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Joselle - The Great Grey Wolf and Little Ruby Riding Hood

Chapter Six

“First you will promise not to scream or run... Do you promise?” asked Silas. Ruby nodded silently. Silas took his hand off her mouth and continued, “Next I will ask if you are all right.” Silas said that as he lifted Ruby to her feet. “Well, are you all right?” Silas asked worriedly.

“Silas... why are you doing this? All the wolves I’ve ever heard of are mean, vicious savages and monsters....” replied Ruby.

Controlling his anger, Silas replied, “Because, Ruby, wolves are like people. Some are good and some are bad...”

“And what are you Silas?”

“Good...” Silas said that as he pulled Ruby into a kiss.

Ruby pulled away after a minute or two. “We- shouldn’t be doing this...” Ruby turned to leave but Silas grabbed her arm. “Silas, let go ~” Ruby was cut off when she saw the look Silas had in his eyes.

“Ruby there is something I have to tell you...”

“What is it Silas?” Ruby asked lovingly.

“I love you...”

Ruby quickly rubbed away the tears in her eyes. “Silas you must be mistaken... we can’t be together...”

“Ruby listen... the first time I saw you I didn’t know or care who you were. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you and got your scent.”

“No, no Silas it just some crush-”

“It is no damn crush! The moment I left you I couldn’t eat or think straight... I was in a pit of my own self pity. I love you - please just love me back...”

Tears began to well up in Ruby’s eyes. Ruby put herself into Silas’s arms. “Oh Silas, I hate Prince Piper, I want to marry for true love. I - I love YOU!”

“Ruby, everything is going to be all right.” Silas held her for a moment as she cried. After a couple of minutes Ruby began to calm down. Her eyes dried and she had stopped crying. “You know, Ruby, the first thing that I thought when I woke up in your home was that I was going to die....” Ruby looked up at Silas, shocked. “But then... when I saw you asleep in the chair next to my bed, all those thoughts left me.”

Ruby laughed. “Oh Silas, I love you!”

Ruby took herself out of Silas’s hold with a smile on her face. “Silas you are the one and only for me.” Ruby took Silas into a hold and kissed him so passionately that they slipped onto the ground and began to do “other” things...


Ruby awoke to hear the cries of a man yelling her father’s name. Quickly she looked up, but Silas was nowhere to be seen. Well at least she still had SOME of her clothes still on. Quickly Ruby put on her underdrawers and her dress. As she put on her clothes she noticed several scratches and hickeys all over her body.

Ruby noticed a man... her father!!! running out to her. He leaped towards her, embracing her in a bear hug. “Oh Ruby I was so worried.” Ruby looked at her father and noticed that he had been crying. “Are you all right? You're bleeding! Damn those wolves!!! I promise, Ruby, that all wolves from now on will be killed on the spot!!!”

“Father, it wasn’t a wolf attack,” Ruby lied. “I went out for walk last night and I tripped over a rock...”

“Oh good! You weren’t eaten alive! It was a full moon you know... Come on let’s go inside and get you cleaned up...”


Oh what a terrible dream. Silas slowly awoke. He looked down as he got up and put on his clothes. When he was finished he looked down and gasped, “No!!!” as he looked down at Ruby’s naked unconscious body.

Silas tried long and hard to remember what exactly happened, but he could only remember little flashes of Ruby trying to run, himself shoving her to the ground, and tears coming to her eyes. And by the smell of it he...

Silas couldn’t stand the thought of himself r-----aping his one and only love... Silas, not being able to stand it any longer, took one last look at Ruby and ran off...


Running through the thick brush, Silas slowed down and slipped into a ball. As he slowly rocked back and forth, crying, Silas began to talk to himself. “Why, why, why... WHY! CAN’T I EVER CONTROL MYSELF... I lost my l-last chance with the light of my l---la--life... And hurt her hor-ribly. I am a stupid stupid animal!!! How stupid of me to think that I could ever ba-be- with- HER!!!” Silas remembered that he still had her scent on him. Remembering that his father wanted her dead and that she was still alive, he ripped off his shirt and began to roll around in the mud. “I hate my LIFE!!! I do not deserve to live...” he said. He was now covered in mud from head to toe. Slowly he got back up, Ruby’s smell finally off of him. He slowly began to walk back to where his pack stayed.



“Father they wouldn’t let me near her---- I- I’m sorry...” Silas said sadly.

Sensing that Silas was pretty upset about it, Cassin decided to lighten up a little. “You promise to NEVER disappoint me like this again?!?” Silas silently nodded his head. “Now as your punishment... You will get the scraps from dinner that those of us don’t want!!!” Cassin declared with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Silas slowly walked off, thinking to himself, Papa is right. I don’t even deserve to have a serving before someone else... I really am lowest in the pack.

Rose, seeing her brother, quickly ran to him... “Oh Silas, I was so worried. Oh thank all the fairy godmothers you’re all right!!!” Smelling the scent of depression and great sorrow coming from her brother, Rose began to ask what was wrong, but Silas cut her off by a wave of the hand, telling her to leave him alone.


Ruby looked out her window and sighed. It had been a month since she and Silas had spent that wonderful night in the woods. She missed him so much... every night she went to sleep thinking of him. Ruby was dressed in a blood red dress with no sleeves with wine red gloves and a fine gold trim on every edge. Tonight Ruby and Prince Patrick Piper would have an outing (in other words a date) together.

Ruby walked down the stairs and met Prince Piper at the door. He took her hand and they went out to the garden. More cautious this time, Ruby sat down on a stone bench.

“Ruby I would like you to know that you are the most beautiful person I have ever met,” said Patrick smoothly.

“Leave me alone Patrick,” replied Ruby coldly.

“But Ruby I love you!”

“You don’t love me you just want to use me for your own sick pleasure!!!”

“No I don’t. C’mon lets get to know each other...” Patrick said as Ruby looked away.


“I have a nice room upstairs. Lets go and get to know each other there,” Patrick declared.

“NO!!! I WILL NOT GO UP THERE WITH YOU- YOU NO GOOD #*$(# #$)@--” Ruby was cut off when Patrick hit her to the ground.

“YOU WILL NEVER ADDRESS ME LIKE - slap - THAT - slap - AGAIN - slap slap slap slap slap!!!!!” Ruby laid on the ground, too scared to move, her lip bleeding. “Now I will go, PRINCESS Ruby! Till we meet again!” Patrick bowed and left.

Ruby slowly got up, still shaking, and ran to her room. Tears running down her eyes, she began to pack her things. “If no one here gives a damn about me why should I give a damn about them?” Ruby hurried to her closet and put on her only pair of pants, grabbed a navy blue shirt, and went into the wash room. Lifting up a pair of silver scissors, Ruby chopped off her locks of beautiful golden hair.

Right then her sister Jasmine came in behind her. She gasped, seeing her sister. “RUBY!!! What are you doing!?!” asked Jasmine.

“Jasmine, I’m running away.”

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