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Joselle - The Great Grey Wolf and Little Ruby Riding Hood

Chapter Two

Ruby went into the garden to meet Prince Piper. Then she saw him; a blond haired boy whose hair was slicked back so much that you could easily mistake it for a helmet. Realizing that Ruby was there, the man turned his brown eyes to look straight at her.

“Oh hello Ruby. You look ~ nice. But of course if I was you I wouldn’t be able to do better myself.”

Ruby felt a surge of anger go through her. “Why thank you...” was the only thing Ruby could say.

“Oh, uh, won’t you invite me in?” he asked.

“Sure...” Ruby took his hand and brought him in to the castle.

Ruby brought Patrick into the parlor. The room had cream-colored carpeting and dozens of portraits of the Riding - Hood family. Ruby motioned Patrick to sit in the redwood brown leather chair while Ruby sat on the pure white couch. “So...” Patrick seemed to be trying to create small talk.

Ruby decided that since she was going to marry him in two years they might as well become friends. “Patrick? Do you even want to marry me?” Ruby asked quite suddenly. There was a slight pause.

“Well, yes. I hope you didn’t mind me being a bit rude out there...” replied Patrick

“Oh because...” Ruby was not having a good day. “I ---”

“You don’t like me the same way I like you.”

Ruby nodded.

“So let’s get to know each other,” Prince Piper said as he stood up and sat down next to Ruby.

“Well oh okay...” Ruby was beginning to get uneasy.

“So, do you like flowers?” he asked.

“Y-yes,” replied Ruby.

“What kind?” he asked as he placed his hand on her knee and moved it slowly upward. Suddenly he felt a hard, not slap - but punch - in the jaw. He looked up and saw Ruby towering over him.

“How DARE you!!! How dare you - you PIG!!!” screamed Ruby at the top of her lungs.

Replying with a smirk on his face, Patrick said, “It’s simple. You and me will be married anyways so why not...” Prince Patrick once again began slowly moving his hand up her leg.

Shoving his hand off, Ruby ran out of the room into the garden where her mother and little brother were buried, crying at the top of her lungs. “Oh Mother -- I w-wish you were here!!!” she cried. “F-father, he, he is only interested in ------- marrying me off.... A-and Jas---mine hu-hu-hates me!!!!” - she began to cry hysterically - “N-now I ha-ve Patrick only think-ing of me like a --- p-pu-piece of mu --meat!!! Oh I wish you were here!!! Nobody ca-cares about-me!!!!”


Silas walked off to the garden which was closest to the forest. He loved the forest with all his heart. He missed it but most of all he missed his family. Suddenly Silas heard a crying in the distance. He decided to find out what was wrong. As he walked toward the loud crying, Silas picked up a scent. Then, as he turned the corner, he realized who it was: Ruby. The last words he heard from her were, “NOBODY CARES ABOUT -- ME!!!”

Before he could stop himself he spoke out, “I care.”

Ruby, hearing this, turned around, clearly startled. Sniff - “What are you doing here?” - sniff - asked Ruby.

“I should ask you the same thing,” Silas replied as he noticed two gravestones. “Well... I mean uh... Why would a lovely princess like yourself be here? In this garden that compared to her is a garden of thorns and weeds.”

Ruby only managed a weak smile and slowly replied still upset, “P-Patrick, he ~” She explained what had happened. After Ruby was done she noticed Silas’s left eye was twitching as he began to mutter profanities. All Silas could say to Ruby was “That sick pervert...”

With one last sniff Ruby continued, “Anyways, it’s past now. I might as well get used to it . We are to be --- married.” Ruby flashed an uncomfortable smile. “Well I’d better get going...” Ruby got up and walked away.

The next day Silas made arrangements to leave. The whole living royal family stood in the doorway. Silas first came to Jasmine. “Good bye,” he said kissing her hand.

Replying bitterly, she said, “Good day to you Mr. Huntington.”

Silas moved along to the king. “Silas are you sure you don’t want to take the carriage?” asked the king

“No thank you. Good bye, Your Majesty.” Saying that, Silas bowed.

Next was Ruby. Ruby looked up into Silas’s silver eyes. For some reason she didn’t want him to go... “Goodbye Silas...” uttered Ruby.

“Goodbye Ruby,” replied Silas.

As Silas turned, Ruby pulled him back. “Here take this.” Ruby put a small piece of paper in his hand and Silas left.


Silas crept through the woods, catching scents every now and then of family members. Silas quickly stopped; there was a girl of eighteen standing in a clearing, her dark brown hair blowing in the wind. Silas waited. Oh this was too good... A smile crept over his face as the girl bent down to pick some flowers. NOW! Silas leapt out of the brush as the girl turned and screamed.

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