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Natasha Luepke - The Adventures of Luna

PART IV: East Of The Sun

We stopped at a thick tangle of flowers.

“I was afraid this would happen,” Holle said.

“What?” Sanum and I both asked.

“This is called The Path. It appears in the woods at random—and you can never actively find it. There really isn’t anyway to get around it.” Holle looked at me. “Wolfsdaughter, I’m surprised your parents haven’t run into it.”

I shrugged. “Well, it looks so pretty—what’s bad about it?”

“It can steer you off course,” Holle said.

“Well, I want to get home,” Sanum said. And he plunged right in.

Holle shook her head. “Crazy boy,” she muttered and followed.

I stood still for a moment. The Path didn’t look that frightening…

When I entered, Holle and Sanum were nowhere to be found. The path was really a large garden, full of candy-colored flowers. Everything had a hazy red glow, as if looking through a camera covered with gauze. It was beautiful, but I wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

“Holle? Sanum?” I asked the flowers, and then began to yell their names more loudly. After a few minutes of blindly stumbling around, I came across a woman. She was seated on a large open flower, cross-legged, with her eyes closed and her hands in her lap. She was dressed completely in rushes, like those used to make roofs.

Eyes still closed, she said, “What you fear is true: He loves her and not you.”

“Sorry?” I stopped and stared at the woman.

She opened her eyes and unfolded her legs. “Luna, give up now.”

“Who—who are you?”

“I am Cordelia—I spoke the truth once and was cast out for it. Now I wear rushes and live on the Path of Thorns, and continue to tell the truth.”

“Wait—do you mean you’re Cap O’ Rushes? I know how that story ends! The Prince is supposed to fall in love with you and you live happily ever after.”

“Obviously,” she said, standing, “that was not the case. Luna, quit now—go home to your parents. Otherwise you cannot leave.”

“No. I—promised to follow Sanum till the end. I—cripes—I guess I have to stay.”

Cordelia shook her head. “I will make you a deal: Take my place. If they return for you, you are free to go.”

I sniffed. “Holle said you can’t find the path; it’s random.”

Cordelia shrugged. “I know the truth, you’ll be found. Now, will you release me?”

I nodded.

Cordelia chanted, “Cap o’ rushes away, so that my hair may sway. Robe o’ rushes begone, I have been here far too long. Bind Luna so that she may know, the feelings Holle and Sanum are afraid to show. Tell Luna she may not fear; she’s human like her mother and will find love only after many tears.”

I had kept my eyes closed; upon opening I found Cordelia and I much-changed people. Cordelia wore an elaborately embroidered gown of white; the material was criss-crossed with birds and flowers. She ran her hands through her long blonde hair and she smiled. I was wearing her old robe of rushes; my hair was bound up in her cap.

“Good luck,” she said, and left.

I sat on her flower, trying to decide what to do with myself. I could see the thorns more clearly now.

It was two days before I heard a shout of “Wolfsdaughter!” Holle and Sanum had come for me. I had feared that they would not and I had learned the truth, as Cordelia said I would.

“Why are you wearing that ridiculous get-up?” Holle asked.

“Holle, do you really want to be a forestwife?” I asked.

“Of course, why?”

“You’re sure you want to spend the rest of your days alone?”

“It’d be bliss.”

“Sanum…are you ready for what you’ll find when you get home?” “Of course.”

I shook my head. “Lets go.”

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