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Samantha R. Cichella - A New Successor

Chapter 17: Breakfast

Virginia woke up not to long after the sun rose. She lay there with her eyes closed against the blinding sun. She didn’t want to get up. She had gotten to bed late last night. That’s when the events from the night before rushed back to her. She opened her eyes and slowly turned to the other side of the bed. She was afraid that it had all been a dream and Wolf was not really back.

She bit back a sigh of relief as she found Wolf sleeping peacefully next to her. Virginia felt a few tears of joy escape her. She just couldn’t believe that she had him back. She had been so worried about him over the last few days.

Virginia could not believe that it was possible to love someone as much as she did Wolf. Every time she looked at him, it seemed as though her heart would burst with love. She never wanted to be separated from him again. These last few days had been almost too much to bear.

Virginia lay on her side and watched him sleep. He looked just as handsome while sleeping. His face was completely relaxed. Virginia wanted to kiss him but resisted. She knew that he needed his sleep. He had had a hard couple days.

She watched as he absently scratched his temple. Virginia giggled softly. She found the habit cute. Wolf started moving around and she knew he was waking up. She gently stroked his cheek with her hand. She smiled as he opened his eyes. Wolf smiled and took her hand in his and brought it up to his mouth. He covered her hand with kisses and slowly made his way to her face. Virginia giggled.

“Good Morning.”

“Mmmmm...” Wolf stretched his arms. “Good Morning.” He wrapped his arms around Virginia and they both lay there. Wolf put his face in Virginia’s hair, taking deep whiffs of her scent. Wolf placed his hand on her stomach and gently rubbed it.

“How’s our little cub doing?”

“Fine, but he missed his Daddy.” Wolf had told Virginia earlier that he had a feeling it was a boy. Virginia trusted him since he had a “wolfies” instinct.

“Cripes! I’m going to be a Daddy! Do you think he’ll like me?”

“Of course. I’ve seen you with kids. They love you. I know our son is going to love you even more. I’m more worried about if I’m going to make a good mother.” Virginia turned around so she was facing Wolf again. She really was worried about that. Her mother had never been around and her father was never of much help. In fact, it was Virginia who had always taken care of Tony. But at least he had been there for her though. True, they had never been all that close since coming to the kingdoms, but she knew he still loved her and did all he could. “I don’t know the first thing about raising a kid.”

“Oh, but Virginia, you’re going to be the best mother our little cub could have. I know you will. You have a kind heart and a strong will. Trust me, you’ll know what to do when the time comes. You’ll be the world’s best mother, just like you’re the best mate a wolf could have.” Virginia smiled and they kissed. It was long and passionate.

“Thank you Wolf. I love you.” Virginia said softly when she had caught her breath. “Oh! I told Dad and Wendell about the baby.”

Wolf winced. “How did it go? They didn’t seem too mad about it last night. All though it could have just been because of me getting back, they might remember today.” Wolf knew Tony had never been too happy about Virginia and him together in the first place. He was afraid to find out how he had taken the baby. Wolf knew he had gone a little too far when he had called him “Grandpa” just before leaving the last time but he couldn’t help himself. Wolf had gotten a great kick out of the look on Tony’s face.

“Well, Dad didn’t take it all that well at first.” That’s the understatement of the year. “But Wendell took it real well. Dad went off cussing and threatening to strangle you. That got me all upset. I had been having a really hard time and he didn’t make it any better.” Wolf growled. If he had been there, he would have bitten him in the butt. Although, if he had been there, he probably would have been strangled before he would have a chance. Virginia heard the growl and quickly continued. “It’s okay, Wolf. Wendell had comforted me and told me he would come around sooner or later. When Dad came back he had calmed down a lot. We talked awhile and he asked me what I thought about the whole thing and I told him that I was excited but nervous too. But he told me he was happy for us. So he’s okay now.” Wolf sighed. That was good. Virginia smiled and curled up next to him.

“I could stay here in bed with you all day.”

“Me too, but what about breakfast?” Virginia smiled and didn’t even have to turn around to know what his expression was.

“Breakfast! Cripes! Come on, breakfast is waiting! Umm, I’m going to have bacon.” Wolf threw the blankets off and hopped out of bed. Virginia laughed and began to get up. By the time she had made it to her bag with all her clothes, Wolf was already dressed and sitting on the bed trying his shoes.

As Virginia got dressed, Wolf finished getting his shoes on. He watched his succulent sweetheart as she picked out a shirt. He felt a familiar happiness as he saw how her stomach was beginning to show she was pregnant. To him, she still looked as succulent as ever. He had to be the luckiest guy in all the ten kingdoms. He had a beautiful mate who was pregnant with his cub. He was part of a family again too. It had felt so good last night when he saw that Wendell and Tony were glad to have him back. He had thought that they weren’t all that fond of him. Oh, he thought they might be somewhat upset he was gone but he never imagined them coming after him. Wolf had always wanted a big family. Ever since his parents died, he had been on his own, in and out of trouble finally ending up in prison, although, now he didn’t regret going to prison at all. If he had never been put in Snow White Memorial Prison, he would never have met Virginia.

“Wolf?” Virginia’s voice brought him out of his thoughts. He looked up and she was standing right in front of him already to go. “What were you thinking about?”

“About how I’m the luckiest guy in all the kingdoms.” They smiled and Wolf got up and took Virginia’s hand. Together they went down to the dinning hall.

Wolf and Virginia entered the dinning hall and found Wendell already sitting there eating. He had a plate of eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, and a cup of orange juice. He looked up as they made their way to the table.

“Ah, good morning. Have a seat, I’ll have the innkeeper bring you out some food.” Wendell smiled. He was glad to see Virginia was looking much better than the night before. The last few days her face had been nothing but worry and sorrow. This morning she was looking quite cheerful.

Wolf helped Virginia into a chair before sitting himself right next to her. He took a napkin off the table and gave it to her and made sure she was comfortable. Virginia smiled her thanks. Just then the innkeeper’s wife entered with a pitcher of orange juice. Wolf and Virginia gave her their orders. Wolf, of course, ordered three bacon sandwiches and Virginia ordered eggs, bacon, and some fruit.

“Wolf, Virginia told us the wonderful news about the baby. Congratulations.”

Wolf grinned. “Thanks. It’s going to be a boy.” Wolf stated proudly. Wendell looked confused, though.

“You already know what it’s going to be?”

“Yes. I was able to tell by the scent. That’s how I knew Virginia was pregnant right away. It’s in her scent.”

“Fascinating. I didn’t know you could tell all that just from someone’s scent. I remember you saying last night that you could tell that Virginia had been worried and scared just by her scent. I never knew a wolf’s nose was that strong.” Wendell said thoughtfully. He was learning more and more about wolves lately. He wondered why he had ever believed all those stories about them all being bad. He knew now that it was just the prejudice and he was glad that he had the chance to find out the truth. His citizens would probably learn to get along better with wolves if they had the chance to get to know them first like he had himself.

The innkeeper and his wife came in carrying Wolf and Virginia’s food just as the three trolls made their way into the dinning hall. They were still somewhat asleep and didn’t notice Wolf until they had reached the table. Blabberwort was the first to process the fact that he was there. She nudged her brothers and pointed at him.

“Looky-Look! It’s the wolf.”

“Suck an Elf! Where did he come from?” Burly asked. He blinked a few times to make sure that he wasn’t imagining it.

“I thought he was still missing.” Bluebell rubbed his eyes and was surprised to see that he was still there.

Wolf growled. He didn’t care what the others said. He wasn’t going to trust these three just yet. They had caused enough trouble already and he had a hard time believing they could just switch sides that easily. The trolls heard his growl and reached for their weapons. Instinctively, Wolf moved in front of Virginia and bared his teeth. Virginia and Wendell both got up and Wendell moved in between them. Burly tried to shove Wendell away which only made Wolf growl more fiercely.

“Wolf stop it! They helped us while we were looking for you. If it weren’t for them, the Peeps would still be out there. They also told us where you were in the first place.” Virginia tried to move in between Wolf and the trolls. But Wolf kept her back.

“Huff Puff, Virginia. They’re trolls. I don’t think we can trust them. Just three months ago they were chasing us and trying to kill us.” Wolf was debating what to do. He was outnumbered and the trolls each had weapons. Wendell and Virginia finally managed to move in between them.

“Wolf! Knock it off! We don’t need a fight. The trolls are on our side right now. Let’s keep it that way.” Wendell said sternly.

Burly grinned. “Yeah, Wolfie. You better listen to your king. If you know what’s good for you. Besides, you owe us.”

Wolf growled again. “I don’t owe you nothing! I got out on my own.”

“But we got those Peeps and now they’re safely in jail. They won’t bother you anymore.” Bluebell said, smiling.

“Hey! What’s going on?” Everyone turned as Tony walked in. He had heard the commotion upstairs and figured that there was trouble. The trolls put their weapons away and Virginia was able to get Wolf to sit down. Wendell explained to Tony what happened as they all sat down. They all sat down at the same table. Wendell had had the innkeeper pull two tables together earlier that morning so they could all sit together.

Wendell sat on one end of the table, with Tony on his right side and on his left side were Virginia and Wolf. Next to Tony were Bluebell, then Blabberwort and Burly at the other end of the table. Virginia began picking at her already cold eggs while Tony and the trolls ordered their food. Wolf was still angry but he didn’t let that affect his appetite. He was done with two of his sandwiches by the time Virginia was half way done with her eggs and fruit. Wendell finished up his breakfast as well.

“Okay everyone. My guards should be arriving early this afternoon. As soon as I see that the Peeps are safely in their custody, we can be leaving. King Burly, will you be joining us back at my castle or do you plan on heading back to your own castle?” Wendell really didn’t want them coming back with them but figured he should at least offer.

“No, I think we’ll head back to our own kingdom. We can’t leave our people too long without a ruler or else they get restless. We don’t want a revolution.” Blabberwort and Bluebell nodded their consent. Wendell, Tony, and Virginia tried to hide their relief. Wolf however made no attempt to hide it. He smiled and continued eating his last bacon sandwich. The trolls didn’t pay any attention to him though. Their food had arrived and were eagerly stuffing their faces.

“Then you don’t have to wait around with us. You can leave any time.” Wendell wanted to discuss something with the trolls but figured it would be best to wait until they were done eating. He tried not to watch the trolls eat, as it was rather revolting, so he focused his attention on his three companions instead. Wolf had finished eating and was making sure that Virginia ate all of her food. Tony was still half way through his meal.

“Wendell, what are we going to do about those guards at your castle? We have the Peeps and Wolf. They won’t be of much help to us anymore.” Tony asked.

“Yes, you’re right but I would still like to interview them. They might give some clue about who we are dealing with. I’d rather not take this matter lightly. If what Wolf said is true, about there being a woman behind the Peeps kidnapping of Wolf, then we should do all that we can now. I’m not sure what we can do if the guards aren’t any help.”

When everyone was done eating Wendell suggested that everyone go and pack up his or her stuff. That way they could leave as soon as the guards arrived. As Tony, Wolf, and Virginia made their way to the staircase, Virginia looked back and saw Wendell discussing something with Burly. She shot Wolf a curious glance and he just shrugged. Virginia thought about going back there but thought better of it. Wendell had waited to talk to them then for a reason. It would be rude to intrude. She turned and followed Wolf up the stairs to their room.

When Virginia had finished packing up (Wolf didn’t have anything to pack) they headed back downstairs. Tony was already down stairs.

“Where’s Wendell?” Wolf asked as he sat down on one of the chairs. Virginia set her stuff down by the door and sat on Wolf’s lap.

“He’s upstairs getting his things together. I was thinking, while we’re waiting, we should go and buy some food for the trip back to the castle. That way we’ll be completely ready to leave. There’s a general store across the street from here, we’ll be back by the time Wendell’s done. The trolls already left not too long ago.”

“You know Dad, the innkeeper could probably provide us with anything we need for free. Since we’re with Wendell.” Virginia was still used to being on a tight budget from when she and her dad had lived in New York. She wasn’t the kind to go and waste a bunch of money if they didn’t need to.

“It won’t work. I tried it last month on a trip to Cinderella’s kingdom. We stayed in an inn on the way and they were going to let us stay there for free but Wendell wouldn’t have it. He even made me pay for my cup of coffee, the guy had recognized me as Anthony the Valiant, and wanted to treat me to a nice cup of coffee. But Wendell tracked the guy down and gave him the money.” Tony shook his head. What good was it to be related to royalty and not get free food?

“I’ll say this for Wendy, he’s probably one of the most unselfish and noble monarchs around.” Wolf then muttered something about unlike my rotten cousin. Tony and Virginia looked at each other confused.

“What did you say Wolf?” Virginia asked. Wolf had never mentioned anything about his family before, other than the fact that his parents had been burned. She had always figured that it was a hard topic for him to talk about it, so she had never badgered him.

Wolf looked up surprised, he hadn’t realized he had said anything out loud. “Hmm? Oh, nothing.” Then, trying to change the subject back to Wendell he said, “He gets it from his grandmother. Snow White was probably the most just person who ever lived. She was the most respected of the Five Women who Changed History. The fairest of them all. Although, I think Wendell just learned to be this way after being turned into a dog. He was rather stuck up before then.”

Tony nodded. He remembered when he had first wished to understand the dog prince. He had hidden under the cot in Christine’s cell so that no one would see him as a dog. Tony had been mad because he was worried about that while trolls had just taken Virginia. Virginia didn’t say anything because she had never really talked to him until after he was turned back into his old self.

“Well, if we’re going to go get the supplies, we should go now. I’ll have the innkeeper tell Wendell where we went.” Tony went off to find the innkeeper and Wolf and Virginia went and stood outside. It was a beautiful day. It wasn’t all that hot but it wasn’t cold either. They stood there waiting for Tony to come out, watching the villagers pass by. Tony came out five minutes later.

“Okay, the innkeeper’s going to tell Wendell where we went. How about you two go and get the food and I’ll go to the stables to make sure the horses will be ready. I want to get out of this place as quickly as we can. I’m surprised we’ve been able to stay here this long without anything happening. I don’t know what it is about it, but this village always gives me a bad feeling. Although their food is good.” The three of them set off. Tony went to the edge of the village towards the stables and Virginia and Wolf headed to the general store.

“I can’t believe how much Dad has changed. He’s more confidant now then he was a few months ago.” Virginia shook her head. Tony had always been the one who needed taking care of, but ever since coming here, he seemed really different. He was no longer the clumsy, complaining janitor. He was a confident lord and good friend with a king.

Wolf didn’t say it out loud, but he was silently grateful for their whole adventure as well. He had met the creamy girl of his dreams, gained a family, and completely changed his ways. He knew better to say this to Virginia though, he knew that she was still somewhat upset about her mother’s death, especially the way her mother died.

Wolf followed Virginia into the store and silently hoped he would be able to contain himself from all the food.

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