Watcher Part 2
The search went by quickly. I downloaded everything on Claire's computer,
took fingerprints from her doors, checked her cupboards and swept the place for
listening bugs that were not Section friendly. I quickly packed up my equipment
and samples and checked around the apartment. I complimented myself on my
attention to detail and then slipped out the door.
I checked my
things back in with Jack, who flirted some more until Walter walked in and gave
Jack a look. I checked my watch, 20 minutes to go before the briefing. I pulled
my coat off and frowned at the puddles on the floor that used to be snow. I hung
my coat up slipped Claire's disks in my desk drawer and started reading my
I ran a hand over my black jacket; I wore a black
pantsuit. It was essential to wear the appropriate clothes when working.
Madeline despised an unprofessional outfit. One of her pet peeves among other
things. I took a seat next to Ali who smiled in greeting. Madeline walked in a
calm expression on her face and assumed her seat at the head of the table.
When no one nodded Madeline continued.
"Birkoff?" Nikita asked while chewing her gum. Birkoff mumbled a reply
at least she thought he did.
Annoyed Birkoff turned his head. "What time is it?"
Madeline asked. She held her pen over her daily planner. She was always
organized, she waited as the red head operative shook her head and let her
crystal clear turquoise eyes meet Madeline's brown ones.
We were dismissed and I stood waiting for Madeline who was walking
around the table. When it was just the two of us Nikita walked in. I took in her
appearance; it was the first time meeting her in person. She wore black pants
and a sky blue sweater her long blonde hair was in a loose bun with strands
falling to frame her face. Her eyes glanced nervously from me to Madeline.
"Madeline can I talk to you for a moment?" Nikita asked, I watched as
Madeline's face softened.
Once the question was out I stopped myself from visibly jumping. I looked at
Madeline with curiosity. Madeline just smiled she knew the question was coming,
you could tell almost anything if you read her eyes right.
I calmed down
quickly realizing Madeline's tactic and smiled as I laid the files on Madeline's
Entering my office I flicked on the lights and pulled my coat
off. After hanging it up I booted my computer, I checked my watch. Nikita would
be here soon. I scanned through me email quickly then checked on my operatives.
As I checked over my report from the lab I deemed Claire's apartment secure. As
I put the file away in my filing cabinet, Nikita walked in. She pulled her long
blue coat off to reveal her long sleeved white shirt and black pants. She looked
around the room, scanning it. I smiled to myself, all cold ops did that, I found
it was apart of their nature.
"I know
you’re on guard. Your outlook on Madeline is very different from mine. I can
tell that much. I used to be a cold op like you, I was put here to bide my time
until they cancelled me and somehow I ended up staying. I'm Watcher not a killer
or a manipulator. Madeline has put you here so you see the answer for yourself.
You wouldn't believe it if she told you." I replied, trying to be truthful
as possible. Nikita watched me with interest, I watched her relax.
Going undercover in the prison was a normal thing for me, for
Nikita I think it provided flashbacks. The prison bars, distinct smell and cold
atmosphere caused her to be on guard and years away from the present day. I sat
down in the uncomfortable chairs they provided in the interviewing room. This
time I was a lawyer, Nikita was my assistant and I was interviewing one of the
cold ops on my list. I felt Nikita becoming disinterested in my job which I knew
Madeline had planned