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Natasha Luepke - Blood Innocence

A Battle Between Two Lions

It took a day to reach the capital city, Mir. The snow made the path even slower. Several times, she swore she was being followed, but Leonida could never be sure. She even heard a wolf howl.

It was night when Leonida finished her journey. She shivered. The city was beautiful, bathed in the warm glow of the streetlamps. The city itself was set in a valley, the palace on a hill overlooking it, one steep cliff overlooking the palace.
Leonida circled the city, careful not to be seen. At the base of the cliff, she left Princess, taking nothing but her sword and helmet. Sword on her back, Leonida began the slow climb up.
She paused at the top. Across the level top, she could see a skinny woman in a gray dress, a winged lion, and a flame-colored bird in a cage.
The girl in gray looked in Leonida's direction. "Who is there? Show yourself!"
Leonida pulled herself up. The lion flew to the bird's cage. "I am Leonida Seafarer."
The girl was skinny and angular, her face a point. Her hair was blonde and limp. "Then we have met. You would know me as...Ran."
Leonida tried not to look surprised.
"My real name is Nehalennia Nerthus Seastorm. Councilwoman Neha -- "
"Right, I got it."
"About time you showed up, Seafarer."
"You abandoned your country! You have no respect for honor. You have not spent a day with the queen, yet you would take the throne."
"I am here to avenge my mother, and myself. The throne can choose who it likes."
There was a loud roar.
"That beast yours?" Leonida asked.
"In return for winning me the throne, I promised him half of the kingdom's wealth. His name is Griffon. Manticore was his son. I also promised him -- "
There was another roar. The flame-colored bird flew away. Suddenly there was a scream.
Leonida gasped. The lion pulled back, to reveal a fallen figure. "Fenris?!?"

Fenris had waited an hour in the stable-yard, then left to track Leonida. Niamh had implored him to stay. For once, friendship won out over lust.
He followed the tracking spell in the lantern until the base of the cliff, where he had to continue with smell. As a result, he took another up the cliff and came across the flame-colored bird. It shrank back as he approached the cage.
"Hey, sweetling, my name's Fenris. I won't hurt you," he said softly.
"I'm Phoenix," it said.
"Why are you here?"
"Griffin is in love with me and caged me so I wouldn't fly away. The sorceress in gray is helping."
Fenris nodded. A shadow appeared overhead; Griffin landed in front of the cage. Fenris hid. Griffon turned its back, though, to watch the two girls below. Fenris grabbed a sturdy rock and crept close. He brought it down hard on the lock, breaking it.
"For your kindness," Phoenix said, "take this." It plucked a feather from its breast. "It will grant one wish, anything you desire." Fenris pocketed the feather as the bird flew away. Red on the horizon caught Griffon's attention.
"Phoenix!" it roared. Then it noticed Fenris. It pounced. The last thing Fenris heard was Leonida's anguished cry of his name.

"Come for this one, too!" Nehalennia called. Griffon left the high outcrop of rocks and landed lightly before Leonida. Leonida brandished her sword. Nehalennia hid. Snow began to fall.
It was too quiet, Leonida thought. She felt like she was training with the sword all over again; Griffon easily blocked her every move, without gaining any scratches. She easily avoided his claws and teeth, as well. She kept waiting for the armsmaster to signal the end of practice. The battle raged on in this matter for the rest of the night.

Leonida paused for just a moment to take a breath. Griffon saw his chance. With his right front paw, he grazed her chest and she dropped her sword. She twisted and fell; Griffon was on top of her. She kicked and it rolled, taking her with it. On top, she punched its face, then attempted to get ahold of its throat. It finally released her as it gasped for air. She slipped away and grabbed her sword. It turned over, its wings in the air. Leonida brought Brisingamen up, then plunged the blade into Griffon's back. The sword struck true; Griffon was dead.
Leonida collapsed, sword clutched in her hands.

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