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The soccer field will be
the main scene in this fun story
where the characters will not only
defend their pride, but also learn to
confront life, together, under the
challange the game offers them.
Lorena, Paulina,Fernanda, and Daniela
are 17 years old, united under
a strong knot of friendship, which
will help them get through
difficult times that each one
will face during their
last year of High School.

It's four stories of love, mix_ups, sweet illusions, as well as bitter ones, and
hurtful intrigues they will haveto
face so they can make their feelings
worthy in a world that will
bite them into pieces.

In this story we will find a variety of characters:
the unconditional friends; the popular girl; the bitter
adoptive girl; the regretful and disoriented brother;
the shy and timid boy that's hopelessly in love with the
extraverted girl; the boy who has not surpassed the
loss of the first love; the gossiper; the joker; the
ambitious who is disputed to take the fortune of his
own brother; and the old enthusiast that trains a
soccer team on the base of wise advice.

All of these situations will only re-inforce the
lives of the enthusiast and determinant adolescents
that will fight for the right to live their own lives.
Nevertheless, they will discover that to be champions
and to obtain their goals, it's not enough to wish for it;
they will learn to fight and pour their heart out for what they want...That's the true Game Of Life, a match you will need to win!
