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Mother! Mother!
by Claire

Mother! Mother! Tell me a story.
One with a princess with skin like snow.
One of Prince Charming and maidens fair!
A story from so long ago.
With intricate patterns,
like brightly spun thread.
Stories, with joy,
sorrow and dread.

A poisoned comb,
a slipper of glass,
a spinning needle,
my prince at last,
a sleeping spell,
an evil queen,
of big bad wolves,
and a magic bean.

Mother, oh, Mother!
Please, tell me again.
A story where the heroine
comes out in the end!
Mother! Mother!
Let me hear it once more!
Where the weak become strong
and the rich become poor.

Of golden eggs,
and a gingerbread house,
with three little pigs,
and a talking mouse.
Hair like a rope,
and sheep gone awry,
of evil stepsisters,
and beanstalks sky-high.

Mother, oh, Mother!
Do tell me again,
A story where the heroine
comes out in the end.

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