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The Baby Was Gone!
vanished through a mirror

And even the dwarves can't find him.

Virginia clutched Patrick tightly to her chest. He had just woken up- it was amazing what babies could sleep through- and he was busy being fascinated by the strange sight before him. Virginia was always nervous about taking him with her through the mirror, but she had gotten used to the idea, as Patrick had, because they did it often to visit with Wendell. Still, she took a deep breath as everything around her changed.

Smash! Smash! Smash!

Virginia and Patrick flew through the dozens of mirrors that were always there, unbroken, each time the mirror was used. Virginia had figured out that they must be some kind of illusion, because it didn’t hurt at all when they smashed into the glass. Her eyes were shut tightly as they always were on this trip. Patrick was laughing and waving his fists. Virginia wasn’t aware of anything except Patrick and crashing mirrors.

Then, in one terrible second, Patrick was gone. Virginia’s eyes flew open and she whipped her head back. Patrick was stuck in one of the mirrors. And the mirror had turned white. Virginia’s blood turned to stone. She watched, helpless, as her son started to wail. He was framed inside the mirror, cracks rippling out on the glass from his tiny body. Virginia screamed but she couldn’t stop herself from flying further away, and the last she saw of Patrick was the mirror swallowing him up, and she knew she would never reach him.

Virginia and Wolf's infant son Patrick is sucked into a mirror which turns white as they traverse the portal between worlds, and the dwarves of Dragon Mountain react by shutting down all the mirrors in the kingdoms.

The White Mirror
by Almare
illustrated by Danii

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