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Jazzy - In the Shadows


She wasn't sure just exactly how long she was sitting there, but apparently Virginia had spaced off. When she snapped herself out of her thoughts, the day had been wearing on further. She had spent a few hours since the Trolls' last visit sitting quietly against the cold wall thinking of what she could've possibly done to make them do this to her.

Her headache had passed and she was feeling better; obviously the side effects to the Troll dust didn't hold on long. Without much effort from her this time, Virginia got up with ease and walked over to the bars. Again she placed her hands on them and rested her forehead on the bar in front of her. She sighed.

This was ridiculous! She hadn't done anything to them! Well, she couldn't say that, but she hadn't done anything that would make them want to put her in there. Why just her and not Wolf too? Well, he could be somewhere else there, but why separate them?

Virginia thought about that again. Well, it did make some sense, perhaps they thought that if they were together, escape would be inevitable. But what if he was hurt ... or worse? She didn't know, she was so unsure about everything, that was the problem! She had no idea where Wolf was, why she was there, who was controlling the Trolls, and where she was. It made her feel so helpless and lost, being shut away from everyone, alone in a small cell. She almost wanted to cry. She fought back her tears; this wasn't the time for it, she had to be strong. What good would it do to her to cry, when she could be planning her escape or figuring out what was going on? She let out a shaky sigh and walked over to the other side of her cell, where the window was. It was too high for her to look straight out of, she could only see up diagonally. The sun was past noon, but that's all she could tell.

Again she began to hear footsteps approaching her. This time though, it was only a single pair. Whoever it was, was coming alone. Virginia turned and watched the halls for movement. With the footsteps echoing throughout the corridors, she couldn't tell where the sound what coming from. All she knew was that they were headed for her.

The steps grew louder, and finally Bluebell emerged from the right side. Virginia swallowed, and walked over to the door to watch him approach. For some reason, he didn't scare her as much as his siblings did; maybe it was because of his name or something. He was holding a tray, obviously food. There was just a single plate and cup.

Virginia wasn't sure whether she was going to eat it, but as he brought it closer, it smelled better and better. Finally, he stopped in front of her cell and slipped the tray through a small slot after he opened it with the key. He shoved it through quickly, almost as if he were afraid he was going lose his hand.

"Why am I here?" Virginia asked as Bluebell locked the slot up. She tried to sound calm, but her anger still seeped through her voice.

"Because someone wants you, and we intend to give you to them," he answered simply in his normal rocky voice.

"Who?" She had to ask, it was driving her crazy. Who would want her more than the Trolls?

"I can't tell you. Our boss told us so, you'll find out soon enough."

"Fine," she said through clenched teeth. Why was everyone treating her like a damn child!? She wasn't some kid who could be content with the simple 'soon' or 'maybe' answer. Giving up on that question, she asked another. "Where's Wolf?"

Bluebell grinned evilly, and turned around and left. He whistled to himself and he walked down the corridor.

"Wait! Answer me! Where is he!?" she yelled to him. He seemed oblivious to her question. This was truly making her mad, why wouldn't he answer that question, it was irrelevant, wasn't it? He disappeared around the corner and Virginia could only hear his faint whistling.

She slammed her fist against the bars in frustration, which only resulted in a dense pain. She rubbed her hand and looked over at the food. It smelled divine for something a Troll would make. Then again, she figured they had slaves doing this for them.

Virginia picked up the tray and sat down at the other end of the cell, with the food in front of her. What could it hurt to eat some? It did after all, smell so delicious. There was a nice chicken breast, mashed potatoes and some peas. To the side, it looked like she had apple juice or cider. She couldn't tell because the outside of the cup was dark.

For something so simple, it sure was making her mouth water. She wasn't sure whether or not to eat it, but she was starving, and she had to think of her baby. She shoved all her doubts aside and grabbed her small fork and dug into the chicken.

Within a few minutes, the whole plate was clean. She swallowed every last morsel on her plate, and it was very scrumptious, despite her first thoughts. She finished off the last of what she found out to be apple juice, and slid the tray back over to the slot where Bluebell had first pushed it through.

Virginia leaned against the wall again and felt a heavy weight being put on her eyelids. She was growing steadily tired, and as much as she fought it, she started drifting off into sleep. As she began to doze off, she realized suddenly she had been drugged.

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