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Jazzy - In the Shadows


Wolf left the casino with one last glance around. Satisfied the crystal wasn't there, he walked back down the street and picked up Tony's scent. The cool night air swept through the streets and filled the alleys. Wolf put his hands in his pockets to keep them warm and continued on as he lowered his head in his coat to keep warm. The shops and restaurants were closed and the lights were all out in the homes and hotels.

It was getting late. Wolf figured it to be almost midnight; he truly had lost track of time, but that's how casinos were built, to distort the customers' sense of time. He looked around cautiously, making sure no one was following him. Cripes, that was all he needed. Once again he caught Tony's scent and followed it. Strangely it led into a tower near the center of the square. It looked so familiar, and on the way inside, he caught a whiff of an old smell, but it was hard to recognize.

With his gut filled with mixed emotions, Wolf followed Tony's scent and headed up the tower. As he walked up the stairs, he passed piles of junk and worthless trash, wondering how long it must've been since someone last cleaned it out. He went up as far as the stairs led him and then pushed open the small door blocking his way. Tony jumped at the sudden movement, letting out a small yelp.

"Wolf? Oh, you scared me for a moment. Too many memories up here," Tony muttered as he began to relax again. He watched Wolf enter the room and then turned his attention back out the window.

"No luck with you either, huh?" Wolf said as he sat down next to Tony.

"Well ... sorta," Tony replied as an uncertain expression flew across his face.

"What do you mean 'sorta', Tone?" Wolf asked as he scratched his temple nervously.

"Well, I came up here to look for the crystal, and when I gave up, I sat here, and I looked out the window, and saw ... that." Tony pointed out through the window and over to another tower.

"So, what's so special about that?" Wolf passed it off as a regular building and turned back to Tony.

"Look closely at the top."

"But I don't see ... oh cripes! Is it?"

"Yeah, from what I can tell, anyway."

On the very top of another tower across the plaza, there was a beautiful red crystal sticking up towards the sky, shining in the moonlight. It was topping off the peak of the roof, almost mocking them; almost as if it were daring them to come and get it - almost impossible. There was no way to get it, besides climbing onto the ledge from the window, and making your way up the steep shingles.

"Ohhh, how are we going to get that!?" Wolf asked hysterically as he paced the small room, scratching his temple furiously.

"Only one way. Climb it," Tony declared as he grabbed his sack and made his way out of the room. Wolf followed after giving the crystal a low angry growl.

They made their way swiftly across the square and with ease, they made it to the top of the opposing tower. Tony opened the window and leaned out and over to see the crystal.

"Wow, that's a lot steeper than it looked from over there," Tony said with awe. He put his sack and coat down on a nearby chair and went back over to the window.

"All right, move." Wolf headed to the window, and made a motion to push Tony out of the way.

"What do you think you are doing?" Tony asked, blocking the way with his arms extended, firmly placed on both sides of the window edge.

"Getting the crystal," Wolf said impatiently. Why would Tony want to slow down their progress? Did he want to sit down and talk about it? Huff puff! There wasn't time for it! For any of it! No siree! He had to get it, and he had to do it now. "Move, we don't have time to argue. I can do it."

"No, Wolf, I'll do it. I can't put you at risk." Tony looked up again at the roof, doing his best to ignore Wolf's whining.

"What!? Put me at risk of what!?" he growled.

"Of falling to your death and leaving my daughter and grandchild alone. Do you want that? I wouldn't forgive myself if it did happen! Neither would Virginia. It's settled, Wolf, I'll do it!" Tony declared and stuck his foot out the window, trying to balance himself carefully.

Wolf was hesitant. Tony had a very good point. Cripes, he couldn't leave his mate and child alone without him. He had to be there for them; he wanted to. He could step aside, and let Tony risk his life for a damn crystal, but, he had to do all he could to save them. It was in his instincts to do whatever possible to save his family. He surveyed the scene, and putting Tony in charge at the moment didn't seem too logical.

"Tony, wait," Wolf said calmly. Tony paused and brought his foot back in.

"What is it, Wolf?" Tony asked, obviously irritated.

"Please, I can do this. Let me, I have to," he said in a low and still demanding voice, daring Tony to object.

Tony paused again, and studied Wolf's expression. He was serious. But what would he tell Virginia if something did happen? How could he cope if something did happen to Wolf? Tony paused and looked deeply into Wolf's eyes. This was it! Tony thought, this was what Wolf needed to do to lose his depression. If he got that crystal, he'd realize that he was doing everything he could to get her back, and it wasn't all his fault. He needed to do this, to vent out all his guilt.

"All right," Tony said finally, then pointed his finger again at Wolf. "But if something happens to you out there and you can't be there for Virginia, I'll kill you."

Wolf tried to be serious, but let out a small chuckle and patted Tony on the back. "I'll always be there for her," he added solemnly and then headed for the window again. This time, Tony stepped aside and allowed Wolf to pass. Wolf meditated the angle and the drop of the roof and ... just how hard it would hurt to fall. He had to forget that for now, not to think about the agonizing moment his feet could fail him and slip. There was only one way to do this, straight up and defiantly not to look down.

He swallowed hard and gripped the sides of the window. With effort, he steadied his shaking knees and took a deep breath as he gave the ground a quick glance. For a moment, his vision was blurred and he was tempted to run back inside the room. Wolves were not meant to be climbers, that's why they were wolves, not squirrels. He sighed and left the safe window ledge, climbing out onto the roof, keeping a mental picture of Virginia in his head to keep his mind off the distant ground below. He looked up at the crystal and smiled slightly to himself, knowing he was doing everything he could, for her.

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