Something to Believe in PART 51 Telling
Rebecca about the new baby, however, was more difficult than both Max and Liz
had considered. Both had assumed
the little girl would accept the news at face value, hopefully happily, and then
skip off without a care in the world. She
was only five after all, how much information would she need? Unfortunately, Rebecca proved to be a little girl who craved
new knowledge!
“A baby?” She asked curiously. “That’s right.” Max said as the three of them sat on the sofa with Rebecca in the middle. It was the following day, after picking her up from Max’s parents, and they were both eager to tell Rebecca their news. Both Max and Liz had agreed the quicker the little girl knew about it, the more time she would have to adjust to the idea of another child in the house. “Can I see it?” “Oh no sweetheart, the baby won’t be here for about eight months or maybe a little earlier.” Liz said, smiling at the little girl’s innocence. “Where is it then?” “It’s in here.” Liz finally responded, splaying her hands across her stomach in indication. Despite her initial reservations, something told Liz the little story about the ‘stork’ bringing the baby to their doorstep wouldn’t work with this inquisitive little girl. No, in a few months Rebecca would want to know why Liz was putting on weight, and then the whole ‘stork’ solution would be painted for what it was, a lie to keep Rebecca’s innocence. Being up front was definitely the best policy Liz thought silently. “In there?” Rebecca queried again, pointing at Liz’s stomach and clearly not convinced. “But there’s not enough room for a baby in there!” She announced incredulously. The little girl’s innocently put questions brought smiles to both Max and Liz’s faces, how sweet a little girl she was. Silently they both wished Rebecca would be able to keep her naïve outlook on topics forever, always being so honest about questions she wanted answering. Both, however, knew such naivety was not only impractical as you got older, but also completely impossible. The many events around the world often put pay to that, it wasn’t an ‘idyllic’ world they lived in. “It’s a very small baby at the moment, but as it grows so will Liz’s tummy.” Max clarified, watching the thoughtful expression paint Rebecca’s face. Clearly she was thinking of her next, insightful question that would test them, and how to pose it. “But ……. But how did it get in there?” Rebecca finally asked, placing a finger on Liz’s stomach and pushing gently to see what reaction she would get. When nothing happened a frown decorated her face. Clearly, Liz thought, Rebecca had been expecting some kind of response from her new baby brother or sister. Both looking up, Max and Liz glanced at each other over the little girl’s head. Geez now what were they supposed to say? Rebecca was still young, they’d both assumed such questions wouldn’t be forthcoming or require answering. How wrong they’d been ….. and now they were totally unprepared! “Well ……..” Max started, more stalling for time than anything else as Rebecca’s inquisitive eyes stared up at him waiting patiently for an answer. A pleading look in Liz’s direction cried out for assistance, he was way out of his league here! “Max put it there.” Liz finally replied calmly, fully prepared for all the questions her simple answer would raise. Just how far and how much were you supposed to tell a five-year-old anyway? “How?” The obvious response was returned. “Well.” Liz started, thinking quickly. “You see, when mummy’s and daddy’s are happy and they cuddle, sometimes it makes a baby. And that’s what going to happen to us. The baby will grow inside me and once it’s big enough I’ll go into hospital and you’ll be able to see it.” Liz said softly, trying not to spill any details a five-year-old shouldn’t know. Furrowing her eyebrows, it was clear Rebecca was mulling over this new piece of information from Liz. It was amazing to watch her try and comprehend the wonder of conception, without details, for her innocent mind. Glancing nervously at Liz, Max couldn’t help but wonder what question would come next. The one thing they both knew for sure ….. there would be another question! “But, Sydney cuddled Jake in the playground yesterday and she was happy.” Rebecca pondered. “Does that mean she has a baby in her tummy too?” “Oh no sweetheart.” Liz laughed softly pulling Rebecca into her arms as Max grinned. “It only happens if mummies and daddies cuddle, but not all the time.” She clarified simply. “Ok. But if you’re going to have another baby, does that mean you don’t want me anymore?” She asked. “Oh no Becky, of course we want you!” Liz cried softly. “You are a part of our family sweetheart, and you always will be. This new baby won’t change that no matter what.” Max added, wrapping an arm around Liz’s shoulders and hugging the two ladies in his life. “You’re just gonna be a big sister as well as our little girl.” “So you’re ok about the baby?” Liz added softly, watching Rebecca mull over the thought of being a big sister. “Yeap! I want to be a big sister. Caitie is and she says it’s fun.” Rebecca grinned. “Can I go tell her?” “Sure, just be back by 6.30 for dinner ok?” Liz said. “Ok.” Rebecca replied happily, jumping to her feet and dashing towards the back door. “Phew, that was harder work than I’d envisaged.” Max commented, pulling Liz into his arms for a hug. “Yeah, I though it would be easy. A little info and she’d be happy. Should have guessed though with Rebecca’s thirst for knowledge, that it wouldn’t have been enough to satisfy her curiosity.” “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Least she’s happy about it now.” “You’re right, now all that’s left is to tell our families.” Liz sighed gently, resting her head on Max’s shoulder and closing her eyes for a moment. Boy did she feel tired these days! ******** Stepping out into the garden, the warm sun hit Max’s face causing him to squint for a moment to adjust his eyes to the bright light. It was a good day, he thought silently. Lunch on a Sunday afternoon with his parents, sister and friends, and then a sharing of exciting news with them. Walking across the patio area, he graciously accepted the masculine hugs from Michael and Alex, dropping a warm, friendly kiss on his sister’s cheek before turning to Maria to do the same. “How are you sis?” He enquired, as Liz stepped up behind Max and started to accept the hugs and kisses from her friends also. “I’m ok. I’ll be grateful when this is over though.” She said, hands hugging her bulging stomach as she lent back in the wooden chair. “You must be excited now though, not long to go.” Liz added, kissing Isabelle’s cheek before accepting a big hug from Alex. “Yeah, we’re really excited.” Alex grinned. “I’ve just about had enough of feeling like a beached whale now though. Oh to be able to squeeze back into my jeans and see my toes again.” Isabelle murmured wistfully. Watching his sister clearly frustrated with her new, rounded figure, Max wondered how Liz would cope with her pregnancy. Granted, in Isabelle’s defence, her pregnancy hadn’t exactly been planned, but she and Alex had been over the moon despite that. He and Liz had all but planned their child, actively not using any kind of protection for many months. And Liz had yearned for this moment for a long time, longer than even he had been previously aware of. But it was one thing to desire something, and another altogether when you actually got it. How would Liz cope with nine months of looking after herself? Would she grow to resent him or the baby when she had to slow down at work and relinquish control of Amber Inn back to Jim again? How would she cope when her petit size ballooned to accommodate their growing child? And he didn’t even want to think about Liz having to go through the pain of childbirth! Then again, their child was much more of a miracle. In his heart he hoped Liz would cherish every day, every moment of the next nine months before their baby was born. For in his own heart, Max knew there was no guarantee they’d ever get a second chance at having their own baby. A sharp squeal and a tug at his trouser leg diverted Max’s attention from his thoughts back to reality. Looking down he found Mackenzie grasping tightly to his leg, doing his best to hoist himself into an upright standing position with Max’s unknowing help. Unable to resist his cherubic face, Max bend down on his knees before slipping his hands under Mac’s arms and scooping the excited child up. Gleefully, Mackenzie flailed his hands around, hitting Max gently in the face a few times before he managed to catch hold of the baby’s hands and hold them fast. Dropping his head down on Max’s shoulder, Mackenzie was content enough to gnaw away at Max’s shoulder through his white cotton T-shirt. His hand gently rubbing the little boy’s back, Max was suddenly aware of a warm pool of drool quickly starting to seep through the cotton onto his skin. “Oh gosh Max I’m sorry!” Maria exclaimed, jumping to her feet. “He’s teething and munching on anything he can get his hands on.” “It’s ok ‘Ria, I think my T-shirt can handle it.” He shooed her away back to her chair. “It’s not your T-shirt I’m worried about.” Maria sighed as she sunk back into the wooden chair. “It’s your shoulder. His bottom tooth is pretty sharp already and I’m sure you don’t want bite marks through your shirt.” She clarified. “Really ‘Ria, it’s fine.” He insisted. “My shoulder is tougher than it looks I promise.” Standing next to Max, watching him cradle Mackenzie in his strong arms, Liz couldn’t help but reach out and stroke the baby’s soft hair with her fingers. His fine blond strands felt like silk slipping between her palm, bringing a smile to her face at how precious the little boy was. And oh how her heart jumped at the sight of Max cradling him tenderly. It wasn’t the first time Max had held Mackenzie, but somehow this time felt different. She’d never noticed the power in his arms before, and how he held the precious bundle in a shielding stance omitting his protective feelings to the little boy. Is this how he would hold their own child? Cocooning the little one and making them feel completely safe? Subconsciously her hand slipped to her abdomen and thoughts jumped to the tiny baby growing inside. On most previous times, even though she had hated it, seeing Mackenzie or even hearing Maria talk about him had made her sad. But this time Liz felt only joy and pride for her best friends at their beautiful baby son. This time there was no jealousy, no longing or depression, for she knew her dream, and that of Max’s, was finally coming true. In less than nine months time she too would be holding their long awaited baby. Watching Liz closely, Maria suddenly mentally kicked herself. The longing in Liz’s eyes, the tentative, almost wistful smile on her face as she stroked Mackenzie’s fingers, all pointed to one, obvious thing. Liz was thinking about how much she desired a child of her own. Damn this was tough, Maria thought to herself. Her heart ached for her friend at the way she looked at Mac. Liz desperately wanted a child but all the signs seemed to indicate she couldn’t have one, yet Maria had gotten pregnant accidentally with Mac at the drop of a hat. Talk about rubbing Liz’s nose in it! “Oh Liz I’m sorry.” Maria suddenly jumped up in her usual energetic way. Her actions, to all, were clearly to try to spare Liz more pain at being round a baby. Although it was rarely talked about, each friend silently knew the pain Max and Liz had gone through before adopting Rebecca. “Here Max, let me take him. It’s about time he was put down for a nap inside.” “No really it’s fine ……” Liz started to protest, sensing Maria’s sudden apprehension. If only her friend knew about her condition, then Maria wouldn’t be so worried about Mackenzie around her. Not heeding her friend’s words, Maria lifted her son from Max’s arms before returning to her seat and cradling her little boy in an attempt to help him sleep. The quicker she could calm him the quicker she could put him down for a nap inside and stop Liz from wishing he was hers. A squawk from Mackenzie was clear indication he wasn’t best pleased at being removed from his comfortable place gnawing away on Max’s shoulder. And he certainly wasn’t ready to nap! Just as Liz was preparing to tell Maria once again that it was fine now, Diane and Philip headed outside with Rebecca in toe. Deciding now was the perfect opportunity to spill their happy news and alleviate Maria’s fears, Max slipped an arm around Liz’s shoulders and pulled her close. A glance at Liz and the returned smile that lit his wife’s face up was indication enough that she was happy for them to know. Waiting for a moment while his father sat down and pulled Rebecca on to his lap, Max took a breath. It had been their secret for a few days now, only sharing it with Rebecca, and suddenly he was about to announce it. The shiver of excitement that ran down his spine was mixed with a tinge of sadness. Happiness at finally announcing they were having a baby, but a sliver of disappointment at having to release the secret. It had been wonderful to think they were the only two, or three, to know about the baby growing inside Liz. “While everyone is here, Liz and I have some news to share with you all.” He started, suddenly very aware of seven sets of eyes strained on him. Heck he was used to standing at the head of a conference table commanding proceedings for goodness sake. So why did this feel so daunting? “What is it son?” Philip asked smiling as he touched a finger to Rebecca’s nose and making her giggle. “Well ………. seeing as everyone’s in the spirit of having babies, we thought we’d join the club.” Max finally answered, glancing around to watch the reaction of his news on his friends and family’s faces. One by one his news sunk in and the realisation of his words hit them. “Are you …….?” Diane started. “You’re gonna …….?” Alex added “Is Liz ……..?” Isabelle chimed in all three at the same time. “Oh my gosh!” Maria quickly exclaimed as Max’s words sunk in, giving him little time to respond to his sister, mother and friend. “You’re pregnant!” Maria added loudly. Jumping to her feet, she quickly handed Mackenzie towards a completely perplexed Michael before covering the distance between herself and Liz. “Yes ‘Ria, I am.” Liz finally replied, beaming happily before her best friend threw her arms around her in a fierce hug. Cries of congratulations filled the air and hugs all around were exchanged. The feeling of finally belonging and fitting in once more in his ever-changing and extending family filled Max. The sadness and mild jealously he’d experienced when Alex had announced his and Isabelle’s own good news was finally obliterated and put firmly to rest. “I’m so happy for you Liz.” Diana said, hugging her daughter-in-law. “And you too Max, you deserve every moment of happiness this brings you.” She added, hugging her son knowingly. “Thanks mum, we are really happy.” “You
fully deserve to be.” His mother
replied, smiling a knowing smile.
knew the pain her son had gone through to get to this stage and the terrible
time also that Liz had endured. She
could sympathise, she had been there with Philip when they were younger but
their hoping had been to no avail. Or
at least no biological child of their own, yet now more than ever Max and
Isabelle felt like her blood children. And
now finally Max and Liz had what their hearts desired for so long, a baby to go
along with their nearly adopted daughter. And
Diane couldn’t stop smiling with happiness.
Helping to clear away the lunch things after all the food had been consumed, Max followed his mother into the kitchen before depositing the pile of white china plates on the worktop. It felt strange to think back not nine months previously, when they had sat and discussed how bad things were with Liz’s strong desire for a child. Now, they had a beautiful little girl in Rebecca, and another baby, one of their own, on the way. Could life get any better? “Max I am so happy for you and Liz.” Diane said once more, before hugging her son. “Thanks mum, so am I.” He responded the huge grin on his face evidence of how elated Max really was. “I can’t believe I didn’t guess you had news for us, and this in particular. Not only is Liz practically glowing with happiness, but you’re radiating pride in abundance.” “It all still seems a little surreal though. You know we’ve wanted this for so long, and now to finally have it within touching distance …….” He trailed off, his mind wandering into dangerous territory. What if something went wrong and Liz lost the baby? “Don’t go there Max.” Diane cautioned, reading her son like an open book. “Don’t create a problem that doesn’t exist. Enjoy this time; enjoy experiencing everything that is packed into nine months of a growing baby. Don’t let doubt spoil this magical time.” “I
know, you’re right mum. I don’t
want Liz worrying either, but I’m pretty sure she will.
She might not openly show it to me, but I know she’ll be on edge for
the next few months.” Leaving his mother to load the dishwasher, Max returned to his friends and family outside. Wrapping his arms around Liz’s waist, Max rested his chin on her shoulder and watched Rebecca playing happily with Mackenzie on a blanket on the grass. “She’s really good with Mac.” Liz commented, turning her head to plant a kiss on Max’s cheek. “Yeah,
she’ll be a big help when the baby comes.” “You’re gonna make a perfect mum Liz, the best this baby could ever hope for.” Max reassured, slipping his hands to lay on her still flat stomach. “Besides, look how you are with Becky, you’re a natural mummy.” “Yeah, but looking after Becky and taking care of a baby is too very different scenarios.” Liz countered. “We’ll learn together Liz. It’ll be great.” “I hope so.” For a moment Max tensed his arms around his wife. The doubt in her voice, the worry she wouldn’t make a good mother set his mind racing. What if she was having second thoughts about having a baby now. Ok so they’d talked about wanting a baby, they’d even tried without success for a while. But thinking about something as life changing as a baby, and actually do it were too very different pictures. “You do …… you do want this baby don’t you?” Max suddenly asked quietly, almost too afraid to hear her answer. In his heart he knew he wouldn’t be able to cope if Liz turned round and confessed she’d changed her mind. He couldn’t, wouldn’t let her get rid of their child. “What?” Liz queried, startled by his words. Twisting around in his arms, Liz moved so she could see into his eyes and get an idea as to what was roaming through his brain. “Of course I want this baby! How can you ask such a thing after everything we’ve been through?” “Because I can hear the doubt in your voice. You’re afraid you won’t make a good mother to our baby. I was just worried you’d changed your mind. I couldn’t cope if you got rid of it.” Max clarified, saying the last sentence almost as a whisper. Looking up into his deep brown eyes, Liz felt her heart break a little. Although she’d alleviated immediate fears by insisting she wanted the baby, she could still tell he was worried. Had he really thought she’d even consider aborting their baby? After all the pain they’d been through, all the tears and heartache each month when it was evident she hadn’t conceived. Lifting a hand to gently cup his cheek, Liz did the only thing she could think of to show Max how she really felt. Rising gently up on her tiptoes, she leant in and pressed a kiss to his lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, the kiss instantly deepened as Max’s body relaxed into her embrace. Their lips glided together with practised ease, soft sighs omitted swallowed instantly by the other. Snaking her tongue out, Liz gently touched his bottom lip in a silent request for entry. Opening up to her easily, Max parted his lips before she invaded his mouth and his senses. Eventually they reluctantly parted after a few moments, knowing they were making a spectacle of themselves in front of family and friends, Liz glanced up into Max’s eyes once more. This time his troubled brown pools seemed more at peace and more full of desire. “I would never, ever even consider hurting our baby Max. Believe that.” She added firmly, cupping his cheek with her palm once more.” I am so proud to carry your child, and I can’t wait to hold our baby in my arms. Do you believe me?” “I do.” He added softly, stealing another quick kiss. “And I’ll hold you to that. That means slowing down at work, giving Jim back more of the stressful stuff and generally taking care of yourself. Ok?” “Ok.” Liz finally replied, reluctant at the thought of giving up control of Amber Inn. She’d practically ran it for so long, been such a huge part of her life, relinquishing evening a little of it was going to be tough. Yet for the sake of the baby she’d craved for so long she’d do it without question. She no longer needed her work to consume her life, Max, Rebecca and the baby growing in her womb were far bigger than any job or company. Life was definitely perfect right then as they stood in the garden with the warm LA sun beating down.
The only problem with ‘perfect’ was it normally was followed swiftly by disaster down the line.
Leaning back in her chair, Liz placed her hands over her stomach and struggled to suppress the smile beaming across her face. This was a good day, she concluded silently. As much a part of that conclusion was the fact it was the first morning she’d got through without suffering a major bout of morning sickness. For the previous two weeks, since telling her friends and family the good news, she’d struggled each morning with sickness. Isabelle’s suggestion of milk and crackers when she first woke up didn’t work, neither had Maria’s idea of dried cereal and Diane’s inspiration of tea with ginger had sent her hotfooting quickly back to the bathroom. For his dues, Max had been better than perfect. Each morning he’d made sure Rebecca was dressed for school on time and ate all her breakfast before brushing her teeth. He’d even gone so far as to learn how to pull Rebecca’s chocolate brown hair in to pigtails just the way the little girl liked it. Often he even took the little girl into school himself, or other times Diane helped out. That way Max was happier so he could stay with Liz. She was sure it couldn’t be the most prettiest of sights, watching her kneeling on the floor hunched over the toilet basin, but Max never shirked it. He’d sat with her on more than one occasion, cool flannel in hand and holding her hair away from her face. That was true dedication on his part, she thought silently. Rubbing her hands gently over her stomach, Liz smiled at the very slight protrusion. Anyone else, bar Max, would hardly notice, she thought silently, but she did. It was only a slight filling, no too dissimilar to if she’d eaten a very large meal and was completely full. But it was more than enough to make Liz happy. It was the first obvious, albeit small, sign of what was growing inside her. And despite Isabelle’s grumbling that she couldn’t wait to have her child so she could slim down again, Liz felt almost the opposite. She was small and loved her petit frame, but to have her body fill out to accommodate her growing child was something of a miracle to her. Silently she couldn’t imagine ever wishing to be slim when pregnant, something about the mother/child bond she guessed. Then again, it had as much to do with the fact she was proud to carry Max’s child. A slight rap at her door brought Liz out of her thoughts to find Jim standing in her doorway. He surveyed her for a moment, looking at how relaxed and contented she looked. It was definitely a look that suited Liz. Silently he thought back to the magnitude of changes that had afflicted his number two in command of the company. The loss of Kyle had hit her hard, yet she’d thrown herself into work and become a more than powerful and very successful businesswoman. If Jim had known Max Evans would have had such a profound affect on pulling Liz back into the land of the living he would have hired Max’s help long before he actually had. From fiery spitfire to relaxed and carefree mother of one and working on another. It was, quite simply in his eyes, a remarkable achievement. Oh Liz had lost none of her spark and fire when faced with a boardroom full of executives, she could still fight with the best. But no longer did work occupy ever minute of her waking hours, instead she had a life and love of her own. “You look mightily happy with yourself.” He commented, stepping in and taking a seat in the leather chair opposite her desk. “Of course, why shouldn’t I be?” She grinned. “I’ve given most of my stressful, taxing work back to you!” “Ah yes, and now the head of this company actually has to do some work!” Jim bantered back with ease. “I’m sure there’s something wrong there.” “Yes but I offered you a solution there remember? I know Alex would love to get his teeth sunk into something more challenging like the Bilford project.” “And your suggestion was duly noted.” “But tossed aside?” Liz commented, raising her eyebrows. She certainly wasn’t used to having her suggestions thrown by the wayside by James Valenti. Normally when she spoke he sat up and took notice, but not this time and it was definitely an eye opener for Liz. “Not exactly tossed aside, more pushed back for a while.” Jim clarified. “I decided he has enough on his plate with their baby due any time soon.” “Yeah ok, I concede that I hadn’t thought about that.” Liz agreed in hindsight. “Thanks for thinking about Alex.” “No problem, that’s my job as boss to think about my staff!” Jim grinned at the same time as the phone on Liz’s desk started ringing. Sitting upright in the chair, Liz cleared her throat before reaching for the phone. The sound of noisy traffic in the background greeted Liz immediately, before the caller spoke.
“Liz? It’s Alex.” He puffed. “Alex? Are you ok? You sound out of breath. Where are you?” Liz queried, at the same time hearing another voice in the car. This one was female and clearly in pain. The dulcet tone of Isabelle rang out in what Liz could only describe as a wail. Whatever was going on, she was in pain. “I’m on my way to the hospital, Isabelle’s just gone into labour.” Alex replied, ripples of panic dotting his vocal tone as he heaved in another breath. “Then perhaps you should slow down and take a deep breath. It would be much better to get Isabelle to the hospital in one piece, and I doubt she’s about to have the baby right now.” Liz commented, trying to calm her friend. “These things take a long time, so you just need to calm down and drive safely.” “Yeah well she sure seems to be in a lot of pain.” Alex grimaced as another moan from Isabelle cascaded down the line to Liz. “I hate seeing her in pain too, I just want to make it stop.” “I know Alex, but that’s part of having a baby. Just think about the beautiful baby you’ll have at the end of all the pain. Look concentrate on driving and let me know when you get there.” Liz said calmly before saying goodbye and terminating the call. Surveying the one side of the call he had heard, Jim looked at Liz questioningly as she replaced the receiver. He’d heard enough to piece together what was happening, but there was nothing better than a first hand account. “Trouble?” “Only in the sense of a terribly nervous and slightly panicking expectant father.” Liz replied with a grin. She knew how much her best friend wanted a child but he was so prone to worry about every detail. It was a wonder Isabelle hadn’t divorced him with all the fussing he’d done in the previous nine months. “Isabelle’s in labour?” “Apparently so.” Liz replied, somewhat distantly. “I should call Max, he’ll want to know.” “Of course, we’ll talk later.” Jim said, rising to his feet and disappearing before Liz could suggest otherwise. Business was clearly the last thing on his assistant’s mind, and Jim didn’t blame her. The group of friends were close and shared all information, they’d want to know about the impending birth. And, judging by the sparkle in Liz’s eyes, she was also thinking months down the line at the birth of her own child. Thoughts like that weren’t something that Jim could deny her. Especially not when his mind was swimming also at silent thoughts and hopes of a possibility of another child of his own. Lifting up the piles of paper haphazardly placed across his desk, Max bit back a swear of exasperation. He had a big, spacious office and under normal circumstances he loved it. So why the heck did his usually more than adequately sized desk feel like it had shrunk a couple of feet over night? It was mid afternoon and the warm sun beat in through the large tinted window behind him. Normally such a tranquil safe haven, today Max’s patience felt tested by the unusual restrictions of his office. The UPN takeover case was an important one of his firm, heck it was one of the biggest cased he’d undertaken since forming Evans Consulting. Then again, it wasn’t every day that a TV media company the likes of Sci-Fi Channel stepped in to seize control of UPN in a hostile takeover and a deal worth millions, and not least would save a lesser known TV show about Roswellian Aliens, much to the delight of the hundreds of fan followers around the world alike. But the mass of paper decorating his desk was rapidly getting out of control. From annual reports, to the accounts, to lists of stocks and various other paraphernalia, all cluttered across his normally pristine walnut dash desk. Now if only he could find his pen to jot down some notes everything would be fine. Lifting up a pile of papers further more to a right angle to peer underneath sent an unstable tower teetering on the edge of his desk fluttering to the floor. A neat scattering of papers raining down finally came to land in a disorderly mess on the plush cream carpet. “Damn.” Max muttered, snatching hip pen up before lowering the other papers in his hand. Scooting down on his knees, he started to gather up the papers; searing profanities under his breath as he went at the fact the important documents were now completely out of order. Hell hadn’t anyone ever heard of headering the documents, adding some paper clips or perhaps even putting a simple task of page numbering to help him put them back in order? The shrill sound of his telephone piercing the peaceful air startled Max, causing a reflexive action to jar his head up, only to collide with the solid walnut. Hitting his head hard against the underside of the desk caused another string of profanities to litter the air with ease. He was not having a good day! Rubbing the back of his head at the sore spot, Max sat down in his large leather chair again before snatching up the telephone handset, ceasing the incessant ring vibrating through his ears. “Yes!” He snapped down the phone, not at all in his usual professional manner. Despite his tone, he knew it would only be either Cali or Liz calling, or perhaps even his mother. Very few people knew his direct telephone line, since Cali screened all his calls and always stayed on the line to inform him of the caller before putting them through. Granted snapping at his wife or mother wouldn’t go down well, but heck he didn’t care at that moment. He didn’t often have bad days at work, so surely they’d begrudge him an off day today. “Mr Evans?” The voice queried somewhat tentatively. “Yes. Who is this please?” Max asked, his mind immediately alert to the stranger’s voice. The pain in his head disappeared instantly and he dropped his hand down to scoop up his pen in preparation of writing notes. This was not a voice he recognised, and an unconscious chill ran down his spine. The ring had been external he registered, meaning the call had not gone past Cali, and therefore someone had his direct line. And he never gave that out to clients, no matter how important they were. Whomever this person was they’d obviously gone to great lengths to track down the telephone number. Liz had the number though he reasoned clearly, and for a moment his mind raced. What if something had happened to her? What if this was a policeman or doctor or similar. What if she’d had an accident or something, she could be lying in a hospital bed fighting for her life …. Or worse. Reason quickly overpowered imagination, if there had been something wrong with his wife Jim would have called to let him know, not some stranger. So who was he? “Ahh good, Mr Evans. My name is Mr Bergstrom, Tom Bergstrom.” He announced cheerily as if he was a used car sales man eager to pass a lemon car on to his next unsuspecting target. The sickly, syrupy sound of his voice poured down the phone to Max. “Good afternoon Mr Bergstrom. How may I help you?” He asked cautiously, keeping a professional front in case this man was after his company’s help. “Actually you’re quite a hard man to pin down Mr Evans, it has taken some time, and many phone calls I might add to locate you.” “Well it looks like you have found me now, and without meaning to be rude sir I am rather busy. So if there is something I can help you with, please could we get to it?” Max pushed, his senses still honed to caution. What was it about this man that put him on edge? Heck he knew nothing, bar a name and a voice about him. And that name certainly didn’t ring any bells to Max. “Ahh you want me to cut to the chase.” Tom Bergstrom laughed. “Well that I can do.” “Then please do.” “Well actually I am after something you have in your possession that belongs to me.” “And that might be?” “My daughter Mr Evans ….. I’m here to reclaim my daughter.” Tom crooned with more than a little glee.
TBC ..............................?
A new part will be posted very soon! Author: Kazza – 23rd July 2002
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E-mail me at : Kaznstu@btinternet.com