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Call for Papers

Royal Academy of Arts and Letters of the Fourth Kingdom
Compendium on Wolves

nasmuch as His Most Gracious Majesty, King Wendell Winston Walter White, in the first year of His august reign, has generously issued a royal decree pardoning the wolves of His kingdom and permitting them citizenship, and in the interests of maintaining good government over all His loyal subjects and promoting peace and harmony among all persons within His realm; His Majesty is pleased to call upon the scholars of the Nine Kingdoms to combine their efforts to compose a new collection of essays and articles, creating an Encyclopaedia or Compendium of all matters relating to the nature and history of wolves in the kingdoms. Therefore, the Royal Academy of Arts and Letters of the Fourth Kingdom does hereby issue this Call for Papers to all scholars and sundry, throughout the Nine Kingdoms. All proposals for entries in the proposed book are to be addressed to Gilbert Carroll Lear, PhD, Fellow of Natural History and Philosophy at the Royal Academy at Cowbridge, by appointment of His Majesty Editor of the Royal Encyclopaedia of Wolves, in care of his clerk, Aurendel. God save the king.

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