This interview as taking from backstage pass or something like that lol. I found it on the web somewhere.

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Hello Lauren! First, can you start by telling us your full name and birthday?
Lauren F. (We don't talk about my middle name!) Collins August 29, 1986.

Do you have any favourite bands? Or favourite kinds of music?
Dave Matthews (Rock, Alternative).

How do you relate to your character on "In A Heartbeat"?
We are quite different, I don't have an older sister and am not as organized as Brooke.

Who are some of your idols and inspirations when it comes to acting? Who are some people you'd love to work with?
Gweneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Debbie Reynolds (I would love to work with Ben Stiller).

If you could star on any TV show, what would it be and why?
Friends, because I love the show.

Do you sing? Have you ever thought about taking that occupation (music)? And also, do you really play the piano?
I sing but not strong enought to make it a career and no I don't play piano.

Have you always lived in Canada?
Yes, Thornhill Ontario (Outside Toronto).

Who do you get along with best on the set of "In A Heartbeat"?
Regan Pasternack, (She plays Val).

Do they really teach you all of the stuff you need to know to be an EMT?
There is a EMT Consultant on the set and they gave us enough info to play the part.

Do you usually play roles younger than you really are? What's the age difference between you and Brooke?
Yes I usually play yonger roles, there are two years between "Brooke" and myself.

Who do you like better: Britney Spears of Mandy Moore?
Brittney (All the way!).

What's your favourite TV show and favourite character from it? Why?
Friends (Chandeler because he reminds me of my close friend Todd).

Do you have any pets? None!!! (Unless you count my brother then 1) lol.

Do you play any sports?
I don't have a lot of time for sports.

Do you plan on taking acting for your lifetime occupation? Do you want to go to college?
I would like to do both.

And last, if you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 things and 3 people would you bring with you?
CD Player, Dave Matthews CD, Suntan Oil. My friends: Dani, Todd, Shari.

Thanks for your time Lauren:)