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Jazzy - In the Shadows


Debris flew everywhere from the cottage, plummeting down on Virginia where she was curled up on the ground. Pieces of broken wood and glass fell with muffled thumps from the soft bed of moss while others made a small splashing sound as the fell into pools of swamp water. When Virginia lifted her head out of her arms, she gasped in surprise at the leveled house.

Everything that stood in its place - the mirrors, the windows, the door - it had all been completely destroyed. The only thing that remained was an outline of where the house had once been. As she approached the demolished house she realized that there wasn't any hole for a basement to reside; it hadn't been destroyed, it had vanished.

Virginia looked around at the mess that she had created and instead of feeling ashamed or guilty of what she had done and who she had killed, she felt a small sense of joy. She felt happy knowing that what she'd done would prevent anyone else from living what she had. No one would lose a family member or a loved one, no one would be left alone at a young age to believe that the abandonment was their fault. The witch was dead for good; her house was destroyed and Virginia was happy.

Virginia started to walk away and think about the long trip ahead, knowing that the carriage had probably left. If not for the tales they had heard about the swamp, then most likely because of the explosion. But she was caught off guard when, suddenly, a small pinpoint of snow landed on her arm and took her attention.

Virginia stared down at it like she had never before seen snow. It was completely out of place in the muggy and humid atmosphere. As it melted away on her skin, she looked up as more began to fall. A white, glowing light illuminated from above and came closer to her, engulfing Virginia inside. Before she could struggle or pull away, she realized that she was no longer in the Deadly Swamp.

The snow continued to fall and Virginia found herself in the same empty place that she'd been in when she'd last met Snow White. The cold wind blew again and the snow seemed to fall heavier, but this time a small ray of sun shone down on Virginia and placed a warm glow on her chilled body.

"Hello Virginia," Snow White whispered happily behind her. Virginia spun around and saw her smiling gently at her. "I am proud of what you have done," she spoke as she approached Virginia.

Virginia swallowed, and after a minute spoke. "I'm glad I did it," she said with no resentment in her voice.

"I knew you could. She offered you everything that you could ever want, and you refused. You were able to show how strong your will and mind are, as well as your heart. You've done what many have tried to do but failed."

"Destroying the Swamp Witch?" she questioned, finding it hard to believe that anyone would even step foot in her house, much less try and be rid of her.

"No," she sighed with a smile. "You resisted temptation and rose above greed, and because of that your greatest reward is far from what anyone could offer. It's the fact that knowing you were stronger than anything anyone could throw at you. Virginia, you should be glad, for no one else would've been able to accomplish that."

The was a pause in the air as neither said anything. Virginia blushed slightly at her flattering words as they sunk in, and smiled. The sun was beginning to shine in the room brighter and the snow was beginning to slow. Virginia suppressed a yawn as she felt a wave of fatigue fly over her. She would be very grateful to go home and curl up in bed. Then another thought occurred to her.

"But, what about Wolf?" she asked. Snow White had said that once the Swamp Witch was gone, she could restore him. Could she still do it? What if she hadn't finished the witch off quickly enough, or something had gone wrong?

"You can relax Virginia. He'll be as good as new in no time. As soon as you destroyed the Swamp Witch, his soul was freed from her evil clutches. I was able to give him his life back, but it will take some time for him to heal from the wound."

Virginia breathed a sigh of relief and came up to Snow White, encircling her in a hug. "Thank you," she whispered and the hug was returned.

"No, thank you, for everything that you have done. For me and the Kingdoms." A hazy glow began to shine. Once Virginia blinked away from the light and reopened her eyes, she found herself in the large throne room in King Wendell's castle. She blinked doubtingly and smiled.

"Virginia!?" A voice shouted in surprise at the other end of the room. Wendell descended his throne and rushed over to her. "Virginia, is that you?" He approached her and gave her a warm hug. "Are you all right?" he asked cautiously.

"I'm fine." She laughed as they broke their embrace.

"Oh, everyone is going to want to see you and hear of how you defeated that witch." He beamed ecstatically. "But first, I believe there is someone who will want to see you."

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