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Joselle - The Great Grey Wolf and Little Ruby Riding Hood

Chapter Eleven

“Slow down Silas!!!” Rose yelled as he dragged her behind him. “You’ll make people suspicious!”

At that bit of news Silas did decide to slow down to a walk, but when he turned the corner he went back into a sprint.

Finally they reached Books of the Old and Books of the New Bookstore. Silas took a deep breath before stepping inside. He was so excited that he wouldn’t be surprised of a dragon burst out of his chest! “All right Rose... this is it...” Silas took a deep breath and opened the door.

Cling, cling Silas heard as he stepped inside. Slowly he looked around. He breathed in all the scents around him as Rose walked around and began to see what was there. He could smell her... he could smell Ruby. Just then he heard someone coming. Turning around, Silas saw an old man walk into the room.

“Ah, hello there! May I assist you with something?”

“Um... Yes...” Silas said to the small old man. He was only up to Silas’s chest. “I’d like to see that uh...” Now what name was Ruby going by? The mirror said it! Ok think, think, think-- “Jacob!”

“Jacob?!” the old man said with surprise. “I didn’t think he had a family...”

“Oh she- he doesn’t. I’m his friend from a nearby town... You see, we were the closest friends and I was wondering if I could see him.”

The old man... Mr. Kinston, Silas assumed, smiled. “All right... hold on.....” Mr. Kinston turned to go back to the room from which he'd come.


Ruby woke up quite late... and feeling rather ill. She groaned as she got up out of bed and walked to the bowl of water that Mr. Kinston placed there every morning. He was such a kind man...

After Ruby had finished getting dressed she went over to wash her face. Just then Ruby felt a lurch in her stomach. As she ran from the room she could hear Mr. Kinston calling her name. “I’ll be right down!--” Ruby barely yelled, before throwing up again.

A few minutes later Ruby rinsed out her mouth and went downstairs. “What would you like me to do today, Mr. Kinston?” asked Ruby.

As Mr. Kinston looked at Ruby’s paper-white face he said, “Just some visitors... Are you all right Jacob?”

“Yeah I- I’m fine...” Ruby lied. “So do you want me to bring them some tea and sit them down so you can catch up?”

Ruby had obviously gotten the wrong idea, and Mr. Kinston quickly corrected it. “Oh no! Jacob, these visitors are for you.”

Ruby’s eyes lit up in interest, as she hurried out of the kitchen into the bookstore. Ruby gasped as she saw Silas standing there! Tears began to come to Ruby’s eyes as she ran and embraced him. “Oh Silas! I thought I’d never see you again!!!”

“I know, I know Ruby, I promise you I’ll never leave you again!” Silas said as he began to stroke Ruby’s hair.

“Excuse me...” Mr. Kinston said rather uneasily.

Realizing Silas’s mistake, Ruby replied, “Mr. Kinston I must tell you... that I’m not a boy named Jacob.... and my last name isn’t Riley...”

“Then who are you?” Mr. Kinston asked.

“I’m Ruby Riding-Hood.... I- I ran away and you mustn’t tell anyone... Do you promise that you won’t tell any one?” Ruby pleaded.

Mr. Kinston just smiled and said, “I’ve had a feeling you weren’t telling me the whole truth... Ruby. You’ve been a wonderful helper, and friend. I would die before I let you down. My friend, princess, MY Queen.” Mr. Kinston bowed low.

Ruby turned to Mr. Kinston, “Mr. Kinston thank you so much!” And Ruby hugged him.

“Now is there anything you’ll need, Miss? Sir?” Mr. Kinston eagerly asked.

“No I just think we’ll be on our way now,” Ruby said.

“Well, Ruby, if you ever need help I’ll be here,” Mr. Kinston said as he hugged Ruby one last time.


Something isn’t Right! Silas thought. Ruby didn’t smell right at all... what could have happened? ----

“Silas, Silas!” Rose yelled, pulling Silas out of his thoughts.

“What!” Silas snapped back.

“I just wanted you to know that Ruby’s in the bathroom,” replied Rose.

“Oh okay,” Silas said, relaxing a little.

When Ruby came out of the bathroom she was paper-white. Silas, noticing this, quickly rushed over to her side. “Ruby! Are you all right?”

Ruby replied shakily, “Yeah... I ... I’m just a little sick.”

Ahhh... that must be it! She’s just sick!....... WAIT! That’s STILL TERRIBLE!!! “We’d better leave town and get home...”

“What do you mean leave the town?” Ruby questioned.

Rose stepped in, laying a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “You see Ruby... us... um wolves don’t usually live in town because the other people would... well hurt us. So we’re forced to live in the middle of the woods, and we find it a bit cozier.”

“Oh... then I guess we should get going...” Ruby said.

“Yeah but first we’ll have to get a few things...” Rose said.

“What things?” Ruby asked.

Silas gave Rose a funny look, they had only come here to get Ruby, and they had already gotten what they needed.

“Oh uh... just a few spices that Mama asked me to pick up,” Rose quickly replied.

“But Rose we’ve al-” Rose elbowed Silas in the stomach.

“Could you please get me some rosemary and pepper, Ruby?” asked Rose as she began to take out a few coins.

“Sure!” Ruby said happily as she took the coins and walked off to a shop across the street.

“What was that for?!?” Silas yelled.

“Well if you hadn’t noticed, Papa will know that it’s her, and if he finds out, you know just what he’ll do!” Rose shouted back. “I just think we’ll have to find a place for her to stay... for a while.”

Silas had a look of realization appear on his face. “Oh yes... um we will have to look for a place...” Silas said calmly.

Just then Ruby came back with two small bottles. “Here you go Rose! So where to next?” Ruby asked happily.

“Well now Ruby, we’ve got to find a good place for you to hide,” Rose declared.

“You mean from your family?” Ruby asked.

“Well you see Ruby, my-- our families don’t get along, and if Papa knew where you were you’d well... be dead before you knew it,” whispered Silas.

Ruby seemed to be quite disturbed by this, but agreed that it was something that they must do.


“All right! We know that Ruby is hiding in one of the nearby towns. When should we start searching them?” Patrick asked Jasmine.

“Well, we shouldn’t need to search the towns.”

“Why not?” Patrick questioned.

“Because I have something else that can tell us where she is,” Jasmine said slyly. “Follow me and I will show you.” Jasmine walked out of the castle of the Pipers, and Patrick followed.


Silas, Rose and Ruby had found the perfect spot for Ruby to hide. It was a small clearing just between the town and Silas’s family. It had a small stream nearby and a cave in the face of a hill. “This is PERFECT, Rose!” Silas declared. “It’s got shelter, a stream nearby for washing stuff, a good amount of space, and plenty of hiding places for Ruby just in case someone finds out about her! They won’t even be able to smell her with all of these wild herbs growing around.”

“Yes I have to agree it is a very safe place to hide,” said Rose. “Ruby, you’ll be staying here until we have something figured out.”

“All right, um... but what shall I have to eat? And I’ll need some blankets to keep me warm.”

Silas began to get a little nervous at all the things they hadn’t planned. Usually he was on top of everything and knew what was going to happen next. But all of a sudden he was just left in the dark. “I’ll go back into town to get some blankets, Silas, and some other items,” Rose volunteered. “In the meantime I think you two need to be doing some catching up.” With that Rose left.

“So Ruby, how have you been feeling?” Silas asked.

Ruby sat down under a tree and replied, “Oh I’ve been feeling a little ill lately and a bit tired... but I suppose it’s just the flu...” Seeing the worried look on Silas’s face Ruby quickly added, “It’s only been going on a few days so it should be done with any day now.” Ruby, wanting desperately to change the subject, said, “ Silas what’s your family like?”

“Well...uh...” Silas sat down next to Ruby. “Mama is kind of over protective and wants to baby almost everyone. Papa... he... well... he hates any human, half-breed or less and he kind of is a dogmatic person. You know he only wants people to see from his point of view. Rose, well you’ve already gotten to know her, Tino is always craving attention and wants to be the best in my papa’s eyes. Sora is an introvert and likes to write and read. She’s very clever... Cara is an extrovert... although she’s shy around new people, once you get her talking you can't shut her up. My little brothers Alex and Mike are, well, a nuisance and are into playing every single day of our lives. Oh yes there is also James... he thinks that wolves and humans are basically the same, but Papa doesn’t know that... So, well, that’s my family.”

For a few seconds Ruby just sat there in awe. “Wow! That’s a lot... Do you want to have children, Silas, ever?” Ruby asked.

“Well yeah... just not ones like my brothers and sisters...” Silas joked.

“Silas I’m serious... I want to know if you ever want to have children.”

“Yes Ruby, yes.”

“Good because once we’re married there’ll be a good chance of getting some.”

Silas smiled at this. Just the thought of marrying Ruby made him beam with joy. “So Ruby what should we do first once we’re married?”

“Oh I don’t know, maybe build a home and make it wonderful with a few bedrooms... for the kids. And maybe a garden, and well you know... just keep building to it.”

Silas and Ruby talked about their future together until Rose came back with supplies.

“All right, I’ve got blankets, a few eggs, some canned foods and a couple bowls from Mr. Kinston,” Rose said as she unpacked the items.

“Oh thank you Rose!” Ruby said gratefully and hugged Rose.

“Hey Silas, we’ve got to be getting back home before Papa gets suspicious,” Rose said.

“Right... Ruby, I love you,” Silas said and he kissed Ruby good bye.

Ruby watched the sun go down and then fell asleep under the stars.


“Hello Silas, you look happier,” James said to Silas... “Oh and how did it go with her?” James asked.

Silas’s blood ran cold. “W-what?”

“Come on I smell her on you! So what’s her name?” James asked eagerly.

“Uh... her name, well I really didn’t get her name...” Silas said, hoping that his older brother would buy it.

“Ah... just action and no talk, 'ay?” James laughed.

“Yeah... you’re right!” Silas replied relieved. Boy what a night... Rose had already given Papa the food that they needed and was fast asleep.

Silas walked over to the blanket on which he slept, laid down and fell asleep staring at the back of Tino’s head.


Ruby slowly opened her eyes and breathed in the fresh air. Once again she had that old familiar lurch in the pit of her stomach. Ruby quickly got up and ran over to some bushes. For about five minutes Ruby stayed where she was and continued to empty her stomach. Finally she pulled away in a cold sweat trembling. Oh why am I so sick?! Well you haven’t been telling the truth to Silas... It has been going on for a week or two now. I know I know... But that can’t be making me sick! Could it? I’ve heard somewhere that stress can be a real killer. Yeah... that’s it, it must be the stress.

Just then Silas appeared through the brush.

“Hello Ruby.” Silas smelled something... was Ruby still sick? “Say, Ruby are you all right?” Silas asked worriedly.

“Oh... Yeah... I think it’s just stress,” Ruby quickly said.

“Well okay,” Silas said.

Two weeks Later...

Ruby was getting more and more worried... What could be wrong with me? She had been feeling sick for the past two weeks! Think, think, think! It can’t be stress since I’ve seen Silas I have been so happy! Let me think... Ruby gasped. It finally clicked. Oh my god! I- I’m---oh! Then she fainted. Luckily Ruby came to in a matter of minutes, just as she saw Rose coming into the clearing. “H-- Hi Rose.... Where’s Silas?” Ruby shakily asked.

“Oh, he couldn’t come... Papa is teaching him to hunt. Say, you don’t look so good... are you all right?”

“Rose... can you keep a secret for me? Please...” Ruby asked.

“Sure, what is it?” Rose replied worriedly.

“I think I’m --- I think I’m pregnant...”

Rose gasped. “OH!-- Oh.... so that’s why...”

“Why what?” Ruby curiously asked.

“You smell different...” Rose replied slyly.

“OH... will you not tell Silas?”

“Sure... but if you don’t tell him he’ll put the pieces together,” Rose said. “Now when?” Rose asked.

“Well the only time Silas and I did --- you know... was on my birthday,” Ruby said.

“Ruby that was two and a half months ago!” Rose shouted, surprised Ruby hadn’t figured that something was going on during that length of time. “So what do you think it’ll be?”


Patrick stood in front of Jasmine’s magic mirror, disgusted. How could she?!? That little slut! Oh she’s going to get it! And so will her little brat! Patrick and Jasmine had already decided that they were going to kidnap Ruby and force her to marry Prince Patrick Piper. What should I do? Hmmm... I’ll force Ruby to marry me and as soon as she gives birth to the little mutt I’ll kill it and claim that it was stillborn! “Jasmine!” Patrick yelled.

“Yes! What is it?!?” Jasmine screamed back. She was wearing a blood red dress with a golden tiara on her head.

“When are we going to get Ruby back here?” Patrick asked impatiently.

“I don’t know; whenever the opportunity arises, I guess,” Jasmine said casually.


Silas was walking with Ruby on one of their strolls through the forest. Ah... OUR STROLLS... isn’t it wonderful? Silas sighed.

Ruby stopped. “Silas...” Ruby said, “When would you like to have children?” Ruby was secretly hoping that he would want to have them as soon as they got married. LITERALLY.

“Umm... probably a couple years after we‘re married.”

Ruby’s heart sank... Silas was not going to make this easy. “Wouldn’t you want to have children RIGHT after we were married?” Ruby insisted.

“Oh no! I prefer that you and me just get settled in,” Silas said casually.

“But Silas-” Ruby said.

“Nah! Ruby I just want YOU for the moment now...” Just as Silas began to lean forward into a kiss Ruby ran off. Now what did I do? Silas asked himself as he just stood there.

Ruby was in tears... Oh how angry would he be when she told him!? He didn’t even want his own child! If Rose could smell it and sense it was there so could he! And he didn’t want it! Ruby finally sat down under a tree and cried herself asleep.


“I don’t know what I did, Rose! I just said that I wanted her for the moment and she ran off crying!” Silas said to his older sister.

Rose knew exactly what was going on but she'd promised Ruby and wouldn’t tell. All she said was, “How thick can you get Silas?!” and stormed off.

Silas sighed to himself. He didn’t get women! Oh what can I do, what can I do? Silas thought a moment then ran over to where he slept, lifted up his pillow and pulled out the mirror. Tino was looking at him very strangely, so he walked off to a secluded spot. “Mirror wake up!” Silas said, and the mirrors face appeared.

“What do you ask of me this day?”
“What do you have to say?”

“Umm... What is wrong with my Ruby sweet?
Is me, or the smell of my feet?” Silas said, knowing that his feet didn’t smell that bad, but at least it rhymed.

“Yes it is you.”
“And no it is not.”
“You don’t really know a lot!”
“That is not the problem here.”
“Ruby is just filled with fear.”

Fear? Why would she be filled with fear? Silas asked himself.

“Is she sick or is it me?
Should I just go and leave?
Is there something more in store,
That I must go on living for?”

“She is not sick,”
“Nor broken heart.”
“Do not tear her apart,”
“So do not leave quite so soon.”
“For a child grows within her womb.”

Silas stood there for a moment dumbfounded. What did the mirror just say?

“Repeat what you just said for me.
Or I may just take my leave.”

“A child of great destiny,”
“Will one day be your king.”
“This child will not be born soon.”
“So keep it safe while in her womb.”

“I’m going to be a father! And so is she!
This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!”

“Yes it is, young lad”
“Now’s the part that is truly sad.”
“You’re acting like an idiot, and a stupid one at that,”
“Now set me down, and go to her, and tell her all of that!”

“You know that wasn’t a question, right?
Right?” Silas said.

“Now go take flight!”


Something isn’t right... and I’m going to find out! Silas has been acting really strange lately, going off during all hours of the night.... volunteering to get things from the market whenever he has the chance. And making dumb excuses to leave camp! Well that’s it! I’m going to find out what’s going on! Tino was thinking all of this to himself, when Silas came back to camp and then left again.


“Patrick!” Jasmine said, as Patrick came into the room. “What shall we do? Ruby has those pathetic wolves looking after her and well... How will we get to her?!?” Jasmine whined.

“We will find a way to draw her out of the forest so we can get her when she is in the village!” Patrick replied.

“Yes-- but how?” Jasmine asked.

“Oh... I have a few friends,” Patrick replied as a wicked smile spread across his face.

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