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Samantha R. Cichella - A New Successor

Chapter 22: Gustav's Hints

Wendell, Wolf, Virginia, and Evelyn made it back to the road and continued straight to Dragon Mountain. As soon as they reached the base, they went left, walking slowly to keep a look out for the boulder. Just as Sophia said, they had walked about a mile before coming across it. They each stood studying it, tilting their heads to different angles, and trying to find the dragon outline.

“I don’t see a dragon on it. Just a bunch of squiggles,” Evelyn noted. Everyone nodded.

“Maybe it’s a dwarf thing. You know, only dwarves can enter.” Virginia said, crossing her arms.

“But Sophia said Snow White was able to use it. So it can’t be for just the dwarves.” Wendell pointed out and Wolf nodded. That’s when Wolf had an idea. He had learned a lot about magic over the years and so he had heard about a lot of different curses and spells. He turned to Virginia, knowing that she was better qualified than anyone else that was there.

“Virginia, I want you to concentrate on the boulder. The rest of us will look away.” The other three looked at Wolf like he was crazy but he made Wendell and Evelyn look the opposite way with him. When they had their backs to Virginia and the boulder, Wolf said “Okay Virginia, concentrate as hard as you can on the boulder.”

“What good will this do? It’s not like I have psychic powers or something.”

“Please? Just try it.”

“Okay…here it goes.” Virginia focused all her attention at the boulder but nothing happened. She tried again, but still nothing. “It’s not working.” There was a hint of disappointment in her voice. She had almost started to believe that something would happen.

Wolf was silent. He was going over everything he had learned. “Let’s see…umm…hmm…no that wouldn’t work…how about…no, never mind.” Wendell was starting to get annoyed. He really didn’t want to have to climb all the way up that mountain but it seemed like they had no other choice. Just as Evelyn and him were beginning to make their way back to where they started, Wolf jumped up and down and yelled, “Huff Puff! I got it!” He looked quite pleased with himself, and confident. So Wendell headed back. Evelyn stood for a minute as if deciding if she should go back on her own. After a second she returned though.

“Okay, Virginia. Forget the concentrating on the boulder thing. I figured it out. All you need to do is think about your heart.” Wolf smiled as if it was the easiest thing in the world to figure out. Virginia looked even more perplexed.

“What do you mean? How am I supposed to do that?”

“It’s very simple, just put your hand on the boulder and pretty much just think of anything that comes to mind. The boulder should be able to find what it’s looking for.”

“You’re acting like the boulder is alive.”

“Oh, no, not alive, it just has some sort of spell on it. You’ll see, just try it. We’ll come back here to give you some space.” Wolf took Wendell and Evelyn’s arms and dragged them back a few yards. Virginia looked at Wolf uncertainly before turning around again.

“Wolf, what is this all about?” Wendell whispered. Wolf just grinned and hushed him.

Virginia put her hand on the boulder just like Wolf said to. She was feeling a little bit self-conscious and tried not to think about how foolish she might look. She erased everything else from her mind just as images started popping into her head.

Wolf, talking to her in the Seven Dwarves cottage. Tony smiling at her when she was at the awards ceremony. Wendell giving her the rose from Snow White. Wolf gazing into her eyes as she told him that she loved him. The squiggles on the boulder started to change shape. Virginia watched as they began to swirl around in circles. They still weren’t making any shapes though so she erased her mind again. Wolf telling Virginia that she has the strongest will he’s ever seen. Virginia taking Prince the dog with her after hitting him with the bike. Virginia giving the old beggar woman in the Disenchanted Forest all the food she had. Virginia stopping Wolf from killing the Huntsman in the magic tree. Virginia giving the village idiot coins for the wishing well. Virginia deciding to help Wolf with the trial. Virginia giving the coins to the little cupid girl. She was trying to save her mother, Christine talking to Virginia as she was dying. Wolf, looking into her eyes. The baby growing in her stomach. The lines on the boulder finally fell into place. Virginia could easily spot a dragon outline. Smiling she turned to the others.

Wolf, Wendell, and Evelyn had been watching with fascination as the boulder formed the shape of a dragon’s head. When Virginia looked back, Wolf grinned and ran up to her.

“Cripes! You did it my succulent little lamb chop! I knew you could.” Wolf threw his arms around Virginia who was still standing there with a proud smile and an amazed expression.

“But what did I do Wolf? I mean, how did that happen? Why me?” Wolf was about to answer when Wendell interrupted.

“Excuse me, but won’t this just disappear again if we don’t go through? I don’t think that it will wait all day for us to enter. Virginia, I think you should have the honors of opening it.” Wendell smiled and Virginia pushed in the dragon’s right eye. They all watched as the boulder slowly moved to the left. They were just about to walk in when Evelyn thought of something.

“Hold on a second!” She ran back to where a bunch of trees were. She broke off the strongest branch she could and plucked all of the small twigs and leaves off. She ran back and asked for a match. Wendell understood what she was trying to do and quickly pulled out his matches from his pack. He struck one and lit the top of the branch. Evelyn handed the torch to Wendell and he led the way inside. Once they were in, the boulder moved back into position and on the outside, and the dragonhead rearranged itself so that it was nothing more than a bunch of squiggles again.

“Well, there’s no going back now. Come on.” Wendell started to move forward again but stopped. “We should all hold onto each other so one doesn’t get lost. It’s pitch black in here and we don’t want to lose anyone.” Everyone agreed and Virginia took Wolf’s hand and then with her other hand, took Wendell’s. Evelyn reluctantly took Wendell’s hand and they continued on.

They walked on for what seemed like hours in the darkness. Wendell tried not to think about how soft Evelyn’s skin was but found he couldn’t concentrate on anything else. It had been very hard being around her these last few days. Not because he didn’t want to be around her, it was just very hard to keep his emotions in check. Part of him very much wanted to wrap her in his embrace and cover her with kisses and he found it very hard to control himself. Wendell found this very odd. He had never felt this way before and he had a difficult time thinking straight when she was around. Wendell decided that the first chance he got, he was going to have a talk with Wolf and see if he could help him at all. Wendell realized he was sweating but it couldn’t have been from heat, it was starting to get chilly in the tunnel. In fact, it had been for sometime. How can I be sweating?

Meanwhile, Virginia was almost shivering. She could feel Wendell’s hands start to get all sweaty and she wondered how he could be sweating in this temperature. Wolf saw her shake as she got the chills and he took off his jacket and wrapped her in it and then quickly grabbed her hand again.

“Thank you Wolf.” Virginia smiled gratefully and squeezed his hand.

“Anything for you Virginia.”

They walked on until they finally saw a dim light in the distance. As they walked further, the light drew nearer, along with a variety of different sounds. There were a lot of voices and what sounded like shovels or picks hitting the ground. When they reached the end of the tunnel, they all took in the scene around them. There were a bunch of dwarves all scattered around, either mining or grouped around plans for what looked like mirrors. After a minute, a dwarf noticed them. In the excitement in getting out of the tunnel, they had forgotten that they weren’t supposed to let the dwarves know about how they got in, and they were all still holding hands. When the dwarf started talking, they quickly dropped their hands to their sides, Wendell and Evelyn were flushing.

“Halt! Who goes there comrades?” The dwarf stepped closer and some of the other dwarves who were next to the group noticed who it was.

“It’s his Royal Highness, King Wendell!” There were murmurs from all the dwarves and they all bowed, except for one dwarf who stepped forward.

“Welcome Your Majesty. It’s a pleasure having you here again.” The dwarf then bowed, but not as low as the others did.

“Thank you Your Highness.” Wendell returned the bow. The dwarf looked at each of them, nodding to Virginia. Virginia remembered him as the dwarf they had talked to the last time they were there. The one who was going to sentence them to death before they found out that Prince the dog was really Prince Wendell. The dwarf then looked behind them to the tunnel and looked back at them suspiciously.

“Did you come from that tunnel?” Wendell nodded guiltily. The dwarf king looked at him in astonishment. All of the dwarves in the mines became silent. Virginia looked around nervously. All of the dwarves looked at them with amazed expressions. They didn’t look too angry. “But how? Who opened it for you?”

“Well, Virginia did. She did something and the boulder moved for her.” Wendell didn’t quite understand what she did either; in fact only Wolf seemed to have a good idea. The dwarf king looked at Virginia in astonishment now. Virginia felt very nervous. Every dwarf in view had their eyes on her and there was still silence. If a pen dropped on the other side of the mine, she was certain that they would hear loud and clear.

“Is this true?” Virginia nodded hesitantly and then the dwarf king looked back at all the dwarves. “Comrades! Besides Snow White, the Lady Virginia has been the only human to have been able to pass through that tunnel.” All of the dwarves started clapping and Virginia flushed again. She still didn’t understand what she had done though.

“Um, Your Majesty? What did I do that was so special? I don’t understand any of this,” Virginia said quietly. The dwarf king nodded and then said, “Come comrades. I will explain everything and then you can tell me why you are here.” He then led the way to a small room with fewer dwarves. The dwarf king sat behind his desk while Wendell, Virginia, Wolf, and Evelyn took a seat sitting across from him. Virginia distinctly remembered sitting there before almost three months ago. The dwarf king leaned over to a dwarf near him and asked him to bring some refreshments for the king, his step sister, Lord Wolf, and their friend. The dwarf hurried away and was back a few minutes later with a pot of green tea. The dwarf poured each of them a cup and then went back to where he was before. Virginia looked at the tea suspiciously. It was green and had a weird odor to it. The dwarf king saw her and smiled.

“It is tea made of herbs grown around Dragon Mountain. It tastes good after you are used to it and it is very good for you.” Virginia nodded and took a sip. It actually wasn’t all that bad. The to others followed her lead and also took a sip. Wolf’s noise twitched but he drank half of the cup.

“Now, tell me why you are here. I see that the oaf Anthony isn’t with you. Wise decision not bringing him back here. We are all grateful that he helped save the Nine Kingdoms, but he still cost us over a thousand years worth of mirrors. It would be best to keep him out of the mines for a while.”

Wendell nodded and for the second time that day, then began to tell the story of their adventure so far. He concluded with: “Sophia has been an old friend of my family’s for a while. We left the horses and Antony there with her for the night. She was the one who told us of the secret tunnel. But please, don’t get angry with her. She said that no one except the dwarves and my grandmother have ever known about it.” The dwarf king nodded.

“Don’t worry, Sophia will not get into trouble. It was fine that she told you, just so long as she doesn’t go telling any others about it, although I doubt it would do any good.” He looked at Virginia. “I suppose you’re wondering what that was all about. Well, hundreds of years ago, dwarves decided that we needed some entrances into our mountain that didn’t involve climbing up to the top. So they built a few tunnels that were hidden carefully, as we don’t like trespassers in our kingdom. Over the years, they all caved in, until only one remained besides the one on top of the mountain, the one you entered through. Since it was our last one, we had an old warlock come and put a spell on the entrance. This way, only the dwarves could enter. The boulder would know when they put their hand on it. You see, the boulder can sort of see into somebody’s heart. Well, when Snow White, the fairest woman of all, came along, we decided that she should have access to the tunnel as well. But since she wasn’t a dwarf, we had some difficulty deciding what to do. We called the old warlock back again (warlocks can live for quite some time) and he told us of another spell he could put on it. We all agreed, knowing that Snow White would be able to use it, and very few other people.”

“What was the spell?” Virginia leaned forward.

“That only those who were pure of heart could enter, along with the dwarves of course. So far, only you and Snow White have been able to enter.” The dwarf king smiled warmly. Virginia was silent a moment as she took it all in.

“Pure of heart? But, how am I pure of heart?” She sounded disbelieving still.

“Tell me what happened when you reached the boulder.”

“Well, we couldn’t find the shape of a dragon on it anywhere. Then Wolf said that I would be able to open it. At first he wanted me to try concentrating on the boulder while they turned around but that didn’t work. Then he had me go up and touch the boulder after clearing my mind. Then a bunch of images started popping up into my head.”

“What kind of images?”

“Let’s see…Oh, there was my Dad, Wolf, Wendell, a lot of Wolf actually.” Wolf grinned and Virginia kept going. “It showed me helping Wendell when he was a dog, me giving the old woman the food in the forest, me keeping Wolf from killing the Huntsman…then there was the part where I gave the coins to the village idiot and the little cupid girl, and then it showed me trying to help Wolf in Little Lamb Village when they wanted to burn him, and then it showed my mother.” Virginia stopped and looked at the dwarf king, who was smiling at her.

“You see? These are all events that prove you are pure of heart. You helped Prince Wendell, even though you had no idea he was more than just a dog. You donated food and money to less fortunate people and it showed you helping to save Wolf’s and the Huntsman’s life. It showed the images of your father, King Wendell, and Wolf because they were the ones that you love. Many have tried to pass the boulder’s test but have failed. Wolf knew that if anyone had a chance, it was you.” The dwarf king turned to Wolf. “But how did you know about the spell on the boulder?”

“Oh, well, I sort of know about a lot of magic, curses, and spells. I learned a lot of it in school and then I kind of picked up the rest later on.” Wolf stopped himself right there. He'd almost given away part of his past to Wendell, Evelyn and the dwarf king. He wasn’t ready for everybody to know it yet. Virginia was keeping it a secret also and gave him a warning glance.

Evelyn caught the look and raised an eyebrow. They were hiding something and it seemed as though even Wendell didn’t know. She was staying silent during the conversation. She didn’t really have much to say after all. She had been surprised to hear about the boulder’s history. It was really amazing that Virginia was the only one besides Snow White who had ever been able to get past it, not counting the dwarves of course.

“When the boulder didn’t have the shape of a dragon like Sophia said and it wouldn’t open, I figured it had to be some sort of spell. I thought back to all the spells and curses I had heard of and then I remembered Sophia saying that Snow White had used it. That’s when I remembered a few occasions where there were spells that would only allow those who were truly brave, and even evil witches who would have it to where only truly evil people could pass. Since it was Snow White, I figured it had to be either truly kind or just pure hearted. Virginia was both of those, more than anyone else I have ever met was. That’s why I had her try it.”

Wendell looked at Wolf in astonishment. “I’m very impressed Wolf. I’m surprised you know so much about magic. I don’t think I would have ever figured that out on my own.” Wolf smiled proudly. It wasn’t every day a king would compliment you on something and then say that he himself would never have been able to do it.

“Thanks Wendy.”

“As for you Virginia. I’m not in the least bit surprised. I have always known you to be the kindest person I’ve ever met, next to my grandmother, although I was very young when she left. It comes to know surprise that you should have a pure heart.”

Wendell smiled warmly and Virginia said, “Thanks Wendell. But I’m very surprised. I didn’t think that I was all that special. A few months ago, I was just a waitress.”

“Virginia, you’re very special. You’re a lot more than just a waitress. You need to start believing in yourself more. You would be able to accomplish a lot more I’m sure. Wait until we tell Antony about what happened. He’ll be very proud of you. Although, all he’s been telling me the last two months is how much he’s proud of you. Remember what Sophia told you?” Wendell asked and Virginia nodded. How could she forget that compliment? To be compared to the Five Women Who Changed History was a very great honor. The dwarf king looked between King Wendell and Virginia.

“What did Sophia say?” Virginia didn’t want to say anything. She didn’t think that people really had said anything like that, but she was also very excited over it. But she didn’t want to brag about it. Wolf and Wendell on the other hand had other ideas.

“Sophia said that she had heard Virginia could become the Sixth Great Woman,” Wendell said, Wolf had started to say the same thing but let Wendell finish. The dwarf king nodded.

“I have heard the same thing. Many dwarves have said that the Lady Virginia was just as beautiful as Snow White. That is a large compliment coming from us dwarves. Snow White is very precious to us. You have already proven that you are worthy enough. If your previous adventure hadn’t shown it, than the boulder finalized it.”

Virginia’s cheeks were a deep red and Wolf found that even more attractive. His Virginia was getting the attention she deserved.

“Now comrades, will you go straight to Gustav or do you would you like me to get you some rooms prepared?” The four looked at each other and they silently came to a conclusion.

“I think we’ll go to Gustav first and ask him about this new successor. After that we can go to the rooms,” Wendell said. The dwarf king nodded.

“I’ll have someone take your bags up to the guest rooms then. I’m sorry if our rooms aren’t as…luxurious as other places you’ve been to.” He smiled. “Us dwarves prefer the underground and spend most of our times mining and making mirrors.” He turned to a dwarf that was examining some papers near by. “Edgar, can you please take our guest’s things to out finest guest rooms.” Wendell, Virginia, Wolf, and Evelyn gave Edgar their bags that they had been carrying on their bags. “Now, comrades, I’ll show you to the library. Our librarian can assist you with anything you need.” The dwarf king got up from his chair and led the way through a few short tunnels. Virginia vaguely recognized the tunnels from her previous visit.

After a few more minutes, they arrived in a huge dusty room. Virginia’s breath caught in her throat when she saw the library. When she had been there before, the room was nothing but hundreds of mirrors. So many that there had been hardly any room to walk. Now, the room was close to empty. A few dwarves were still sweeping up shards of glass off the ground. Whatever mirrors were left, were surrounded by pillows. Apparently the dwarves were not taking any chances. No wonder her dad wasn’t welcome here anymore. He must have broken at least a hundred mirrors. She was glad he hadn’t come this time. Even if his bad luck was gone, Tony could be quite a klutz.

Wolf saw Virginia’s expression as she looked around and knew what she was thinking. Tony must have cleared the room pretty good. Wolf had to stifle a chuckle. As it was, he couldn’t stop the grin that slipped onto his face. Virginia saw him and she was about to hit him when he saw her look at all of the mirrors surrounding them and she seemed to change her mind. Wolf grinned more; she wouldn’t hit him in case it would cause a mirror to break. Virginia glared daggers at him and went up next to Wendell who was talking to the librarian.

Wolf couldn’t hold it anymore. He started laughing. Virginia spun around and looked furious. Wendell, Evelyn, the librarian and the dwarf king looked at him curiously. That only made him laugh harder. Wolf doubled over laughing until his sides hurt. He could just imagine Tony knocking all of the mirrors over and then him, Virginia, and Wendell the dog running from all the dwarves. Wolf gasped for breath and wiped the tears from his eyes. Virginia’s face had gone a deep red and Wendell was looking at him like he was crazy. Wolf tried to say something but the words wouldn’t come. Another fit of laughter engulfed him. Slowly, being careful of all the mirrors, Wolf went back out to the hallway.

Once he was out there he started laughing harder. Wendell heard him howling with laughter and looked to Virginia to see if she knew what was the matter with him. Virginia was furious. Her face was a dark red, almost purple. Now what’s the matter with her? Wendell wondered.

“Excuse me.” Virginia said to the dwarf king and the librarian before making her way out into the hallway.

Wolf was out in the hallway sitting against the wall and saw her coming. His sides were hurting almost as bad as the cramps he got from the full moon. He didn’t think he had ever laughed this hard before and it felt really good. It seemed like it got rid of some of his stress. Virginia stood there with her arms crossed glaring at him. Once he had caught his breath he stood up.

“Wolf! How could you? You’re lucky they don’t know what you’re laughing at. It’s not even funny! We could have been killed over it, and you’re laughing! Dad broke his back running from them!”

“I’m sorry my love. I couldn’t help it. I…I could just imagine Tone knocking that one mirror over and it breaking all those other ones. Then I pictured you three running from all the dwarves.” Wolf started laughing again. Virginia still stood glaring at him.

“It is not funny Wolf!” Wolf only laughed harder again. After a while, Virginia started to lighten up. She had never seen Wolf like that before. He was literally doubled over laughing so hard. Wolf tried to say something but he couldn’t form any words. That made him start again. Virginia couldn’t help it, she smiled a little at first. Then it grew bigger until she was laughing too. Wolf put his arms out and Virginia came up to him. Wolf finally caught his breath and was able to stop laughing. He sat down holding his ribs. Virginia stood next to him.

“You know, if Dad saw you laughing over that, he would kill you.”

Wolf smiled and said, “Yeah, but I’m going to give him a hard time later on anyway.” Wendell and the dwarf king came out into the hallway.

“Wolf, are you alright?” Wendell looked a little concerned and a bit embarrassed.

“Yeah, sorry Wendy. I have control of myself now.” Wolf said and Virginia helped him up.

“Well, I have to get back to the mines. The librarian can help you with anything you need. I’ll see you later.” The dwarf king gave Wolf a funny look before heading off in the direction they had come from.

“All right you two, what was that about?” Wendell looked between Virginia and Wolf waiting for an answer.

“I’ll tell you later Wendell. We really should hurry up and ask Gustav. We’ve already wasted enough time.” Virginia glanced at Wolf, who smiled guiltily. Wendell didn’t look too pleased but agreed. The three of them went back inside and found the librarian telling Evelyn about one of the mirrors. When they saw them, they walked back over.

“Okay, we’re ready now.” Wendell said and the librarian nodded. He led them over to a big ancient mirror that was covered in dust.

“Gustav! These people have a question for you!” The mirror seemed to come alive and made a sound like a grunt. The librarian turned to Virginia. “Remember, Gustav is very old, so you have to speak loudly. You remember that you also have to speak in rhyme?” Virginia nodded and the librarian went back over to where the other dwarves were still cleaning.

“Okay, umm, what do we ask him first?” Virginia asked.

“Well, who the new successor is?” Evelyn asked. Wolf nodded.

“Yeah, so we need to come up with a rhyme.” They all stood quietly thinking. Wolf came up with one first, so he turned to the ancient mirror. “Gustav will you help us please? And tell us who this new successor beese?” Wolf wasn’t the best at coming up with rhymes, yet neither were the others. They looked at Gustav, hoping he would accept the crummy rhyme.

Gustav grunted, apparently disappointed in the rhyme but was still going to answer.

“Young, Jessica may be;
Revenge she wants of ye.
A horrible childhood she had,
To help the witch she was glad.”

“Jessica? We don’t know any Jessica. Why would her bad childhood cause her to want revenge on us?” Wendell asked. Gustav grunted and Wendell glared at it. He was horrible at talking in verse and the mirror’s answers weren’t specific enough. Finally he thought of something.

“What have we done to her
that revenge she wants for sure?”

“Nothing you have done
Except the kingdom that you run
. For Jessica’s hurt and loss was great
The Swamp Witch filled her heart with hate.
The House of White to fall she needs,
Then Kingdoms Nine Jessica leads.”

They were silent for a moment while they all took in what Gustav had just said. Wendell spoke his thoughts out loud to everyone.

“So, whoever this Jessica is, she doesn’t want revenge just on us. Something happened to her in her childhood that made her suffer and so she was desperate. She had to have been to make a deal with the Swamp Witch. That’s what Gustav meant, right? That if Jessica finishes off my house for the Swamp Witch’s revenge, then Jessica can run the Fourth Kingdom.”

“But Gustav said the Nine Kingdoms. Not just the Fourth,” Virginia pointed out.

“So once she has control of my kingdom, then she plans on going after the other eight as well.” Wendell looked around at the other three. His face showed little emotion but Virginia saw in his eyes that he was worried. When he looked at her, it seemed like his eyes were pleading with her to help him. Virginia felt really bad. Wendell was constantly having trouble in his kingdoms. The Swamp Witch would never give up until she had her revenge. He had just gotten over the last time someone had tried to take over his kingdom and now it was happening again. On top of that, he had problems keeping peace in his kingdom between the people and the wolves. It seemed as though he would never have any relaxing time.

“Don’t worry Wendell. We’ll find this Jessica and stop her before she can do anything else.” Wendell looked at Virginia gratefully. It almost looked as though he had thought they would leave him alone to deal with this. Virginia realized this and added, “Wendell, we’ll always be here for you. You don’t ever have to face anything alone. You’re my brother and I won’t let anything happen to you or the Fourth Kingdom if I have anything to do with it. But I think you can handle whatever come at you anyway. You’re the grandson of the greatest woman who ever lived and you’re a great king. I know you’ll defend your country against whatever threatens it and I will be there to help.”

“Yeah, me too,” Wolf added. “I’m pretty sure Tony would also.” Wendell looked at the two of them.

“Thank you very much.”

Evelyn looked at Wendell. “I know I don’t really know you all that much, since we just met a few days ago, but you are my king, and I would gladly help defend you and the Fourth Kingdom as well. If there’s anything that I can do, I would do it. All of you have been very kind to me, taking me with you and everything. But I don’t know what I could do to help.”

“Thank you Evelyn. That means a lot to me. But I don’t want you getting hurt or anything.” Wendell quickly turned back to Virginia and Wolf. “Oh, but I don’t want you getting hurt either. Especially you Virginia, you’re pregnant. I should handle this on my own. After all, it’s my duty as a king…”

“Wendell.” Virginia said in a disapproving tone. “What makes you think that we’re going to sit behind and leave you by yourself? We’re in this together.” Then she turned to Evelyn. “Evelyn, I want you to know that Snow White mentioned you in my dream. She told me that you are very strong and that you have a part to play in this too.” Evelyn felt herself blush. Snow White had actually mentioned her! Virginia turned back to Gustav. She needed to ask one more question and she figured she could come up with this one.

“Very helpful you have been,
Now please tell us where to find her den.”

“Five castles the Swamp Witch once owned;
For her successor, the queen, she loaned.
Facing the river it does
Where once four heroes once was.
But first beware!
You all must take great care.
Three men now follow you,
To kill the oaf and the prince they mean to do.”

The more Wolf heard, the paler he became. He knew where this Jessica was now. The castle that was near River Town. Wolf also knew what Gustav meant by the oaf and the prince. Wendell was a king now, so he had to have meant Tony and himself. Virginia realized the prince part too and looked at him alarmed. Wendell was confused though.

“Wait, there is no prince. I’m a king.”

Wolf looked at the mirror and came up with a rhyming question.

“Help me Gustav, I’m a little dense.
Why does she want to kill the oaf and prince?”

Wendell was about to protest again but Gustav already had an answer.

“Together you are all strong,
But split apart you won’t last long.
The girl and king she doesn’t want dead.
To kill them herself she said.”

Wolf moaned. “Oh, what are we going to do? I know where she’s at now at least. Remember when we traveled on that boat following Acorn? The castle that we passed, the one that Wendell jumped off the boat to get to.” Wendell and Virginia nodded.

“But what about the three men she sent after us? Who are they?” Virginia thought about what Gustav had said and then she remembered what Snow White had said to. “Snow White said that we all have to stick together. Remember? We’ve been told that a lot before and it seems that this Jessica person knows it too. We need to find a way to stay away from them, if they’re sent to kill you and Dad.” Virginia froze. She had just given away Wolf’s secret. She closed her eyes and quietly cursed herself. She had promised herself and Wolf that he would be the one to tell Wendell and her dad and she would keep her mouth shut. But she had been so worked up over what Gustav had said that it had slipped. She hoped that Wendell hadn’t really been paying to much attention. She looked up and saw Wolf looking kind of nervous. She turned to Wendell to find him looking at the two of them suspiciously.

“You and Antony?” He asked Wolf. “Gustav said the oaf and the prince. The oaf is very clearly Antony, but…the prince is you?”

Wolf scratched his neck nervously and Virginia looked at the floor guiltily. “I’m sorry, Wolf. I know I promised to keep it a secret, I didn’t mean for it to slip out like that.”

“It’s okay Virginia. They needed to know and the mirror pretty much gave it away anyway.” Wolf turned to Wendell. “To answer your question, yes.”

Wendell stared at him in shock. “How are you a prince?”

“Huff Puff! What is that supposed to mean?” Wolf had noticed the tone Wendell had used when he said you. “Just because I’m a wolf, doesn’t mean that I can’t be a prince.”

Wendell realized his mistake and apologized. “I’m sorry Wolf. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant how is it you’re a prince?”

“Well…I’m sort of related to…Red Riding Hood.” He said her name quietly and almost a growl. He was ashamed of his relation to her and didn’t want to tell everyone. Wendell looked even more shocked and Evelyn gasped.

“Red Riding Hood?” She said in disbelief. “But you’re a wolf-no offence-but Riding Hoods hate wolves.”

“Yeah, I know. Red the Third is my cousin. She doesn’t admit it to anybody and you three are the only ones I’ve ever told. I told Virginia a couple days ago. I didn’t want to tell you and Tone yet because I’m not proud of being a prince and I didn’t want it to change anything.”

Just then, the librarian came over and asked if they were done and had everything they needed. They told him yes and he called a dwarf over to take them to their rooms. They followed the dwarf in silence. Wendell and Evelyn were lost in thought, thinking about everything they had just been told, about Wolf and everything Gustav had said. Virginia and Wolf were also thinking about Gustav’s messages. Virginia was also worrying about her father. They had no clue where those three men were and how far behind they were. If they were only a day behind them, they could reach the mountain by that night or next morning. They were a little safer inside the mountain but Tony wasn’t.

While they were walking, they passed the tunnel that led to where Tony had broken his back. Snow White’s tomb was down there as well. Virginia looked down there as they walked by and then paid close attention on how to get back to there.

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