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so Wolf's family could attend
unrecognized by the other kingdoms' rulers

only his brother had other ideas...

'She was about to make a terrible mistake and there was nothing she could think of to do to prevent it. The arrangement with Gunther had been made. She couldn't go back on it. Her advisors would never approve another in his place. Would they?

"You don't...happen to be royalty, do you?" she blurted.

His lips twitched in a little smirk that told her before he spoke that he was far from it and her heart sank.

"No," he said, then asked the natural corollary, "Are you?"

Mentally she cursed herself for asking the question in the first place, since it had only shortened their already short time together. But, she reflected stoically, she supposed it might be best. A real relationship with him could never be. It would only be cruel to prolong the agony of separation.

"Yes," she admitted, her voice small. He heard it nonetheless.

"Who are you then?"

She was sure his voice sounded as disappointed as she herself felt. That in itself made her heart ache more than her own longing. Best to hurry and get it over with, she thought.

"I'm ... I'm Riding Hood III, queen of the Second Kingdom."'

When Wolf & Virginia return to the Nine Kingdoms to discover why their story was shown on TV, they must find the origins of an age-old curse, which leads them to the Second Kingdom, Red Riding Hood III, and Wolf's erraticly dangerous brother.

by Sohna and Vivian
illustrated by Luna Llena Rivera

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