me lose you. I don't think that I could stand it.”


Candy added. “Kara please, for your father… at least come for a visit?”


Kara burst into tears, “Daddy, I'm so sorry. You must be so ashamed of me.”


“I could never be a shamed of you.” Bo gently touched her cheek, then father and daughter embraced for the first time.


Kara agreed to go back to the Duke farm. A few weeks later while Kara is out

shopping, Honeybee is looking at Kara's things and comes across a bag of white powder


“I don't think Kara would mind used this.”


Candy heard a noise in Kara’s room and when she saw Honeybee on the floor,

she exclaimed “My God, I'd better call 911!” She hurried to the phone.


Bo came home just as the ambulance drives away.


“Candy, what happened?”


“Bo the paramedic said that she got a hold of some cocaine. They found a whole stash of it in Kara's room and they don't know if Honeybee will pull through or not,” She paused for a second to wipe tears from her eyes. “I want Kara out of here when I get back from the hospital.”


“Baby, I’m sorry. I guess that I never should have brought her here.”


Kara comes through the door and the minute that she sees Candy and Bo's

faces she knew something was wrong. “Dad, Candy what’s wrong?”


Bo’s voice was somber. “Honeybee found the bag of power in your room.”


Kara chuckled. “Oh that, I just use that when I want to feel good.”


Candy screamed, “Feel good! Our little girl could die because of you! We brought you to our home and this is how you repay us! I know that you've had a hard life but I won't let you put my child in danger!”


Bo looked at Kara. “How could you do this? We've got to go to the hospital and as much as this hurts me to say this when we get back you be long gone or I'll report you to the police.”


“Here’s a check for $5,000. This should see you through for a few months. Candy looked at Bo then, “Lets go to the hospital now. Our baby needs us.”


                        *                                                 *                                                 *


Doc Applebee commented quietly. “Bo, Candy, it's been over a week and even though I hate to say this but I think that it's time for the two of you to decide If you want to keep Honeybee on life support Or not?


Candy cried, looking at Bo. “What are we gonna do?”


“Could we please wait one more day? We just can't give up hope yet.” Bo pleaded after glancing from Candy to Doc Applebee.


That night still in her coma, Honeybee heard a soft gentle voice


“Sweetie please wake up, your momma and daddy need you. Please wake up Honeybee and lets see that beautiful smile.”


Honeybee saw a beautiful dark haired lady. “Are you an angel?”


“Yes, I am darling. I watch over you and your family. Your daddy needs you to stay alive.” The woman said, as a handsome young man appeared beside her.


Honeybee smiled. “Daddy is that you?”


He smiled back. “No sweetie, I'm here to help you fight too, you've got to promise us that you'll fight to stay alive.”


“I promise” Honeybee said, then the man and woman are gone.


The next afternoon


“Doc Applebee, Candy and I have decided that if it's Honeybees time we'll let her go,” with tears in his dark blue eyes. Bo turned with tears in his eyes. “Candy lets kiss our baby good-bye.”


Candy kissed Honeybee’s forehead a few minutes later. “I'll never forget you my little one. Momma will always love you.”


“God, please don't let our baby die. She's only six years old.” Bo kissed his daughter gently on the cheek


Suddenly Honeybee’s eyes opened. “Momma, daddy is that you?”


Candy cried,  “Honeybee your all right! Thank the Lord.”


Bo looked up at the ceiling of the room. “My God, our Honeybee is going to live.”


After a few days Honeybee was as good as new. Bo tried to find Kara

again, but her landlord said that she had moved out late one night.


As Bo and Candy snuggle close together one night


“Candy you're the sweetest angel God ever made. Thank you for standing by me warts and all.”


“You may have a few warts, but you'll always be my handsome prince.”


A sheepish grin meets a sly smile as the lights go out and I reckon y'all know what happens next.


Written by Juanita Ford

Copyright 1999

All rights reserved  


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