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hasn't quite got it right

but the revenge she wants won't wait ...

The princess screamed when she saw the guards disappear. Her horse reared up and took off in the other direction. The princess held on and tried to stir the animal back. It bucked and turned around and headed right towards the area where the guards were.

"No, don't!" Tony yelled trying to chase down the princess on her horse. But the horse and rider soon vanished too. "Holy mother of God," Tony breathed. The guards and the princess had all just up and vanished. Where in the world had they gone? He looked around. Everything seemed normal. The scenery hadn't changed. There was no slight wavering of air in the area. It couldn't be a magic mirror opening, could it?

Tony walked his horse closer to where the others had vanished and looked closely. There was nothing there. Just air. He waved his hand in front of him. Nothing happened. Then he used both hands. He felt a force all of a sudden pull at him and he pulled at his hands. But he was being slowly sucked into the void.

While escorting Wendell's bride to their wedding, Tony and his party become trapped in the Sixth Kingdom, where they are struck completely silent, and Virginia & Wolf must figure out a way to rescue them.

by Patty Liu

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