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Natasha Luepke - Buttercup, Called Coin

The Original Ending to "Letter":

But this shouldn't go by. It was his duty to remember. Mother and father gone. And Desdemona and Winter too, as close as any parents. Death by the nice farmers...

"Now what?" Deor was asking.
Wolf shook his head. "Morning-Glory. I must find her."
"Wolf, no," Clover said. "You see what Mama said, don't--"He just stared at his little sister. She quieted.

But Morning-Glory was gone. She realized too late that the throne was secure, but not by her, and that the children...The children were still alive.
And so she ran, as others had before her, hounded by silent howls.

And Wolf met up her in the Fourth Kingdom. Clover and Deor had settled down, but he hunted Morning-Glory.

He found her.

But revenge is cyclic, and he was found, too.

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