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Natasha Luepke - Blood Innocence

The Ball

Leonida was sitting in the middle of her bed in the palace, surrounded by books. The Coronation Ball was tomorrow. Leonida didn't want to go through with it, but Niamh insisted. Diplomatic reasons.. Niamh said. Economic ones. Leonida stretched; the candles were burning low. Suddenly, she heard a wolf's howl. She could tell it was nearby, too.
She stood up, tying her robe. She heard it again. She rushed to the balcony. Peering down, she could make out two wolves, one of which bore a crescent shaped mark above the tail.
"Luna?" Leonida called in disbelief. A quick spark, and her dark haired, half-lupine friend appeared.
"Leonida! Heard you were a queen now!" Luna responded.
Leonida went down the balcony steps. "You're a little early," she laughed. "Come up."
Luna was already in her formal gown, plain white bodice and skirt, plus a purple scarf that had "Sachi" stitched on it.
"Wearing dresses now, I see," Leonida remarked.
Luna smiled. "The seamstresses finally figured out what to do with the tail."
Leonida glanced at the other wolf. "And this is?"
"You remember Lomadi?"
"Of course. Why don't you change into something more comfortable and we'll get you something to eat, huh?"
Back in Leonida's room, she offered Luna a nightgown.
"What's wrong with this?" Luna asked.
"It's lovely, but I don't want anything to happen to it before tomorrow."
"Well, I could change back into a wolf. I'd still be able to talk to you."
"Mmm, it might make the guards nervous."

On the way to the kitchen, Luna asked, "You don't mind Lomadi, do you?"
"He's seems well-behaved."
Luna smiled.
"Does he travel with you to the Tenth Kingdom?"
Luna sighed. "Well, I don't travel to the Tenth Kingdom much anymore. We live in the forests under Wendell's protection."
Leonida laughed. "You found your wolf?"
Luna looked down at her companion. "Yeah."


Niamh and Fenris, as well as the rest of the Council had been left in charge of the ball. Leonida wanted it done as cheaply as possible; having spent most of his life a peasant, Fenris was good at cost cutting.
Leonida was to appear on the stairs of the ballroom at midnight, accept the crown once again, then mingle with the foreign nobility. Niamh had insisted on a new, properly fitting dress. It was blue, low on the hips, with sweeping sleeves. Fish, dolphins, mermaids and other creatures of the sea were embroidered on it.

Luna spent most of the evening locked away or dressing. Her servants pushed her to the staircase. At midnight, Leonida accepted her crown once more, then swept down the staircase.
She slipped quitely through the guests, smiling when required. She much preferred her common people to puffed-up nobility. She noticed Niamh and Fenris in a small sideroom, talking with Fenris's family. She smiled; Moon-Thorn never made her journey... Leonida went to find Luna.

Luna, Lomadi at her side, was speking with her own parents. Leonida crossed the ballroom. Was it possible Wolf had been unable to detect the presence of his sisters?
"Virginia!" Leonida exclaimed, sidling up to the family.
"Leonida!" Virginia smiled. "I'm so proud of you." She stared at Leonida for a moment. "But..."
Leonida touched her face. "Fenris has offered to fix it, but I earned this scar."
Leonida grinned. She grabbed Wolf's hand. "Come with me, please!" She dragged the family to the opposite end of the room, all of the other guests staring.
"Little lamb!" Moon-thorn greeted the queen with a warm hug. "What's all this?"
Leonida stepped back. "Wolf, if I may present to you Moon-Thorn Carpenter of the Second Kingdom., as well as her sister Star..."
Wolf froze. "Oh, cripes," was all he could manage.
"Wolf? Is it really you?" Moon-Thorn asked.
Leonida took a step back, grabbing Niamh's arm as she did so.
"What's going on?" Niamh asked.
Leonida. "A reunion." Leonida smiled as family was introduced, Wolf, Moon-Thorn, and Star yapping like excited pups.

"What do you think of Fenris's family?" Leonida asked when they were out of earshot.
"Nice people. Officially, we are indebted to them, for what they did for you..."
Niamh smiled. "Very nice. Something a little odd about them, though. Why do you ask? Because I've sensed something between the two of you..."
Leonida laughed. "It's not me. They fall in love for life, you know."
Niamh crossed her arms. "What do you mean?"
"I realize I've been away for several months, but last I heard, he was referring to you as 'lamby'..."
"A trait he shares with the rest of his family. Where is this going, Leo?"
"Haven't you wondered about the wolf trailing Luna? Well..."
Niamh's eyes widened. "You don't say!"
Leonida nodded. "Deer or wolf," she muttered.
"What? Leo, you're not making any sense!"
"In this case it's deer and wolf..."
"C'mon, Niamh, I think we need to have a talk..."

The End

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