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Customs Remembered
by Liz


Virginia Lewis yawned and stretched, not yet fully awake. Through her sleep addled mind she felt a tickling sensation and smiled.

"Hmm… Morning Wolf," she mumbled, swatting at him.

Wolf grinned wickedly and continued to nibble on her ear, saying nothing. Virginia kept her eyes closed, but she could picture him.. She could always picture him. Those dark child-like eyes, pepper black hair… She smiled again. It had only been a few weeks since they had returned to New York from the Nine Kingdoms, but Virginia felt as if she had been with Wolf forever. They suited each other to perfection, and she wondered again, as she often had of late, how she had lived her whole life without him.

"Ow!" she yelped as Wolf's teeth grazed a tender spot. She sat up in bed and tried to glare at him… but failed. His round frightened eyes were too much for her and she smiled. "My ears are pretty tender."

Wolf nodded and drew her to him. "I'm sorry… I… well I love your ears; they are so perfectly shaped and soft and when I'm near them I'm overwhelmed by your scent…" He buried his face into her neck and let out a low animal growl that made Virginia shiver. They cuddled awhile before he drew away.

"So," he said, leaping from the bed with new energy, "What do you want to do today? Go out for breakfast… show me some more sights… get married?"

Virginia giggled. Every morning he asked if she wanted to get married that day. Wolf looked at her pleadingly. "Oh yes, let's get married," she said sarcastically, and Wolf was halfway into a happy howl when she realized it.

"Why not?" he said, flouncing down on the bed next to her.

Virginia pulled herself on her elbow and looked down at him. His dark eyes were closed and his sensuous lips formed a pout. She grinned to herself and laid her head on his chest. She felt his tension and so she rubbed her ring-clad hand on his jaw.

"You know I want to wait for Dad… it's nothing more then that. I DO want to marry you…you know I do." Wolf didn't respond but she felt him relax a bit. "Why the rush?"

Wolf's hand had snuck around and covered hers.

"I don't know," he pondered absently, rubbing his forefinger the length of her hand. "I just have this feeling… that we need to marry, and the sooner the better."

Virginia looked up at him and found he wasn't kidding. She felt her ring shiver and begin to hum. Soon its tingly voice broke the silence.

"He will pout
Disheartedly wait,
Until you go
And set a date."

"You're right about that," she said, sitting up. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as she walked to the bathroom. She started the shower running and stepped inside. It wasn't long before he slipped into the shower along with her.

"How about this?" she asked as he began scrubbing her back. "We'll be married as soon as Dad returns."

The loufa stopped halfway up her back. "Really?" Wolf's voice barley concealed his excitement.

"Really. That very afternoon… I promise. Now come on… you have to get to work."

She laughed as Wolf smacked her in the head with the loufa and then sighed as his arms came around her waist. Well it was a good thing they got up early this morning she mused… at this rate he was going to be late.


"Ginny you are NOT FAT!" Angelena said, rolling her eyes. "Your pregnancy is not noticeable in the least!"

Virginia preened in front of a mirror, hand on her belly. "Then why am I here, at BLOOMINGDALE'S, having to buy new jeans?"

Angelena sighed. "You've put on a few pounds, nothing noticeable, and we are here at Bloomingdale's to surprise your man on his lunch break."

Virginia laughed. "You're right of course… Sometimes I just feel like the Goodyear blimp. I've finally gotten over the morning sickness… And I can handle Wolf's touch. Poor Wolf… these past few months his touch has been like fire, Ange!"

"That's completely normal… You're almost four months along now, and things should feel better for you. Hmm… maybe we should swing by the nightwear department before hitting the tie booth. After all… you said you were getting your`appetite' back," Angelena said with a wicked smile.

Virginia smiled thoughtfully, and then winked. "You know… I think you may just be right."


"Gr…" Wolf growled low in his throat. He hated his job. Selling ties at Bloomingdale's may be lucrative work, but he loathed it nonetheless. It was almost as bad as working for the queen… almost. He made sure his charming smile was in place. "Yes that IS a lovely color… Mrs. Woodson was it? You have excellent taste, but then again, I could tell that about you," he said smoothly. The elderly woman across the booth giggled like a schoolgirl and proceeded to buy six silk ties, all in various shades of blue.

Well I'm good at it, he mused. It was nice to exercise his charm… as he would do with Virginia later that night. He smiled to himself. Virginia was finally feeling better. The last three months had been hard. She had caught morning sickness severely and every time he'd tried to touch her she would shrink back as if she had been burned. Virginia would weep beside him at night and there was nothing he could do to comfort her. She'd tried to make him understand, and he knew that she loved him and it was just a phase… but it hurt none the less. But this very morning she had awakened him with a deep kiss and told him she felt fine! She had wrapped his arms around her and buried herself into them… needless to say he'd been late for work. He so looked forward to going home to his beautiful loving bride-to-be.

"I'll have two of the red ones and a side of salesperson please," a familiar voice broke his thoughts.

"Virginia!" he cried and leaned over the booth so he could kiss her.

Virginia eagerly leaned forward. "Hmm… I'm happy to see you too," she said softly.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in bed? Or somewhere with your feet up?

"Oh Wolf! I'm pregnant, not on my death bed!"

"I'm sorry my creamy dream, but I just want you to be comfortable."

"I just came to get a few new pairs of pants… I can't seem to get into mine."

Wolf smiled pleasantly "Good," he said simply, his eyes drinking in the sight of her. Virginia had a glow about her, no doubt due to the cub growing inside of her. "You look beautiful today, my Virginia."

"You don't look too bad yourself." Virginia tweaked his tie and kissed the top of his nose. "When do you go on lunch?"

"I had an early lunch today," Wolf said sadly.

"Oh…" Virginia said, her voice dripping with disappointment. "I had hoped to have lunch with you today."

"Oh I would have, Ginny love, had you told me you were coming…"

"No it's okay… Ange and I will go to Tavern on the Green for lunch…" She noticed two elderly gentlemen looking at ties. "I'd better let you get back to work… Just come STRAIGHT home tonight," she said huskily, and she grinned knowingly at the raw fire that leapt behind his dark eyes.

"I promise" he said, his voice gruff with passion.

"One more kiss and I'm off."



The apartment was silent as he entered. She was there, he could smell her, but other smells tantalized him. Something good was cooking. He took a step inward and took off his coat and tie.

"At last……
My Love has come along…"

Soft music began playing and Wolf looked up, cocking his head.

"Virginia?" He sniffed the air searching again for her scent. He sat on the window ledge and took off his shoes. "Oooo…" he groaned. It was nearing that time of month again, and his tail was KILLING him.

"Tail sore?"

Wolf jumped at the sound of Virginia's voice. "Yes, I think I'm going to take off my…" His voice trailed up as he looked at her, and his mouth dropped open.

Virginia grinned at him. "You like?"

"Arrroooo!" Wolf let out a pleased howl and jumped to his feet. "Oh Virginia, sweet succulent Virginia… I could eat you up, you look so delicious!"

"Well I hope you're hungry."

Wolf had never seen Virginia look so provocative. She wore a silk red number that barely grazed her mid thigh. Her hair had almost grown back, and it nearly touched her shoulders. She wore it down and it cascaded to its full length in a mass of soft chocolate curls. Wolf couldn't take his eyes off her.

"I'm rrrrraaaaavvvvvaaaaaagggggggeeeeeedddddd! He growled out lowly and Virginia' lips curl up into a grin.

"Well let's hope so… I made all kinds of food for you tonight… chicken… pork…" She began turning but Wolf grabbed her by the shoulders and twisted her around to face him.

"I think I'd rather have dessert," he said softly and pressed his lips to hers. Virginia relented instantly and Wolf swung her up into his arms.

"Sounds good to me."


"Virginia??? Virginia!!!!" Tony's voice sliced through the early morning fuzz that was her brain.

"Dad?" she said, sitting up in bed and instinctively covering her bareness with the blanket.

"What?" Wolf mumbled beside her.

"I heard Dad. Wolf… Get up." She nudged him and he groaned.

"Do I have to?"

"Come ON!" Virginia slipped her red silk gown from the night before on and Wolf wrapped himself in a sheet. "Dad?"

"Over here!"

Virginia and Wolf crossed the room and stood before the closet mirror. "Dad?"

"Look in the mirror!" They peered in the mirror.

"Dad!" Virginia cried. She could see Tony sitting in an ornate chair. "Dad! Oh, Dad, its soo good to see you!" she cried and Tony smiled.

"You too, honey… Is Wolf there as well?"

"I'm here, Tony."

"Good Lord, what have you been doing? Wait… I don't want to know," Tony said, grinning.

"Dad!" Virginia said, her face turning the same shade as her gown. "How…?" "Well, we may have destroyed the queen but we kept her mirrors. This one allows me to see you," Tony said. He turned and picked up a scroll. "I'm um… calling because I have a message for 'Lord Wolf.' Is that you, Wolf?"

Wolf nodded and Virginia gaped.

"Yes, my cousin is Riding Hood the Third, so I have a lord's title. Wolfs have been despised for a long time, though… My lands and monies were taken long ago."

"Well it's from Queen Riding Hood. She says you have some things you have to do… old customs to fulfill. I thought perhaps you two might join us for a bit."

Wolf furrowed his brow. "Customs? Wolfs are usually excluded from customs. This is strange… Very strange…" Wolf said, but Virginia stopped him.

"Oh Dad we would LOVE to. We'll pack some things and then head to Central Park… You'll open the mirror?"

Tony smiled softly. "I will. I'll see you both soon."

"Come on!" Virginia said, racing to find some clothes. Wolf sat on the bed worriedly. Something HAD to be up. Riding Hood, or Red as he'd always called her, despised him. Why would she suddenly want to include him in customs?

"Virginia? Why do you want to go back? I mean you were so adamant about staying in New York…"

Virginia sat next to him and handed him a brush. She always enjoyed it when Wolf gently brushed her hair. Wolf began pulling the brush through her hair in long slow strokes. "I miss Dad… and Wendell too. Don't you?"

Wolf nodded thoughtfully. "Yes I do… I just…"

Virginia turned to face him. She looked into his face and saw the deep fear and worry that resonated from his dark eyes.

"What is it?"

"I've been an outcast my entire life. But here… In New York, I finally fit in. I fit with YOU."

"You'll fit with me there, silly," Virginia said, mussing his hair. "We'll only stay a week or two."

Wolf nodded but his eyebrows remained closely knitted. Virginia rose and crossed the room to the closet. "It will be fun!" she called.

Just then her ring began to hum softly and Virginia put her hand to her ear.

"Oh no, Pretty One
You must not go,"
the ring sang sadly.

"Why not?"

"A custom thought long since dead
Will rise and bear its ugly head."

Virginia's eyes widened. "What do you mean?" But the ring was silent. Virginia looked to see if Wolf had heard - he had not. Well I'm not going to worry him any further, she said to herself.

"I just thought of something," Virginia said, handing Wolf a pair of pants. "Dad will be there then. I mean… Why can't we get married over there?"

Wolf shot up off the bed. "Married? Are you sure?"

"Yes," Virginia said firmly. "Lets go to the Nine Kingdoms, Lord Greyson, and get married."


"Dad!" Virginia cried, flying into Tony's arms. They hugged fiercely.

Tony smoothed his daughter's hair and cupped her face. "God it's good to see you Ginny. You look… happy." He looked at Wolf and held out his hand. "How are you, Wolf?"

"I'm great, Tony… I mean WE'RE great."

Tony smiled. "Glad to hear it," he said. He stepped aside and Prince Wendell came forward. Virginia choked up every time she saw him. He was so different from the first time they'd met, when he inhabited the form of a dog. Wendell was tall and confident, his pale blond hair peeking out from below his enormous crown. But his eyes were still the same. Those beautiful blue orbs that had always seem to look straight into her soul. They shared some kind of bond, and when Wendell held out his hand Virginia rushed to him.

"Wendell," she said, hugging him to her.

"It's so good to see you again, Virginia. I was hoping the two of you would visit us soon. We've all missed you so… especially Tony." He turned to Wolf. "Wolf! There you are!"

Wolf held out his hand in greeting but Wendell hugged him instead. This brought gasps from the royal attendants; King Wendell hugging a Wolf. Although Wendell had proclaimed wolfs to be worthy peoples, there was still a bit of lingering resentment, a testament to the old days.

"Come along you two," Wendell instructed and they all followed him to the great hall.



Wolf found Virginia in the Royal garden lying on a bench. "I had almost forgotten how much I liked it here," she whispered. "It's so peaceful." She looked up at Wolf and he knelt beside her. "It reminds me a bit of Snow White's glass coffin in Kissingtown."

Wolf grinned slowly. "You remember that?"

"Oh yes… You told me to slow my breathing until it was almost still… as you told the story of Snow White's sleeping death, and of the handsome prince who woke her." She closed her eyes and her breathing slowed as well.

Wolf laughed at her. "Oh beautiful Princess… So silent in death, yet so alive. Accept this kiss as a testament of my love" he said gently pressing his lips against hers.


"Lord Greyson!" an attendant called down and they both shot up. "Her Majesty Queen Riding Hood has arrived."


"Where have you two been?" Tony asked slyly.

"Out in the garden," they replied simultaneously and Tony laughed.

Beffelows, King Wendell's new Master of Ceremonies, puffed his way into the room where they all sat waiting. His purple-clad chest heaved with excitement.

"I am honored to present Ruler of the Second Kingdom, Her Royal Highness, Queen Riding Hood!"

They all stood in greeting as Riding Hood made her way to the center of the room. She was dressed head to toe in red, and her auburn curls bounced with each step she took. She held out a ruby clad hand for Wendell to bend over.

"So good to see you Queen Hood… It's been too long."

"That it has… Wolf! Oh Wolfie, there you are!" She crossed the room and proceeded to hug an extremely shocked Wolf.

"Hello Red," he said softly.

"My, my how good you look!" I thought you would never return! I trust your trip to The Tenth Kingdom was satisfactory?"

"Trip? Red, what are you talking about? I live there."

"That's right," Virginia said, slipping her arm in Wolf's. "Wolf and I only came back to see about your customs and to announce our marriage."

Riding Hood reeled back, stricken. "Oh no… Wolf can't marry you… Virginia wasn't it?"

Virginia and Wolf looked at each other and she knew he didn't have a clue as to what Riding Hood was talking about.

Virginia's cheeks pinked and she straightened up. "May I ask just why Wolf can't marry me?"

Riding Hood looked at her and smiled thinly. There was an unveiled contempt in her eyes. "Because Wolf is betrothed," she said simply.

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