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Will Bo Duke Give Into Temptation


“Hey Candy, Luke and me might be a little late tonight.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll keep those pork chops warm for you, Bo.”


Just as the blonde Duke had told his wife he loved, the boys were indeed late because they seen an ivory skinned, green eyed, curvy figured lady whose car had broken down. Her name was Nancy Richards.


“Do you guys know where I can find a hotel?” She asked.


“You’re welcome to stay at our place. The food is good and if you don’t mind a houseful, we’d be glad to have you,” Luke told the woman and Bo nodded in agreement.


Honeybee and Tammy run to Bo when the living room door opens a little later. “Daddy, you’re home!”


“I sure am, you little darlings.” Bo replied and looked at his wife.


“Hello there, handsome.” Candy smiled at him as he stepped toward her.


“I hope you won’t mind Luke and me bringing a guest home to stay,” Bo leaned down and kissed Candy on the cheek.


“Not at all,” Candy kissed her husband. “Dinner is ready.”


Nancy watched Bo push Candy’s wheel chair into the kitchen, followed by the two kids. “This will be a piece of cake,” She thought to herself.


After supper and watching some television, Bo announced he was tired. “Candy, you ready for bed?”


“I’m just as tired as you are,” Candy grinned and turned to the children. “Honeybee, Tammy it’s time for bed.”


“But we’re not tired,” The two little girls said.


“We have a big day tomorrow,” Bo reminded them.


“Okay,” Honeybee and Tammy were followed to the bathroom by their kittens. Bo and Candy took the two girls to tuck them in bed after brushing their teeth. Bo chuckled hearing Luke ask Nancy if he could show her around town. The woman tell him maybe tomorrow night since she was tired too.


Candy headed to the bedroom while Bo went to take a shower. He was surprised to see Nancy in the bathroom waiting.


“Oh, I’m sorry.” Bo put his hands over his eyes.


Nancy stepped over to him. “You like what you see, don’t you?”


“You’re a pretty lady but I’m a married man and I don’t fool around.”

“Don’t you ever long to be with a real woman?”


“Just because Candy is in a wheelchair doesn’t make her any less of a woman.” Bo spoke while backing out of the room and into the hall where his wife was.


“You know you don’t mean that, you want me I can tell.” Nancy insisted.


Nancy, you get your clothes on and get out of our house!” Candy yelled.


The young woman went back into the bathroom. She listened to the couple in the hallway.


“Bo, is she telling the truth?”


“After last night do you need any more proof?”




“Candy, you are the only woman for me. I love you very much.”


“Do you have any regrets about marrying me?”


“The only regret I have is that we get married sooner. Candy, you may be in that wheelchair and a little over weight, but I don’t see you with just my eyes. I see you with my heart.”


Nancy came out to see them kissing tenderly on the lips. “Hughie Hogg put me up to this,” She told them and left.


Candy and Bo knew there was nothing they could do about Hughie for the moment, so they went to their bedroom and I reckon y’all know what happened next.


Written By Juanita Ford

Copyright 1999

All Rights Reserved